# Nzr.ToolBox A collection of utility classes and extension methods that allow developers to have a social life. # How to use More examples about how to use it can be found at [Test Project](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marionzr/Nzr.ToolBox/master/dotnet/Nzr.ToolBox.Core.Tests) ## Usings Nzr.ToolBox is shipped in two compiled versions: 1. Individual classes and extensions: Each utility class and the extensions methods were compiled in individual classes and you need to import them individually, based on your needs. ``` using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.BooleanUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.CollectionUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.DateTimeUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.EnumUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.NumberUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.ObjectUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.RandomUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.ReflectionUtils; using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.StringUtils; ``` 2. Combined all in one: All the classes were compiled as partial classes named ToolBox and you just need one import to get all extensions and utility classes. ``` using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.ToolBox ``` ## Change set All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. #### v1.0.0 Added the following group of utilities and extension methods: * BooleanUtils * CollectionUtils * DateTimeUtils * EnumUtils * NumberUtils * ObjectUtils * RandomUtils * ReflectionUtils * StringUtils #### v1.1.0 Added null check for some extension methods. #### v1.2.0 Added new extensions: * NumberUtils: PadLeft extension for numeric values. * CollectionUtils: Contains extension for Arrays #### v1.3.0 Added new extensions: * Equals: Compare string ignoring diacritics Fixed bugs: https://github.com/marionzr/Nzr.ToolBox/issues/1 https://github.com/marionzr/Nzr.ToolBox/issues/2 ## Know Issues There are no known issues so far. The tests were written as a how-to guide but also to cover almost 100% of the code (currently 99.5% (718 of 721) line covered and 99.6% (305 of 306) branch covered).