* Copyright 2020 Markus Liljergren (https://oh-lalabs.com)
* Version: v1.0.1.1123b
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* NOTE: This is an auto-generated file and most comments have been removed!
// BEGIN:getDefaultImports()
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import java.security.MessageDigest
// END: getDefaultImports()
import hubitat.helper.HexUtils
metadata {
definition (name: "Zigbee - Generic Switch (with Presence)", namespace: "oh-lalabs.com", author: "Markus Liljergren", filename: "zigbee-generic-switch", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markus-li/Hubitat/development/drivers/expanded/zigbee-generic-switch-expanded.groovy") {
// BEGIN:getDefaultMetadataCapabilitiesForZigbeeDevices()
capability "Sensor"
capability "PresenceSensor"
capability "Initialize"
capability "Refresh"
// END: getDefaultMetadataCapabilitiesForZigbeeDevices()
capability "HealthCheck"
capability "Actuator"
capability "Switch"
capability "Light"
// BEGIN:getDefaultMetadataAttributes()
attribute "driver", "string"
// END: getDefaultMetadataAttributes()
// BEGIN:getMetadataAttributesForLastCheckin()
attribute "lastCheckin", "Date"
attribute "lastCheckinEpoch", "number"
attribute "notPresentCounter", "number"
attribute "restoredCounter", "number"
// END: getMetadataAttributesForLastCheckin()
// BEGIN:getCommandsForPresence()
command "resetRestoredCounter"
// END: getCommandsForPresence()
// BEGIN:getCommandsForZigbeePresence()
command "forceRecoveryMode", [[name:"Minutes*", type: "NUMBER", description: "Maximum minutes to run in Recovery Mode"]]
// END: getCommandsForZigbeePresence()
// BEGIN:getZigbeeGenericDeviceCommands()
command "stopSchedules"
command "getInfo"
// END: getZigbeeGenericDeviceCommands()
command "toggle"
fingerprint deviceJoinName: "Tuya Light Switch", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0006", outClusters:"0019", model:"TS0011", manufacturer:"TUYATEC-j5khr9vo"
fingerprint model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_oisqyl4o", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0004,0005,EF00", outClusters:"0019,000A", application:"40"
fingerprint model:"FNB56-ZSW01LX2.0", manufacturer:"FeiBit", profileId:"C05E", endpointId:"0B", inClusters:"0000,0004,0003,0006,0005,1000,0008", outClusters:"0019"
fingerprint model:"FNB56-ZSW02LX2.0", manufacturer:"FeiBit", profileId:"C05E", endpointId:"0B", inClusters:"0000,0004,0003,0006,0005,1000,0008", outClusters:"0019"
fingerprint model:"FNB56-ZSW03LX2.0", manufacturer:"FeiBit", profileId:"C05E", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0004,0003,0006,0005,1000,0008", outClusters:"0019"
fingerprint model:"LXN56-1S27LX1.2", manufacturer:"3A Smart Home DE", profileId:"0104", inClusters:"0000,0004,0002,0006,0005,1000,0008", outClusters:"0006,0008,0000"
preferences {
// BEGIN:getDefaultMetadataPreferences(includeCSS=True, includeRunReset=False)
input(name: "debugLogging", type: "bool", title: styling_getLogo() + styling_addTitleDiv("Enable debug logging"), description: "" + styling_getDefaultCSS(), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, displayDuringSetup: false, required: false)
input(name: "infoLogging", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable info logging"), description: "", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, displayDuringSetup: false, required: false)
// END: getDefaultMetadataPreferences(includeCSS=True, includeRunReset=False)
// BEGIN:getMetadataPreferencesForLastCheckin()
input(name: "lastCheckinEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Last Checkin Date"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Records Date events if enabled"), defaultValue: true)
input(name: "lastCheckinEpochEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Last Checkin Epoch"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Records Epoch events if enabled"), defaultValue: false)
input(name: "presenceEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Presence"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Enables Presence to indicate if the device has sent data within the last 3 hours (REQUIRES at least one of the Checkin options to be enabled)"), defaultValue: true)
input(name: "presenceWarningEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Presence Warning"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Enables Presence Warnings in the Logs (default: true)"), defaultValue: true)
// END: getMetadataPreferencesForLastCheckin()
// BEGIN:getMetadataPreferencesForRecoveryMode(defaultMode="Slow")
input(name: "recoveryMode", type: "enum", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Recovery Mode"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Select Recovery mode type (default: Slow)
NOTE: The \"Insane\" and \"Suicidal\" modes may destabilize your mesh if run on more than a few devices at once!"), options: ["Disabled", "Slow", "Normal", "Insane", "Suicidal"], defaultValue: "Slow")
// END: getMetadataPreferencesForRecoveryMode(defaultMode="Slow")
input(name: "enablePing", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Automatic Ping"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Sends an, infrequent, ping to the device if needed for knowing if Present (default: enabled)"), defaultValue: true)
input(name: "enableMultiEP", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Multi Endpoint Discovery"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Allows auto-discovery of multiple endpoints, disable this if your device reports multiple endpoints, and child devices are created, but it doesn't actually have multiple relays (default: enabled)"), defaultValue: true)
// BEGIN:getDeviceInfoFunction()
String getDeviceInfoByName(infoName) {
Map deviceInfo = ['name': 'Zigbee - Generic Switch (with Presence)', 'namespace': 'oh-lalabs.com', 'author': 'Markus Liljergren', 'filename': 'zigbee-generic-switch', 'importUrl': 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markus-li/Hubitat/development/drivers/expanded/zigbee-generic-switch-expanded.groovy']
// END: getDeviceInfoFunction()
/* These functions are unique to each driver */
ArrayList refresh() {
logging("refresh() model='${getDeviceDataByName('model')}'", 10)
setCleanModelName(newModelToSet=null, acceptedModels=null)
if(enablePing == null || enablePing == true) {
Random rnd = new Random()
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(29)}/29 * * * ? *", 'ping')
String endpoint = device.getEndpointId()
endpoint = endpoint == null ? "01" : endpoint
ArrayList cmd = []
cmd += ["he raw ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x0005 {00 ${zigbee.swapOctets(device.deviceNetworkId)}} {0x0000}"]
cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(0x000, 0x0005)
logging("refresh cmd: $cmd", 1)
bindOnOffForEndpoint(Integer.parseInt(endpoint, 16))
void ping() {
if(enablePing == false) {
logging("ping() is DISABLED in Preferences", 100)
} else if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(25, false) == false){
logging("ping()", 100)
/* If additional Ping types are needed, please contact the Developer */
List cmd = []
cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004)
cmd.each() {
if(it.startsWith("delay") == false) {
logging(it, 1)
} else {
logging("SKIPPING ping() since there has been events received during the last 25 minutes...", 100)
def initialize() {
logging("initialize()", 100)
void installed() {
logging("installed()", 100)
void updated() {
logging("updated()", 100)
ArrayList parse(String description) {
// BEGIN:getGenericZigbeeParseHeader(loglevel=0)
//logging("PARSE START---------------------", 0)
//logging("Parsing: '${description}'", 0)
ArrayList cmd = []
Map msgMap = null
if(description.indexOf('encoding: 4C') >= 0) {
msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description.replace('encoding: 4C', 'encoding: F2'))
msgMap = unpackStructInMap(msgMap)
} else if(description.indexOf('attrId: FF01, encoding: 42') >= 0) {
msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description.replace('encoding: 42', 'encoding: F2'))
msgMap["encoding"] = "41"
msgMap["value"] = parseXiaomiStruct(msgMap["value"], isFCC0=false, hasLength=true)
} else {
if(description.indexOf('encoding: 42') >= 0) {
List values = description.split("value: ")[1].split("(?<=\\G..)")
String fullValue = values.join()
Integer zeroIndex = values.indexOf("01")
if(zeroIndex > -1) {
//logging("zeroIndex: $zeroIndex, fullValue: $fullValue, string: ${values.take(zeroIndex).join()}", 0)
msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description.replace(fullValue, values.take(zeroIndex).join()))
values = values.drop(zeroIndex + 3)
msgMap["additionalAttrs"] = [
["encoding": "41",
"value": parseXiaomiStruct(values.join(), isFCC0=false, hasLength=true)]
} else {
msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
} else {
msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
if(msgMap.containsKey("encoding") && msgMap.containsKey("value") && msgMap["encoding"] != "41" && msgMap["encoding"] != "42") {
msgMap["valueParsed"] = zigbee_generic_decodeZigbeeData(msgMap["value"], msgMap["encoding"])
if(msgMap == [:] && description.indexOf("zone") == 0) {
msgMap["type"] = "zone"
java.util.regex.Matcher zoneMatcher = description =~ /.*zone.*status.*0x(?([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])+).*extended.*status.*0x(?([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])+).*/
if(zoneMatcher.matches()) {
msgMap["parsed"] = true
msgMap["status"] = zoneMatcher.group("status")
msgMap["statusInt"] = Integer.parseInt(msgMap["status"], 16)
msgMap["statusExtended"] = zoneMatcher.group("statusExtended")
msgMap["statusExtendedInt"] = Integer.parseInt(msgMap["statusExtended"], 16)
} else {
msgMap["parsed"] = false
//logging("msgMap: ${msgMap}", 0)
// END: getGenericZigbeeParseHeader(loglevel=0)
switch(msgMap["cluster"] + '_' + msgMap["attrId"]) {
case "0000_0001":
logging("Application ID Received", 100)
case "0000_0004":
logging("Manufacturer Name Received - description:${description} | parseMap:${msgMap}", 100)
logging("Manufacturer Name Received", 1)
if(sendlastCheckinEvent(minimumMinutesToRepeat=25) == true) {
logging("Sending request to read attribute 0x0005 from cluster 0x0000...", 1)
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0005))
case "0000_0005":
logging("Model Name Received - description:${description} | parseMap:${msgMap}", 100)
logging("Model Name Received", 1)
case "0006_0000":
logging("On/Off Button press - description:${description} | parseMap:${msgMap}", 100)
sendOnOffEvent(Integer.parseInt(msgMap['endpoint'], 16), Integer.parseInt(msgMap['value'], 16) == 1)
switch(msgMap["clusterId"]) {
case "0006":
logging("ON/OFF CATCHALL CLUSTER EVENT - description:${description} | parseMap:${msgMap}", 100)
sendOnOffEvent(Integer.parseInt(msgMap['sourceEndpoint'], 16), Integer.parseInt(msgMap['data'][0], 16) == 1)
case "0013":
case "EF00":
logging("ON/OFF CATCHALL EF00 CLUSTER EVENT - description:${description} | parseMap:${msgMap}", 100)
sendOnOffEvent(Integer.parseInt(msgMap['sourceEndpoint'], 16), Integer.parseInt(msgMap['data'].last(), 16) == 1)
case "8021":
case "8001":
case "8004":
case "8005":
logging("Endpoint Discovery Cluster Event- description:${description} | parseMap:${msgMap}", 100)
if(enableMultiEP == null || enableMultiEP == true) {
Integer numEndpoints = Integer.parseInt(msgMap["data"][4], 16)
if(numEndpoints > 1) {
updateDataValue("hasMultiEP", "true")
Integer currentEndpoint = null
(1..numEndpoints).each { n ->
currentEndpoint = Integer.parseInt(msgMap["data"][4+n], 16)
case "8021":
case "8032":
case "8038":
logging("GENERAL CATCHALL (0x${msgMap["clusterId"]}", 1)
logging("Unhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:${description} | msgMap:${msgMap}", 100)
// BEGIN:getGenericZigbeeParseFooter(loglevel=0)
//logging("PARSE END-----------------------", 0)
msgMap = null
return cmd
// END: getGenericZigbeeParseFooter(loglevel=0)
boolean useMultiEP() {
return getDataValue("hasMultiEP") == "true" && (enableMultiEP == null || enableMultiEP == true)
boolean allChildrenOffExceptSpecifiedEndpoint(Integer excludedEndpoint) {
List children = getChildDevices()
logging("children: $childDevices", 1)
boolean isOff = true
children.each {child->
if(isOff == true && getEndpointFromChildId(child.deviceNetworkId) != excludedEndpoint) {
isOff = child.currentValue("switch") == "off"
return isOff
void sendOnOffEvent(Integer endpoint, boolean state) {
logging("sendOnOffEvent(endpoint=$endpoint, state=$state)", 1)
if(useMultiEP() == true) {
if(state == true) {
getChildDevice(buildChildDeviceIdFromEndpoint(endpoint))?.parse([[name: "switch", value: "on", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Switch turned ON"]])
sendEvent(name:"switch", value: "on", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Switch was turned on")
} else {
getChildDevice(buildChildDeviceIdFromEndpoint(endpoint))?.parse([[name: "switch", value: "off", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Switch turned OFF"]])
if(allChildrenOffExceptSpecifiedEndpoint(endpoint) == true) {
sendEvent(name:"switch", value: "off", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Switch was turned off")
} else {
if(state == false) {
sendEvent(name:"switch", value: "off", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Switch was turned off")
} else {
sendEvent(name:"switch", value: "on", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Switch was turned on")
String endpointToHex(Integer childNumber) {
return integerToHexString(childNumber, 1)
String buildChildDeviceIdFromEndpoint(Integer endpoint) {
return "$device.id-${endpointToHex(endpoint)}"
Integer getEndpointFromChildId(String childId) {
return Integer.parseInt(childId.split('-')[1], 16)
void createChildDevice(Integer endpoint) {
String driver = "Generic Component Switch"
String name = device.getName()
String label = device.getLabel()
try {
String cId = endpointToHex(endpoint)
logging("Making device with id $device.id-$cId (name: $name $cId, label: $label $cId)", 100)
com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper cd = addChildDevice("hubitat", driver, buildChildDeviceIdFromEndpoint(endpoint), [name: "$name $cId", label: "$label $cId", isComponent: false])
cd.parse([[name: "switch", value: 'off', isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Switch Initialized as OFF"]])
} catch (com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException e) {
log.error "'$driver' driver can't be found! This is supposed to be built-in! Is your hub broken?"
} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
logging("Do nothing - The device already exists", 100)
* --------- COMPONENT METHODS ---------
void componentRefresh(com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper cd) {
logging("componentRefresh() from $cd.deviceNetworkId", 1)
Integer endpoint = getEndpointFromChildId(cd.deviceNetworkId)
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbeeReadAttribute(endpoint, 0x0006, 0x00))
void componentOn(com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper cd) {
logging("componentOn() from $cd.deviceNetworkId", 1)
Integer endpoint = getEndpointFromChildId(cd.deviceNetworkId)
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbeeCommand(endpoint, 0x0006, 0x01))
void componentOff(com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper cd) {
logging("componentOff() from $cd.deviceNetworkId", 1)
Integer endpoint = getEndpointFromChildId(cd.deviceNetworkId)
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbeeCommand(endpoint, 0x0006, 0x00))
* --------- WRITE ATTRIBUTE METHODS ---------
void onOffCommand(Integer command) {
logging("onOffCommand(command=$command)", 1)
List cmd = []
if(useMultiEP() == true) {
List children = getChildDevices()
logging("children: $childDevices", 1)
children.each {child->
logging("Sending command $command to cluster 0x0006 for Child deviceNetworkId: $child.deviceNetworkId", 100)
cmd += [zigbeeCommand(getEndpointFromChildId(child.deviceNetworkId), 0x0006, command)[0]]
} else if (getDeviceDataByName('model') == 'TS0601'){
String fullData = "00" + zigbee.convertToHexString(rand(256), 2) + "0101" + "00" + "01" + zigbee.convertToHexString(command, 2)
logging("Sending on/off to cluster EF00: " + command + "("+ fullData+")", 100)
cmd += zigbee.command(0xEF00, 0x00, fullData)
} else {
cmd += zigbeeCommand(0x0006, command)
void on() {
logging("on()", 1)
void off() {
logging("off()", 1)
void bindOnOffForEndpoint(Integer endpoint) {
List cmd = []
cmd += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} $endpoint 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 187",]
* --------- READ ATTRIBUTE METHODS ---------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Everything below here are LIBRARY includes and should NOT be edited manually!
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --- Nothings to edit here, move along! --------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BEGIN:getDefaultFunctions()
private String getDriverVersion() {
comment = "Works with Generic Switches (this includes many multi-relay ones, like Nue. Please report your fingerprints)"
if(comment != "") state.comment = comment
String version = "v1.0.1.1123b"
logging("getDriverVersion() = ${version}", 100)
sendEvent(name: "driver", value: version)
updateDataValue('driver', version)
return version
// END: getDefaultFunctions()
// BEGIN:getLoggingFunction()
private boolean logging(message, level) {
boolean didLogging = false
Integer logLevelLocal = 0
if (infoLogging == null || infoLogging == true) {
logLevelLocal = 100
if (debugLogging == true) {
logLevelLocal = 1
if (logLevelLocal != 0){
switch (logLevelLocal) {
case 1:
if (level >= 1 && level < 99) {
log.debug "$message"
didLogging = true
} else if (level == 100) {
log.info "$message"
didLogging = true
case 100:
if (level == 100 ) {
log.info "$message"
didLogging = true
return didLogging
// END: getLoggingFunction()
// BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('zigbee-generic')
private getCLUSTER_BASIC() { 0x0000 }
private getCLUSTER_POWER() { 0x0001 }
private getCLUSTER_WINDOW_COVERING() { 0x0102 }
private getCLUSTER_WINDOW_POSITION() { 0x000d }
private getCLUSTER_ON_OFF() { 0x0006 }
private getBASIC_ATTR_POWER_SOURCE() { 0x0007 }
private getPOSITION_ATTR_VALUE() { 0x0055 }
private getCOMMAND_OPEN() { 0x00 }
private getCOMMAND_CLOSE() { 0x01 }
private getCOMMAND_PAUSE() { 0x02 }
private getENCODING_SIZE() { 0x39 }
void updateNeededSettings() {
void refreshEvents() {
ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer cluster, Integer command, Map additionalParams, int delay = 201, String... payload) {
ArrayList cmd = zigbee.command(cluster, command, additionalParams, delay, payload)
cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01')
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer cluster, Integer command, int delay = 202, String... payload) {
ArrayList cmd = zigbee.command(cluster, command, [:], delay, payload)
cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01')
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer command, int delay = 203, String... payload) {
zigbeeCommand(endpoint, cluster, command, [:], delay, payload)
ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer command, Map additionalParams, int delay = 204, String... payload) {
String mfgCode = ""
if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) {
mfgCode = " {${HexUtils.integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2)}}"
String finalPayload = payload != null && payload != [] ? payload[0] : ""
String cmdArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(endpoint, 1)} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " +
"0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(command, 1)} " +
"{$finalPayload}" +
ArrayList cmd = ["he cmd $cmdArgs", "delay $delay"]
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeWriteAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Integer value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 199) {
ArrayList cmd = zigbee.writeAttribute(cluster, attributeId, dataType, value, additionalParams, delay)
cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01')
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeWriteAttribute(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Integer value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 198) {
logging("zigbeeWriteAttribute()", 1)
String mfgCode = ""
if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) {
mfgCode = " {${HexUtils.integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2)}}"
String wattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} $endpoint 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " +
"0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} " +
"0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(dataType, 1)} " +
"{${HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, 1)}}" +
ArrayList cmd = ["he wattr $wattrArgs", "delay $delay"]
logging("zigbeeWriteAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1)
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeReadAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 205) {
ArrayList cmd = zigbee.readAttribute(cluster, attributeId, additionalParams, delay)
cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01')
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeReadAttribute(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, int delay = 206) {
ArrayList cmd = ["he rattr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} ${endpoint} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} {}", "delay $delay"]
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeWriteLongAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Long value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 207) {
return zigbeeWriteLongAttribute(1, cluster, attributeId, dataType, value, additionalParams, delay)
ArrayList zigbeeWriteLongAttribute(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Long value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 208) {
logging("zigbeeWriteLongAttribute()", 1)
String mfgCode = ""
if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) {
mfgCode = " {${HexUtils.integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2)}}"
String wattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} $endpoint 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " +
"0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} " +
"0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(dataType, 1)} " +
"{${Long.toHexString(value)}}" +
ArrayList cmd = ["he wattr $wattrArgs", "delay $delay"]
logging("zigbeeWriteLongAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1)
return cmd
void sendZigbeeCommand(String cmd) {
logging("sendZigbeeCommand(cmd=$cmd)", 1)
void sendZigbeeCommands(ArrayList cmd) {
logging("sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=$cmd)", 1)
hubitat.device.HubMultiAction allActions = new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction()
cmd.each {
allActions.add(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE))
String setCleanModelName(String newModelToSet=null, List acceptedModels=null) {
String model = newModelToSet != null ? newModelToSet : getDeviceDataByName('model')
model = model == null ? "null" : model
String newModel = model.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9.\\-_ ]", "")
boolean found = false
if(acceptedModels != null) {
acceptedModels.each {
if(found == false && newModel.startsWith(it) == true) {
newModel = it
found = true
logging("dirty model = $model, clean model=$newModel", 1)
updateDataValue('model', newModel)
return newModel
void resetBatteryReplacedDate(boolean forced=true) {
if(forced == true || device.currentValue('batteryLastReplaced') == null) {
sendEvent(name: "batteryLastReplaced", value: new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
void parseAndSendBatteryStatus(BigDecimal vCurrent) {
BigDecimal vMin = vMinSetting == null ? 2.5 : vMinSetting
BigDecimal vMax = vMaxSetting == null ? 3.0 : vMaxSetting
BigDecimal bat = 0
if(vMax - vMin > 0) {
bat = ((vCurrent - vMin) / (vMax - vMin)) * 100.0
} else {
bat = 100
bat = bat.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
bat = bat > 100 ? 100 : bat
vCurrent = vCurrent.setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
logging("Battery event: $bat% (V = $vCurrent)", 1)
sendEvent(name:"battery", value: bat, unit: "%", isStateChange: false)
Map unpackStructInMap(Map msgMap, String originalEncoding="4C") {
msgMap['encoding'] = originalEncoding
List values = msgMap['value'].split("(?<=\\G..)")
logging("unpackStructInMap() values=$values", 1)
Integer numElements = Integer.parseInt(values.take(2).reverse().join(), 16)
values = values.drop(2)
List r = []
Integer cType = null
List ret = null
while(values != []) {
cType = Integer.parseInt(values.take(1)[0], 16)
values = values.drop(1)
ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValueToList(values, cType)
r += ret[0]
values = ret[1]
if(r.size() != numElements) throw new Exception("The STRUCT specifies $numElements elements, found ${r.size()}!")
msgMap['value'] = r
return msgMap
Map parseXiaomiStruct(String xiaomiStruct, boolean isFCC0=false, boolean hasLength=false) {
Map tags = [
'01': 'battery',
'03': 'deviceTemperature',
'04': 'unknown1',
'05': 'RSSI_dB',
'06': 'LQI',
'07': 'unknown2',
'08': 'unknown3',
'09': 'unknown4',
'0A': 'routerid',
'0B': 'unknown5',
'0C': 'unknown6',
'6429': 'temperature',
'6410': 'openClose',
'6420': 'curtainPosition',
'6521': 'humidity',
'6510': 'switch2',
'66': 'pressure',
'6E': 'unknown10',
'6F': 'unknown11',
'95': 'consumption',
'96': 'voltage',
'98': 'power',
'9721': 'gestureCounter1',
'9739': 'consumption',
'9821': 'gestureCounter2',
'9839': 'power',
'99': 'gestureCounter3',
'9A21': 'gestureCounter4',
'9A20': 'unknown7',
'9A25': 'accelerometerXYZ',
'9B': 'unknown9',
if(isFCC0 == true) {
tags['05'] = 'numBoots'
tags['6410'] = 'onOff'
tags['95'] = 'current'
List values = xiaomiStruct.split("(?<=\\G..)")
if(hasLength == true) values = values.drop(1)
Map r = [:]
r["raw"] = [:]
String cTag = null
String cTypeStr = null
Integer cType = null
String cKey = null
List ret = null
while(values != []) {
cTag = values.take(1)[0]
values = values.drop(1)
cTypeStr = values.take(1)[0]
cType = Integer.parseInt(cTypeStr, 16)
values = values.drop(1)
if(tags.containsKey(cTag+cTypeStr)) {
cKey = tags[cTag+cTypeStr]
} else if(tags.containsKey(cTag)) {
cKey = tags[cTag]
} else {
cKey = "unknown${cTag}${cTypeStr}"
log.warn("PLEASE REPORT TO DEV - The Xiaomi Struct used an unrecognized tag: 0x$cTag (type: 0x$cTypeStr) (struct: $xiaomiStruct)")
ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(r, values, cType, cKey, cTag)
r = ret[0]
values = ret[1]
return r
Map parseAttributeStruct(List data, boolean hasLength=false) {
Map tags = [
'0000': 'ZCLVersion',
'0001': 'applicationVersion',
'0002': 'stackVersion',
'0003': 'HWVersion',
'0004': 'manufacturerName',
'0005': 'dateCode',
'0006': 'modelIdentifier',
'0007': 'powerSource',
'0010': 'locationDescription',
'0011': 'physicalEnvironment',
'0012': 'deviceEnabled',
'0013': 'alarmMask',
'0014': 'disableLocalConfig',
'4000': 'SWBuildID',
List values = data
if(hasLength == true) values = values.drop(1)
Map r = [:]
r["raw"] = [:]
String cTag = null
String cTypeStr = null
Integer cType = null
String cKey = null
List ret = null
while(values != []) {
cTag = values.take(2).reverse().join()
values = values.drop(2)
values = values.drop(1)
cTypeStr = values.take(1)[0]
cType = Integer.parseInt(cTypeStr, 16)
values = values.drop(1)
if(tags.containsKey(cTag+cTypeStr)) {
cKey = tags[cTag+cTypeStr]
} else if(tags.containsKey(cTag)) {
cKey = tags[cTag]
} else {
throw new Exception("The Xiaomi Struct used an unrecognized tag: 0x$cTag (type: 0x$cTypeStr)")
ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(r, values, cType, cKey, cTag)
r = ret[0]
values = ret[1]
return r
def zigbee_generic_decodeZigbeeData(String value, String cTypeStr, boolean reverseBytes=true) {
List values = value.split("(?<=\\G..)")
values = reverseBytes == true ? values.reverse() : values
Integer cType = Integer.parseInt(cTypeStr, 16)
Map rMap = [:]
rMap['raw'] = [:]
List ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(rMap, values, cType, "NA", "NA")
return ret[0]["NA"]
List zigbee_generic_convertStructValueToList(List values, Integer cType) {
Map rMap = [:]
rMap['raw'] = [:]
List ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(rMap, values, cType, "NA", "NA")
return [ret[0]["NA"], ret[1]]
List zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(Map r, List values, Integer cType, String cKey, String cTag) {
String cTypeStr = cType != null ? integerToHexString(cType, 1) : null
switch(cType) {
case 0x10:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1)[0]
r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) != 0
values = values.drop(1)
case 0x18:
case 0x20:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1)[0]
r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(1)
case 0x19:
case 0x21:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(2).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(2)
case 0x1A:
case 0x22:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(3).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(3)
case 0x1B:
case 0x23:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(4).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(4)
case 0x1C:
case 0x24:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(5).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(5)
case 0x1D:
case 0x25:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(6).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(6)
case 0x1E:
case 0x26:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(7).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(7)
case 0x1F:
case 0x27:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(8).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = new BigInteger(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(8)
case 0x28:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = convertToSignedInt8(Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16))
values = values.drop(1)
case 0x29:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(2).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = (Integer) (short) Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(2)
case 0x2B:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(4).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = (Integer) Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(4)
case 0x30:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1)[0]
r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(1)
case 0x31:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(2).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16)
values = values.drop(2)
case 0x39:
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(4).reverse().join()
r[cKey] = parseSingleHexToFloat(r["raw"][cKey])
values = values.drop(4)
case 0x42:
Integer strLength = Integer.parseInt(values.take(1)[0], 16)
values = values.drop(1)
r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(strLength)
r[cKey] = r["raw"][cKey].collect {
(char)(int) Integer.parseInt(it, 16)
values = values.drop(strLength)
throw new Exception("The Struct used an unrecognized type: $cTypeStr ($cType) for tag 0x$cTag with key $cKey (values: $values, map: $r)")
return [r, values]
ArrayList zigbeeWriteHexStringAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, String value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 209) {
logging("zigbeeWriteBigIntegerAttribute()", 1)
String mfgCode = ""
if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) {
mfgCode = " {${integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2, reverse=true)}}"
String wattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " +
"0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} " +
"0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(dataType, 1)} " +
"{${value.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join()}}" +
ArrayList cmd = ["he wattr $wattrArgs", "delay $delay"]
logging("zigbeeWriteBigIntegerAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1)
return cmd
ArrayList zigbeeReadAttributeList(Integer cluster, List attributeIds, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 211) {
logging("zigbeeReadAttributeList()", 1)
String mfgCode = "0000"
if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) {
mfgCode = "${integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2, reverse=true)}"
log.error "Manufacturer code support is NOT implemented!"
List attributeIdsString = []
attributeIds.each { attributeIdsString.add(integerToHexString(it, 2, reverse=true)) }
logging("attributeIds=$attributeIds, attributeIdsString=$attributeIdsString", 100)
String rattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 0x01 0x${integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " +
ArrayList cmd = ["he raw $rattrArgs", "delay $delay"]
logging("zigbeeWriteLongAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1)
return cmd
Float parseSingleHexToFloat(String singleHex) {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(Long.valueOf(singleHex, 16).intValue())
Integer convertToSignedInt8(Integer signedByte) {
Integer sign = signedByte & (1 << 7)
return (signedByte & 0x7f) * (sign != 0 ? -1 : 1)
Integer parseIntReverseHex(String hexString) {
return Integer.parseInt(hexString.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join(), 16)
Long parseLongReverseHex(String hexString) {
return Long.parseLong(hexString.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join(), 16)
String integerToHexString(BigDecimal value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) {
return integerToHexString(value.intValue(), minBytes, reverse=reverse)
String integerToHexString(Integer value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) {
if(reverse == true) {
return HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, minBytes).split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join()
} else {
return HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, minBytes)
String bigIntegerToHexString(BigInteger value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) {
if(reverse == true) {
return value.toString(16).reverse().join()
} else {
return String.format("%0${minBytes*2}x", value)
BigInteger hexStringToBigInteger(String hexString, boolean reverse=false) {
if(reverse == true) {
return new BigInteger(hexString.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join(), 16)
} else {
return new BigInteger(hexString, 16)
Integer miredToKelvin(Integer mired) {
Integer t = mired
if(t < 153) t = 153
if(t > 500) t = 500
t = Math.round(1000000/t)
if(t > 6536) t = 6536
if(t < 2000) t = 2000
return t
Integer kelvinToMired(Integer kelvin) {
Integer t = kelvin
if(t > 6536) t = 6536
if(t < 2000) t = 2000
t = Math.round(1000000/t)
if(t < 153) t = 153
if(t > 500) t = 500
return t
Integer getMaximumMinutesBetweenEvents(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) {
Integer mbe = null
if(forcedMinutes == null && (state.forcedMinutes == null || state.forcedMinutes == 0)) {
} else {
mbe = forcedMinutes != null ? forcedMinutes.intValue() : state.forcedMinutes.intValue()
return mbe
void reconnectEvent(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) {
void disableRecoveryDueToBug() {
log.warn("Stopping Recovery feature due to Platform bug! Disabling the feature in Preferences. To use it again when the platform is stable, Enable it in Device Preferences.")
device.updateSetting('recoveryMode', 'Disabled')
void recoveryEvent(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
logging("recoveryEvent()", 1)
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004))
try {
Integer mbe = getMaximumMinutesBetweenEvents(forcedMinutes=forcedMinutes)
if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=mbe, displayWarnings=false) == true) {
if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) log.warn("Event interval normal, recovery mode DEACTIVATED!")
} catch(Exception e) {
void scheduleRecoveryEvent(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) {
Random rnd = new Random()
switch(recoveryMode) {
case "Suicidal":
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(15)}/15 * * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent')
case "Insane":
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(30)}/30 * * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent')
case "Slow":
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(3)}/3 * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent')
case null:
case "Normal":
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(2)}/2 * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent')
void checkEventInterval(boolean displayWarnings=true) {
logging("recoveryMode: $recoveryMode", 1)
if(recoveryMode == "Disabled") {
} else {
Integer mbe = getMaximumMinutesBetweenEvents()
try {
if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=mbe) == false) {
recoveryMode = recoveryMode == null ? "Normal" : recoveryMode
if(displayWarnings == true && (presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true)) log.warn("Event interval INCORRECT, recovery mode ($recoveryMode) ACTIVE! If this is shown every hour for the same device and doesn't go away after three times, the device has probably fallen off and require a quick press of the reset button or possibly even re-pairing. It MAY also return within 24 hours, so patience MIGHT pay off.")
} catch(Exception e) {
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004))
void startCheckEventInterval() {
logging("startCheckEventInterval()", 1)
if(recoveryMode != "Disabled") {
logging("Recovery feature ENABLED", 100)
Random rnd = new Random()
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)}/59 * * * ? *", 'checkEventInterval')
} else {
logging("Recovery feature DISABLED", 100)
void forceRecoveryMode(BigDecimal minutes) {
minutes = minutes == null || minutes < 0 ? 0 : minutes
Integer minutesI = minutes.intValue()
logging("forceRecoveryMode(minutes=$minutesI) ", 1)
if(minutesI == 0) {
} else if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=minutesI) == false) {
recoveryMode = recoveryMode == null ? "Normal" : recoveryMode
if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) log.warn("Forced recovery mode ($recoveryMode) ACTIVATED!")
state.forcedMinutes = minutes
runIn(minutesI * 60, 'disableForcedRecoveryMode')
} else {
log.warn("Forced recovery mode NOT activated since we already have a checkin event during the last $minutesI minute(s)!")
void disableForcedRecoveryMode() {
state.forcedMinutes = 0
if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) log.warn("Forced recovery mode DEACTIVATED!")
void updateManufacturer(String manfacturer) {
if(getDataValue("manufacturer") == null) {
updateDataValue("manufacturer", manfacturer)
void updateApplicationId(String application) {
if(getDataValue("application") == null) {
updateDataValue("application", application)
Integer retrieveEndpointId() {
String endpointIdRaw = getDataValue("endpointId")
BigDecimal endpointId = endpointIdRaw == null ? 1 : hexStringToBigInteger(endpointIdRaw)
return endpointId.intValue()
Map parseSimpleDescriptorData(List data) {
Map d = [:]
if(data[1] == "00") {
d["nwkAddrOfInterest"] = data[2..3].reverse().join()
Integer ll = Integer.parseInt(data[4], 16)
d["endpointId"] = data[5]
d["profileId"] = data[6..7].reverse().join()
d["applicationDevice"] = data[8..9].reverse().join()
d["applicationVersion"] = data[10]
Integer icn = Integer.parseInt(data[11], 16)
Integer pos = 12
Integer cPos = null
d["inClusters"] = ""
if(icn > 0) {
(1..icn).each() {b->
cPos = pos+((b-1)*2)
d["inClusters"] += data[cPos..cPos+1].reverse().join()
if(b < icn) {
d["inClusters"] += ","
pos += icn*2
Integer ocn = Integer.parseInt(data[pos], 16)
pos += 1
d["outClusters"] = ""
if(ocn > 0) {
(1..ocn).each() {b->
cPos = pos+((b-1)*2)
d["outClusters"] += data[cPos..cPos+1].reverse().join()
if(b < ocn) {
d["outClusters"] += ","
logging("d=$d, ll=$ll, icn=$icn, ocn=$ocn", 1)
} else {
log.warn("Incorrect Simple Descriptor Data received: $data")
return d
void updateDataFromSimpleDescriptorData(List data) {
Map sdi = parseSimpleDescriptorData(data)
if(sdi != [:]) {
updateDataValue("endpointId", sdi['endpointId'])
updateDataValue("profileId", sdi['profileId'])
updateDataValue("inClusters", sdi['inClusters'])
updateDataValue("outClusters", sdi['outClusters'])
getInfo(true, sdi)
} else {
log.warn("No VALID Simple Descriptor Data received!")
sdi = null
void getInfo(boolean ignoreMissing=false, Map sdi = [:]) {
log.debug("Getting info for Zigbee device...")
String endpointId = device.getEndpointId()
endpointId = endpointId == null ? getDataValue("endpointId") : endpointId
String profileId = getDataValue("profileId")
String inClusters = getDataValue("inClusters")
String outClusters = getDataValue("outClusters")
String model = getDataValue("model")
String manufacturer = getDataValue("manufacturer")
String application = getDataValue("application")
if(sdi != [:]) {
endpointId = endpointId == null ? sdi['endpointId'] : endpointId
profileId = profileId == null ? sdi['profileId'] : profileId
inClusters = inClusters == null ? sdi['inClusters'] : inClusters
outClusters = outClusters == null ? sdi['outClusters'] : outClusters
sdi = null
String extraFingerPrint = ""
boolean missing = false
String requestingFromDevice = ", requesting it from the device. If it is a sleepy device you may have to wake it up and run this command again. Run this command again to get the new fingerprint."
if(ignoreMissing==true) {
requestingFromDevice = ". Try again."
if(manufacturer == null) {
missing = true
log.warn("Manufacturer name is missing for the fingerprint$requestingFromDevice")
if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004))
log.trace("Manufacturer: $manufacturer")
if(model == null) {
missing = true
log.warn("Model name is missing for the fingerprint$requestingFromDevice")
if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0005))
log.trace("Model: $model")
if(application == null) {
log.info("NOT IMPORTANT: Application ID is missing for the fingerprint$requestingFromDevice")
if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0001))
} else {
extraFingerPrint += ", application:\"$application\""
log.trace("Application: $application")
if(profileId == null || endpointId == null || inClusters == null || outClusters == null) {
missing = true
String endpointIdTemp = endpointId == null ? "01" : endpointId
log.warn("One or multiple pieces of data needed for the fingerprint is missing$requestingFromDevice")
if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x0004 {00 ${zigbee.swapOctets(device.deviceNetworkId)} $endpointIdTemp} {0x0000}"])
profileId = profileId == null ? "0104" : profileId
if(missing == true) {
log.info("INCOMPLETE - DO NOT SUBMIT THIS - TRY AGAIN: fingerprint model:\"$model\", manufacturer:\"$manufacturer\", profileId:\"$profileId\", endpointId:\"$endpointId\", inClusters:\"$inClusters\", outClusters:\"$outClusters\"" + extraFingerPrint)
} else {
log.info("COPY AND PASTE THIS ROW TO THE DEVELOPER: fingerprint model:\"$model\", manufacturer:\"$manufacturer\", profileId:\"$profileId\", endpointId:\"$endpointId\", inClusters:\"$inClusters\", outClusters:\"$outClusters\"" + extraFingerPrint)
// END: getHelperFunctions('zigbee-generic')
// BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('all-default')
boolean isDriver() {
try {
logging("This IS a driver!", 1)
return true
} catch (MissingMethodException e) {
logging("This is NOT a driver!", 1)
return false
void deviceCommand(String cmd) {
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def cmds = jsonSlurper.parseText(cmd)
r = this."${cmds['cmd']}"(*cmds['args'])
updateDataValue('appReturn', JsonOutput.toJson(r))
void setLogsOffTask(boolean noLogWarning=false) {
if (debugLogging == true) {
if(noLogWarning==false) {
if(runReset != "DEBUG") {
log.warn "Debug logging will be disabled in 30 minutes..."
} else {
log.warn "Debug logging will NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY DISABLED!"
runIn(1800, "logsOff")
void toggle() {
if(device.currentValue('switch') == 'on') {
} else {
void logsOff() {
if(runReset != "DEBUG") {
log.warn "Debug logging disabled... "
if(isDriver()) {
device.updateSetting("logLevel", "0")
device.updateSetting("debugLogging", "false")
} else {
app.updateSetting("logLevel", "0")
app.updateSetting("debugLogging", "false")
} else {
log.warn "OVERRIDE: Disabling Debug logging will not execute with 'DEBUG' set..."
if (logLevel != "0" && logLevel != "100") runIn(1800, "logsOff")
boolean isDeveloperHub() {
return generateMD5(location.hub.zigbeeId as String) == "125fceabd0413141e34bb859cd15e067_disabled"
def getEnvironmentObject() {
if(isDriver()) {
return device
} else {
return app
private def getFilteredDeviceDriverName() {
def deviceDriverName = getDeviceInfoByName('name')
if(deviceDriverName.toLowerCase().endsWith(' (parent)')) {
deviceDriverName = deviceDriverName.substring(0, deviceDriverName.length()-9)
return deviceDriverName
private def getFilteredDeviceDisplayName() {
def deviceDisplayName = device.displayName.replace(' (parent)', '').replace(' (Parent)', '')
return deviceDisplayName
BigDecimal round2(BigDecimal number, Integer scale) {
Integer pow = 10;
for (Integer i = 1; i < scale; i++)
pow *= 10;
BigDecimal tmp = number * pow;
return ( (Float) ( (Integer) ((tmp - (Integer) tmp) >= 0.5f ? tmp + 1 : tmp) ) ) / pow;
String generateMD5(String s) {
if(s != null) {
return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(s.bytes).encodeHex().toString()
} else {
return "null"
Integer extractInt(String input) {
return input.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "").toInteger()
String hexToASCII(String hexValue) {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("")
for (int i = 0; i < hexValue.length(); i += 2) {
String str = hexValue.substring(i, i + 2)
output.append((char) Integer.parseInt(str, 16) + 30)
logging("${Integer.parseInt(str, 16)}", 10)
return output.toString()
// END: getHelperFunctions('all-default')
// BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('styling')
String styling_addTitleDiv(title) {
return '' + title + '
String styling_addDescriptionDiv(description) {
return '' + description + '
String styling_makeTextBold(s) {
if(isDriver()) {
return "$s"
} else {
return "$s"
String styling_makeTextItalic(s) {
if(isDriver()) {
return "$s"
} else {
return "$s"
String styling_getDefaultCSS(boolean includeTags=true) {
String defaultCSS = '''
/* This is part of the CSS for replacing a Command Title */
div.mdl-card__title div.mdl-grid div.mdl-grid .mdl-cell p::after {
visibility: visible;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, 0%);
width: calc(100% - 20px);
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
margin-top: 0px;
/* This is general CSS Styling for the Driver page */
h3, h4, .property-label {
font-weight: bold;
.preference-title {
font-weight: bold;
.preference-description {
font-style: italic;
if(includeTags == true) {
return ""
} else {
return defaultCSS
String styling_getLogo() {
String logoCSS = '''
#ohla_logo {
display: block;
width: 200px;
height: 50px;
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
@media screen and (max-device-width:450px), screen and (max-width:450px) {
#ohla_logo {
width: 120px;
top: 55px;
return ""
// END: getHelperFunctions('styling')
// BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('driver-default')
String getDEGREE() { return String.valueOf((char)(176)) }
void refresh(String cmd) {
def installedDefault() {
logging("installedDefault()", 100)
try {
} catch (MissingMethodException e) {
try {
} catch (MissingMethodException e) {
def configureDefault() {
logging("configureDefault()", 100)
try {
return configureAdditional()
} catch (MissingMethodException e) {
try {
} catch (MissingMethodException e) {
void configureDelayed() {
runIn(10, "configure")
runIn(30, "refresh")
void configurePresence() {
if(presenceEnable == null || presenceEnable == true) {
Random rnd = new Random()
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)} 1/3 * * ? *", 'checkPresence')
} else {
sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "not present", descriptionText: "Presence Checking Disabled" )
void stopSchedules() {
log.info("Stopped ALL Device Schedules!")
void prepareCounters() {
if(device.currentValue('restoredCounter') == null) sendEvent(name: "restoredCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Initialized to 0" )
if(device.currentValue('notPresentCounter') == null) sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Initialized to 0" )
if(device.currentValue('presence') == null) sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Initialized as Unknown" )
boolean isValidDate(String dateFormat, String dateString) {
try {
Date.parse(dateFormat, dateString)
} catch (e) {
return false
return true
Integer retrieveMinimumMinutesToRepeat(Integer minimumMinutesToRepeat=55) {
Integer mmr = null
if(state.forcedMinutes == null || state.forcedMinutes == 0) {
mmr = minimumMinutesToRepeat
} else {
mmr = state.forcedMinutes - 1 < 1 ? 1 : state.forcedMinutes.intValue() - 1
return mmr
boolean sendlastCheckinEvent(Integer minimumMinutesToRepeat=55) {
boolean r = false
Integer mmr = retrieveMinimumMinutesToRepeat(minimumMinutesToRepeat=minimumMinutesToRepeat)
if (lastCheckinEnable == true || lastCheckinEnable == null) {
String lastCheckinVal = device.currentValue('lastCheckin')
if(lastCheckinVal == null || isValidDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal) == false || now() >= Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal).getTime() + (mmr * 60 * 1000)) {
r = true
sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
logging("Updated lastCheckin", 1)
} else {
if (lastCheckinEpochEnable == true) {
if(device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch') == null || now() >= device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch').toLong() + (mmr * 60 * 1000)) {
r = true
sendEvent(name: "lastCheckinEpoch", value: now())
logging("Updated lastCheckinEpoch", 1)
} else {
if(r == true) setAsPresent()
return r
Long secondsSinceLastCheckinEvent() {
Long r = null
if (lastCheckinEnable == true || lastCheckinEnable == null) {
String lastCheckinVal = device.currentValue('lastCheckin')
if(lastCheckinVal == null || isValidDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal) == false) {
logging("No VALID lastCheckin event available! This should be resolved by itself within 1 or 2 hours and is perfectly NORMAL as long as the same device don't get this multiple times per day...", 100)
r = -1
} else {
r = (now() - Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal).getTime()) / 1000
if (lastCheckinEpochEnable == true) {
if(device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch') == null) {
logging("No VALID lastCheckin event available! This should be resolved by itself within 1 or 2 hours and is perfectly NORMAL as long as the same device don't get this multiple times per day...", 100)
r = r == null ? -1 : r
} else {
r = (now() - device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch').toLong()) / 1000
return r
boolean hasCorrectCheckinEvents(Integer maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=90, boolean displayWarnings=true) {
Long secondsSinceLastCheckin = secondsSinceLastCheckinEvent()
if(secondsSinceLastCheckin != null && secondsSinceLastCheckin > maximumMinutesBetweenEvents * 60) {
if(displayWarnings == true && (presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true)) log.warn("One or several EXPECTED checkin events have been missed! Something MIGHT be wrong with the mesh for this device. Minutes since last checkin: ${Math.round(secondsSinceLastCheckin / 60)} (maximum expected $maximumMinutesBetweenEvents)")
return false
return true
boolean checkPresence(boolean displayWarnings=true) {
boolean isPresent = false
Long lastCheckinTime = null
String lastCheckinVal = device.currentValue('lastCheckin')
if ((lastCheckinEnable == true || lastCheckinEnable == null) && isValidDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal) == true) {
lastCheckinTime = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal).getTime()
} else if (lastCheckinEpochEnable == true && device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch') != null) {
lastCheckinTime = device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch').toLong()
if(lastCheckinTime != null && lastCheckinTime >= now() - (3 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
isPresent = true
} else {
sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "not present")
if(displayWarnings == true) {
Integer numNotPresent = device.currentValue('notPresentCounter')
numNotPresent = numNotPresent == null ? 1 : numNotPresent + 1
sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: numNotPresent )
if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) {
log.warn("No event seen from the device for over 3 hours! Something is not right... (consecutive events: $numNotPresent)")
return isPresent
void setAsPresent() {
if(device.currentValue('presence') == "not present") {
Integer numRestored = device.currentValue('restoredCounter')
numRestored = numRestored == null ? 1 : numRestored + 1
sendEvent(name: "restoredCounter", value: numRestored )
sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: 0 )
sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "present")
void resetNotPresentCounter() {
logging("resetNotPresentCounter()", 100)
sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Reset notPresentCounter to 0" )
void resetRestoredCounter() {
logging("resetRestoredCounter()", 100)
sendEvent(name: "restoredCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Reset restoredCounter to 0" )
// END: getHelperFunctions('driver-default')