# Laravel Lang for Sublime Text 3 Select your text on Laravel files and hit a command / key to turn into translatable content. ## Features * You can use the command "laravel_lang" anywhere (or with new keybind). ## L10n functions We will try to find the best function for your file: * Blade: `{{ __() }}` * PHP: `__()` * JS: `__()` *We now JS is not standard, but you can create your own [translation implementation](https://medium.com/@serhii.matrunchyk/using-laravel-localization-with-javascript-and-vuejs-23064d0c210e).* ## How to install Make sure you have [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) installed. Search for "Laravel Lang". ## Tips If you are using `@lang` directive you can replace using regex: * Search for `@lang(\(.*\))` * Replace for `{{ __$1 }}` ## License ## Licensed under the MIT license. [License text](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)