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CPTCs and CCs Mapping Project

OpenStreetMap Uganda in conjunction with Elevate carried out a mapping project to map Core Primary Teachers’ Colleges (CPTC), Coordinating Centers (CC) and Coordinating Center Tutor (CCT) in Uganda. This was done in partnership and on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Sports; Teacher/Tutor; Instructor Education and Training Department (TIETD). This data collection exercise was carried out by 4 trained personnel who were deployed in the Northern, Eastern, Central and Western regions.

The main objectives of these mapping exercises were to;

  • Generate data on teacher training interventions by partner within the primary schools in Uganda
  • Create a database of all partners involved in teacher education at the primary level to ensure harmonized activity and to avoid duplication as much as possible
  • An Interactive map showing CCTS under a particular CPTC

    See full screen

    The project commenced in February this year and it ran for about 2months. Four data collectors former YouthMappers were identified and were trained on the 7th of February 2020, the training was carried out by Moses Iranya. The training covered the aspects of how to collect data using KoboCollect tool and most importantly understanding the data model provided by Elevate. A further half day training was then conducted on 8th February to ensure that the data collectors understood the data model.

    The Team was deployed to the field on 10th febraury 2020, the data collectors then went on to carry out the following activities in the field;

  • Collecting GPS coordinates of all the CPTCs and CCs
  • Interviewing the principals and deputy principals of Outreach at all the CPTCs
  • Interview Coordinating Center tutors at the CCs
  • Collect data about the known NGO and CBO partners working with the CCs
  • The tools that were used for data collection were as follows;

  • Infinix Hot 6 Smartphones
  • KoBoCollect tool (humanitarian)
  • The project ran on for about month and came to an end in mid-march. The data shall be available to the public with the approval of the ministry of education and sports.


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