A short instruction Works with Webiopi 0.7.0 RPi Cam Web Interface http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=63276&sid=41a3ead97da35a156cf1fe9f767a8b9a version 14-5-2014 In the Webiopi config file add the location of the html folder and python script folder sudo nano /etc/webiopi/config [scripts] myproject = /home/pi/robot/python/script.py and in [HTTP] doc-root = /home/pi/robot/html In my case, I have to flip the camera horizontal and vertical Change the file sudo nano /etc/raspimjpeg -> Find hflip false vflip false and change to hflip true vflip true I needed to change the preview folder to a subfolder of my html folder add # in front of preview_path /dev/shm/mjpeg/cam.jpg and at preview_path /home/pi/robot/html/stream/cam.jpg In the index html file add
and add a custom css file and js file in robot js add //Refresh the raspberry pi camera picture every 40ms =25fps setInterval(function(){ $("#mjpeg_dest").attr("src", "stream/cam.jpg?"+new Date().getTime()); },100); to reload the picture every 100ms, find the best time to suit your needs MAybe edit /usr/share/webiopi/htdocs webiopi.js to remove google analytics and the webiopi.css ServoBlaster change the config so only the actual servo ports