library(RCurl) # The library that is used for downloading the data library(tidyverse) library(unvotes) library(lubridate) col_theme <- c("#222430", "#136692", "#573253", "#883F9F", "#B2E4AB", "#B19EF8", "#69C4EC", "#35166E", "#6E3516", "#4F6E16", "#136692", "#573632", "#325736", "#325357", "#9F3F56", "#569F3F", "#3F9F88", "#ABE4DD", "#DDABE4", "#E4ABB2", "#F89EE5", "#E5F89E", "#9EF8B1", "#9169EC", "#EC9169", "#C4EC69", "#0390CA", "#3D03CA", "#CA3D03", "#90CA03") # My color theme # Select vote issues ---- select_issue <- "Human rights" # Descriptions UN roll call data set ---- data(un_roll_calls) data(un_roll_call_issues) data(un_votes) ## Create data set df_country_votes <- un_votes %>% inner_join(un_roll_calls, by ="rcid") %>% inner_join(un_roll_call_issues, by = "rcid") %>% select(-country) %>% filter(importantvote == 1 & issue == select_issue & ! ) %>% mutate(year_vote = year(date)) %>% mutate(vote_no = ifelse(vote == "yes", 1, ifelse(vote == "no", 0, 99))) %>% select(unres, country_code, vote_no) %>% spread(unres, vote_no, fill = 99) # Data about countries and their corresponding ISO-3 codes, used for plotting the world map x <- getURL("") df_country <- read.csv(text = x) df_country %<>% # Transform country data, so naming conventions are met, and data is deduplicated select(country = country_area, country_code = iso_alpha_2, region, sub_region) %>% unique() df_country_votes %<>% left_join(df_country, by = "country_code") %>% select(country_code, country, region, sub_region, everything() ) # Distance vote concurrence ---- library(vegan) dist_matrix <- vegdist(df_country_votes[, -c(1:4)], method = "jaccard", na.rm = TRUE) mat_dist <- as.matrix(dist_matrix) # MDS vote concurrence ---- mds_country_votes <- cmdscale(dist_matrix) # k is the number of dim df_mds_country_votes <- data.frame(x = mds_country_votes[,1], y = mds_country_votes[,2], country = df_country_votes$country, region = df_country_votes$region, sub_region = df_country_votes$sub_region) library(ggrepel) ggplot(df_mds_country_votes,aes(x, y)) + geom_jitter(aes(col = region)) + geom_label_repel(aes(label = country, fill = region), alpha = .6) + scale_color_manual(values = col_theme) + scale_fill_manual(values = col_theme) + theme_bw()