/*! Superslides - v0.6.3-wip - 2013-12-17 * https://github.com/nicinabox/superslides * Copyright (c) 2013 Nic Aitch; Licensed MIT */ (function(window, $) { var Superslides, plugin = 'superslides'; Superslides = function(el, options) { this.options = $.extend({ play: false, animation_speed: 600, animation_easing: 'swing', animation: 'slide', inherit_width_from: window, inherit_height_from: window, pagination: true, hashchange: false, scrollable: true, elements: { preserve: '.preserve', nav: '.slides-navigation', container: '.slides-container', pagination: '.slides-pagination' } }, options); var that = this, $control = $('
', { "class": 'slides-control' }), multiplier = 1; this.$el = $(el); this.$container = this.$el.find(this.options.elements.container); // Private Methods var initialize = function() { multiplier = that._findMultiplier(); that.$el.on('click', that.options.elements.nav + " a", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.stop(); if ($(this).hasClass('next')) { that.animate('next', function() { that.start(); }); } else { that.animate('prev', function() { that.start(); }); } }); $(document).on('keyup', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 37) { that.animate('prev'); } if (e.keyCode === 39) { that.animate('next'); } }); $(window).on('resize', function() { setTimeout(function() { var $children = that.$container.children(); that.width = that._findWidth(); that.height = that._findHeight(); $children.css({ width: that.width, left: that.width }); that.css.containers(); that.css.images(); }, 10); }); if (that.options.hashchange) { $(window).on('hashchange', function() { var hash = that._parseHash(), index; index = that._upcomingSlide(hash); if (index >= 0 && index !== that.current) { that.animate(index); } }); } that.pagination._events(); that.start(); return that; }; var css = { containers: function() { if (that.init) { that.$el.css({ height: that.height }); that.$control.css({ width: that.width * multiplier, left: -that.width }); that.$container.css({ }); } else { $('body').css({ margin: 0 }); that.$el.css({ position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', width: '100%', height: that.height }); that.$control.css({ position: 'relative', transform: 'translate3d(0)', height: '100%', width: that.width * multiplier, left: -that.width }); that.$container.css({ display: 'none', margin: '0', padding: '0', listStyle: 'none', position: 'relative', height: '100%' }); } if (that.size() === 1) { that.$el.find(that.options.elements.nav).hide(); } }, images: function() { var $images = that.$container.find('img') .not(that.options.elements.preserve) $images.removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height') .css({ "-webkit-backface-visibility": 'hidden', "-ms-interpolation-mode": 'bicubic', "position": 'absolute', "left": '0', "top": '0', "z-index": '-1', "max-width": 'none' }); $images.each(function() { var image_aspect_ratio = that.image._aspectRatio(this), image = this; if (!$.data(this, 'processed')) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { that.image._scale(image, image_aspect_ratio); that.image._center(image, image_aspect_ratio); $.data(image, 'processed', true); }; img.src = this.src; } else { that.image._scale(image, image_aspect_ratio); that.image._center(image, image_aspect_ratio); } }); }, children: function() { var $children = that.$container.children(); if ($children.is('img')) { $children.each(function() { if ($(this).is('img')) { $(this).wrap('
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