# Mantid Repository : https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid # # Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI, # NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source, # Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS # SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 + from mantiddoc.directives.base import BaseDirective # pylint: disable=unused-import from sphinx.locale import _ # noqa: F401 import os from string import Template import subprocess from pathlib import PurePosixPath STYLE = dict() STYLE["global_style"] = """ fontname = Helvetica labelloc = t ordering = out node[fontname="Helvetica", style = filled] edge[fontname="Helvetica"] """ STYLE["param_style"] = "node[fillcolor = khaki, shape = oval]" STYLE["decision_style"] = "node[fillcolor = limegreen, shape = diamond]" STYLE["algorithm_style"] = 'node[style = "rounded,filled", fillcolor = lightskyblue, shape = rectangle]' STYLE["process_style"] = "node[fillcolor = lightseagreen, shape = rectangle]" STYLE["value_style"] = 'node[fontname = "Times-Roman", fillcolor = grey, shape = parallelogram]' class DiagramDirective(BaseDirective): """ Adds a diagram from a dot source file It requires DIAGRAMS_DIR and DOT_EXECUTABLE environment variables to be set to the directory where a diagram should be generated and where the dot program may be found, respectively. If they are not set then a RuntimeError occurs """ required_arguments, optional_arguments = 1, 0 @property def diagrams_dir(self): """Return the directory generated diagrams should be stored in or None if they should not be created """ diagrams_dir = os.environ.get("DIAGRAMS_DIR", None) if diagrams_dir is None or diagrams_dir == "": return None else: return PurePosixPath(diagrams_dir) def run(self): """ The main entry point that docutils calls. It calls self.execute to do the main work. Derived classes should override execute() and insert whatever rst they require with self.add_rst() """ nodes = self.execute() if self.rst_lines is not None: self.commit_rst() return nodes def execute(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env diagrams_dir = self.diagrams_dir if diagrams_dir is None: self.add_rst(".. figure:: /images/ImageNotFound.png\n\n diagram generation was disabled") return [] try: dot_executable = os.environ["DOT_EXECUTABLE"] except KeyError: self.add_rst(".. figure:: /images/ImageNotFound.png\n\n graphviz not found - diagram could not be rendered.") return [] # Make sure we have an output directory if not os.path.exists(diagrams_dir): os.makedirs(diagrams_dir) diagram_name = self.arguments[0] if diagram_name[-4:] != ".dot": raise RuntimeError("Diagrams need to be referred to by their filename, including '.dot' extension.") in_path = PurePosixPath(env.srcdir, "diagrams", diagram_name) out_path = PurePosixPath(diagrams_dir, diagram_name[:-4] + ".svg") # Generate the diagram try: in_src = open(in_path, "r").read() except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find dot-file: '" + diagram_name + "' in '" + PurePosixPath(env.srcdir, "diagrams")) out_src = Template(in_src).substitute(STYLE) out_src = out_src.encode() gviz = subprocess.Popen([dot_executable, "-Tsvg", "-o", out_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) gviz.communicate(input=out_src) gviz.wait() # relative path to image, in unix style # pathlib.Path.relative_to() will not work here, the method won't traverse up then down again rel_path = os.path.relpath(out_path, env.srcdir).replace("\\", "/") self.add_rst(".. image:: /" + rel_path + "\n\n") return [] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def setup(app): """ Setup the directives when the extension is activated Args: app: The main Sphinx application object """ app.add_directive("diagram", DiagramDirective)