library(tidyverse) library(ggrepel) col_theme <- c("#222430", "#136692", "#573253", "#883F9F", "#B2E4AB", "#B19EF8", "#69C4EC", "#35166E", "#6E3516", "#4F6E16", "#136692", "#573632", "#325736", "#325357", "#9F3F56", "#569F3F", "#3F9F88", "#ABE4DD", "#DDABE4", "#E4ABB2", "#F89EE5", "#E5F89E", "#9EF8B1", "#9169EC", "#EC9169", "#C4EC69", "#0390CA", "#3D03CA", "#CA3D03", "#90CA03") # Color theme # Download and prepare the data ---- url <- "" df_movie <- read.table(file = url, header = TRUE, sep = ",") df_movie %<>% select(-X, -c(r1:r10), -mpaa, -budget) %>% mutate(Action = factor(Action), Animation = factor(Animation), Comedy = factor(Comedy), Drama = factor(Drama), Documentary = factor(Documentary), Romance = factor(Romance), Short = factor(Short)) #df_movie_selection <- df_movie %>% filter(rating > 7 & votes > 500) df_movie_selection <- df_movie[sample(nrow(df_movie), 2000),] # Gower distance ---- library(cluster) dist_gower <- daisy(df_movie_selection[, -1], metric = "gower", type = list(logratio = 3)) mat_gower <- as.matrix(dist_gower) # Non-metric MDS ---- library(vegan) # Restore the tidyverse 'select' function in preference to the MASS version select <- dplyr::select mds_nonmetric <- monoMDS(dist_gower) # Visualize MDS solution ---- ## Prep data df_mds_nonmetric <- cbind(df_movie_selection, x = mds_nonmetric$points[,1], y = mds_nonmetric$points[,2]) df_mds_nonmetric %<>% mutate(genre = paste0(ifelse(Animation == 1, "Animation, ", ""), ifelse(Comedy == 1, "Comedy, ", ""), ifelse(Drama == 1, "Drama, ", ""), ifelse(Documentary == 1, "Documentary, ", ""), ifelse(Romance == 1, "Romance, ", ""), ifelse(Short == 1, "Short, ", ""))) %>% mutate(genre = substr(genre, 1, nchar(genre) - 2)) %>% mutate(genre = factor(genre)) %>% group_by(genre) %>% mutate(qty_genre = n(), med_year = median(year), med_rating = median(rating)) %>% filter(qty_genre >= 10) df_genres <- df_mds_nonmetric %>% group_by(genre, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Documentary, Romance, Short) %>% summarise(x = median(x), y = median(y)) # Plot data p_non_metric <- ggplot(df_mds_nonmetric, aes(x, y)) + geom_label_repel(data = df_genres, aes(x, y, label = genre, col = genre)) + geom_jitter(aes(col = genre), alpha = .2) + guides(alpha = FALSE, col = FALSE) + labs(title = "Non-metric MDS") + theme_bw() p_non_metric tbl_mds_set <- df_mds_nonmetric %>% filter(Drama == 1 ) df_genres_set <- df_genres %>% filter(Drama == 1 ) p_non_metric <- ggplot(tbl_mds_set, aes(x, y)) + geom_label_repel(data = df_genres_set, aes(x, y, label = genre)) + geom_jitter(aes(col = rating-med_rating), alpha = .6) + scale_color_gradient2(low = "red", mid = "white", high = "blue") + guides(alpha = FALSE) + labs(title = "Non-metric MDS") + theme_bw() p_non_metric # Metric MDS ---- mds_metric <- cmdscale(dist_gower) # Visualize MDS solution ---- ## Prep data df_mds_metric <- cbind(df_movie_selection, x = mds_metric[,1], y = mds_metric[,2]) df_mds_metric %<>% mutate(genre = paste0(ifelse(Animation == 1, "Animation, ", ""), ifelse(Comedy == 1, "Comedy, ", ""), ifelse(Drama == 1, "Drama, ", ""), ifelse(Documentary == 1, "Documentary, ", ""), ifelse(Romance == 1, "Romance, ", ""), ifelse(Short == 1, "Short, ", ""))) %>% mutate(genre = substr(genre, 1, nchar(genre) - 2)) %>% mutate(genre = factor(genre)) %>% group_by(genre) %>% mutate(qty_genre = n(), med_year = median(year), med_rating = median(rating)) %>% filter(qty_genre >= 10) df_genre_metric <- df_mds_metric %>% group_by(genre, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Documentary, Romance, Short) %>% summarise(x = median(x), y = median(y)) # Plot data p_metric <- ggplot(df_mds_metric, aes(x, y)) + geom_label_repel(data = df_genre_metric, aes(x, y, label = genre, col = genre)) + geom_jitter(aes(col = genre), alpha = .2) + labs(title = "Metric MDS") + guides(alpha = FALSE, col = FALSE) + theme_bw() p_metric # Combine plots ---- library(gridExtra) grid.arrange(p_non_metric, p_metric, ncol = 2)