package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) func errChk(e error) { if e != nil { panic(e) } } func permissionChk() { if os.Getuid() != 0 { panic("Must be root to exectuate this program") } } func getDeviceNames() (string, string) { out, e := exec.Command("ip", "a").Output() errChk(e) wired := regexp.MustCompile(`2: (.*?):`) wifi := regexp.MustCompile(`3: (.*?):`) return wired.FindStringSubmatch(string(out))[1], wifi.FindStringSubmatch(string(out))[1] } func killWpaSupplicant() { out, e := exec.Command("ps", "-A").Output() errChk(e) // 1257 ? 00:00:00 wpa_supplicant re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[^\d]+(\d+).*wpa_supplicant$`) if re.MatchString(string(out)) { for _, r := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(out), -1) { pid := r[1] fmt.Println(pid) _, e = exec.Command("/usr/bin/kill", "-9", pid).Output() errChk(e) } } } func getCurrentDir() string { out, err := os.Getwd() errChk(err) return out } func createWpaSupplicantConfig(essid, passwd string) string { dir := getCurrentDir() file := filepath.Join(dir, "wpa_supplicant.conf") if _, err := os.Stat(file); err == nil { err = os.Remove(file) errChk(err) } f, err := os.Create(file) errChk(err) defer f.Close() conf, err := exec.Command("/usr/sbin/wpa_passphrase", essid, passwd).Output() errChk(err) _, err = f.Write(conf) errChk(err) f.Sync() return file } func runWpaSupplicantConfig(dev, conf string) { _, err := exec.Command("/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant", "-B", "-Dwext", "-i"+dev, "-c"+conf).Output() errChk(err) } func randomBetween(min, max int) int { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) return rand.Intn(max-min) + min } func formIPAddr(gw string) string { // re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.)\d+`) // a higher number means less conflict ip return re.FindStringSubmatch(gw)[1] + strconv.Itoa(randomBetween(190, 254)) } func formNetMask(num string) string { var nm string n, err := strconv.Atoi(num) errChk(err) for i := 0; i < n/8; i++ { nm += "255." } rest := 32 - n for j := 0; j < rest/8; j++ { nm += "0." } return nm[0 : len(nm)-1] } func removeExIPAddr(dev string) { out, err := exec.Command("/sbin/ip", "a").Output() errChk(err) re := regexp.MustCompile(`inet (\d+[^/]+\d+)/(\d+) scope global.*` + regexp.QuoteMeta(dev)) if re.MatchString(string(out)) { m := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(out)) addr := m[1] netmask := formNetMask(m[2]) _, err := exec.Command("/sbin/ip", "a", "delete", addr+"/"+netmask, "dev", dev).Output() errChk(err) } } func setIPAddr(gateway, netmask, dev string) string { removeExIPAddr(dev) ip := formIPAddr(gateway) fmt.Println("using static IP:" + ip) _, err := exec.Command("/sbin/ip", "a", "add", ip+"/"+netmask, "dev", dev).Output() errChk(err) return ip } func removeRoute(dev string) { //default via dev wlp0s20f0u9 proto dhcp metric 600 // dev wlp0s20f0u9 proto kernel scope link src metric 600 out, err := exec.Command("/sbin/ip", "route", "list").Output() errChk(err) re := regexp.MustCompile(`dev ` + regexp.QuoteMeta(dev)) routes := strings.Split(string(out), "\n") if len(routes) > 0 { for _, r := range routes { if re.MatchString(r) { // remove linkdown cmd := "route del " + strings.Replace(r, " linkdown ", "", -1) _, err = exec.Command("/sbin/ip", strings.Split(cmd, " ")[0:]...).Output() errChk(err) } } } } func countNetMask(nm string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile("255") num := len(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(nm, -1)) return strconv.Itoa(num * 8) } func findIPRange(gw string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.).*`) return re.FindStringSubmatch(gw)[1] + "0" } func setRoute(ip, gateway, netmask, dev string) { removeRoute(dev) nm := countNetMask(netmask) ran := findIPRange(gateway) _, err := exec.Command("/sbin/ip", "route", "add", ran+"/"+nm, "dev", dev, "proto", "kernel", "scope", "link", "src", ip, "metric", "600").Output() errChk(err) _, err = exec.Command("/sbin/ip", "route", "add", "default", "via", gateway, "dev", dev, "proto", "dhcp", "metric", "600").Output() errChk(err) } func setDNS() { out, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/resolv.conf") errChk(err) f, err := os.OpenFile("/etc/resolv.conf", os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) errChk(err) defer f.Close() re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^nameserver.*?$`) if !re.MatchString(string(out)) { f.WriteString("nameserver\n") f.WriteString("nameserver\n") f.Sync() } } func main() { var dt string var gw string var nm string var essid string var passwd string flag.StringVar(&dt, "device", "wifi", "device type: wifi or wired") flag.StringVar(&gw, "gateway", "", "gateway") flag.StringVar(&nm, "netmask", "", "netmask") flag.StringVar(&essid, "essid", "", "Your Wi-Fi's name") flag.StringVar(&passwd, "password", "", "Your Wi-Fi's password") flag.Parse() if len(gw) == 0 || len(nm) == 0 { panic(`Because there's no dhclient in rescue mode, rescue-network will try to set up a static network for you. You must give the network gateway and netmask. You can connect the network with a Phone and see them in Wi-Fi settings.`) } if dt == "wifi" && len(essid) == 0 { panic(`You chose to connect to a Wi-Fi network. Please give its ESSID with '--essid='.`) } if len(passwd) == 0 { fmt.Println("Warning: You didn't give your Wi-Fi password. Open Network?") } permissionChk() wired, wifi := getDeviceNames() fmt.Println("ethernet:" + wired) fmt.Println("wireless:" + wifi) dev := wired if dt == "wifi" { dev = wifi killWpaSupplicant() conf := createWpaSupplicantConfig(essid, passwd) fmt.Println("new wpa_supplicant configuration created at:" + conf) runWpaSupplicantConfig(dev, conf) } ip := setIPAddr(gw, nm, wifi) fmt.Println(ip) setRoute(ip, gw, nm, wifi) setDNS() fmt.Println("successfully rescued network.") }