#!/bin/sh # Author: Marguerite Su # License: GPL-3.0 # Version: 1.0 # Description: Shell Scripts used to build and install Spotify standard RPM for openSUSE. # need root permission if [[ $UID -ne 0 ]] then echo -e "\033[38;5;148mOnly root can run this script!\033[39m" exit 1 fi # define spotify parameters SPOTIFY_VERSION= if [ `uname -m` == 'x86_64' ]; then SPOTIFY_ARCH=amd64 RPM_ARCH=x86_64 else SPOTIFY_ARCH=i386 RPM_ARCH=i586 fi NORMAL_USER=`logname` # check if we have 'rpmbuild' package installed, if not then install it. if [[ `rpm -qa rpm-build` == "" ]] ; then zypper --no-refresh install rpm-build # 'rpm-build' is in oss, so no need to refresh that long. fi # prepare for the build environment. # download specfile from github cd /usr/src/packages/SPECS/ wget https://raw.github.com/marguerite/opensuse-spotify-installer/master/spotify.spec -O spotify.spec # download source deb cd ../SOURCES/ echo -e "\033[38;5;148mIf you already have spotify deb, please press 'ctrl + c', put it under your home, and restart this script.(ignore if it's already done.) or else we'll download it (may take a long time).\033[39m" sleep 5 echo -e "\033[38;5;148mDownloading...\033[39m" test -e /home/$NORMAL_USER/spotify-client_${SPOTIFY_VERSION}_$SPOTIFY_ARCH.deb && cp -r /home/$NORMAL_USER/spotify-client_${SPOTIFY_VERSION}_$SPOTIFY_ARCH.deb ./ || wget -c http://repository.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify/spotify-client_${SPOTIFY_VERSION}_$SPOTIFY_ARCH.deb # build echo -e "\033[38;5;148mBuilding...\033[39m" cd ../SPECS/ rpmbuild -ba spotify.spec echo -e "\033[38;5;148mBuild done! Cleaning...\033[39m" # clean ## copy generated rpm cp -r ../RPMS/$RPM_ARCH/*.rpm /home/$NORMAL_USER/ ## real clean rm -rf /usr/src/packages/SOURCES/spotify-*.deb rm -rf /usr/src/packages/BUILD/spotify-* rm -rf /usr/src/packages/BUILDROOT/* rm -rf /usr/src/packages/RPM/$RPM_ARCH/spotify-*.rpm rm -rf /usr/src/packages/SRPM/spotify-*.rpm rm -rf /usr/src/packages/SPECS/spotify.spec # install ## dependencies echo -e "\033[38;5;148mResolving dependencies...\033[39m" ! [ `rpm -qa mozilla-nss` ] && zypper --no-refresh install mozilla-nss ! [ `rpm -qa mozilla-nspr` ] && zypper --no-refresh install mozilla-nspr ! [ `rpm -qa libopenssl1_0_0` ] && zypper --no-refresh install libopenssl1_0_0 echo -e "\033[38;5;148mInstalling...\033[39m" rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /home/$NORMAL_USER/spotify-*.rpm echo -e "\033[38;5;148mCongrats! Installation finished. We put the generated RPM under your home. Next time you can use 'sudo rpm -ivh --force --nodeps spotify-*.rpm' or 'sudo zypper --no-refresh install --force-resolution' to install it.\033[39m" # quit echo -e "\033[38;5;148mQuitting...\033[39m" exit 0