import "stringUtil" import "textUtil" // InspectDialog: a Dialog subclass specialized for inspecting MiniScript values. InspectDialog = new textUtil.Dialog InspectDialog.width = 55 InspectDialog.contentHeight = 15 InspectDialog.backColor = "#140951" InspectDialog.titleColor = "#1C4581" InspectDialog.textColor = "#65B4A7" InspectDialog.valueColor = "#F0FEDF" InspectDialog.valueBackground = "#1C4581" InspectDialog.valueInfo = null InspectDialogValue = {} // stack of values (if we deside to go inside lists/maps InspectDialogValue.value = null InspectDialogValue.parent = null InspectDialogValue.type = null InspectDialogValue.lines = null InspectDialogValue.linesOffset = null InspectDialogValue.linesBelowContent = null InspectDialogValue.keyWidth = null InspectDialogValue.sortedKeys = null InspectDialogValue.kLines = null InspectDialogValue.vLines = null InspectDialogValue.cursor = null InspectDialogValue.isAtKey = false InspectDialogValue.init = function(value, dlog) self.value = @value self.type = InspectDialogValue.getTypeString(@value) if @value == null then self.initSimpleValue "null", dlog else if @value isa number then self.initSimpleValue str(value), dlog else if @value isa string then self.initSimpleValue value, dlog else if @value isa funcRef then self.initSimpleValue str(@value), dlog else if @value isa list then self.keyWidth = 5 self.sortedKeys = value.indexes self.initContainerValue value, dlog else if @value isa map then self.keyWidth = (dlog.width - 4) / 2 self.sortedKeys = value.indexes.sort self.initContainerValue value, dlog else self.initSimpleValue "value of unknown type", dlog end if return self end function InspectDialogValue.getTypeString = function(value) if @value == null then return "null" else if @value isa number then return "number" else if @value isa string then return "string(" + value.len + ")" else if @value isa funcRef then return "funcRef" else if @value isa list then return "list(" + value.len + ")" else if @value isa map then typeString = "map(" + value.len + ")" name = mapName(value) if name then typeString += " == " + name return typeString else return "unknown type" end if end function InspectDialogValue.initSimpleValue = function(text, dlog) self.lines = text.wrap(dlog.width - 4) self.linesOffset = 0 self.linesBelowContent = self.lines.len - dlog.contentHeight self.draw = function dlog.drawSimpleValue self end function self.handleKey = function(k) if k.code == 19 then // up self.scrollUp return true else if k.code == 20 then // down self.scrollDown return true end if end function self.setCursor = function(hIndex, vIndex) ; end function self.wheelDown = function self.scrollDown end function self.wheelUp = function self.scrollUp end function end function InspectDialogValue.scrollDown = function if self.linesBelowContent > 0 then self.linesOffset += 1 self.linesBelowContent -= 1 end if end function InspectDialogValue.scrollUp = function if self.linesOffset > 0 then self.linesOffset -= 1 self.linesBelowContent += 1 end if end function InspectDialogValue.initContainerValue = function(value, dlog) InspectDialogValue = outer.InspectDialogValue valueWidth = dlog.width - 5 - self.keyWidth self.kLines = [] self.vLines = [] for k in self.sortedKeys self.kLines.push str(@k)[:self.keyWidth] self.vLines.push str(value[@k])[:valueWidth] end for self.linesOffset = 0 self.linesBelowContent = self.sortedKeys.len - dlog.contentHeight if self.sortedKeys.len > 0 then self.cursor = 0 self.draw = function dlog.drawContainerValue self end function self.handleKey = function(k) if k.code == 19 then // up self.cursorUp return true else if k.code == 20 then // down self.cursorDown dlog.contentHeight return true else if k.code == 17 then // left if not self.isAtKey then self.isAtKey = true return true else if k.code == 18 then // right if self.isAtKey then self.isAtKey = false return true else if k.code == 10 then // return oldValueInfo = dlog.valueInfo dlog.valueInfo = (new InspectDialogValue).init(self.valueUnderCursor, dlog) dlog.valueInfo.parent = oldValueInfo return true end if end function self.setCursor = function(hIndex, vIndex) if vIndex + self.linesOffset >= self.sortedKeys.len then return false self.cursor = vIndex + self.linesOffset self.isAtKey = hIndex < self.keyWidth return true end function self.wheelDown = function self.cursorDown dlog.contentHeight end function self.wheelUp = function self.cursorUp end function end function InspectDialogValue.cursorUp = function if self.cursor != null and self.cursor > 0 then self.cursor -= 1 if self.linesOffset > self.cursor then self.linesOffset -= 1 self.linesBelowContent += 1 end if end if end function InspectDialogValue.cursorDown = function(contentHeight) if self.cursor != null and self.cursor + 1 < self.sortedKeys.len then self.cursor += 1 if self.cursor >= self.linesOffset + contentHeight then self.linesOffset += 1 self.linesBelowContent -= 1 end if return true end if end function InspectDialogValue.valueUnderCursor = function if self.cursor == null then return key = self.sortedKeys[self.cursor] if self.isAtKey then return @key return self.value[@key] end function InspectDialog.make = function(value) dlog = textUtil.Dialog.make("Inspect value") dlog.__isa = InspectDialog dlog.height = dlog.contentHeight + 8 dlog.okBtn.caption = "Inspect (Ret)" dlog.okBtn.visible = true dlog.altBtn.caption = "Current (c)" dlog.altBtn.visible = true dlog.altBtn.key = "c" dlog.cancelBtn.caption = "Initial (Esc)" dlog.cancelBtn.visible = true dlog.backBtn = new textUtil.DialogButton dlog.backBtn.caption = "Back (b)" dlog.backBtn.visible = false dlog.backBtn.key = "b" dlog.backBtn.x = dlog.left + 2 dlog.backBtn.y = - 1 dlog.valueInfo = (new InspectDialogValue).init(@value, dlog) return dlog end function InspectDialog.drawContent = function(cols, rows) self._cols = cols self._rows = rows text.setCell self._cols, self._rows, " " text.setCellBackColor self._cols, self._rows, self.backColor value = @self.valueInfo.value typeRow = - 1 = self.left + self.width / 2 text.color = self.textColor; text.backColor = self.backColor textUtil.printCenteredAt, typeRow, self.valueInfo.type if self.valueInfo.parent != null then self.backBtn.visible = true text.color = "#CCCCCC" self.backBtn.draw else self.backBtn.visible = false end if self.valueInfo.draw end function InspectDialog.drawSimpleValue = function(dlogValue) vCols = self._cols[2:-2] vRows = self._rows[5:-3] text.setCell vCols, vRows, " " text.setCellBackColor vCols, vRows, self.valueBackground if dlogValue.linesOffset > 0 then text.color = self.textColor; text.backColor = self.backColor textUtil.printCenteredAt, self._rows[-3], "Press ↑ to scroll" end if if dlogValue.linesBelowContent > 0 then text.color = self.textColor; text.backColor = self.backColor textUtil.printCenteredAt, self._rows[4], "Press ↓ to scroll" end if lines = dlogValue.lines[dlogValue.linesOffset : dlogValue.linesOffset + self.contentHeight] text.color = self.valueColor ; text.backColor = self.valueBackground for i in lines.indexes textUtil.printAt vCols[0], vRows[-1 - i], lines[i] end for self.okBtn.visible = false self.altBtn.visible = (dlogValue.parent != null) self.cancelBtn.visible = true end function InspectDialog.drawContainerValue = function(dlogValue) kCols = self._cols[2 : 2 + dlogValue.keyWidth] vCols = self._cols[2 + dlogValue.keyWidth + 1 : -2] vRows = self._rows[5:-3] text.setCell kCols, vRows, " " text.setCellBackColor kCols, vRows, self.valueBackground text.setCell vCols, vRows, " " text.setCellBackColor vCols, vRows, self.valueBackground if dlogValue.linesOffset > 0 then text.color = self.textColor; text.backColor = self.backColor textUtil.printCenteredAt, self._rows[-3], "Move cursor up to scroll" end if if dlogValue.linesBelowContent > 0 then text.color = self.textColor; text.backColor = self.backColor textUtil.printCenteredAt, self._rows[4], "Move cursor down to scroll" end if kLines = dlogValue.kLines[dlogValue.linesOffset : dlogValue.linesOffset + self.contentHeight] vLines = dlogValue.vLines[dlogValue.linesOffset : dlogValue.linesOffset + self.contentHeight] if dlogValue.cursor != null then cursor = dlogValue.cursor - dlogValue.linesOffset else cursor = -1 end if cursorBackColor = color.lerp(self.valueColor, if cursor >= 0 then cursorRow = vRows[-1 - cursor] if dlogValue.isAtKey then text.setCellBackColor kCols, cursorRow, self.valueColor text.setCellBackColor vCols, cursorRow, cursorBackColor else text.setCellBackColor kCols, cursorRow, cursorBackColor text.setCellBackColor vCols, cursorRow, self.valueColor end if end if for i in kLines.indexes if i != cursor then text.color = self.valueColor ; text.backColor = self.valueBackground else if dlogValue.isAtKey then text.color = self.valueBackground ; text.backColor = self.valueColor else text.color = self.valueColor ; text.backColor = cursorBackColor end if textUtil.printAt kCols[0], vRows[-1 - i], kLines[i] if i != cursor then text.color = self.valueColor ; text.backColor = self.valueBackground else if not dlogValue.isAtKey then text.color = self.valueBackground ; text.backColor = self.valueColor else text.color = self.valueColor ; text.backColor = cursorBackColor end if textUtil.printAt vCols[0], vRows[-1 - i], vLines[i] end for if dlogValue.cursor != null then text.color = self.textColor; text.backColor = self.backColor underCursor = dlogValue.valueUnderCursor textUtil.printCenteredAt, self._rows[3], "cursor at: " + InspectDialogValue.getTypeString(@underCursor) end if self.okBtn.visible = true self.altBtn.visible = (dlogValue.parent != null) self.cancelBtn.visible = true end function InspectDialog.handleKey = function(k) if k.code == 27 then info = self.valueInfo while info.parent info = info.parent end while self.cancelBtn.payload = @info.value return null else if k == self.altBtn.key and self.altBtn.visible then self.altBtn.payload = @self.valueInfo.value return null else if k == self.backBtn.key and self.backBtn.visible then self.valueInfo = self.valueInfo.parent self.draw return true end if isHandled = self.valueInfo.handleKey(k) if isHandled then self.draw return isHandled end function InspectDialog.handleMouse = function if self.backBtn.visible and self.backBtn.contains(mouse) then if self.backBtn.trackHit then self.valueInfo = self.valueInfo.parent self.draw return true end if end if if self.okBtn.visible and self.okBtn.contains(mouse) then if self.okBtn.trackHit then oldValueInfo = self.valueInfo self.valueInfo = (new InspectDialogValue).init(self.valueInfo.valueUnderCursor, self) self.valueInfo.parent = oldValueInfo self.draw return true end if end if if self.cancelBtn.visible and self.cancelBtn.contains(mouse) then info = self.valueInfo while info.parent info = info.parent end while self.cancelBtn.payload = @info.value return null end if if self.altBtn.visible and self.altBtn.contains(mouse) then self.altBtn.payload = @self.valueInfo.value return null end if hIndex = self._cols[2:-2].indexOf(textUtil.textCol(mouse.x)) vIndex = self._rows[5:-3].indexOf(textUtil.textRow(mouse.y)) if hIndex != null and vIndex != null and self.valueInfo.setCursor(hIndex, self.contentHeight - vIndex - 1) then self.draw return true end if return false end function InspectDialog.handleMouseWheel = function(axisValue) if axisValue > 0 then self.valueInfo.wheelDown else self.valueInfo.wheelUp end if self.draw end function if locals == globals then d = InspectDialog.make({"a": 1.79769313486231570e+308, "b": [null, @PixelDisplay.drawImage, 1/0, 0/0, text, Display, file.readLines("/sys/tips.txt").join(char(13))] + ["foo"] * 20}) btn = obj = @btn.payload print "You selected: " + str(@obj).ellideEnd(53) end if