FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine MAINTAINER Marcelo Cajamarca # add user and group for artemis RUN addgroup -S artemis && adduser -S -G artemis artemis RUN apk add --no-cache libaio xmlstarlet jq su-exec #ENV HAWTIO_SHA1 59a5ec0d9c938bd706be42c879574b8105250d72 # Download artemis and hawtio ENV ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION 2.3.0 ENV HAWTIO_VERSION 1.5.4 RUN set -x && \ apk add --no-cache --virtual .deps wget gnupg && \ mkdir /opt && cd /opt && \ wget -q${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}/apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz && \ wget -q${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}/apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc && \ wget -q && \ gpg --import KEYS && \ gpg apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc && \ tar xfz apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz && \ ln -s apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION} apache-artemis && \ rm -f apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz KEYS apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc && \ # cd /opt/apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}/web/ && \ # wget -q -O hawtio.war${HAWTIO_VERSION}/hawtio-default-offline-${HAWTIO_VERSION}.war && \ # echo "${HAWTIO_SHA1} *hawtio.war" | sha1sum -c - && \ apk del .deps # Use the local hawtio artemis plugin #ENV HAWTIO_ARTEMIS_VERSION 1.0.1.CR1 #COPY artemis-plugin-${HAWTIO_ARTEMIS_VERSION}.war /opt/apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}/web/artemis-plugin.war #COPY dispatch-hawtio-console-${HAWTIO_ARTEMIS_VERSION}.war /opt/apache-artemis-${ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_VERSION}/web/dispatch-hawtio-console.war #ENV HAWTIO_OPTS -Dhawtio.realm=activemq -Dhawtio.role=amq \ # # Create broker instance ENV ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_DIR /var/lib/artemis COPY / RUN chmod +x / && . / RUN mkdir -p /opt/merge COPY merge.xslt /opt/merge # Web Server EXPOSE 8161 # Port for CORE,MQTT,AMQP,HORNETQ,STOMP,OPENWIRE EXPOSE 61616 # Port for HORNETQ,STOMP EXPOSE 5445 # Port for AMQP EXPOSE 5672 # Port for MQTT EXPOSE 1883 #Port for STOMP EXPOSE 61613 # Expose some outstanding folders"] VOLUME ["/var/lib/artemis/data"] VOLUME ["/var/lib/artemis/tmp"] VOLUME ["/var/lib/artemis/etc"] VOLUME ["/var/lib/artemis/etc-override"] WORKDIR /var/lib/artemis/bin COPY / COPY / RUN chmod +x / && chmod +x / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["artemis-server"]