###### 20 September 2014 on Personal Blog # [Minor Updates] A few minor updates to the [github repo]. The extra RHS dropdown nav menu has been removed as it had nothing to do with this project. The LUA pages were part of another repo and depended on a non-standard nginx package with LUA bindings. [Minor Updates]: /8 [github repo]: https://github.com/markc/bojax --- ###### 8 February 2014 on Personal Blog # [MultiHost Setup] The first **nginx.conf** file was orientated towards running a few different hosts within the `/home/admin/var/www` area and was easy for a single `admin` user to manage but it did not allow for different users to safely manage each vhost with their own uid:gid. So now the current setup uses `/etc/passwd` based users each with their own website within their own homedir. The current example setup at [bojax.net] also provides for `ssh`, `sftp` and `rsync` access to each users web area as well as [chroots] the user so they cannot see the rest of the system let alone other users sites. The use of `ssh` and friends replaces `webdav` support which will most like be removed altogether. [MultiHost Setup]: /7 [chroots]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot [bojax.net]: http://bojax.net --- ###### 30 January 2014 on Personal Blog # [ownCloud Is Too Heavy] [![thumbnail][n5_owncloud]][6] My recent experiments with using ownCloud on a small 128 Mb ram VPS for general file management shows that it is too slow on such a small server, even when using `nginx + php5-fpm` and the `SQLite` database backend. Using `apache + mod_php` and `MySQL` would be out of the question. [ownCloud Is Too Heavy]: /6 [n5_owncloud]: http://markconstable.com/lib/img/20140208_N5_ownCloud_thumbnail.jpg [6]: /6 --- ###### 1 January 2014 on Personal Blog # [Double Rainbow] [![thumbnail][double_rainbow]][5] [Secondary rainbows] are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops, and appear at an angle of 50–53°. As a result of the second reflection, the colours of a secondary rainbow are inverted compared to the primary bow, with blue on the outside and red on the inside. The secondary rainbow is fainter than the primary because more light escapes from two reflections compared to one and because the rainbow itself is spread over a greater area of the sky. The dark area of unlit sky lying between the primary and secondary bows is called Alexander's band, after Alexander of Aphrodisias who first described it.[19] [Double Rainbow]: /5 [double_rainbow]: http://markconstable.com/lib/img/20131214_Double_Rainbow_thumbnail.jpg [5]: /5 [19]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_rainbow#cite_note-19 [Secondary rainbows]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_rainbow#Variations