package krotoplus.example import com.github.marcoferrer.krotoplus.test.addServices import io.grpc.Metadata import io.grpc.Status import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException import io.grpc.testing.GrpcServerRule import jojo.bizarre.adventure.MockJojoServices import jojo.bizarre.adventure.stand.* import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.BeforeTest import kotlin.test.assertEquals import class MockServiceResponseQueueTest { @[Rule JvmField] var grpcServerRule = GrpcServerRule().directExecutor() @BeforeTest fun bindMockServices() { grpcServerRule?.serviceRegistry?.addServices(MockJojoServices) } val metadataTestKey = Metadata.Key.of("test_header", Metadata.ASCII_STRING_MARSHALLER) @Test fun `Test Unary Response Queue`() { MockStandService.getStandByNameResponseQueue.apply { //Queue up a valid response message addMessage { name = "Star Platinum" powerLevel = 500 speed = 550 addAttacks { name = "ORA ORA ORA" damage = 100 range = StandProto.Attack.Range.CLOSE } } //Queue up an error addError(Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT) //Queue up a valid response message addMessage { name = "The World" powerLevel = 490 speed = 550 addAttacks { name = "ZA WARUDO" damage = 0 range = StandProto.Attack.Range.MEDIUM } } //Queue up another error but this time with metadata addError(Status.PERMISSION_DENIED, Metadata().apply { put(metadataTestKey, "some_metadata_value") }) } val standStub = StandServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub( standStub.getStandByName { name = "Star Platinum" }.let { response -> assertEquals("Star Platinum", assertEquals(500, response.powerLevel) assertEquals(550, response.speed) response.attacksList.first().let { attack -> assertEquals("ORA ORA ORA", assertEquals(100, attack.damage) assertEquals(StandProto.Attack.Range.CLOSE, attack.range) } } try { standStub.getStandByName { name = "The World" } fail("Exception was expected with status code: ${Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT.code}") } catch (e: StatusRuntimeException) { assertEquals(Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT.code, e.status.code) } standStub.getStandByName { name = "The World" }.let { response -> assertEquals("The World", assertEquals(490, response.powerLevel) assertEquals(550, response.speed) response.attacksList.first().let { attack -> assertEquals("ZA WARUDO", assertEquals(0, attack.damage) assertEquals(StandProto.Attack.Range.MEDIUM, attack.range) } } try { standStub.getStandByName { name = "The World" } fail("Exception was expected with status code: ${Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT.code}") } catch (e: StatusRuntimeException) { assertEquals(Status.PERMISSION_DENIED.code, e.status.code) assertEquals("some_metadata_value", e.trailers?.get(metadataTestKey)) } //Test default instance fall back when the response queue is empty assertEquals(StandProto.Stand.getDefaultInstance(), standStub.getStandByName { name = "Anything" }) } }