#!/bin/bash -eu if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != "$0" ] then echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]} must be executed, not sourced" return 1 # shouldn't use exit when sourced fi function log_progress () { if declare -F setup_progress > /dev/null then setup_progress "configure: $1" fi echo "configure: $1" } if [ "${FLOCKED:-}" != "$0" ] then PARENT="$(ps -o comm= $PPID)" if [ "$PARENT" != "setup-teslausb" ] then log_progress "STOP: $0 must be called from setup-teslausb: $PARENT" exit 1 fi if FLOCKED="$0" flock -en -E 99 "$0" "$0" "$@" || case "$?" in 99) echo already running exit 99 ;; *) exit $? ;; esac then # success exit 0 fi fi ARCHIVE_SYSTEM=${ARCHIVE_SYSTEM:-none} function check_variable () { local var_name="$1" if [ -z "${!var_name+x}" ] then log_progress "STOP: Define the variable $var_name like this: export $var_name=value" exit 1 fi } function check_archive_configs () { log_progress "Checking archive configs: " case "$ARCHIVE_SYSTEM" in rsync) check_variable "RSYNC_USER" check_variable "RSYNC_SERVER" check_variable "RSYNC_PATH" export ARCHIVE_SERVER="$RSYNC_SERVER" ;; rclone) check_variable "RCLONE_DRIVE" check_variable "RCLONE_PATH" export ARCHIVE_SERVER="" # since it's a cloud hosted drive we'll just set this to google dns ;; cifs) check_variable "SHARE_NAME" check_variable "SHARE_USER" check_variable "SHARE_PASSWORD" check_variable "ARCHIVE_SERVER" ;; none) export ARCHIVE_SERVER=localhost ;; *) log_progress "STOP: Unrecognized archive system: $ARCHIVE_SYSTEM" exit 1 ;; esac log_progress "done" } function get_archive_module () { case "$ARCHIVE_SYSTEM" in rsync) echo "run/rsync_archive" ;; rclone) echo "run/rclone_archive" ;; cifs) echo "run/cifs_archive" ;; none) echo "run/none_archive" ;; *) log_progress "Internal error: Attempting to configure unrecognized archive system: $ARCHIVE_SYSTEM" exit 1 ;; esac } function install_and_configure_tesla_api () { # Install the tesla_api.py script only if the user provided credentials for its use. if [ -e /root/bin/tesla_api.py ] then # if tesla_api.py already exists, update it log_progress "Updating tesla_api.py" get_script /root/bin tesla_api.py run # check if the json file needs to be updated readonly json=/mutable/tesla_api.json if [ -e $json ] && ! grep -q '"id"' $json then log_progress "Updating tesla_api.py config file" sed -i 's/"vehicle_id"/"id"/' $json sed -i 's/"$/",\n "vehicle_id": 0/' $json # Call script to fill in the empty vehicle_id field if ! /root/bin/tesla_api.py list_vehicles then log_progress "tesla_api.py config update failed" fi fi elif [[ ( -n "${TESLA_EMAIL:+x}" && -n "${TESLA_PASSWORD:+x}" ) || ( -n "${TESLA_ACCESS_TOKEN:+x}" && -n "${TESLA_REFRESH_TOKEN:+x}" ) ]] then log_progress "Installing tesla_api.py" get_script /root/bin tesla_api.py run # Perform the initial authentication mount /mutable || log_progress "Failed to mount /mutable" if ! /root/bin/tesla_api.py list_vehicles then log_progress "tesla_api.py setup failed" fi else log_progress "Skipping tesla_api.py install because no credentials were provided" fi } function install_archive_scripts () { local install_path="$1" local archive_module="$2" log_progress "Installing base archive scripts into $install_path" get_script "$install_path" archiveloop run get_script "$install_path" waitforidle run get_script "$install_path" remountfs_rw run install_and_configure_tesla_api log_progress "Installing archive module scripts" get_script /tmp verify-and-configure-archive.sh "$archive_module" get_script /tmp write-archive-configs-to.sh "$archive_module" get_script "$install_path" archive-clips.sh "$archive_module" get_script "$install_path" connect-archive.sh "$archive_module" get_script "$install_path" disconnect-archive.sh "$archive_module" get_script "$install_path" archive-is-reachable.sh "$archive_module" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${musicsharename:+x}" ] && grep cifs <<< "$archive_module" then get_script "$install_path" copy-music.sh "$archive_module" fi } function install_python_packages () { setup_progress "Installing python packages..." apt-get --assume-yes install python3-pip pip3 install boto3 } function check_pushover_configuration () { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${pushover_enabled+x}" ] then if [ -z "${pushover_user_key+x}" ] || [ -z "${pushover_app_key+x}" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup Pushover but didn't provide your User and/or App key." log_progress "Define the variables like this:" log_progress "export pushover_user_key=put_your_userkey_here" log_progress "export pushover_app_key=put_your_appkey_here" exit 1 elif [ "${pushover_user_key}" = "put_your_userkey_here" ] || [ "${pushover_app_key}" = "put_your_appkey_here" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup Pushover, but didn't replace the default User and App key values." exit 1 fi fi } function check_gotify_configuration () { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${gotify_enabled+x}" ] then if [ -z "${gotify_domain+x}" ] || [ -z "${gotify_app_token+x}" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup Gotify but didn't provide your Domain and/or App token." log_progress "Define the variables like this:" log_progress "export gotify_domain=https://gotify.domain.com" log_progress "export gotify_app_token=put_your_token_here" exit 1 elif [ "${gotify_domain}" = "https://gotify.domain.com" ] || [ "${gotify_app_token}" = "put_your_token_here" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup Gotify, but didn't replace the default Domain and/or App token values." exit 1 fi fi } function check_ifttt_configuration () { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${ifttt_enabled+x}" ] then if [ -z "${ifttt_event_name+x}" ] || [ -z "${ifttt_key+x}" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup IFTTT but didn't provide your Event Name and/or key." log_progress "Define the variables like this:" log_progress "export ifttt_event_name=put_your_event_name_here" log_progress "export ifttt_key=put_your_key_here" exit 1 elif [ "${ifttt_event_name}" = "put_your_event_name_here" ] || [ "${ifttt_key}" = "put_your_key_here" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup IFTTT, but didn't replace the default Event Name and/or key values." exit 1 fi fi } function check_webhook_configuration () { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${WEBHOOK_ENABLED+x}" ] then if [ -z "${WEBHOOK_URL+x}" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup a Webhook but didn't provide your webhook url." log_progress "Define the variable like this:" log_progress "export WEBHOOK_URL=http://domain/path/" exit 1 elif [ "${WEBHOOK_URL}" = "http://domain/path/" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup a Webhook, but didn't replace the default url." exit 1 fi fi } function check_sns_configuration () { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${sns_enabled+x}" ] then if [ -z "${aws_access_key_id:+x}" ] || [ -z "${aws_secret_key:+x}" ] || [ -z "${aws_sns_topic_arn:+x}" ] then echo "STOP: You're trying to setup AWS SNS but didn't provide your User and/or App key and/or topic ARN." echo "Define the variables like this:" echo "export aws_access_key_id=put_your_accesskeyid_here" echo "export aws_secret_key=put_your_secretkey_here" echo "export aws_sns_topic_arn=put_your_sns_topicarn_here" exit 1 elif [ "${aws_access_key_id}" = "put_your_accesskeyid_here" ] || [ "${aws_secret_key}" = "put_your_secretkey_here" ] || [ "${aws_sns_topic_arn}" = "put_your_sns_topicarn_here" ] then echo "STOP: You're trying to setup SNS, but didn't replace the default values." exit 1 fi fi } function check_telegram_configuration () { if [ -n "${TELEGRAM_ENABLED+x}" ] then if [ -z "${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN+x}" ] || [ -z "${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID:+x}" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup Telegram but didn't provide your Bot Token or Chat id." echo "Define the variables in config file like this:" echo "export TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=123456789" echo "export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=bot123456789:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqxyz987654321" exit 1 elif [ "${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}" = "bot123456789:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqxyz987654321" ] || [ "${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}" = "123456789" ] then log_progress "STOP: You're trying to setup Telegram, but didn't replace the default values." exit 1 fi fi } function configure_pushover () { if [ -n "${pushover_enabled+x}" ] then log_progress "Enabling pushover" { echo "export pushover_enabled=true" echo "export pushover_user_key=$pushover_user_key" echo "export pushover_app_key=$pushover_app_key" } > /root/.teslaCamPushoverCredentials else log_progress "Pushover not configured." fi } function configure_gotify () { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${gotify_enabled+x}" ] then log_progress "Enabling Gotify" { echo "export gotify_enabled=true" echo "export gotify_domain=$gotify_domain" echo "export gotify_app_token=$gotify_app_token" echo "export gotify_priority=$gotify_priority" } > /root/.teslaCamGotifySettings else log_progress "Gotify not configured." fi } function configure_ifttt () { if [ -n "${ifttt_enabled+x}" ] then log_progress "Enabling IFTTT" { echo "export ifttt_enabled=true" echo "export ifttt_event_name=$ifttt_event_name" echo "export ifttt_key=$ifttt_key" } > /root/.teslaCamIftttSettings else log_progress "IFTTT not configured." fi } function configure_telegram () { if [ -n "${TELEGRAM_ENABLED+x}" ] then log_progress "Enabling Telegram" else log_progress "Telegram not configured." fi } function configure_webhook () { if [ -n "${WEBHOOK_ENABLED+x}" ] then log_progress "Enabling Webhook" { echo "export WEBHOOK_ENABLED=true" echo "export WEBHOOK_URL=$WEBHOOK_URL" } > /root/.teslaCamWebhookSettings else log_progress "Webhook not configured." fi } function configure_sns () { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "${sns_enabled+x}" ] then log_progress "Enabling SNS" mkdir -p /root/.aws echo "[default]" > /root/.aws/credentials echo "aws_access_key_id = $aws_access_key_id" >> /root/.aws/credentials echo "aws_secret_access_key = $aws_secret_key" >> /root/.aws/credentials echo "[default]" > /root/.aws/config echo "region = $aws_region" >> /root/.aws/config echo "export sns_enabled=true" > /root/.teslaCamSNSTopicARN echo "export sns_topic_arn=$aws_sns_topic_arn" >> /root/.teslaCamSNSTopicARN install_python_packages else log_progress "SNS not configured." fi } function check_and_configure_pushover () { check_pushover_configuration configure_pushover } function check_and_configure_gotify () { check_gotify_configuration configure_gotify } function check_and_configure_ifttt () { check_ifttt_configuration configure_ifttt } function check_and_configure_webhook () { check_webhook_configuration configure_webhook } function check_and_configure_telegram () { check_telegram_configuration configure_telegram } function check_and_configure_sns () { check_sns_configuration configure_sns } function install_push_message_scripts() { local install_path="$1" get_script "$install_path" send-push-message run get_script "$install_path" send_sns.py run } if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] then log_progress "STOP: Run sudo -i." exit 1 fi mkdir -p /root/bin check_and_configure_pushover check_and_configure_gotify check_and_configure_ifttt check_and_configure_webhook check_and_configure_telegram check_and_configure_sns install_push_message_scripts /root/bin check_archive_configs rm -f /root/teslausb.conf rm -f /root/bin/write-archive-configs-to.sh archive_module="$( get_archive_module )" log_progress "Using archive module: $archive_module" install_archive_scripts /root/bin "$archive_module" /tmp/verify-and-configure-archive.sh systemctl disable teslausb.service || true cat << EOF > /lib/systemd/system/teslausb.service [Unit] Description=TeslaUSB archiveloop service DefaultDependencies=no After=mutable.mount backingfiles.mount [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/bash /root/bin/archiveloop [Install] WantedBy=backingfiles.mount EOF systemctl enable teslausb.service