# ASP Snippets for Sublime ## Install To install through [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control), search for **ASP Snippets**. If you still don't have Package Control in Sublime Text, [go get it](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation). It's pure awesomeness. If you insist to not install it, you can download the package and put it manually inside your `Packages` directory. It should work but will not update automatically. ### [if] if ``` if ${1:false} then ${2} end if ``` ### [ife] if else ``` if ${1:false} then ${2} else ${3} end if ``` ### [dow] do while ``` do while ${1:false} ${2} loop ``` ### [ifeif] if elseif ``` if ${1:false} then ${2} elseif ${3:false} then ${4} end if ``` ### [set] set ``` set ${1} = ${2} ``` ### [dim] dim ``` dim ${1} = ${2} ``` ### [rw] response.write ``` response.write ${1} ``` ### [rr] response.redirect ``` response.redirect "${1}" ``` ### [rc] response.clear ``` response.clear ``` ### [re] response.end ``` response.end ``` ### [rqs] request.querystring ``` request.querystring("${1}") ``` ### [rqf] request.form ``` request.form("${1}") ``` ### [for] for ``` for ${1:i = 0} to ${2} ${3} next ``` ### [fore] for each ``` for each ${1:var} in ${2} ${3} next ``` ### [class] class ``` class ${1} private sub class_initialize ${2} end sub ${3} end class ``` ### [proplet] public property let ``` public property let ${1}(${2}) ${3} end property ``` ### [propget] public property get ``` public property get ${1}() ${2} end property ``` ### [propset] public property set ``` public property set ${1}(${2}) ${3} end property ``` ### [sub] sub ``` sub ${1}(${2}) ${3} end sub ``` ### [pubs] public sub ``` public sub ${1}(${2}) ${3} end sub ``` ### [psub] private sub ``` private sub ${1}(${2}) ${3} end sub ``` ### [func] function ``` function ${1}(${2}) ${3} end function ``` ### [pubf] public function ``` public function ${1}(${2}) ${3} end function ``` ### [pfunc] private function ``` private function ${1}(${2}) ${3} end function ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it! 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature` 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -m 'Add some feature'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature` 5. Submit a pull request :D ## History Check [Release](https://github.com/marcosisocram/asp-snippets/releases) list. ## License [MIT License](http://mp.mit-license.org/) © Marcos Paulo