Jeet Snippets ============= Sublime Text snippets for the [Jeet grid system]( Installation ------------ #### Using [Package Control]( * Open the Command Palette * Package Control: Install Package * Search for Jeet Snippets * Install Usage ----- Type a **Trigger** below and press `tab`. The snippet will be inserted with the `highlighted` text highlighted. These triggers work anywhere in a `.styl` or `.scss` file. | Trigger | Stylus | SCSS | | ------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------- | | alb | align(`both`) | @include align(`both`); | | alh | align(`horizontal`) | @include align(`horizontal`); | | alv | align(`vertical`) | @include align(`vertical`); | | cen | center() | @include center(); | | cf | cf() | @include cf(); | | col | column(1/`3`) | @include column(1/`3`); | | cg | column-gutter(1/`3`) | @include column-gutter(1/`3`); | | cw | column-width(1/`3`) | @include column-width(1/`3`); | | edit | edit(`black`) | @include edit(`black`); | | sh | shift(1/`3`) | @include shift(1/`3`); | | span | span(1/`3`) | @include span(1/`3`); | | stack | stack() | @include stack(); | | uncen | uncenter() | @include uncenter(); | | uns | unshift() | @include unshift(); | | unstack | unstack() | @include unstack(); | These triggers work only as arguments inside the functions/mixins above. | Trigger | Stylus | SCSS | | ------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------- | | align | align: `center` | $align: `center` | | cs | col\_or\_span: `column` | $col\_or\_span: `column` | | cyc | cycle: `3` | $cycle: `3` | | gut | gutter: `3` | $gutter: `3` | | mw | max\_width: `100`px | $max\_width: `100`px | | off | offset: 1/`3` | $offset: 1/`3` | | pad | pad: `100`px | $pad: `100`px | | unc | uncycle: `3` | $uncycle: `3` |