# Rome formatter integration for SublimeText 3 and 4 This repository contains SublimeText 3/4 plugin for 🏛️ [Rome](https://rome.tools) code formatter. Why you would want to use it? Because Prettier integration in Sublime is slooow and this one is **Blazing fast ™️** 🏎️. It will honor settings inside `rome.conf` file, if it finds it. ## How it works There are 3 ways you can use it: ### Newbie way Open `Edit` menu and select `Format with Rome`. This will format current selection, or whole file if nothing is selected. ### Pro way Open command palette, type `Rome` and select `Rome: Format file or selection`. This will also format current selection, or whole file if nothing is selected. ### Master way Just enable `format_on_save` option and let Rome format every file it can. ## Configuration Check out `Settings...` -> `Package Settings` -> `Rome Formatter`: ```jsonc { // Should we format supported files on save "format_on_save": false, // Format on save only if rome.conf file was detected "detect_config": true } ``` **detect_config** will traverse up from current file or folder and try to find `rome.json` file. If it finds it, it will allow **format_on_save** to do it's job. If not, meh, nothing will happen. ## Keyboard shortcut You can add a keyboard shortcut in your keymap, ex: ```jsonc [ {"keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"], "command": "rome_format"} ] ``` ## Installation via Package Control Open Sublime menu and navigate to : `Tools` -> `Command Palette...` -> `Package Control: Install Package`, type `Rome Formatter` and select it to complete the installation. ## Requirements Plugin itself has no dependencies, but **you need to have Rome** installed: - Install Rome globally via: ```bash npm i -g rome ``` - or locally in your project (**recommended**): ```bash npm i -D rome ``` plugin will auto-detect if there's a local binary and use that and fallback to global install if nothing was found. So **you can have different Rome versions** for each project. ## Windows It looks like on Windows you need to have Visual C++ Redistributable installed, otherwise you will get an error like this: ```bash Failed to exec Rome formatter 3221225781 b'' ``` You can download it [here](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads).