% Marcel Goh CV % From cwebmac: Date and time \def\today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space\number\day, \number\year} \newcount\twodigits \def\hours{\twodigits=\time \divide\twodigits by 60 \printtwodigits \multiply\twodigits by-60 \advance\twodigits by\time :\printtwodigits} \def\gobbleone1{} \def\printtwodigits{\advance\twodigits100 \expandafter\gobbleone\number\twodigits \advance\twodigits-100 } \font\ninesc=cmcsc9 \font\eightrm=cmr8 \font\elevensc=cmcsc10 at 11pt % For section headers \font\bigbold=cmb10 at 12pt % Name \font\tenb=cmb10 \font\mc=cmr9 \let\tenbf=\tenb % For publication lists (adapted from Knuth's algorithms) \newdimen\itemindent \newif\ifitempar \itempartrue \def\itemindentset#1{\setbox0\hbox{{\bf #1.\kern.25em}}\itemindent=\wd0\relax} \def\pubbegin #1{\itemindentset{#11}} % when all have 1 digit \def\ppubbegin #1{\itemindentset{#111}} % when 10 or more publications \def\pubitem#1.{\ifitempar\smallskip\noindent\else\itempartrue \hskip-\parindent\fi \hbox to\itemindent{\bf\hfil #1.\kern.25em}% \hangindent=\itemindent\hangafter=1\ignorespaces} \def\up#1{\leavevmode \raise.16ex\hbox{#1}} \def\sectheader#1{{\bigskip\elevensc #1}\smallskip\hrule\medskip} \def\leftright#1#2{\hbox to\hsize{{#1}\hfill{#2}}\par} \def\starleftright#1#2{\hbox to\hsize{\llap{*}{#1}\hfil{#2}}\par} \def\CEE{{\mc C}} \def\UNIX{{\mc UNIX}} \def\thing{\item{$\bullet$}} \parindent=0pt % No indentation \newcount\papercount \papercount=1 \def\papitem{\pubitem P\the\papercount. \global\advance\papercount by -1} \newcount\submittedcount \submittedcount=1 \def\subitem{\pubitem S\the\submittedcount. \global\advance\submittedcount by -1} \newcount\reportcount \reportcount=1 \def\repitem{\pubitem R\the\reportcount. \global\advance\reportcount by -1} \newcount\fictioncount \fictioncount=1 \def\ficitem{\pubitem F\the\fictioncount. \global\advance\fictioncount by -1} \def\datethis{\eightrm \today} % =========== START ============ % % \footline{\phantom{\datethis}\hss\folio\hss\datethis} % \phantom for centering \leftright{\bigbold Marcel Kieren Goh \ifx\Umathchar\undefined\else% Chinese characters do not appear when using pdfTeX \font\chinese="AR PL UKai HK" at 12pt% \font\twelverm=cmr12% \twelverm\up({\chinese 吳麒仁}\up)% \fi}{\datethis} \smallskip \sectheader{Personal and Contact Information} \leftright{Citizen of Canada and Singapore}{5872 Esplanade Avenue} \leftright{Email: marcel\_goh@yahoo.ca}{Montreal, QC H2T 3A3} \leftright{Webpage: marcelgoh.ca}{+1\thinspace\up(825\up)\thinspace 440-0681} \sectheader{Education} \leftright{\bf Ph.D.\ Mathematics}{\bf September 2023 -- present} \leftright{\sl McGill University}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Supervisor: Hamed Hatami. \medbreak \leftright{\bf M.Sc.\ Mathematics}{\bf May 2021 -- August 2022} \leftright{\sl McGill University}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Supervisor: Luc Devroye. CGPA: 4.00/4. Thesis: Structural properties of conditional Galton--Watson trees. \medbreak \leftright{\bf B.Sc.\ Joint Honours Mathematics and Computer Science}{\bf September 2017 -- April 2021} \leftright{\sl McGill University}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Minor: Linguistics. CGPA: 3.84/4. \medbreak \leftright{\bf Exchange semester}{\bf February -- June 2019} \leftright{\sl Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University}{\sl Prague, Czech Republic} \smallskip Grade: 1 on all courses (highest score attainable). \sectheader{Awards and Funding} \leftright{\bf NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship -- Doctoral \rm (\$115,000)}{\bf September 2023 -- August 2026} \smallskip \leftright{\bf FRQNT Bourse de doctorat en recherche \rm (\$100,000)}{\bf [Declined]} \smallskip \leftright{\bf NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship -- Master's \rm (\$17,500)}{\bf May 2021 -- April 2022} \smallskip \leftright{\bf NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award \rm (\$7,125)}{\bf May -- August 2020} \smallskip \leftright{\bf Governor General's Academic Medal -- Bronze}{\bf June 2015} \sectheader{Research Interests} Additive combinatorics, enumerative combinatorics, analysis of random discrete structures. \sectheader{Papers} \begingroup\frenchspacing \papercount=6 \pubbegin P \papitem (with Jonah Saks) On the homology of several number-theoretic set families. {\sl Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications}\/ {4},2 (2024), \#S2R12, 11~pp. [arXiv:2206.12535] \papitem (with Jad Hamdan and Jonah Saks) The lattice of arithmetic progressions. {\sl Australasian Journal of Combinatorics}\/ {\bf 84},3 (2022), 357--374. [arXiv:2106.05949] \papitem (with Luc Devroye and Rosie Y. Zhao) On the peel number and the leaf-height of a Galton--Watson tree. {\sl Combinatorics, Probability and Computing}\/ {\bf 32},1 (2023), 68--90. [arXiv:2106.14389] \papitem (with Anna M. Brandenberger, Luc Devroye, and Rosie Y. Zhao) Leaf multiplicity in a Bienaym\'e--Galton--Watson tree. {\sl Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science}\/ {\bf 24},1 (2022), \#7, 16~pp. [arXiv:2105.12046] \papitem (with Anna M. Brandenberger and Luc Devroye) Root estimation in Galton--Watson trees. {\sl Random Structures and Algorithms}\/ {\bf 61},3 (2022), 520--542. [arXiv:2007.05681] \papitem (with Rosie Y. Zhao) Arithmetic subsequences in a random ordering of an additive set. {\sl Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory}\/ {\bf 21} (2021), \#A89, 19~pp. [arXiv:2012.12339] \goodbreak \sectheader{Reports and Theses} \reportcount=5 \pubbegin R \repitem Structural properties of conditional Galton--Watson trees. M.Sc.~thesis, McGill University (Montr\'eal, Qu\'ebec, August 2022), $\hbox{\rm vi} + 75$~pp. \repitem Finding regularity in Tlingit verb prefixes. Semester project report, McGill University (Montr\'eal, Qu\'ebec, April 2021), 7 pp. \repitem Grid-building algorithms on manifolds. Summer research report, McGill University (Montr\'eal, Qu\'ebec, August 2020), 10 pp. \repitem Typechecking proof scripts: making interactive proof assistants robust. Honours project report, McGill University (Montr\'eal, Qu\'ebec, December 2019), 10 pp. \repitem The OPythn programming language. Software project report, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic, June 2019), 10 pp. \goodbreak \sectheader{Published Fiction} \fictioncount=3 \pubbegin F \ficitem ``Senang Diri,'' {\sl Existere} {\bf 42},2 (2023), 17--25. \ficitem ``The Vigil,'' {\sl Ricepaper Magazine} (2023), online. \ficitem ``Mountain Pass,'' {\sl Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature} {\bf 79} (2023), 48--55. \endgroup%end the frenchspacing \sectheader{Work and Volunteer Experience {\rm($*$ indicates a paid position)}} \starleftright{\bf Course lecturer}{\bf August 2024 -- present} \leftright{\sl McGill University}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Instructor for a section of MATH 240 Discrete Structures. Duties include preparing and delivering lectures, designing assignment and exam questions, and holding office hours. \medbreak \leftright{\bf Co-Editor}{\bf December 2023 -- present} \leftright{\sl Ahoy Literary Magazine}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Founding co-editor of a semiannual print magazine that publishes poetry, prose, and art. In charge of English short fiction submissions and the overall typesetting. Share duties with the other co-editors related to marketing, emails, and sales. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Teaching assistant}{\bf September 2021 -- April 2024} \leftright{\sl McGill University}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Teaching assistant in the following courses. Duties include giving tutorials, holding office hours, and grading assignments and exams. \begingroup\parindent=10pt \smallskip \thing Winter 2024, Fall 2023: MATH 240 Discrete Structures \smallskip \thing Fall 2021: COMP 690 Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms \endgroup \medbreak \leftright{\bf DRP Mentor}{\bf January 2022 -- April 2024} \leftright{\sl Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Met with two undergraduate students as part of the Directed Reading Program on a weekly basis to give them an introduction to research-level mathematics in a casual setting. Focused on topics in extremal combinatorics related to the increasing triples problem, as well as topics related to Khovanskii's theorem. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf After school care supervisor}{\bf January -- June 2023} \leftright{\sl Suzuki Charter School}{\sl Edmonton, AB, Canada} \smallskip Supervised and facilitated activities (e.g., arts and crafts, soccer, board games, drawing/colouring, movie days) for children in grades 1 through 6. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Software developer}{\bf January -- May 2023} \leftright{\sl Levven}{\sl Edmonton, AB, Canada} \smallskip Developed firmware for the manufacture and function of in-home IoT gateways, smart switches, and related electronic products. Code primarily in \CEE\ and Python. Contributed to the open-source Mongoose OS codebase. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Visiting teaching assistant}{\bf July 2022} \leftright{\sl Bocconi University}{\sl Como, CO, Italy} \smallskip Teaching assistant for a two-week summer school on random structures and combinatorial statistics, which was organised by Bocconi University in collaboration with Oxford University and Imperial College London. Led problem sessions in the afternoons, with around forty graduate-level students were in attendance. \medbreak \leftright{\bf First responder}{\bf October 2017 -- September 2021} \leftright{\sl McGill Student Emergency Response Team}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip On call on a weekly basis to provide emergency medical care at campus residences overnight as well as at university events such as frosh, sports games, and formals. Attended team training sessions twice a month to keep first-aid skills up-to-date. Most recent first responder certification: September 2020. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Grader}{\bf September 2019 -- April 2021} \leftright{\sl Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Grading of assignments in the following courses: \begingroup\parindent=10pt \smallskip \thing Winter 2021: MATH 457 Honours Algebra 4 \smallskip \thing Fall 2020: MATH 323 Probability, MATH 456 Honours Algebra 3 \smallskip \thing Winter 2020: MATH 240 Discrete Structures \smallskip \thing Fall 2019: MATH 235 Algebra 1 \endgroup \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Helpdesk tutor}{\bf September 2018 -- April 2021} \leftright{\sl Computer Science Undergraduate Society Helpdesk}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Held twice-weekly office hours to tutor students in a variety of undergraduate courses. Topics covered included elementary data structures and algorithms, command-line scripting, and functional programming. Recipient of the Tomlinson Engagement Award for Mentoring. \medbreak \leftright{\bf Vice President, Academic}{\bf May 2019 -- January 2020} \leftright{\sl Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students}{\sl Montr\'eal, QC, Canada} \smallskip Oversaw academic affairs within SUMS council and acted as liaison between the undergraduate community and mathematics faculty. Duties included representing the student body at department meetings, organising midterm and final review sessions, and helping students with academic concerns. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Painter}{\bf May -- August 2018} \leftright{\sl Bakir Contracting Corp.}{\sl Edmonton, AB, Canada} \smallskip Exterior painting (siding, decks, fences, trim, etc.) for residential clients. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Infantryman}{\bf August 2015 -- August 2017} \leftright{\sl Singapore Armed Forces}{\sl Singapore} \smallskip Held appointment of machine-gun team commander in the 3rd Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment. Led a six-person team consisting of a medic, signaller, sensor, and two-machine gunners within a rifle platoon. Most recent reserve training: December 2022. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Tutor}{\bf September 2014 -- June 2015} \leftright{\sl \'Ecole Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School}{\sl Beaumont, AB, Canada} \smallskip Tutored various students in grades 4 through 11 in chemistry, physics, math, and French. \medbreak \starleftright{\bf Summer camp counsellor}{\bf June -- August 2014} \leftright{\sl YoWoChAs Outdoor Education Centre}{\sl Fallis, AB, Canada} \smallskip Led children aged 4--15 through various activities (e.g. archery, canoeing, zipline) at a sleepaway camp. \medbreak \sectheader{Skills} {\bf Programming Languages}\par \CEE, OCaml, Python, Java, PostScript, Haskell, Scheme Lisp, Standard ML, {\tt CWEB}, {\tt MIXAL}, {\mc MIPS} Assembly. \medbreak {\bf Technologies}\par \UNIX, Vim, \TeX, Git. \medbreak {\bf Languages}\par Fluent: English, French. Proficient: Mandarin, Italian. \medbreak \sectheader{Other} \parindent=10pt \thing Recipient of 0x\$3.40 in Knuth reward cheques. \smallskip \thing Contributed sequences A335562, A338550, A338993, A339941, A339942, A341822, A347580, A355145--A355147, and A360285 to the On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. \medbreak \filbreak \bye