var CordovaPromiseFS = /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // identity function for calling harmony imports with the correct context /******/ __webpack_require__.i = function(value) { return value; }; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { /******/ configurable: false, /******/ enumerable: true, /******/ get: getter /******/ }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Static Private functions */ /* createDir, recursively */ function __createDir(rootDirEntry, folders, success,error) { rootDirEntry.getDirectory(folders[0], {create: true}, function(dirEntry) { // Recursively add the new subfolder (if we still have another to create). if (folders.length > 1) { __createDir(dirEntry, folders.slice(1),success,error); } else { success(dirEntry); } }, error); } function dirname(str) { str = str.substr(0,str.lastIndexOf('/')+1); if(str[0] === '/') str = str.substr(1); return str; } function filename(str) { return str.substr(str.lastIndexOf('/')+1); } function normalize(str){ str = str || ''; if(str[0] === '/') str = str.substr(1); var tokens = str.split('/'), last = tokens[0]; // check tokens for instances of .. and . for(var i=1;i < tokens.length;i++) { last = tokens[i]; if (tokens[i] === '..') { // remove the .. and the previous token tokens.splice(i-1,2); // rewind 'cursor' 2 tokens i = i - 2; } else if (tokens[i] === '.') { // remove the .. and the previous token tokens.splice(i,1); // rewind 'cursor' 1 token i--; } } str = tokens.join('/'); if(str === './') { str = ''; } else if(last && last.indexOf('.') < 0 && str[str.length - 1] != '/'){ str += '/'; } return str; } var transferQueue = [], // queued fileTransfers inprogress = 0; // currently active filetransfers /** * Factory function: Create a single instance (based on single FileSystem) */ module.exports = function(options){ /* Promise implementation */ var Promise = options.Promise || window.Promise; var CDV_INTERNAL_URL_ROOT = 'cdvfile://localhost/'+(options.persistent? 'persistent/':'temporary/'); var CDV_URL_ROOT = ''; if(!Promise) { throw new Error("No Promise library given in options.Promise"); } /* default options */ options = options || {}; options.crosswalk = !!options.crosswalk; options.persistent = options.persistent !== undefined? options.persistent: true; options.storageSize = options.storageSize || 20*1024*1024; options.concurrency = options.concurrency || 3; options.retry = options.retry || []; options.debug = !!options.debug; /* Cordova deviceready promise */ var deviceready, isCordova = typeof cordova !== 'undefined' && !options.crosswalk, isCrosswalk = options.crosswalk; if(isCordova){ deviceready = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ document.addEventListener("deviceready", resolve, false); setTimeout(function(){ reject(new Error('deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.')); },5100); }); } else if(isCrosswalk) { deviceready = ResolvedPromise(true); } else { /* FileTransfer implementation for Chrome */ deviceready = ResolvedPromise(true); if(typeof webkitRequestFileSystem !== 'undefined'){ window.requestFileSystem = webkitRequestFileSystem; } else { window.requestFileSystem = function(x,y,z,fail){ fail(new Error('requestFileSystem not supported!')); }; } } // Polyfill Filetransfer if(!isCordova){ window.FileTransfer = function FileTransfer(){}; = function download(url,file,win,fail) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.onreadystatechange = function(onSuccess, onError, cb) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if(xhr.status === 200 && !this._aborted){ write(file,xhr.response).then(win,fail); } else { fail(xhr.status); } } }; xhr.send(); return xhr; }; FileTransfer.prototype.abort = function(){ this._aborted = true; }; window.ProgressEvent = function ProgressEvent(){}; window.FileEntry = function FileEntry(){}; } /* Promise resolve helper */ function ResolvedPromise(value){ return new Promise(function(resolve){ return resolve(value); }); } /* the filesystem! */ var fs = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ deviceready.then(function(){ var type = options.persistent? 1: 0; if(options.fileSystem && isCordova){ type = options.fileSystem; } // Crosswalk if(isCrosswalk){ var system = options.fileSystem || 'cachedir'; xwalk.experimental.native_file_system.requestNativeFileSystem(system,resolve,reject); // On chrome, request quota to store persistent files } else if (!isCordova && type === 1 && navigator.webkitPersistentStorage) { navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota(options.storageSize, function(grantedBytes) { window.requestFileSystem(type, grantedBytes, resolve, reject); }, reject); // Exotic Cordova Directories (options.fileSystem = string) } else if(isNaN(type)) { window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(type,function(directory){ resolve(directory.filesystem); },reject); // Normal browser usage } else { window.requestFileSystem(type, options.storageSize, resolve, reject); } setTimeout(function(){ reject(new Error('Could not retrieve FileSystem after 5 seconds.')); },5100); },reject); }); /* debug */ fs.then(function(fs){ CDV_URL_ROOT = fs.root.toURL(); CDV_INTERNAL_URL_ROOT = isCordova? fs.root.toInternalURL(): CDV_URL_ROOT; window.__fs = fs; },function(err){ console.error('Could not get Cordova FileSystem:',err); }); /* ensure directory exists */ function ensure(folders) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ return fs.then(function(fs){ if(!folders) { resolve(fs.root); } else { folders = folders.split('/').filter(function(folder) { return folder && folder.length > 0 && folder !== '.' && folder !== '..'; }); __createDir(fs.root,folders,resolve,reject); } },reject); }); } /* get file file */ function file(path,options){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ if(typeof path === 'object') { return resolve(path); } path = normalize(path); options = options || {}; return fs.then(function(fs){ fs.root.getFile(path,options,resolve,reject); },reject); }); } /* get directory entry */ function dir(path,options){ path = normalize(path); options = options || {}; return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ return fs.then(function(fs){ if(!path || path === '/') { resolve(fs.root); } else { fs.root.getDirectory(path,options,resolve,reject); } },reject); }); } /* list contents of a directory */ function list(path,mode) { mode = mode || ''; var recursive = mode.indexOf('r') > -1; var getAsEntries = mode.indexOf('e') > -1; var onlyFiles = mode.indexOf('f') > -1; var onlyDirs = mode.indexOf('d') > -1; if(onlyFiles && onlyDirs) { onlyFiles = false; onlyDirs = false; } return dir(path) .then(function(dirEntry){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ var entries = []; var dirReader = dirEntry.createReader(); var fetchEntries = function(){ dirReader.readEntries(function(newEntries){ if(newEntries.length === 0) { resolve(entries); } else { var args = [0,0].concat(newEntries); entries.splice.apply(entries,args); fetchEntries(); } }); } fetchEntries(); }); }) .then(function(entries){ var promises = [ResolvedPromise(entries)]; if(recursive) { entries .filter(function(entry){return entry.isDirectory; }) .forEach(function(entry){ promises.push(list(entry.fullPath,'re')); }); } return Promise.all(promises); }) .then(function(values){ var entries = []; entries = entries.concat.apply(entries,values); if(onlyFiles) entries = entries.filter(function(entry) { return entry.isFile; }); if(onlyDirs) entries = entries.filter(function(entry) { return entry.isDirectory; }); if(!getAsEntries) entries = { return entry.fullPath; }); return entries; }); } /* does file exist? If so, resolve with fileEntry, if not, resolve with false. */ function exists(path){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ file(path).then( function(fileEntry){ resolve(fileEntry); }, function(err){ if(err.code === 1) { resolve(false); } else { reject(err); } } ); }); } /* does dir exist? If so, resolve with fileEntry, if not, resolve with false. */ function existsDir(path){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ dir(path).then( function(dirEntry){ resolve(dirEntry); }, function(err){ if(err.code === 1) { resolve(false); } else { reject(err); } } ); }); } function create(path){ return ensure(dirname(path)).then(function(){ return file(path,{create:true}); }); } /* convert path to URL to be used in JS/CSS/HTML */ function toURL(path) { return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) { return fileEntry.toURL(); }); } /* convert path to URL to be used in JS/CSS/HTML */ var toInternalURL,toInternalURLSync,toURLSync; if(isCordova) { /* synchronous helper to get internal URL. */ toInternalURLSync = function(path){ path = normalize(path); return path.indexOf('://') < 0? CDV_INTERNAL_URL_ROOT + path: path; }; /* synchronous helper to get native URL. */ toURLSync = function(path){ path = normalize(path); return path.indexOf('://') < 0? CDV_URL_ROOT + path: path; }; toInternalURL = function(path) { return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) { return fileEntry.toInternalURL(); }); }; } else if(isCrosswalk){ var system = options.fileSystem || 'cachedir'; /* synchronous helper to get internal URL. */ toInternalURLSync = function(path){ path = normalize(path); return path.indexOf(system) < 0? '/'+system+'/' + path: path; }; toInternalURL = function(path) { return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) { return fileEntry.toURL(); }); }; toURLSync = toInternalURLSync; } else { /* synchronous helper to get internal URL. */ toInternalURLSync = function(path){ path = normalize(path); return 'filesystem:'+location.origin+(options.persistent? '/persistent/':'/temporary/') + path; }; toInternalURL = function(path) { return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) { return fileEntry.toURL(); }); }; toURLSync = toInternalURLSync; } /* return contents of a file */ function read(path,method) { method = method || 'readAsText'; return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ fileEntry.file(function(file){ var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(){ resolve(this.result); }; reader[method](file); },reject); }); }); } /* convert path to base64 date URI */ function toDataURL(path) { return read(path,'readAsDataURL'); } function readJSON(path){ return read(path).then(JSON.parse); } /* write contents to a file */ function write(path,blob,mimeType) { return ensure(dirname(path)) .then(function() { return file(path,{create:true}); }) .then(function(fileEntry) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ fileEntry.createWriter(function(writer){ writer.onwriteend = resolve; writer.onerror = reject; if(typeof blob === 'string') { blob = createBlob([blob], mimeType || 'text/plain'); } else if(blob instanceof Blob !== true){ blob = createBlob([JSON.stringify(blob,null,4)], mimeType || 'application/json'); } writer.write(blob); },reject); }); }); } function createBlob(parts, type) { var BlobBuilder, bb; try { return new Blob(parts, {type: type}); } catch(e) { BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder; if(BlobBuilder) { bb = new BlobBuilder(); bb.append(parts); return bb.getBlob(type); } else { throw new Error("Unable to create blob"); } } } /* move a file */ function move(src,dest) { return ensure(dirname(dest)) .then(function(dir) { return file(src).then(function(fileEntry){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ fileEntry.moveTo(dir,filename(dest),resolve,reject); }); }); }); } /* move a dir */ function moveDir(src,dest) { src = src.replace(/\/$/, ''); dest = dest.replace(/\/$/, ''); return ensure(dirname(dest)) .then(function(destDir) { return dir(src).then(function(dirEntry){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ dirEntry.moveTo(destDir,filename(dest),resolve,reject); }); }); }); } /* copy a file */ function copy(src,dest) { return ensure(dirname(dest)) .then(function(dir) { return file(src).then(function(fileEntry){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ fileEntry.copyTo(dir,filename(dest),resolve,reject); }); }); }); } /* delete a file */ function remove(path,mustExist) { var method = mustExist? file:exists; return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ method(path).then(function(fileEntry){ if(fileEntry !== false) { fileEntry.remove(resolve,reject); } else { resolve(1); } },reject); }).then(function(val){ return val === 1? false: true; }); } /* delete a directory */ function removeDir(path) { return dir(path).then(function(dirEntry){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { dirEntry.removeRecursively(resolve,reject); }); }); } // Whenever we want to start a transfer, we call popTransferQueue function popTransferQueue(){ // while we are not at max concurrency while(transferQueue.length > 0 && inprogress < options.concurrency){ // increment activity counter inprogress++; // fetch filetranfer, method-type (isDownload) and arguments var args = transferQueue.pop(); var ft = args.fileTransfer, isDownload = args.isDownload, serverUrl = args.serverUrl, localPath = args.localPath, trustAllHosts = args.trustAllHosts, transferOptions = args.transferOptions, win =, fail =; if(ft._aborted) { inprogress--; } else if(isDownload){,serverUrl,localPath,win,fail,trustAllHosts,transferOptions); if(ft.onprogress) ft.onprogress(new ProgressEvent()); } else {,localPath,serverUrl,win,fail,transferOptions,trustAllHosts); } } // if we are at max concurrency, popTransferQueue() will be called whenever // the transfer is ready and there is space avaialable. } // Promise callback to check if there are any more queued transfers function nextTransfer(result){ inprogress--; // decrement counter to free up one space to start transfers again! popTransferQueue(); // check if there are any queued transfers return result; } function filetransfer(isDownload,serverUrl,localPath,transferOptions,onprogress){ if(typeof transferOptions === 'function') { onprogress = transferOptions; transferOptions = {}; } if(isCordova && localPath.indexOf('://') < 0) localPath = toURLSync(localPath); transferOptions = transferOptions || {}; if(!transferOptions.retry || !transferOptions.retry.length) { transferOptions.retry = options.retry; } transferOptions.retry = transferOptions.retry.concat(); if(!transferOptions.file && !isDownload){ transferOptions.fileName = filename(localPath); } var ft = new FileTransfer(); onprogress = onprogress || transferOptions.onprogress; if(typeof onprogress === 'function') ft.onprogress = onprogress; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ var attempt = function(err){ if(transferOptions.retry.length === 0) { if(options.debug) console.log('FileTransfer Error: '+serverUrl,err); reject(err); } else { var transferJob = { fileTransfer:ft, isDownload:isDownload, serverUrl:serverUrl, localPath:localPath, trustAllHosts:transferOptions.trustAllHosts || false, transferOptions:transferOptions, win:resolve, fail:attempt }; transferQueue.unshift(transferJob); var timeout = transferOptions.retry.shift(); if(timeout > 0) { setTimeout(nextTransfer,timeout); } else { nextTransfer(); } } }; transferOptions.retry.unshift(0); inprogress++; attempt(); }); promise.then(nextTransfer,nextTransfer); promise.progress = function(onprogress){ ft.onprogress = onprogress; return promise; }; promise.abort = function(){ ft._aborted = true; ft.abort(); return promise; }; return promise; } function download(url,dest,options,onprogress){ return filetransfer(true,url,dest,options,onprogress); } function upload(source,dest,options,onprogress){ return filetransfer(false,dest,source,options,onprogress); } return { fs: fs, normalize: normalize, file: file, filename: filename, dir: dir, dirname: dirname, create:create, read: read, readJSON: readJSON, write: write, move: move, moveDir: moveDir, copy: copy, remove: remove, removeDir: removeDir, list: list, ensure: ensure, exists: exists, existsDir: existsDir, download: download, upload: upload, toURL:toURL, toURLSync: toURLSync, isCordova:isCordova, toInternalURLSync: toInternalURLSync, toInternalURL:toInternalURL, toDataURL:toDataURL, deviceready: deviceready, options: options, Promise: Promise }; }; /***/ }) /******/ ]);