4GB), enable this for correct // file size calculation. // Default: $_CONFIG['large_files'] = false; // $_CONFIG['large_files'] = false; // // The session name, which is used as a cookie name. // Change this to something original if you have multiple copies in the same space // and wish to keep their authentication separate. // The value can contain only letters and numbers. For example: MYSESSION1 // More info at: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-name.php // Default: $_CONFIG['session_name'] = ""; // $_CONFIG['session_name'] = ""; /***************************************************************************/ /* TÕLKED */ /* */ /* TRANSLATIONS. */ /***************************************************************************/ $_TRANSLATIONS = array(); // Albanian $_TRANSLATIONS["al"] = array( "file_name" => "Emri Skedarit", "size" => "Madhësia", "last_changed" => "Ndryshuar", "total_used_space" => "Memorija e përdorur total", "free_space" => "Memorija e lirë", "password" => "Fjalëkalimi", "upload" => "Ngarko skedarë", "failed_upload" => "Ngarkimi i skedarit dështoi!", "failed_move" => "Lëvizja e skedarit në udhëzuesin e saktë deshtoi!", "wrong_password" => "Fjalëkalimi i Gabuar!!", "make_directory" => "New dir", "new_dir_failed" => "Failed to create directory", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Failed to change directory rights", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Location", "root" => "Root" ); // Bulgarian $_TRANSLATIONS["bg"] = array( "file_name" => "Име", "size" => "Размер", "last_changed" => "Последна промяна", "total_used_space" => "Общо използвано", "free_space" => "Свободно място", "password" => "Парола", "upload" => "Качване", "failed_upload" => "Неуспешно качване на файла!", "failed_move" => "Неуспешно преместване на файла в правилната директория!", "wrong_password" => "Грешна парола", "make_directory" => "Нова директория", "new_dir_failed" => "Грешка при създаване на директорията", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Грешка при смяна на правата до директорията", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Директорията не може да бъде прочетена", "location" => "Път", "root" => "Корен", "log_file_permission_error" => "Скриптът няма права за запис в лог файла.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Настройките на скрипта не позволяват качване в тази директория.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Нямате право за запис в тази директория.", "mobile_version" => "Мобилна версия", "standard_version" => "Стандартен изглед", "page_load_time" => "Страницата е генерирана за %.2f мс", "wrong_pass" => "Грешен потребител или парола", "username" => "Потребител", "log_in" => "Вход", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Този файлов формат е забранен за качване.", "del" => "Изтриване", "log_out" => "Изход" ); //Catalan $_TRANSLATIONS["ca"] = array( "file_name" => "Nom d'arxiu", "size" => "Mida", "last_changed" => "Última modificació", "total_used_space" => "Total espai emprat", "free_space" => "Espai lliure", "password" => "Paraula de pass", "upload" => "Pujar arxiu", "failed_upload" => "Error al pujar l'arxiu!", "failed_move" => "Error al moure l'arxiu al directori seleccionat!", "wrong_password" => "Paraula de pas incorrecta", "make_directory" => "Crear directori", "new_dir_failed" => "Error al crear el directori", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Error al canviar els permisos del directori", "unable_to_read_dir" => "No es possible llegir el directori", "location" => "Traducció", "root" => "Arrel" ); // Czech $_TRANSLATIONS["cz"] = array( "file_name" => "Název souboru", "size" => "Velikost", "last_changed" => "Změněno", "total_used_space" => "Obsazený prostor", "free_space" => "Volný prostor", "password" => "Heslo", "upload" => "Nahrát", "failed_upload" => "Nahrávání se nezdařilo!", "failed_move" => "Přesun souboru do určeného adresáře se nezdařil!", "wrong_password" => "Chybné heslo", "make_directory" => "Nový adresář", "new_dir_failed" => "Vytvoření adresáře se nezdařilo", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Změna práv adresáře se nezdařila", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Chyba při čtení adresáře", "location" => "Umístění", "root" => "Kořenový adresář", "log_file_permission_error" => "Skript nemá oprávnění k zápisu do souboru protokolu.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Konfigurační skript neumožňuje nahrávání v tomto adresáři.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Tento adresář nemá oprávnění k zápisu.", "mobile_version" => "Zobrazení pro mobil", "standard_version" => "Standardní zobrazení", "page_load_time" => "Stránka nahrána za %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Špatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo", "username" => "Uživatelské jméno", "log_in" => "Přihlásit se", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Tento typ souboru není povolen pro nahrávání.", "del" => "Smazat", "log_out" => "Odhlásit se" ); // Dutch $_TRANSLATIONS["nl"] = array( "file_name" => "Bestandsnaam", "size" => "Omvang", "last_changed" => "Laatst gewijzigd", "total_used_space" => "Totaal gebruikte ruimte", "free_space" => "Beschikbaar", "password" => "Wachtwoord", "upload" => "Upload", "failed_upload" => "Fout bij uploaden van bestand!", "failed_move" => "Fout bij het verplaatsen van tijdelijk uploadbestand!", "wrong_password" => "Fout wachtwoord!", "make_directory" => "Nieuwe folder", "new_dir_failed" => "Fout bij aanmaken folder!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Rechten konden niet gewijzigd worden!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Niet mogelijk om directorie te lezen", "location" => "Locatie", "root" => "Root", "log_file_permission_error" => "Script heeft geen toegang tot het logbestand.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Uploaden van bestanden is niet toegestaan.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Het is niet toegestaan in deze directorie bestanden te plaatsen.", "mobile_version" => "Mobiele weergave", "standard_version" => "Standaard weergave", "page_load_time" => "Pagina geladen in %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Foutieve gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord", "username" => "Gebruikersnaam", "log_in" => "Inloggen", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Dit type bestand is niet toegestaan.", "del" => "Verwijder", // short for Delete "log_out" => "Uitloggen" ); // English $_TRANSLATIONS["en"] = array( "file_name" => "File name", "size" => "Size", "last_changed" => "Last updated", "total_used_space" => "Total space used", "free_space" => "Free space", "password" => "Password", "upload" => "Upload", "failed_upload" => "Failed to upload the file!", "failed_move" => "Failed to move the file into the right directory!", "wrong_password" => "Wrong password", "make_directory" => "New directory", "new_dir_failed" => "Failed to create directory", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Failed to change directory rights", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Location", "root" => "Root", "log_file_permission_error" => "The script does not have permissions to write the log file.", "upload_not_allowed" => "The script configuration does not allow uploading in this directory.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "This directory does not have write permissions.", "mobile_version" => "Mobile view", "standard_version" => "Standard view", "page_load_time" => "Page loaded in %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Wrong username or password", "username" => "Username", "log_in" => "Log in", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "This file type is not allowed for uploading.", "del" => "Delete", "log_out" => "Log out" ); // Estonian $_TRANSLATIONS["et"] = array( "file_name" => "Faili nimi", "size" => "Suurus", "last_changed" => "Viimati muudetud", "total_used_space" => "Kokku kasutatud", "free_space" => "Vaba ruumi", "password" => "Parool", "upload" => "Uploadi", "failed_upload" => "Faili ei õnnestunud serverisse laadida!", "failed_move" => "Faili ei õnnestunud õigesse kausta liigutada!", "wrong_password" => "Vale parool", "make_directory" => "Uus kaust", "new_dir_failed" => "Kausta loomine ebaõnnestus", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Kausta õiguste muutmine ebaõnnestus", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Asukoht", "root" => "Peakaust" ); // Finnish $_TRANSLATIONS["fi"] = array( "file_name" => "Tiedoston nimi", "size" => "Koko", "last_changed" => "Muokattu", "total_used_space" => "Yhteenlaskettu koko", "free_space" => "Vapaa tila", "password" => "Salasana", "upload" => "Lisää tiedosto", "failed_upload" => "Tiedoston lisäys epäonnistui!", "failed_move" => "Tiedoston siirto kansioon epäonnistui!", "wrong_password" => "Väärä salasana", "make_directory" => "Uusi kansio", "new_dir_failed" => "Uuden kansion luonti epäonnistui!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Kansion käyttäjäoikeuksien muuttaminen epäonnistui!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Kansion sisältöä ei voi lukea.", "location" => "Paikka", "root" => "Juurihakemisto", "log_file_permission_error" => "Ohjelman ei ole sallittu kirjoittaa lokiin.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Ohjelman asetukset eivät salli tiedoston lisäämistä tähän kansioon.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Kansioon tallentaminen epäonnistui.", "mobile_version" => "Mobiilinäkymä", "standard_version" => "Tavallinen näkymä", "page_load_time" => "Sivu ladattu %.2f ms:ssa", "wrong_pass" => "Väärä käyttäjätunnus tai salasana", "username" => "Käyttäjätunnus", "log_in" => "Kirjaudu sisään", "log_out" => "Kirjaudu ulos", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Tämän tiedostotyypin lisääminen on estetty.", "del" => "Poista" ); // French $_TRANSLATIONS["fr"] = array( "file_name" => "Nom de fichier", "size" => "Taille", "last_changed" => "Modifié le", "total_used_space" => "Espace total utilisé", "free_space" => "Espace libre", "password" => "Mot de passe", "upload" => "Ajouter", "failed_upload" => "Erreur lors de l'envoi", "failed_move" => "Erreur lors du déplacement", "wrong_password" => "Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect", "make_directory" => "Nouveau dossier", "new_dir_failed" => "Erreur lors de la création du dossier", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Impossible de changer les permissions du dossier", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Impossible de lire le dossier", "location" => "Localisation", "root" => "Racine", "log_file_permission_error" => "Le script n'a pas la permission d'écrire dans le fichier de logs.", "upload_not_allowed" => "La configuration du script ne permet pas d'ajouter un fichier ici.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Ce dossier ne possède pas de permission en écriture.", "mobile_version" => "Version mobile", "standard_version" => "Version standard", "page_load_time" => "Page chargée en %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect", "username" => "Identifiant", "log_in" => "Connexion", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "L'envoi de ce type de fichier n'est pas permis.", "del" => "Supprimer", "log_out" => "Déconnexion" ); // German $_TRANSLATIONS["de"] = array( "file_name" => "Dateiname", "size" => "Größe", "last_changed" => "Letzte Änderung", "total_used_space" => "Benutzter Speicherplatz", "free_space" => "Freier Speicherplatz", "password" => "Passwort", "upload" => "Upload", "failed_upload" => "Upload ist fehlgeschlagen!", "failed_move" => "Verschieben der Datei ist fehlgeschlagen!", "wrong_password" => "Falsches Passwort", "make_directory" => "Neuer Ordner", "new_dir_failed" => "Erstellen des Ordners fehlgeschlagen", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Veränderung der Zugriffsrechte des Ordners fehlgeschlagen", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Ordner konnte nicht gelesen werden", "location" => "Ort", "root" => "Wurzelverzeichnis", "log_file_permission_error" => "Das Script kann wegen fehlenden Berechtigungen keine Log Datei schreiben.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Die Scriptkonfiguration erlaubt kein Hochladen in dieses Verzeichnis.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Dieser Ordner besitzt keine Schreibrechte.", "mobile_version" => "Mobile Ansicht", "standard_version" => "Normale Ansicht", "page_load_time" => "Die Seite wurde in %.2f ms geladen", "wrong_pass" => "Benutzername oder Kennwort falsch", "username" => "Benutzername", "log_in" => "Einloggen", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Dieser Dateityp darf nicht hochgeladen werden.", "del" => "Entfernen", "log_out" => "Ausloggen" ); // Greek $_TRANSLATIONS["el"] = array( "file_name" => "Όνομα αρχείου", "size" => "Μέγεθος", "last_changed" => "Τελευταία τροποποίηση", "total_used_space" => "Χρησιμοποιημένος χώρος", "free_space" => "Ελεύθερος χώρος", "password" => "Κωδικός", "upload" => "Φόρτωση", "failed_upload" => "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης αρχείου!", "failed_move" => "Αποτυχία μεταφοράς αρχείου στον κατάλληλο φάκελο!", "wrong_password" => "Λάθος κωδικός", "make_directory" => "Νέος Φάκελος", "new_dir_failed" => "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας φακέλου", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Αποτυχία τροποποίησης δικαιωμάτων φακέλου", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Αδυναμία ανάγνωσης φακέλου", "location" => "Τοποθεσία", "root" => "Ριζικός φάκελος", "log_file_permission_error" => "Το πρόγραμμα δεν έχει δικαιώματα εγγραφής στο αρχείο καταγραφής.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Οι ρυθμίσεις του προγράμματος δεν επιτρέπουν φόρτωση αρχείων σε αυτό τον φάκελο.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Αυτός ο φάκελος δεν έχει δικαιώματα για εγγραφή.", "mobile_version" => "Φορητή προβολή", "standard_version" => "Τυπική προβολή", "page_load_time" => "Η σελίδα φορτώθηκε σε %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Λάθος όνομα χρήστη ή κωδικός πρόσβασης", "username" => "Όνομα χρήστη", "log_in" => "Σύνδεση", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Αυτός ο τύπος αρχείου δεν επιτρέπεται να φορτωθεί.", "del" => "Διαγραφή", "log_out" => "Αποσύνδεση" ); // Spanish $_TRANSLATIONS["es"] = array( "file_name" => "Nombre del archivo", "size" => "Tamaño", "last_changed" => "Último cambio", "total_used_space" => "Espacio total usado", "free_space" => "Espacio libre", "password" => "Contraseña", "upload" => "Subir el archivo", "failed_upload" => "¡Error al subir el archivo!", "failed_move" => "¡Error al mover el archivo al directorio seleccionado!", "wrong_password" => "Contraseña incorrecta", "make_directory" => "Crear directorio", "new_dir_failed" => "Error al crear el directorio", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Error al cambiar los permisos del directorio", "unable_to_read_dir" => "No es posible leer el directorio", "location" => "Localización", "root" => "Raíz", "log_file_permission_error" => "El script no tiene permisos para escribir en el archivo de registro.", "upload_not_allowed" => "La configuración del script no permite subir archivos en este directorio.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Este directorio no tiene permisos de escritura.", "mobile_version" => "Vista móvil", "standard_version" => "Vista estándar", "page_load_time" => "Página cargada en %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectos", "username" => "Usuario", "log_in" => "Iniciar sesión", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Este tipo de archivo no está permitido para la subida.", "del" => "Eliminar", "log_out" => "Cerrar sesión" ); // Esperanto $_TRANSLATIONS["eo"] = array( "file_name" => "Dosiernomo", "size" => "Grando", "last_changed" => "Lasta ŝanĝo", "total_used_space" => "Uzata spaco", "free_space" => "Disponebla spaco", "password" => "pasvorto", "upload" => "Alŝuto", "failed_upload" => "Alŝuto malsukcesis!", "failed_move" => "Movo de la dosiero malsukcesis!", "wrong_password" => "Malĝusta pasvorto", "make_directory" => "Nova dosierujo", "new_dir_failed" => "Kreado de dosierujo malsukcesis", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Ŝanĝo de dosierujaj rajtoj malsukcesis", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Dosierujo ne estas legebla", "location" => "Loko", "root" => "Radiko", "log_file_permission_error" => "La skripto ne rajtas skribi la protokolan dosieron.", "upload_not_allowed" => "La skripto malpermesas alŝuti en ĉi tiun dosierujon.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Ĉi tiu dosierujo ne rajtigas skribadon.", "mobile_version" => "Vido por mobilaj iloj", "standard_version" => "Defaŭlta vido", "page_load_time" => "Paĝo ŝarĝita en %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Malĝusta salutnomo aŭ pasvorto", "username" => "Salutnomo", "log_in" => "Ensaluto", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Alŝuto estas malpermesita por ĉi tiu dosiertipo.", "del" => "For", // short for Delete "log_out" => "Adiaŭo" ); // Hungarian $_TRANSLATIONS["hu"] = array( "file_name" => "Fájl név", "size" => "Méret", "last_changed" => "Utolsó módosítás", "total_used_space" => "Összes elfoglalt terület", "free_space" => "Szabad terület", "password" => "Jelszó", "upload" => "Feltöltés", "failed_upload" => "A fájl feltöltése nem sikerült!", "failed_move" => "A fájl mozgatása nem sikerült!", "wrong_password" => "Hibás jelszó", "make_directory" => "Új mappa", "new_dir_failed" => "A mappa létrehozása nem sikerült", "chmod_dir_failed" => "A mappa jogainak megváltoztatása nem sikerült", "unable_to_read_dir" => "A mappa nem olvasható", "location" => "Hely", "root" => "Gyökér", "log_file_permission_error" => "A log fájl írása jogosultsági okok miatt nem sikerült.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Ebbe a mappába a feltöltés nem engedélyezett.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "A mappa nem írható.", "mobile_version" => "Mobil nézet", "standard_version" => "Web nézet", "page_load_time" => "Letöltési id? %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Rossz felhasználónév vagy jelszó", "username" => "Felhasználónév", "log_in" => "Belépés", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "A fájltípus feltöltése tiltott." ); // Italian $_TRANSLATIONS["it"] = array( "file_name" => "Nome file", "size" => "Dimensione", "last_changed" => "Ultima modifica", "total_used_space" => "Totale spazio usato", "free_space" => "Spazio disponibile", "password" => "Parola chiave", "upload" => "Caricamento file", "failed_upload" => "Caricamento del file fallito!", "failed_move" => "Spostamento del file nella cartella fallito!", "wrong_password" => "Password sbagliata", "make_directory" => "Nuova cartella", "new_dir_failed" => "Creazione cartella fallita!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Modifica dei permessi della cartella fallita!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Non abilitato a leggere la cartella", "location" => "Posizione", "root" => "Indice", "log_file_permission_error" => "Lo script non ha i permessi per scrivere il file di log.", "upload_not_allowed" => "La configurazione dello script non permette l'upload in questa cartella.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Questa cartella non ha i permessi di scrittura.", "mobile_version" => "Visualizzazione Mobile", "standard_version" => "Visualizzazione Standard", "page_load_time" => "Page aperta in %.2f min", "wrong_pass" => "Username o password errati", "username" => "Username", "log_in" => "Log in", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Questo formato di file non è abilitato per l'upload.", "del" => "Cancella", // short for Delete "log_out" => "Esci" ); // Korean $_TRANSLATIONS["ko"] = array( "file_name" => "이름", "size" => "크기", "last_changed" => "마지막 수정", "total_used_space" => "사용한 공간", "free_space" => "남은 공간", "password" => "비밀번호", "upload" => "올리기", "failed_upload" => "파일을 올릴 수 없습니다.", "failed_move" => "파일을 옮길 수 없습니다.", "wrong_password" => "비밀번호가 올바르지 않습니다.", "make_directory" => "만들기", "new_dir_failed" => "폴더를 만들 수 없습니다.", "chmod_dir_failed" => "권한 설정을 할 수 없습니다.", "unable_to_read_dir" => "폴더를 읽을 수 없습니다.", "location" => "위치", "root" => "최상위 폴더", "log_file_permission_error" => "로그 파일의 위치에 쓰기 권한을 가지고 있지 않습니다.", "upload_not_allowed" => "이 위치에 올릴 수 없습니다.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "이 위치에 쓰기 권한을 가지고 있지 않습니다.", "mobile_version" => "모바일 버전으로 보기", "standard_version" => "표준 화면으로 보기", "page_load_time" => "페이지 로드 %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "사용자 이름 또는 비밀번호가 올바르지 않습니다.", "username" => "사용자 이름", "log_in" => "로그인", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "이 종류의 파일은 올릴 수 없습니다.", "del" => "삭제", "log_out" => "로그아웃" ); // Lithuanian $_TRANSLATIONS["lt"] = array( "file_name" => "Pavadinimas", "size" => "Dydis", "last_changed" => "Paskutiniai pakeitimai", "total_used_space" => "Visa naudojama vieta", "free_space" => "Laisva vieta", "password" => "Slaptažodis", "upload" => "Įkelti", "failed_upload" => "Įkėlimas nepavyko", "failed_move" => "Failo perkėlimas nepavyko", "wrong_password" => "Klaidingas slaptažodis", "make_directory" => "Kurti aplanką", "new_dir_failed" => "Aplanko sukurti nepavyko", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Privilegijų keitimas nepavyko", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Nepavyko atverti aplanko", "location" => "Vieta", "root" => "Šakninis", "log_file_permission_error" => "Šis skriptas neturi teisių rašyti log failo.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Šis skriptas neleidžia failų įklimo į šį aplanką.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Neturite teisių rašyti į šį aplanką.", "mobile_version" => "Versija mobiliesiems", "standard_version" => "Paprasta versija", "page_load_time" => "Puslapis įkeltas per %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Klaidingas vartotojo vardas ar slaptažodis", "username" => "Vartotojo vardas", "log_in" => "Prisijungti", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Šio tipo failų įkelti negalima.", "del" => "Trinti", // short for Delete "log_out" => "Atsijungti" ); // Norwegian $_TRANSLATIONS["no"] = array( "file_name" => "Navn", "size" => "Størrelse", "last_changed" => "Endret", "total_used_space" => "Brukt plass", "free_space" => "Resterende plass", "password" => "Passord", "upload" => "Last opp", "failed_upload" => "Opplasting gikk galt", "failed_move" => "Kunne ikke flytte objektet", "wrong_password" => "Feil passord", "make_directory" => "Ny mappe", "new_dir_failed" => "Kunne ikke lage ny mappe", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Kunne ikke endre rettigheter", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Kunne ikke lese mappen", "location" => "Område", "root" => "Rot" ); //Polish $_TRANSLATIONS["pl"] = array( "file_name" => "Nazwa pliku", "size" => "Rozmiar", "last_changed" => "Data zmiany", "total_used_space" => "Cała przestrzeń", "free_space" => "Wolna przestrzeń", "password" => "Hasło", "upload" => "Prześlij", "failed_upload" => "Przesłanie pliku nie powiodło się", "failed_move" => "Przenoszenie pliku nie powiodło się!", "wrong_password" => "Niepoprawne hasło", "make_directory" => "Nowy folder", "new_dir_failed" => "Błąd podczas tworzenia nowego folderu", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Błąd podczas zmiany uprawnień folderu", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Odczytanie folderu nie powiodło się", "location" => "Miejsce", "root" => "Start", "log_file_permission_error" => "Brak uprawnień aby utworzyć dziennik działań.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Konfiguracja zabrania przesłania pliku do tego folderu.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Nie można zapisać pliku do tego folderu.", "mobile_version" => "Wersja mobilna", "standard_version" => "Widok standardowy", "page_load_time" => "Załadowano w %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika lub złe hasło", "username" => "Użytkownik", "log_in" => "Zaloguj się", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Ten rodzaj pliku jest zabroniony.", "del" => "Kasuj", "log_out" => "Wyloguj się" ); // Portuguese (Brazil) $_TRANSLATIONS["pt_BR"] = array( "file_name" => "Nome do arquivo", "size" => "Tamanho", "last_changed" => "Modificado em", "total_used_space" => "Total de espaço utilizado", "free_space" => "Espaço livre", "password" => "Senha", "upload" => "Enviar", "failed_upload" => "Falha ao enviar o arquivo!", "failed_move" => "Falha ao mover o arquivo para o diretório correto!", "wrong_password" => "Senha errada", "make_directory" => "Nova pasta", "new_dir_failed" => "Falha ao criar diretório", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Falha ao mudar os privilégios do diretório", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Não foi possível ler o diretório", "location" => "Localização", "root" => "Raíz", "log_file_permission_error" => "O script não tem permissão para escrever o arquivo de log.", "upload_not_allowed" => "A configuração do script não permite envios neste diretório.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Não há permissão para escrita neste diretório.", "mobile_version" => "Versão Móvel", "standard_version" => "Versão Padrão", "page_load_time" => "Página carregada em %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Nome de usuário ou senha errados", "username" => "Nome de Usuário", "log_in" => "Log in", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Não é permitido envio de arquivos deste tipo.", "del" => "Deletar", "log_out" => "Log out" ); // Portuguese (Portugal) $_TRANSLATIONS["pt_PT"] = array( "file_name" => "Nome do ficheiro", "size" => "Tamanho", "last_changed" => "Modificado em", "total_used_space" => "Total de espaço utilizado", "free_space" => "Espaço livre", "password" => "Palavra-passe", "upload" => "Enviar", "failed_upload" => "Falha ao enviar o ficheiro!", "failed_move" => "Falha ao mover o ficheiro para a pasta correcta!", "wrong_password" => "Palavra-passe errada", "make_directory" => "Nova pasta", "new_dir_failed" => "Falha ao criar pasta", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Falha ao mudar os privilégios da pasta", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Não foi possível ler a pasta", "location" => "Localização", "root" => "Raíz", "log_file_permission_error" => "O script não tem permissão para escrever o ficheiro de log.", "upload_not_allowed" => "A configuração do script não permite envios para esta pasta.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Não há permissão para escrita nesta pasta.", "mobile_version" => "Versão Móvel", "standard_version" => "Versão Padrão", "page_load_time" => "Página carregada em %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-passe incorrectos", "username" => "Nome de utilizador", "log_in" => "Entrar", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Não é permitido o envio de ficheiros deste tipo.", "del" => "Apagar", "log_out" => "Sair" ); // Romanian $_TRANSLATIONS["ro"] = array( "file_name" => "Nume fisier", "size" => "Marime", "last_changed" => "Ultima modificare", "total_used_space" => "Spatiu total utilizat", "free_space" => "Spatiu disponibil", "password" => "Parola", "upload" => "Incarcare fisier", "failed_upload" => "Incarcarea fisierului a esuat!", "failed_move" => "Mutarea fisierului in alt director a esuat!", "wrong_password" => "Parol gresita!", "make_directory" => "Director nou", "new_dir_failed" => "Eroare la crearea directorului", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Eroare la modificarea drepturilor pe director", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Nu s-a putut citi directorul", "location" => "Locatie", "root" => "Root" ); // Russian $_TRANSLATIONS["ru"] = array( "file_name" => "Имя файла", "size" => "Размер", "last_changed" => "Последнее изменение", "total_used_space" => "Всего использовано", "free_space" => "Свободно", "password" => "Пароль", "upload" => "Загрузка", "failed_upload" => "Не удалось загрузить файл!", "failed_move" => "Не удалось переместить файл в нужную папку!", "wrong_password" => "Неверный пароль", "make_directory" => "Новая папка", "new_dir_failed" => "Не удалось создать папку", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Не удалось изменить права доступа к папке", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Не возможно прочитать папку", "location" => "Расположение", "root" => "Корневая папка", "log_file_permission_error" => "Скрипт не имеет прав для записи лога файла.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Загрузка в эту папку запрещена в настройках скрипта", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "В эту папку запрещена запись", "mobile_version" => "Мобильный вид", "standard_version" => "Обычный вид", "page_load_time" => "Страница загружена за %.2f мс.", "wrong_pass" => "Неверное имя пользователя или пароль", "username" => "Имя пользователя", "log_in" => "Войти", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Этот тип файла запрещено загружать", "del" => "удалить", "log_out" => "выйти" ); // Slovensky $_TRANSLATIONS["sk"] = array( "file_name" => "Meno súboru", "size" => "Veľkosť", "last_changed" => "Posledná zmena", "total_used_space" => "Použité miesto celkom", "free_space" => "Voľné miesto", "password" => "Heslo", "upload" => "Nahranie súborov", "failed_upload" => "Chyba nahrávania súboru!", "failed_move" => "Nepodarilo sa presunúť súbor do vybraného adresára!", "wrong_password" => "Neplatné heslo!", "make_directory" => "Nový priečinok", "new_dir_failed" => "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Nepodarilo sa zmeniť práva adresára!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Nemôžem čítať adresár", "location" => "Umiestnenie", "root" => "Domov" ); // Swedish $_TRANSLATIONS["sv"] = array( "file_name" => "Filnamn", "size" => "Storlek", "last_changed" => "Senast ändrad", "total_used_space" => "Totalt upptaget utrymme", "free_space" => "Ledigt utrymme", "password" => "Lösenord", "upload" => "Ladda upp", "failed_upload" => "Fel vid uppladdning av fil!", "failed_move" => "Fel vid flytt av fil till mapp!", "wrong_password" => "Fel lösenord", "make_directory" => "Ny mapp", "new_dir_failed" => "Fel vid skapande av mapp", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Fel vid ändring av mappens egenskaper", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Kan inte lasa den filen", "location" => "Plats", "root" => "Hem", "log_file_permission_error" => "Scriptet har inte behörighet att skriva till loggfilen.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Skriptets konfiguration tillåter inte uppladdning till denna katalog.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Denna katalog har inte behörigheter för att skriva.", "mobile_version" => "Mobilvisning", "standard_version" => "Standardvisning", "page_load_time" => "Sidan laddades på %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Fel användarnamn eller lösenord", "username" => "Användarnamn", "log_in" => "Logga in", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Denna filtyp är det inte tillåtet att ladda upp.", "del" => "Ta bort", "log_out" => "Logga ut" ); // Turkish $_TRANSLATIONS["tr"] = array( "file_name" => "Dosya Adı", "size" => "Boyut", "last_changed" => "Son Değişiklik", "total_used_space" => "Toplam Kullanılan Alan", "free_space" => "Boş Alan", "password" => "Parola", "upload" => "Yükle", "failed_upload" => "Dosya yüklemesi başarısız!", "failed_move" => "Dosyanın doğru klasöre taşınması başarısız!", "wrong_password" => "Hatalı Parola", "make_directory" => "Yeni Klasör", "new_dir_failed" => "Klasör oluşturma başarısız", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Klasör izinleri değiştirme başarısız", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Klasör okunamadı", "location" => "Konum", "root" => "Ana Klasör", "log_file_permission_error" => "Log dosyası oluşturulurken yetersiz izin hatası.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Konfigürasyon bu klasöre dosya yüklemeye izin vermiyor.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Bu klasör yazma izinlerine sahip değil.", "mobile_version" => "Mobil Görünüm", "standard_version" => "Standart Görünüm", "page_load_time" => "Sayfa yükleme süresi %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Hatalı kullanıcı adı veya parola", "username" => "Kullanıcı Adı", "log_in" => "Giriş Yap", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Bu dosya türünün yüklenmesine izin verilmiyor.", "del" => "Sil", "log_out" => "Çıkış Yap" ); // 简体中文(Simplified Chinese) $_TRANSLATIONS["zh_CN"] = array( "file_name" => "文件名", "size" => "大小", "last_changed" => "最后修改", "total_used_space" => "总计使用空间", "free_space" => "剩余空间", "password" => "密码", "upload" => "上传", "failed_upload" => "上传失败", "failed_move" => "移动失败", "wrong_password" => "密码错误", "make_directory" => "创建目录", "new_dir_failed" => "创建目录失败", "chmod_dir_failed" => "修改目录权限失败", "unable_to_read_dir" => "无法读取目录", "location" => "路径", "root" => "根目录", "log_file_permission_error" => "日志文件权限错误", "upload_not_allowed" => "禁止上传", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "上传目录不可写", "mobile_version" => "移动版本", "standard_version" => "标准版本", "page_load_time" => "页面载入时间:%.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "密码错误", "username" => "用户名", "log_in" => "登录", "log_out" => "注销", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "禁止上传该文件类型", "del" => "删除" ); /***************************************************************************/ /* CSS FOR TWEAKING THE DESIGN */ /***************************************************************************/ function css() { ?> 0 && isset($_IMAGES[$_GET['img']])) print base64_decode($_IMAGES[$_GET['img']]); else print base64_decode($_IMAGES["unknown"]); } return true; } else if(isset($_GET['thumb'])) { if(is_scalar($_GET['thumb']) && strlen($_GET['thumb']) > 0 && EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails') == true) { ImageServer::showThumbnail($_GET['thumb']); } return true; } return false; } public static function isEnabledPdf() { if(class_exists("Imagick")) return true; return false; } public static function openPdf($file) { if(!ImageServer::isEnabledPdf()) return null; if(!ImageServer::isAllowedToOpenPath($file)) return null; $im = new Imagick($file.'[0]'); $im->setImageFormat( "png" ); $str = $im->getImageBlob(); $im2 = imagecreatefromstring($str); return $im2; } // // Creates and returns a thumbnail image object from an image file // public static function createThumbnail($file) { if(is_int(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_width'))) $max_width = EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_width'); else $max_width = 200; if(is_int(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_height'))) $max_height = EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_height'); else $max_height = 200; if(File::isPdfFile($file)) $image = ImageServer::openPdf($file); else $image = ImageServer::openImage($file); if($image == null) return; imagealphablending($image, true); imagesavealpha($image, true); $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); $new_width = $max_width; $new_height = $max_height; if(($width/$height) > ($new_width/$new_height)) $new_height = $new_width * ($height / $width); else $new_width = $new_height * ($width / $height); if($new_width >= $width && $new_height >= $height) { $new_width = $width; $new_height = $height; } $new_image = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width, $new_height); imagealphablending($new_image, true); imagesavealpha($new_image, true); $trans_colour = imagecolorallocatealpha($new_image, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($new_image, 0, 0, $trans_colour); imagecopyResampled ($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); return $new_image; } // // Function for displaying the thumbnail. // Includes attempts at cacheing it so that generation is minimised. // public static function showThumbnail($file) { if(filemtime($file) < filemtime($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $mtime = gmdate('r', filemtime($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); else $mtime = gmdate('r', filemtime($file)); $etag = md5($mtime.$file); if ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] == $mtime) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) == $etag)) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); return; } else { header('ETag: "'.$etag.'"'); header('Last-Modified: '.$mtime); header('Content-Type: image/png'); $image = ImageServer::createThumbnail($file); imagepng($image); } } public static function isAllowedToOpenPath($file) { global $_CONFIG; if(realpath($file) && str_starts_with(realpath($file), realpath($_CONFIG['starting_dir']))) return true; return false; } // // A helping function for opening different types of image files // public static function openImage ($file) { if(!ImageServer::isAllowedToOpenPath($file)) return null; $im = null; $size = getimagesize($file); switch($size["mime"]) { case "image/jpeg": $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break; case "image/gif": $im = imagecreatefromgif($file); break; case "image/png": $im = imagecreatefrompng($file); break; default: $im = null; break; } return $im; } } // // The class for logging user activity // class Logger { public static function log($message) { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('log_file')) > 0) { if(Location::isFileWritable(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('log_file'))) { $message = "[" . date("Y-m-d h:i:s", mktime()) . "] ".$message." (".$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].")\n"; error_log($message, 3, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('log_file')); } else $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("log_file_permission_error"); } } public static function logAccess($path, $isDir) { $message = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." ".GateKeeper::getUserName()." accessed "; $message .= $isDir?"dir":"file"; $message .= " ".$path; Logger::log($message); } public static function logQuery() { if(isset($_POST['log']) && strlen($_POST['log']) > 0) { Logger::logAccess($_POST['log'], false); return true; } else return false; } public static function logCreation($path, $isDir) { $message = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." ".GateKeeper::getUserName()." created "; $message .= $isDir?"dir":"file"; $message .= " ".$path; Logger::log($message); } public static function emailNotification($path, $isFile) { if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_email')) > 0) { $message = "This is a message to let you know that ".GateKeeper::getUserName()." "; $message .= ($isFile?"uploaded a new file":"created a new directory")." in Encode Explorer.\n\n"; $message .= "Path : ".$path."\n"; $message .= "IP : ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n"; mail(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_email'), "Upload notification", $message); } } } // // The class controls logging in and authentication // class GateKeeper { public static function init() { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("session_name")) > 0) session_name(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("session_name")); if(count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users")) > 0) session_start(); else return; if(isset($_GET['logout'])) { $_SESSION['ee_user_name'] = null; $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'] = null; } if(isset($_POST['user_pass']) && strlen($_POST['user_pass']) > 0) { if(GateKeeper::isUser((isset($_POST['user_name'])?$_POST['user_name']:""), $_POST['user_pass'])) { $_SESSION['ee_user_name'] = isset($_POST['user_name'])?$_POST['user_name']:""; $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'] = $_POST['user_pass']; $addr = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $param = ''; if(isset($_GET['m'])) $param .= (strlen($param) == 0 ? '?m' : '&m'); if(isset($_GET['s'])) $param .= (strlen($param) == 0 ? '?s' : '&s'); if(isset($_GET['dir']) && strlen($_GET['dir']) > 0) { $param .= (strlen($param) == 0 ? '?dir=' : '&dir='); $param .= urlencode($_GET['dir']); } header( "Location: ".$addr.$param); } else $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("wrong_pass"); } } public static function isUser($userName, $userPass) { foreach(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users") as $user) { if($user[1] == $userPass) { if(strlen($userName) == 0 || $userName == $user[0]) { return true; } } } return false; } public static function isLoginRequired() { if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("require_login") == false){ return false; } return true; } public static function isUserLoggedIn() { if(isset($_SESSION['ee_user_name'], $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'])) { if(GateKeeper::isUser($_SESSION['ee_user_name'], $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'])) return true; } return false; } public static function isAccessAllowed() { if(!GateKeeper::isLoginRequired() || GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn()) return true; return false; } public static function isUploadAllowed(){ if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_enable") == true && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && GateKeeper::getUserStatus() == "admin") return true; return false; } public static function isNewdirAllowed(){ if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("newdir_enable") == true && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && GateKeeper::getUserStatus() == "admin") return true; return false; } public static function isDeleteAllowed(){ if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("delete_enable") == true && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && GateKeeper::getUserStatus() == "admin") return true; return false; } public static function getUserStatus(){ if(GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users") != null && is_array(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users"))){ foreach(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users") as $user){ if($user[0] != null && $user[0] == $_SESSION['ee_user_name']) return $user[2]; } } return null; } public static function getUserName() { if(GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && isset($_SESSION['ee_user_name']) && strlen($_SESSION['ee_user_name']) > 0) return $_SESSION['ee_user_name']; if(isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]) && strlen($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]) > 0) return $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]; if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && strlen($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) > 0) return $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; return "an anonymous user"; } public static function showLoginBox(){ if(!GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users")) > 0) return true; return false; } } // // The class for any kind of file managing (new folder, upload, etc). // class FileManager { /* Obsolete code function checkPassword($inputPassword) { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_password")) > 0 && $inputPassword == EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_password")) { return true; } else { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("wrong_password"); return false; } } */ function newFolder($location, $dirname) { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen($dirname) > 0) { $forbidden = array(".", "/", "\\"); for($i = 0; $i < count($forbidden); $i++) { $dirname = str_replace($forbidden[$i], "", $dirname); } if(!$location->uploadAllowed()) { // The system configuration does not allow uploading here $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_not_allowed"); } else if(!$location->isWritable()) { // The target directory is not writable $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_dir_not_writable"); } else if(!mkdir($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("new_dir_mode"))) { // Error creating a new directory $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("new_dir_failed"); } else if(!chmod($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("new_dir_mode"))) { // Error applying chmod $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("chmod_dir_failed"); } else { // Directory successfully created, sending e-mail notification Logger::logCreation($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, true); Logger::emailNotification($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, false); } } } function uploadFile($location, $userfile) { global $encodeExplorer; $name = basename($userfile['name']); $upload_dir = $location->getFullPath(); $upload_file = $upload_dir . $name; if(function_exists("finfo_open") && function_exists("finfo_file")) $mime_type = File::getFileMime($userfile['tmp_name']); else $mime_type = $userfile['type']; $extension = File::getFileExtension($userfile['name']); if(!$location->uploadAllowed()) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_not_allowed"); } else if(!$location->isWritable()) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_dir_not_writable"); } else if(!is_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name'])) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("failed_upload"); } else if(is_array(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_allow_type")) && count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_allow_type")) > 0 && !in_array($mime_type, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_allow_type"))) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_type_not_allowed"); } else if(is_array(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_reject_extension")) && count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_reject_extension")) > 0 && in_array($extension, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_reject_extension"))) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_type_not_allowed"); } else if(!@move_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name'], $upload_file)) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("failed_move"); } else { chmod($upload_file, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_file_mode")); Logger::logCreation($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$name, false); Logger::emailNotification($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$name, true); } } public static function delete_dir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") FileManager::delete_dir($dir."/".$object); else unlink($dir."/".$object); } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } public static function delete_file($file){ if(is_file($file)){ unlink($file); } } // // The main function, checks if the user wants to perform any supported operations // function run($location) { if(isset($_POST['userdir']) && strlen($_POST['userdir']) > 0){ if($location->uploadAllowed() && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && GateKeeper::isNewdirAllowed()){ $this->newFolder($location, $_POST['userdir']); } } if(isset($_FILES['userfile']['name']) && strlen($_FILES['userfile']['name']) > 0){ if($location->uploadAllowed() && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && GateKeeper::isUploadAllowed()){ $this->uploadFile($location, $_FILES['userfile']); } } if(isset($_GET['del'])){ if(GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()){ $split_path = Location::splitPath($_GET['del']); $path = ""; for($i = 0; $i < count($split_path); $i++){ $path .= $split_path[$i]; if($i + 1 < count($split_path)) $path .= "/"; } if($path == "" || $path == "/" || $path == "\\" || $path == ".") return; if(is_dir($path)) FileManager::delete_dir($path); else if(is_file($path)) FileManager::delete_file($path); } } } } // // Dir class holds the information about one directory in the list // class Dir { var $name; var $location; var $modTime; // // Constructor // function __construct($name, $location) { $this->name = $name; $this->location = $location; $this->modTime = filemtime($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$this->getName()); } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getNameHtml() { return htmlspecialchars($this->name); } function getNameEncoded() { return rawurlencode($this->name); } function getModTime() { return $this->modTime; } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print("Dir name (htmlspecialchars): ".$this->getName()."\n"); print("Dir location: ".$this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); print("Dir modTime: ".$this->modTime."\n"); } } // // File class holds the information about one file in the list // class File { var $name; var $location; var $size; //var $extension; var $type; var $modTime; // // Constructor // function __construct($name, $location) { $this->name = $name; $this->location = $location; $this->type = File::getFileType($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$this->getName()); $this->size = File::getFileSize($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$this->getName()); $this->modTime = filemtime($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$this->getName()); } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getNameEncoded() { return rawurlencode($this->name); } function getNameHtml() { return htmlspecialchars($this->name); } function getSize() { return $this->size; } function getType() { return $this->type; } function getModTime() { return $this->modTime; } // // Determine the size of a file // public static function getFileSize($file) { $sizeInBytes = filesize($file); // If filesize() fails (with larger files), try to get the size from unix command line. if (EncodeExplorer::getConfig("large_files") == true || !$sizeInBytes || $sizeInBytes < 0) { $sizeInBytes=exec("ls -l '$file' | awk '{print $5}'"); } return $sizeInBytes; } public static function getFileType($filepath) { /* * This extracts the information from the file contents. * Unfortunately it doesn't properly detect the difference between text-based file types. * $mime_type = File::getMimeType($filepath); $mime_type_chunks = explode("/", $mime_type, 2); $type = $mime_type_chunks[1]; */ return File::getFileExtension($filepath); } public static function getFileMime($filepath) { $fhandle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $mime_type = finfo_file($fhandle, $filepath); $mime_type_chunks = preg_split('/\s+/', $mime_type); $mime_type = $mime_type_chunks[0]; $mime_type_chunks = explode(";", $mime_type); $mime_type = $mime_type_chunks[0]; return $mime_type; } public static function getFileExtension($filepath) { return strtolower(pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print("File name: ".$this->getName()."\n"); print("File location: ".$this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); print("File size: ".$this->size."\n"); print("File modTime: ".$this->modTime."\n"); } function isImage() { $type = $this->getType(); if($type == "png" || $type == "jpg" || $type == "gif" || $type == "jpeg") return true; return false; } function isPdf() { if(strtolower($this->getType()) == "pdf") return true; return false; } public static function isPdfFile($file) { if(File::getFileType($file) == "pdf") return true; return false; } function isValidForThumb() { if($this->isImage() || ($this->isPdf() && ImageServer::isEnabledPdf())) return true; return false; } } class Location { var $path; // // Split a file path into array elements // public static function splitPath($dir) { $dir = stripslashes($dir); $path1 = preg_split("/[\\\\\/]+/", $dir); $path2 = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($path1); $i++) { if($path1[$i] == ".." || $path1[$i] == "." || $path1[$i] == "") continue; $path2[] = $path1[$i]; } return $path2; } // // Get the current directory. // Options: Include the prefix ("./"); URL-encode the string; HTML-encode the string; return directory n-levels up // function getDir($prefix, $encoded, $html, $up) { $dir = ""; if($prefix == true) $dir .= "./"; for($i = 0; $i < ((count($this->path) >= $up && $up > 0)?count($this->path)-$up:count($this->path)); $i++) { $temp = $this->path[$i]; if($encoded) $temp = rawurlencode($temp); if($html) $temp = htmlspecialchars($temp); $dir .= $temp."/"; } return $dir; } function getPathLink($i, $html) { if($html) return htmlspecialchars($this->path[$i]); else return $this->path[$i]; } function getFullPath() { return (strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('basedir')) > 0?EncodeExplorer::getConfig('basedir'):dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))."/".$this->getDir(true, false, false, 0); } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print_r($this->path); print("Dir with prefix: ".$this->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); print("Dir without prefix: ".$this->getDir(false, false, false, 0)."\n"); print("Upper dir with prefix: ".$this->getDir(true, false, false, 1)."\n"); print("Upper dir without prefix: ".$this->getDir(false, false, false, 1)."\n"); } // // Set the current directory // function init() { if(!isset($_GET['dir']) || !is_scalar($_GET['dir']) || strlen($_GET['dir']) == 0) { $this->path = $this->splitPath(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('starting_dir')); } else { $this->path = $this->splitPath($_GET['dir']); } } // // Checks if the current directory is below the input path // function isSubDir($checkPath) { for($i = 0; $i < count($this->path); $i++) { if(strcmp($this->getDir(true, false, false, $i), $checkPath) == 0) return true; } return false; } // // Check if uploading is allowed into the current directory, based on the configuration // function uploadAllowed() { if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_enable') != true) return false; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_dirs') == null || count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_dirs')) == 0) return true; $upload_dirs = EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_dirs'); for($i = 0; $i < count($upload_dirs); $i++) { if($this->isSubDir($upload_dirs[$i])) return true; } return false; } function isWritable() { return is_writable($this->getDir(true, false, false, 0)); } public static function isDirWritable($dir) { return is_writable($dir); } public static function isFileWritable($file) { if(file_exists($file)) { if(is_writable($file)) return true; else return false; } else if(Location::isDirWritable(dirname($file))) return true; else return false; } } class EncodeExplorer { var $location; var $dirs; var $files; var $sort_by; var $sort_as; var $mobile; var $logging; var $spaceUsed; var $lang; // // Determine sorting, calculate space. // function init() { global $_TRANSLATIONS; // Here we filter the comparison function (sort by) and comparison order (sort as) chosen by user $this->sort_by = (isset($_GET['sort_by']) && in_array($_GET['sort_by'], array('name', 'size', 'mod'))) ? $_GET['sort_by'] : 'name'; $this->sort_as = (isset($_GET['sort_as']) && in_array($_GET['sort_as'], array('asc', 'desc'))) ? $_GET['sort_as'] : 'asc'; // Mitigate date.timezone warning if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_get') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { @date_default_timezone_set(date_default_timezone_get()); } if(isset($_GET['lang']) && is_scalar($_GET['lang']) && isset($_TRANSLATIONS[$_GET['lang']])) $this->lang = $_GET['lang']; else $this->lang = EncodeExplorer::getConfig("lang"); $this->mobile = false; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true) { if((EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_default") == true || isset($_GET['m'])) && !isset($_GET['s'])) $this->mobile = true; } $this->logging = false; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("log_file") != null && strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("log_file")) > 0) $this->logging = true; } // // Read the file list from the directory // function readDir() { global $encodeExplorer; // // Reading the data of files and directories // if($open_dir = @opendir($this->location->getFullPath())) { $this->dirs = array(); $this->files = array(); while (false !== ($object = readdir($open_dir))) { if($object != "." && $object != "..") { if(is_dir($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."/".$object)) { if(!in_array($object, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('hidden_dirs'))) $this->dirs[] = new Dir($object, $this->location); } else if(!in_array($object, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('hidden_files'))) $this->files[] = new File($object, $this->location); } } closedir($open_dir); } else { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("unable_to_read_dir");; } } // // A recursive function for calculating the total used space // function sum_dir($start_dir, $ignore_files, $levels = 1) { if ($dir = opendir($start_dir)) { $total = 0; while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if (!in_array($file, $ignore_files)) { if ((is_dir($start_dir . '/' . $file)) && ($levels - 1 >= 0)) { $total += $this->sum_dir($start_dir . '/' . $file, $ignore_files, $levels-1); } elseif (is_file($start_dir . '/' . $file)) { $total += File::getFileSize($start_dir . '/' . $file) / 1024; } } } closedir($dir); return $total; } } function calculateSpace() { if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('calculate_space_level') <= 0) return; $ignore_files = array('..', '.'); $start_dir = getcwd(); $spaceUsed = $this->sum_dir($start_dir, $ignore_files, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('calculate_space_level')); $this->spaceUsed = round($spaceUsed/1024, 3); } function sort() { // Here we filter the comparison functions supported by our directory object $sort_by = in_array($this->sort_by, array('name', 'mod')) ? $this->sort_by : 'name'; if(is_array($this->dirs)) { usort($this->dirs, array('EncodeExplorer', 'cmp_'.$sort_by)); if($this->sort_as == "desc") { $this->dirs = array_reverse($this->dirs); } } // Here we filter the comparison functions supported by our file object $sort_by = in_array($this->sort_by, array('name', 'size', 'mod')) ? $this->sort_by : 'name'; if(is_array($this->files)) { usort($this->files, array('EncodeExplorer', 'cmp_'.$sort_by)); if($this->sort_as == "desc") { $this->files = array_reverse($this->files); } } } function makeArrow($sort_by) { // Ability to reverse the 'sort as' selected for the current field // And propagate the current selected 'sort as' to the other fields $sort_as = ($this->sort_as == "asc") ? "desc" : "asc"; $sort_as = ($this->sort_by == $sort_by) ? $sort_as : $this->sort_as; // Only show image for the currently selected 'sort as' field $img = ($this->sort_as == "asc") ? "arrow_up" : "arrow_down"; $img = ($this->sort_by == $sort_by) ? "\"".$sort_as."\"" : " "; if($sort_by == "name") $text = $this->getString("file_name"); else if($sort_by == "size") $text = $this->getString("size"); else if($sort_by == "mod") $text = $this->getString("last_changed"); return "makeLink(false, false, $sort_by, $sort_as, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\">{$text}{$img}"; } function makeLink($switchVersion, $logout, $sort_by, $sort_as, $delete, $dir) { $link = "?"; if($switchVersion == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true) { if($this->mobile == false) $link .= "m&"; else $link .= "s&"; } else if($this->mobile == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_default") == false) $link .= "m&"; else if($this->mobile == false && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_default") == true) $link .= "s&"; if($logout == true) { $link .= "logout"; return $link; } if(isset($this->lang) && $this->lang != EncodeExplorer::getConfig("lang")) $link .= "lang=".$this->lang."&"; if($sort_by != null && strlen($sort_by) > 0) $link .= "sort_by=".$sort_by."&"; if($sort_as != null && strlen($sort_as) > 0) $link .= "sort_as=".$sort_as."&"; $link .= "dir=".$dir; if($delete != null) $link .= "&del=".$delete; return $link; } function makeIcon($l) { $l = strtolower($l); return "?img=".$l; } function formatModTime($time) { $timeformat = "d.m.y H:i:s"; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("time_format") != null && strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("time_format")) > 0) $timeformat = EncodeExplorer::getConfig("time_format"); return date($timeformat, $time); } function formatSize($size) { $sizes = array('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB'); $y = $sizes[0]; for ($i = 1; (($i < count($sizes)) && ($size >= 1024)); $i++) { $size = $size / 1024; $y = $sizes[$i]; } return round($size, 2)." ".$y; } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print("Explorer location: ".$this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->dirs); $i++) $this->dirs[$i]->output(); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->files); $i++) $this->files[$i]->output(); } // // Comparison functions for sorting. // public static function cmp_name($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a->name, $b->name); } public static function cmp_size($a, $b) { return ($a->size - $b->size); } public static function cmp_mod($a, $b) { return ($a->modTime - $b->modTime); } // // The function for getting a translated string. // Falls back to english if the correct language is missing something. // public static function getLangString($stringName, $lang) { global $_TRANSLATIONS; if(isset($_TRANSLATIONS[$lang]) && is_array($_TRANSLATIONS[$lang]) && isset($_TRANSLATIONS[$lang][$stringName])) return $_TRANSLATIONS[$lang][$stringName]; else if(isset($_TRANSLATIONS["en"]))// && is_array($_TRANSLATIONS["en"]) //&& isset($_TRANSLATIONS["en"][$stringName])) return $_TRANSLATIONS["en"][$stringName]; else return "Translation error"; } function getString($stringName) { return EncodeExplorer::getLangString($stringName, $this->lang); } // // The function for getting configuration values // public static function getConfig($name) { global $_CONFIG; if(isset($_CONFIG, $_CONFIG[$name])) return $_CONFIG[$name]; return null; } public static function setError($message) { global $_ERROR; if(isset($_ERROR) && strlen($_ERROR) > 0) ;// keep the first error and discard the rest else $_ERROR = $message; } function setErrorString($stringName) { EncodeExplorer::setError($this->getString($stringName)); } // // Main function, activating tasks // function run($location) { $this->location = $location; $this->calculateSpace(); $this->readDir(); $this->sort(); $this->outputHtml(); } public function printLoginBox() { ?>
" method="post"> 0){ $require_username = true; break; } } if($require_username) { ?>
" class="button" />
getConfig('log_file') != null && strlen($this->getConfig('log_file')) > 0) || ($this->getConfig('thumbnails') != null && $this->getConfig('thumbnails') == true && $this->mobile == false) || (GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed())) { ?> <?php if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('main_title') != null) print EncodeExplorer::getConfig('main_title'); ?> "> 0) { print "
"; } ?>
"> 0 && $this->mobile == false) { $secondary_titles = EncodeExplorer::getConfig("secondary_titles"); print "
\n"; } ?>
printLoginBox(); } else { if($this->mobile == false && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("show_path") == true) { ?> mobile == false) { ?> mobile == false && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()){?> dirs) { foreach ($this->dirs as $dir) { $row_style = ($row ? "one" : "two"); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if($this->mobile != true) { print "\n"; } if($this->mobile == false && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()) { print ""; } print "\n"; $row =! $row; } } // // Now the files // if($this->files) { $count = 0; foreach ($this->files as $file) { $row_style = ($row ? "one" : "two"); print "files)?" last":"")."\">\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if($this->mobile != true) { print "\n"; print "\n"; } if($this->mobile == false && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()) { print ""; } print "\n"; $row =! $row; } } // // The files and folders have been displayed // ?>
makeArrow("name");?> makeArrow("size"); ?> makeArrow("mod"); ?>
dir ..
\"dir\"mobile == true ? 1:2)."\">\n"; print "makeLink(false, false, null, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$dir->getNameEncoded())."\" class=\"item dir\">"; print $dir->getNameHtml(); print "\n"; print "".$this->formatModTime($dir->getModTime())."getName())."\" href=\"".$this->makeLink(false, false, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$dir->getNameEncoded(), $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\">\"Delete\"
\"".$file-getType()."\" src=\"".$this->makeIcon($file->getType())."\" />\n"; print "\t\tlocation->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$file->getNameEncoded()."\""; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('open_in_new_window') == true) print "target=\"_blank\""; print " class=\"item file"; if($file->isValidForThumb()) print " thumb"; print "\""; print " ".EncodeExplorer::getConfig('force_download'); if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('force_download') == true) print " download"; print ">"; print $file->getNameHtml(); if($this->mobile == true) { print "".$this->formatSize($file->getSize()).""; } print "\n"; print "".$this->formatSize($file->getSize())."".$this->formatModTime($file->getModTime())." getName())."\" href=\"".$this->makeLink(false, false, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$file->getNameEncoded(), $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\"> \"Delete\"
getString("username"); ?>: getString("password"); ?>: " />
location->uploadAllowed() && (GateKeeper::isUploadAllowed() || GateKeeper::isNewdirAllowed())) { ?>
" />
" class="upload_sumbit" />
makeLink(false, true, null, null, null, "")."\">".$this->getString("log_out")." | "; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true) { print "makeLink(true, false, null, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\">\n"; print ($this->mobile == true)?$this->getString("standard_version"):$this->getString("mobile_version")."\n"; print " | \n"; } if(GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && $this->getConfig("calculate_space_level") > 0 && $this->mobile == false) { print $this->getString("total_used_space").": ".$this->spaceUsed." MB | "; } if($this->mobile == false && $this->getConfig("show_load_time") == true) { printf($this->getString("page_load_time")." | ", (microtime(TRUE) - $_START_TIME)*1000); } ?> Encode Explorer
init(); GateKeeper::init(); if(!ImageServer::showImage() && !Logger::logQuery()) { $location = new Location(); $location->init(); if(GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed()) { Logger::logAccess($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0), true); $fileManager = new FileManager(); $fileManager->run($location); } $encodeExplorer->run($location); } ?>