openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: Manticore Search Client description: | Сlient for Manticore Search. version: 3.3.1 contact: name: Manticore Software Ltd. email: url: '' license: name: MIT url: '' tags: - name: Index description: 'Operations regarding adding, updating or deleting documents' - name: Search description: Operations about performing searches over indexes - name: Utils description: Various operations externalDocs: description: Find out more about Manticore Search url: '' components: examples: objectExample: value: www summary: A sample object schemas: fulltextFilter: x-is_fulltext_filter: true type: object additionalProperties: true example: id: 1 attrFilter: type: object additionalProperties: true aggregation: type: object x-is_req_agg: true description: Aggregation Alias properties: terms: type: object properties: field: type: string description: Attribute Name to Aggregate example: field1 size: type: integer description: Maximum Number of Buckets in the Result example: 1000 sort: type: array items: type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: order: type: string equalsFilter: type: object description: Equals attribute filter x-is_equals_filter: true required: - field - value properties: field: type: string value: type: object example: {'field1': 1} inFilter: type: object description: In attribute filter x-is_in_filter: true required: - field - values properties: field: type: string values: type: array items: type: object example: {'field1': ['a','b']} rangeFilter: type: object description: Range attribute filter x-is_range_filter: true required: - field properties: field: type: string lte: type: number nullable: true gte: type: number nullable: true lt: type: number nullable: true gt: type: number nullable: true example: {'field1': {'gte': 10, 'lte': 20} } geoDistanceFilter: type: object description: Geo distance attribute filter x-is_geo_filter: true properties: location_anchor: description: Geo pin point object type: object properties: lat: description: Geo latitude of pin point in degrees type: number lon: description: Geo longitude pf pin point in degrees type: number location_source: description: Attribute containing latitude and longitude data type: string example: 'attr_with_lat,attr_with_lon' distance_type: type: string enum: - adaptive - haversine distance: type: string example: '100 km' example: {'field1': {'gte': 10, 'lte': 20} } boolFilter: type: object x-is_bool_filter: true description: Boolean attribute filter properties: should: type: array items: type: object #anyOf: # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/fulltextFilter' # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/attrFilter' must: type: array items: type: object #anyOf: # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/fulltextFilter' # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/attrFilter' must_not: type: array items: type: object #anyOf: # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/fulltextFilter' # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/attrFilter' queryFilter: type: object description: Query string filter required: - query_string properties: query_string: type: string matchFilter: type: object description: Query match filter x-is_match_filter: true required: - query_string - query_fields properties: query_string: type: string default: '' example: query query_fields: type: string default: '*' example: field1,field2 matchPhraseFilter: type: object description: Query match expression x-is_match_phrase_filter: true required: - query_phrase - query_fields properties: query_phrase: type: string example: 'query phrase' query_fields: type: string example: field1,field2 matchOpFilter: type: object description: Query match expression x-is_match_op_filter: true required: - query_string - query_fields - operator properties: query_string: type: string example: query query_fields: type: string example: field1,field2 operator: type: string enum: - 'or' - 'and' sort: type: string description: Query sort attribute name x-is_sort: true # query: # type: object # description: Query expression # required: # - match # properties: # match: # $ref: '#/components/schemas/match' matchOp: type: object description: Query match expression with logical operator required: - query_info properties: query_info: type: object required: - query - operator example: {'query': 'another query', 'operator': 'and'} offset: type: integer description: Query offset parameter limit: type: integer description: Query offset parameter maxMatches: type: integer description: Query max matches parameter filterNumber: type: object description: Query filter required: - filter_field - operation - filter_value properties: filter_field: type: string example: test operation: type: string example: equals filter_value: type: number example: 1 filterString: type: object description: Query filter required: - filter_field - operation - filter_value properties: filter_field: type: string example: test operation: type: string example: equals filter_value: type: string example: test filterBoolean: type: object description: Query filter required: - filter_field - operation - filter_value properties: filter_field: type: string example: test operation: type: string example: equals filter_value: type: boolean example: false notFilterNumber: type: object description: Query filter required: - filter_field - operation - filter_value properties: filter_field: type: string example: test operation: type: string example: equals filter_value: type: number example: 1 notFilterString: type: object description: Query filter required: - filter_field - operation - filter_value properties: filter_field: type: string example: test operation: type: string example: equals filter_value: type: string example: test notFilterBoolean: type: object description: Query filter required: - filter_field - operation - filter_value properties: filter_field: type: string example: test operation: type: string example: equals filter_value: type: boolean example: false sortOrder: type: object x-is_sort_order: true description: Query sort expression required: - attr - order properties: attr: type: string example: test order: type: string enum: - asc - desc example: asc sortMVA: type: object x-is_sort_mva: true description: Query sort expression for MVA attributes required: - attr - order - mode properties: attr: type: string example: test order: type: string enum: - asc - desc example: asc mode: type: string enum: - min - max example: max sortMultiple: type: object description: Query sort expression for multiple attributes required: - attrs - replace properties: attrs: type: object additionalProperties: true example: {"name": "desc", "title": "asc"} replace: type: boolean example: tru highlightField: type: object x-is_highlight_field: true description: Query Highlight field with options set required: - name properties: name: type: string limit: type: integer default: 256 limit_words: type: integer default: 0 limit_snippets: type: integer default: 0 highlight: type: object x-is_req_highlight: true description: Query HIGHLIGHT expression properties: fieldnames: type: array items: type: string example: ['title','content'] fields: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/highlightField' encoder: type: string enum: - default - html highlight_query: #$ref: '#/components/schemas/queryFilter' type: object additionalProperties: true nullable: true pre_tags: type: string default: '' post_tags: type: string default: '' no_match_size: type: integer #default: 1 enum: - 0 - 1 fragment_size: type: integer default: 256 number_of_fragments: type: integer default: 0 limit: type: integer default: 256 limit_words: type: integer default: 0 limit_snippets: type: integer default: 0 limits_per_field: type: boolean default: false use_boundaries: type: boolean default: false force_all_words: type: boolean default: false allow_empty: type: boolean default: false emit_zones: type: boolean default: false force_snippets: type: boolean default: false around: type: integer default: 5 start_snippet_id: type: integer default: 1 html_strip_mode: type: string enum: - 'none' - 'strip' - 'index' - 'retain' snippet_boundary: type: string enum: - 'sentence' - 'paragraph' - 'zone' example: {"fields": ["title"], "pre_tags": "", "post_tags": ""} source: type: string description: Query fields to be returned example: attr* sourceMultiple: type: array description: Query fields to be returned items: type: string example: ['attr1','attr2'] sourceByRules: x-is_source_by_rules: true type: object description: Query fields to be included/excluded to/from response required: - includes - excludes properties: includes: type: array default: [] items: type: string excludes: type: array default: [''] items: type: string example: {"includes": ["attr1","attri*"], "excludes": ["desc*"]} facet: type: object description: Query FACET expression required: - attr properties: attr: type: string description: The name of an attribute to facet alias: type: string description: Facet alias limit: type: integer description: The number of facet values to return example: {"attr": "title", "alias": "some_facet", "limit": 1} option: type: object description: Query OPTION expression additionalProperties: true example: {"cutoff": 1, "retry_count": 3, "field_weights": {"title": 10, "description": 20}} trackScores: type: boolean description: Enables weight calculation for the query profile: type: boolean description: Enables query profiling reset: type: boolean description: Clears all search conditions searchRequest: type: object x-is_search_req: true description: Request object for search operation required: - index #- query properties: index: type: string default: '' example: test query: type: object x-is_req_query: true # allOf: # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/query' # - x-is_req_query: true example: match_all: {} fulltext_filter: x-is_fulltext_filter: true type: object example: {} #$ref: '#/components/schemas/fulltextFilter' #allOf: #- $ref: '#/components/schemas/fulltextFilter' #- x-is_fulltext_filter: true attr_filter: x-is_attr_filter: true example: {} type: object #allOf: # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/attrFilter' # - x-is_attr_filter: true limit: type: integer offset: type: integer max_matches: type: integer sort: type: array items: type: object #oneOf: # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/sort' # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/sortOrder' # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/sortMVA' example: [] aggs: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/aggregation' example: agg1: terms: field: field1 size: 1000 sort: - 'field1': order: asc expressions: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: title_len: "crc32(title)" highlight: $ref: '#/components/schemas/highlight' source: x-is_req_source: true type: object example: {} #oneOf: # - type: object # - type: string # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/source' # - $ref: '#/components/schemas/sourceByRules' options: type: object additionalProperties: true profile: type: boolean track_scores: type: boolean example: index: $ref: '#/components/examples/objectExample' updateDocumentRequest: type: object description: Payload for update document required: - index - doc properties: index: type: string doc: type: object description: Index name additionalProperties: true example: gid: 10 id: type: integer format: int64 description: Document ID query: type: object additionalProperties: true nullable: true description: Query tree object example: query: match: title: match me example: index: test doc: price: 1000 query: match: '*': apple deleteDocumentRequest: type: object description: > Payload for delete request. Documents can be deleted either one by one by specifying the document id or by providing a query object. For more information see [Delete API]( required: - index properties: index: type: string description: Index name cluster: type: string description: cluster name id: type: integer format: int64 description: Document ID query: type: object description: Query tree object example: index: test id: 1 insertDocumentRequest: type: object description: | Object with document data. required: - index - doc properties: index: type: string description: Name of the index cluster: type: string description: cluster name id: type: integer format: int64 description: | Document ID. doc: type: object additionalProperties: true description: | Object with document data example: index: test doc: title: This is some title gid: 100 percolateRequest: type: object description: Object with documents to percolate required: - query properties: query: type: object additionalProperties: true required: - percolate properties: percolate: type: object example: percolate: document: title: some text to match example: query: percolate: document: title: some text to match searchResponse: type: object description: Response object of a search request properties: took: type: integer timed_out: type: boolean aggregations: type: object additionalProperties: true hits: type: object properties: max_score: type: integer total: type: integer total_relation: type: string hits: type: array items: type: object example: total: 2 hits: - _id: 1 _score: 1 _source: gid: 11 - _id: 2 _score: 1 _source: gid: 20 profile: type: object warning: type: object additionalProperties: true sqlResponse: type: array items: type: object description: List containing Response object from sql that depends on the query executed as its item. example: - total: 0 error: null successResponse: type: object description: Success response properties: _index: type: string _id: type: integer format: int64 created: type: boolean result: type: string found: type: boolean example: _index: test _id: 1 result: created created: true bulkResponse: type: object additionalProperties: true description: Success bulk response properties: items: type: object errors: type: boolean error: type: string updateResponse: type: object description: Success response properties: _index: type: string updated: type: integer _id: type: integer format: int64 result: type: string example: _index: test updated: 29 deleteResponse: type: object description: Success response properties: _index: type: string deleted: type: integer _id: type: integer format: int64 result: type: string example: _index: test deleted: 29 errorResponse: type: object description: Error response required: - error - status properties: error: type: object additionalProperties: true status: type: integer example: 500 example: status: 500 error: an error occured paths: '/pq/{index}/search': post: summary: Perform reverse search on a percolate index x-is_percolate: true operationId: percolate description: > Performs a percolate search. This method must be used only on percolate indexes. Expects two parameters: the index name and an object with array of documents to be tested. An example of the documents object: ``` { "query": { "percolate": { "document": { "content":"sample content" } } } } ``` Responds with an object with matched stored queries: ``` { 'timed_out':false, 'hits': { 'total':2, 'max_score':1, 'hits': [ { '_index':'idx_pq_1', '_type':'doc', '_id':'2', '_score':'1', '_source': { 'query': { 'match':{'title':'some'} } } }, { '_index':'idx_pq_1', '_type':'doc', '_id':'5', '_score':'1', '_source': { 'query': { 'ql':'some | none' } } } ] } } ``` tags: - Search externalDocs: url: '' parameters: - in: path name: index schema: type: string required: true description: Name of the percolate index requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/percolateRequest' example: query: percolate: document: title: some text to match responses: '200': description: items found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/searchResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' /search: post: summary: Performs a search on an index x-is_search: true description: > The method expects an object with the following mandatory properties: * the name of the index to search * the match query object For details, see the documentation on [**SearchRequest**]( The method returns an object with the following properties: - took: the time taken to execute the search query. - timed_out: a boolean indicating whether the query timed out. - hits: an object with the following properties: - total: the total number of hits found. - hits: an array of hit objects, where each hit object represents a matched document. Each hit object has the following properties: - _id: the ID of the matched document. - _score: the score of the matched document. - _source: the source data of the matched document. In addition, if profiling is enabled, the response will include an additional array with profiling information attached. Here is an example search response: ``` { 'took':10, 'timed_out':false, 'hits': { 'total':2, 'hits': [ {'_id':'1','_score':1,'_source':{'gid':11}}, {'_id':'2','_score':1,'_source':{'gid':12}} ] } } ``` For more information about the match query syntax and additional parameters that can be added to request and response, please see the documentation [here]( operationId: search tags: - Search externalDocs: url: '' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/searchRequest' responses: '200': description: Ok content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/searchResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' /insert: post: summary: Create a new document in an index x-is_indexapi: true x-is_insert: true operationId: insert description: > Insert a document. Expects an object like: ``` { 'index':'movies', 'id':701, 'doc': { 'title':'This is an old movie', 'plot':'A secret team goes to North Pole', 'year':1950, 'rating':9.5, 'lat':60.4, 'lon':51.99, 'advise':'PG-13', 'meta':'{"keywords":{"travel","ice"},"genre":{"adventure"}}', 'language':[2,3] } } ``` The document id can also be missing, in which case an autogenerated one will be used: ``` { 'index':'movies', 'doc': { 'title':'This is a new movie', 'plot':'A secret team goes to North Pole', 'year':2020, 'rating':9.5, 'lat':60.4, 'lon':51.99, 'advise':'PG-13', 'meta':'{"keywords":{"travel","ice"},"genre":{"adventure"}}', 'language':[2,3] } } ``` It responds with an object in format: ``` {'_index':'products','_id':701,'created':true,'result':'created','status':201} ``` tags: - Index externalDocs: url: '' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insertDocumentRequest' example: index: test id: 1 doc: title: sample title gid: 10 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/successResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' /replace: post: summary: Replace new document in an index x-is_indexapi: true x-is_replace: true operationId: replace description: > Replace an existing document. Input has same format as `insert` operation.
Responds with an object in format:
``` {'_index':'products','_id':1,'created':false,'result':'updated','status':200} ``` tags: - Index externalDocs: url: '' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insertDocumentRequest' example: index: test id: 1 doc: title: updated title gid: 15 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/successResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' /update: post: summary: Update a document in an index x-is_indexapi: true x-is_update: true x-is_modify: true operationId: update description: > Update one or several documents. The update can be made by passing the id or by using a match query in case multiple documents can be updated. For example update a document using document id: ``` {'index':'movies','doc':{'rating':9.49},'id':100} ``` And update by using a match query: ``` { 'index':'movies', 'doc':{'rating':9.49}, 'query': { 'bool': { 'must': [ {'query_string':'new movie'} ] } } } ``` The match query has same syntax as for searching. Responds with an object that tells how many documents where updated in format: ``` {'_index':'products','updated':1} ``` tags: - Index externalDocs: url: '' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/updateDocumentRequest' example: index: test doc: gid: 20 query: equals: cat_id: 2 responses: '200': description: item updated content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/updateResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' /delete: post: summary: Delete a document in an index x-is_indexapi: true x-is_delete: true x-is_modify: true operationId: delete description: > Delete one or several documents. The method has 2 ways of deleting: either by id, in case only one document is deleted or by using a match query, in which case multiple documents can be delete . Example of input to delete by id: ``` {'index':'movies','id':100} ``` Example of input to delete using a query: ``` { 'index':'movies', 'query': { 'bool': { 'must': [ {'query_string':'new movie'} ] } } } ``` The match query has same syntax as in for searching. Responds with an object telling how many documents got deleted: ``` {'_index':'products','updated':1} ``` tags: - Index externalDocs: url: '' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deleteDocumentRequest' example: index: test query: match: title: apple responses: '200': description: item updated content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deleteResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' /bulk: post: summary: Bulk index operations x-is_indexapi: true x-is_bulk: true description: > Sends multiple operatons like inserts, updates, replaces or deletes. For each operation it's object must have same format as in their dedicated method. The method expects a raw string as the batch in NDJSON. Each operation object needs to be serialized to JSON and separated by endline (\n). An example of raw input: ``` {"insert": {"index": "movies", "doc": {"plot": "A secret team goes to North Pole", "rating": 9.5, "language": [2, 3], "title": "This is an older movie", "lon": 51.99, "meta": {"keywords":["travel","ice"],"genre":["adventure"]}, "year": 1950, "lat": 60.4, "advise": "PG-13"}}} \n {"delete": {"index": "movies","id":700}} ``` Responds with an object telling whenever any errors occured and an array with status for each operation: ``` { 'items': [ { 'update':{'_index':'products','_id':1,'result':'updated'} }, { 'update':{'_index':'products','_id':2,'result':'updated'} } ], 'errors':false } ``` operationId: bulk tags: - Index externalDocs: url: '' requestBody: required: true content: application/x-ndjson: schema: type: string example: - '''{"insert": {"index": "test", "id": 1, "doc": {"title": "Title 1"}}},\n{"insert": {"index": "test", "id": 2, "doc": {"title": "Title 2"}}}''' responses: '200': description: item updated content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/bulkResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' /sql: post: summary: Perform SQL requests x-is_sql: true description: > Run a query in SQL format. Expects a query string passed through `body` parameter and optional `raw_response` parameter that defines a format of response. `raw_response` can be set to `False` for Select queries only, e.g., `SELECT * FROM myindex` The query string must stay as it is, no URL encoding is needed. The response object depends on the query executed. In select mode the response has same format as `/search` operation. operationId: sql tags: - utils externalDocs: url: '' requestBody: required: true description: > A query parameter string. content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: SHOW TABLES parameters: - in: query name: raw_response required: false description: > Optional parameter, defines a format of response. Can be set to `False` for Select only queries and set to `True` or omitted for any type of queries: schema: type: boolean default: true responses: '200': description: > In case of SELECT-only in mode none the response schema is the same as of `search`. In case of `mode=raw` the response depends on the query executed. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sqlResponse' default: description: error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' servers: - description: Default Manticore Search HTTP url: