"common": {
"active": "Active",
"amount": "Amount",
"and": "and",
"appearToBeOffline": "You appear to be offline",
"approveTx": "Approve the transaction in your wallet extension or mobile app and wait for it to conclude.",
"apr": "APR",
"apy": "APY",
"asset": "Asset",
"balance": "Balance",
"borrowed": "Borrowed",
"borrow": "Borrow",
"borrowingCapacity": "Borrowing Capacity",
"buy": "Buy",
"by": "by",
"chainId": "Chain ID",
"close": "Close",
"closeComposition": "Close Composition",
"completed": "Completed",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"connectWallet": "Connect Wallet",
"collateral": "Collateral",
"copied": "Address Copied",
"copy": "Copy Address",
"currentNetwork": "Current network",
"currentBorrowBalance": "Current Borrow Balance",
"currentDepositBalance": "Current Deposit Balance",
"custom": "Custom",
"day": "day",
"debt": "Debt",
"deposited": "Deposited",
"depositedAmountSymbol": "Deposited: {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"dialogHeaderTooltip": "This window displays the status of your transaction.",
"disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"disclaimers": "Disclaimers",
"displayCurrency": "Display Currency",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"description": "Description",
"errorEncountered": "Error encountered",
"failed": "Failed",
"for": "for",
"gas": "Gas",
"iBorrow": "I Borrow",
"installName": "Install {{name}}",
"iSupply": "I Supply",
"inWallet": "In Wallet",
"inWalletAmount": "In Wallet: {{amount}}",
"inWalletAmountSymbol": "In Wallet: {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"liquidationThreshold": "Liq. Threshold",
"lowUstAmountAfterTransaction": "You'll have no gas money for future transactions if you execute this transaction",
"lpValue": "LP Value",
"ltv": "LTV",
"mainnet": "Mainnet",
"maxLimitAmountSymbol": "Max Limit: {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"marketLiquidity": "Market Liquidity",
"marketLiquidityShort": "Market Liq.",
"migration": {
"title": "One moment please...",
"headline": "We're migrating the oracle",
"info": "Please wait until the process is done or come back later."
"net": "Net",
"newBorrowBalance": "New Borrow Balance",
"newDepositBalance": "New Deposit Balance",
"noDebt": "No debt",
"noDeposit": "No deposit",
"of": "of",
"oraclePrice": "Oracle Price",
"overview": "Overview",
"pending": "Pending",
"portfolio": "Portfolio",
"pos": "Pos",
"prioritizeXdefiWallet": "Prioritize XDEFI in the wallet to connect",
"rate": "Rate",
"received": "Received",
"reduceMotion": "Reduce Motion",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"repay": "Repay",
"secondary": "Secondary",
"selectChain": "Select a chain",
"settings": "Global Settings",
"setup": "Set up",
"signMessage": "Sign Message",
"showAll": "Show All",
"showComposition": "Show Composition",
"slippage": "Slippage tolerance",
"stability": "Stability Fee",
"submit": "Submit TX",
"summary": "Summary",
"summaryOfTheTransaction": "Summary of the Transaction",
"succeeded": "Succeeded",
"success": "success",
"swap": "Swap",
"termsOfService": {
"intro": "<0>Please check the boxes below to confirm your agreement to the 0><1>Mars Protocol Terms and Conditions1>",
"term1": "I have read and understood, and do hereby agree to be legally bound as a ‘User’ under, the Terms, including all future amendments thereto. Such agreement is irrevocable and will apply to all of my uses of the Site without me providing confirmation in each specific instance.",
"term2": "I acknowledge and agree that the Site solely provides information about data on the applicable blockchains. I accept that the Site operators have no custody over my funds, ability or duty to transact on my behalf or power to reverse my transactions. The Site operators do not endorse or provide any warranty with respect to any tokens."
"testnet": "Testnet",
"tooltips": {
"reduceMotion": "Turns off all animations inside the dApp. Turning animations off can increase the overall performance on lower-end hardware.",
"displayCurrency": "This function allows you to switch the base asset denomination from US Dollars ($) to other options within the application. The pricing for any chosen denomination is determined by using the tokens TWAP Oracle for it and the new base token pair.
For instance, if you select ATOM as the new denomination, the price of the asset will be calculated using the OSMO/ATOM TWAP price. So, if the asset is MARS, its price in ATOM will be MARS/OSMO multiplied by OSMO/ATOM.
Alternatively, if you choose to keep the denomination in US Dollars ($), the pricing will be determined by retrieving the OSMO/USD rate from Coingecko."
"testnetAddress": "Testnet address",
"theMarkets": "The Markets",
"tvl": "TVL",
"txFee": "Tx Fee",
"txTooltip": "This window displays the status of your transaction.",
"transactionFailed": "Transaction Failed",
"transactionFee": "Transaction Fee",
"transactionSuccessful": "Transaction Successful",
"transactionPending": "Waiting for the Transaction",
"txHash": "Tx Hash",
"txPending": "Tx Pending",
"unlocked": "Unlocked",
"used": "used",
"via": "via",
"viewOnFinder": "View on Mintscan",
"viewOnExplorer": "View on {{explorer}}",
"waitingForReceipt": "Waiting for receipt...",
"wallet": "Your Wallet",
"yourAddress": "Your address",
"youveArrivedOnMars": "You've arrived on Mars, the money market of the Osmosis and Neutron blockchain."
"error": {
"errorEstimatedFee": "Oops... something bad happened.",
"errorNoStratgy": "Uh oh, operation failed",
"errorProposal": "Uh oh, operation failed",
"errorClaim": "Uh oh, operation failed",
"errorMarsBalance": "You do not have enough MARS in your wallet to submit a proposal.",
"errorStake": "Uh oh, operation failed",
"errorVote": "Uh oh, operation failed",
"errorRedbankNoLiquidity": "The amount you’re trying to borrow exceeds the amount available for borrowing from the Red Bank. Please try a smaller amount.",
"errorLoanLimitExhausted": "The credit line for this strategy is exhausted. You can only adjust your position in a way that does not borrow additional {{secondarySymbol}}.",
"failingRequest": "One or more data requests were unsuccessful",
"failingRequestDescription": "The application might display incorrect data on-screen or behave unexpectedly. Use a blockchain explorer to verify transactional data. This issue might resolve itself, or try reloading the application.",
"fieldsEstimateFeeError": "Something went wrong while we were simulating your transaction.
Please reload the page and try again.
If the problem persists, please try closing your position or contacting support.",
"importantInformation": "Important Information",
"marsContractsCouldNotBeFound": "Mars contracts could not be found on the selected network",
"problemPersists": "If the problem persists, please reach out to the Discord community <1>here1>",
"selectADifferentNetwork": "Select a different network from your wallet provider.",
"serverOfflineTitle": "Unable to reach a server",
"serverOfflineBody": "A server seems to be down at the moment. Please try again later.",
"youHaveAFailingNetworkRequest": "You need a working internet connection to interact with the application. Please make sure you are connected."
"faucet": {
"anErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {{error}}",
"cannotConnect": "Cannot connect to server",
"connectYourKeplrWallet": "Connect your Keplr Wallet add MARS chain and start using the faucet to get MARS Testnet tokens.",
"goToExplorer": "Go to explorer",
"invalidRequest": "Invalid request",
"marsTestnetFaucet": "Mars testnet faucet",
"tooltip": "Mars Hub testnet Faucet is a client tool that allows anyone to easily request a nominal amount of MARS for testing purposes.",
"tooManyRequests": "Too many requests",
"useTheFaucet": "Use this faucet to get MARS Testnet tokens. Please use your tokens sparingly as the number of available tokens is limited.",
"sendMeTokens": "Send me Tokens",
"successfullySent": "Successfully sent {{amount}} MARS testnet tokens to {{address}}",
"tokensClaimed": "Tokens claimed for MARS testnet",
"unavailable": "Faucet service temporary unavailable",
"welcomeMartian": "Welcome, Martian!"
"fields": {
"actions": {
"deposited": "Deposited",
"repaid": "Repaid",
"borrowed": "Borrowed",
"withdrawn": "Withdrawn",
"unlocking": "Unlocking",
"swap": "Swap"
"activeVaults": "Active vaults",
"availableVaults": "Available vaults",
"apyBreakdown": "APY Breakdown",
"borrowRate": "Borrow rate",
"borrowRateApy": "Borrowing Cost",
"breakdown": "Breakdown",
"creditLine": "Credit line",
"current": "Current",
"debtValue": "Debt value",
"disclaimers": {
"dontShowAgain": "Don't show this again",
"lockup": {
"title": "Osmosis LP lock-up",
"description": "Your Osmosis LP tokens are locked up for {{time}} {{unit}} in this position. That means reducing your position size will not be possible. Closing your position requires a {{time}}-{{unit}} unlock period after which you need to manually close your position. You will not earn fees and rewards during the unlock period.",
"button": "Set up a {{time}}-{{unit}} locked LP"
"unlock": {
"title": "Unlocking Osmosis LP tokens",
"description": "Beware, once the unlock has been initiated, it cannot be revoked or stopped. You will not earn fees or rewards during the unbonding period. You will not be able to reduce your exposure, but you can repay debt to avoid liquidation. Upon completion of the unbonding period, you can only close your postion. The complete amount of tokens will be transfered to the wallet you deposited them from.",
"button": "Unlock"
"estDailyIncome": "Est. daily income",
"introTitle": "Farm the fields of Mars",
"introDescription": "Proceed with caution fellow Farmer. Riches and ruins lie ahead.",
"leverage": "Leverage",
"leverageShort": "lev",
"leveragedApy": "{{leverage}} Leveraged APY",
"liqPrice": "Liq. price",
"managePosition": "Manage Position",
"messages": {
"closeToMaxLtv": "You are getting close to the max LTV. Your transaction might fail.",
"noReduce": "You cannot reduce your debt",
"repayFromWallet": "Repay debt from wallet instead",
"unableToIncreaseLeverage": "Not enough Red Bank liquidity to increase leverage beyond {{leverage}}x",
"unlockWarning": "You cannot reduce your supply. Subject to a {{time}} unlocking period. Unlock to take profits.",
"vaultCap": "Vault cap reached. Position value can not exceed {{amount}}",
"vaultCapReached": "Vault cap reached. You cannot add to your position."
"name": "Name",
"notEarning": "Not earning",
"notifications": {
"unlocked": {
"single": {
"text": "{{lp}} is unlocked. It does not earn fees, but it can still be liquidated.",
"button": "Withdraw Unlocked Position now"
"plural": "Several positions have unlocked. They stopped earning fees, but they can still be liquidated."
"unlocking": {
"single": "Currently unlocking one {{lp}} position. Time left: {{time}}",
"plural": "Currently unlocking several positions. Check the Active Vaults to learn when you can close your position."
"repayOnly": "The position is currently in the unlocking process and can't be adjusted. You are able to repay debt to avoid liquidation.",
"liquidation": {
"single": {
"text": "{{lp}} is at risk of liquidation. Repay debt to avoid liquidation.",
"button": "Repay debt"
"plural": "Multiple positions are at risk of liquidation. Repay debt to avoid liquidation."
"netValue": "Net value",
"netYield": "Net yield",
"pnl": "PnL",
"position": "Position",
"positionValue": "Position value",
"positionValueShort": "Pos. value",
"reducedEarning": "Reduced earnings",
"removeLiquidity": "Remove liquidity from {{vault}}",
"repayDebt": "Repay debt",
"repayDescription": "‘Repay Debt’ lowers your Debt and increase your Net Value by the same amount. Your Position size will stay constant, your leverage will be reduced.",
"repayingDebtFromWallet": "Repaying Debt from your wallet",
"settings": "Farm Settings",
"setup": {
"title": "Set up position",
"step1": {
"title": "Step 1: Create credit account",
"text": "To enter a new vault you first need to mint a Credit Account. Each Osmosis LP you enter requires a new Credit Account.",
"button": "Mint my credit account",
"success": "Credit account successfully created"
"step2": {
"title": "Step 2: Set up and lock",
"text": "Reducing your position size is not possible. You can however reduce your leverage by repaying debt. Closing your position requires a {{time}}-{{unit}} unlock period after which you need to manually close your position. You will not earn fees and rewards during the unlock period.",
"button": "Set up my vault",
"error": "Something went wrong. Please head back and try setting up a position again."
"supply": "Supply",
"supplyLiquidity": "Supply liquidity to {{vault}}",
"tooltips": {
"activeVaults": {
"desktop": "Vaults where you have active positions",
"mobile": "Vaults where you have active positions
Pos value:
The total value of your position
The estimated value you would receive when you close your position
The total value you have borrowed from the Red Bank
Your current leverage
Borrow capacity bar:
If your borrowing capacity hits 100%, you are in danger of being liquidated"
"availableVaults": {
"desktop": "Vaults where you do not currently have an active position",
"mobile": "Vaults where you do not currently have an active position
The max allowed leverage
Vault cap:
The maximum value that can be deposited in the vault"
"portfolioOverview": "An overview of your activity on the Fields of Mars. “Unrealized PNL” stands for Unrealized Profit and Loss, meaning these are gains or losses that you have not yet realized or harvested.",
"slippage": "Some vault actions require token swaps. The transaction will fail if the price of the swap asset changes unfavorably by more than this percentage.",
"editPosition": "Manage your position to ensure your borrowing capacity remains below the liquidation threshold. Higher leverage translates to higher yield APY, but also a higher borrowing cost and risk of liquidation.",
"setupPosition": "Each position in the farm requires an NFT representing the position. Once it's minted you can set up and lock your LP tokens in the vault.",
"positionValue": "The total value of your position",
"netValue": "The estimated value you would receive when you close your position",
"borrowValue": "The total value you have borrowed from the Red Bank",
"vaultCap": "The vault cap limits the amount of value as denominated in Axelar USDC (axlUSDC) that can be deposited into each vault. Once the cap is reached for any vault, it’s no longer possible for anyone (including current depositors) to initiate a deposit into that vault. However, users who have already deposited into that vault can keep their assets in the vault and withdraw (subject to protocol solvency and liquidity conditions) or repay debt at will.",
"apy": {
"available": "APYs are calculated whenever someone enters or exits a vault. APYs are calculated using rates provided by the vault creator and take borrowing rates into account. Remember, they are not a rate promised by a counterparty, but are a 365-day projection based on a given vault's performance over the last 24 hours and can be subject to significant volatility. See Mars' Disclaimers and Disclosures for more.",
"active": "APYs are calculated whenever someone enters or exits a vault. APYs are calculated using rates provided by the vault creator and take borrowing rates into account. Remember, they are not a rate promised by a counterparty, but are a 365-day projection based on a given vault's performance over the last 24 hours and can be subject to significant volatility. Yield stops accruing when you initiate the unlock process. See Mars' Disclaimers and Disclosures for more. "
"leverage": {
"available": "The max allowed leverage",
"active": "Your current leverage and the limit"
"borrowCapacity": "If your borrowing capacity hits 100%, you are in danger of being liquidated",
"name": "Your deposit and borrows are converted into {{asset1}} and {{asset2}}. Then they are swapped for LP tokens, which are deposited into the vault to auto-compound LP rewards. This vault requires a {{time}}-{{unit}} unlock period."
"totalApy": "Total APY",
"tutorial": {
"1": {
"title": "1. Supply Collateral",
"description": "Supply tokens to this position. Assets will be swapped if necessary. Click the plus to supply two different tokens.",
"button": "Next"
"2": {
"title": "2. Add leverage",
"description": "Multipy your returns by taking on debt. Leverage is how much bigger your position is than your supply. The higher the leverage, the bigger the risk.",
"button": "Next"
"3": {
"title": "3. Borrow",
"description": "Set the exact amount you want to borrow. You can borrow up to {{leverage}}× what you supply as collateral. Beware, if your debt grows faster than your posititon, you will eventually get liquidated.",
"button": "Got it"
"txMessages": {
"setup": "Position set up",
"edit": "Position updated",
"repay": "Debt repaid",
"unlock": "Unlock requested",
"close": "Position closed"
"unlockBtn": "Unlock ({{time}}{{unit}})",
"unlocksAt": "Unlocks at",
"unlocking": "Unlocking",
"unrealizedPnl": "Unrealized PNL",
"vaultApy": "Vault APY",
"vaultCap": "Vault cap.",
"vaultDescription": "Up to {{maxLeverage}}x leveraged yield farming with auto compounding of the {{lpName}} LP tokens.",
"vaultName": "{{name}} ({{unlockDuration}} {{unlockTimeframe}})",
"xDayLockup": "{{time}} lockup"
"global": {
"about": "About",
"understood": "Understood",
"blockExplorer": "Block Explorer",
"blog": "Blog",
"borrowLimit": "Borrow limit",
"community": "Community",
"cookiePolicy": "Cookie Policy",
"cookieConsent": "This website uses cookies to improve its functionality and optimize content delivery. By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies for these purposes. Learn more, including how to modify your cookie settings, in Marsprotocol.io's <1>privacy1> and <3>cookie3> policies.",
"council": "Council",
"connectingToWallet": "connecting to wallet",
"development": "Development",
"discord": "Discord",
"docs": "Docs",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"farm": "Farm",
"fields": "Farm",
"fieldsOfMars": "Fields of Mars",
"followUs": "Follow us",
"forum": "Forum",
"governance": "Governance",
"keplrBrowserExtension": "Keplr browser extension",
"limit": "limit",
"litepaper": "Litepaper",
"loading": "Loading",
"mars": "Mars",
"max": "Max",
"max_lower": "max",
"medium": "Medium",
"min_lower": "min",
"markets": "Markets",
"myStation": "My Station",
"participate": "Participate",
"privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
"products": "Products",
"protocol": "Protocol",
"reached": "reached",
"redBank": "Red Bank",
"security": "Security",
"selectAWallet": "Select a wallet",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"support": "Support",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"twitter": "Twitter",
"termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
"theFieldsOfMars": "The Fields of Mars",
"theRedBank": "The Red Bank",
"wallet": "Wallet",
"walletConnect": "Wallet Connect",
"walletConnectDescription": "Keplr mobile WalletConnect",
"walletReset": "Retry the Connection",
"walletResetText": "If nothing shows up in your wallet try to connect again, by clicking on the button below. Refresh the page if the problem persists.",
"whitepaper": "Whitepaper"
"incentives": {
"claimRewards": "Claim Rewards",
"depositRewards": "Deposit Rewards",
"lpRewards": "LP Rewards",
"marsRewardsCenter": "Mars Rewards Center",
"marsRewardsCenterTooltip": "If you’re eligible for Red Bank rewards, you can claim them here.",
"nothingToClaim": "Nothing to Claim",
"ongoingRewards": "Ongoing Rewards",
"totalRewards": "Total Rewards",
"incentiveApr": "Incentive APR",
"interestApr": "Interest APR",
"successfullyClaimed": "You have successfully claimed your rewards!"
"landing": {
"braveNewWorld": "A brave new world",
"disclaimer": "Please be advised: This page sets forth speculation regarding a possible design of a potential future derivation and deployment of ‘Mars protocol’ and the creation of new MARS tokens. There is no guarantee or promise being made, or duty or obligation being assumed, or right being created or conferred hereby, and no contract or agreement is implied. There is no guarantee or assurance that new Mars software will be created or deployed, or that any Mars software which is created or deployed will adhere to the design or have all of the features described herein.
If Mars software is created or deployed, this page article does not constitute a representation, warranty or guarantee as to how that software will function or the outcomes to be produced by that software. This page is not an offer or solicitation to purchase or otherwise acquire MARS tokens, and does not constitute investment or other advice.
Mars protocol is open-source software, and the Mars branding is licensed under creative commons. Accordingly, no single person or group controls what forks or derivations of Mars protocol may be created in the future. There is no specific entity or entities that have promised or committed to develop the software described herein, and you should not have any expectation of continued software development or governance on the part of any specific person or persons.",
"enterTheCitadel": "Enter the Citadel",
"exploreMarsProtocol": "Explore Mars Protocol",
"fieldOfMars": "Field
of Mars",
"fieldNumber": "Field #{{number}}",
"forTheAdventurous": "For the adventurous, the fields of Mars whisper promises of riches. They give you a place to borrow crypto from the Red Bank and leverage your yield farming activities.
Never before has this been possible on one protocol across many chains.",
"launchApp": "Launch App",
"launchMarsApp": "Launch Mars App",
"lendBorrow": "Lend, borrow and earn with an autonomous credit protocol. Open to all, closed to none.",
"marsProtocol": "Mars Protocol",
"marsProtocolMultiline": "Mars
"mission01": "0.1 Mars Governance",
"mission11": "1.1 Mars Whitepaper v2",
"mission12": "1.2 Mars FAQs",
"mission21": "2.1 Install Wallet",
"mission22": "2.2 Fund your wallet",
"mission31": "3.1 Red Bank Basics",
"mission32": "3.2 Red Bank Tutorials",
"mission33": "3.3 Enter the Red Bank",
"mission41": "4.1 Farm Basics",
"mission42": "4.2 Farm Tutorials",
"mission51": "5.1 Decode the Mars token",
"mission52": "5.2 Learn More About Mars’ Governance",
"missions": "Missions",
"onMarsThereAreNoLimits": "DeFi has begun its quest to render CeFi obsolete, and Mars will serve as the gateway through which users interact with this new financial system.
Built atop its own Cosmos blockchain called Mars Hub, Mars outposts can be deployed on other chains including Osmosis and Neutron. Wherever the outpost, Mars aims to offer a full-stack DeFi product experience that looks and feels like CeFi while preserving the benefits of decentralization: non-custodial, transparent, trustless, resilient.",
"theRedBankIsTheLifeblood": "The Red Bank is the lifeblood of Mars. An autonomous (smart-contract-based) lending protocol, it can run on computer code 24/7.
It has the potential to accept any form of digital value for deposits and loans, from cryptos to LP tokens and beyond.",
"ticketToMars": "Ticket to mars",
"toGetAroundMars": "To get around Mars, you’ll need the right gear: namely a wallet that supports <1>1> and other tokens issued in the Cosmos ecosystem like <3>3>.
Outfit yourself for action on Mars with the links below:",
"transformTheFutureOfBanking": "Transform the
future of banking",
"unclaimedTerritory": "Unclaimed Territory",
"weBelieveInThePowerOfIndividuals": "We believe in the power of individuals over corporations; of innovation over the status quo; and of giving a voice to the ones with skin in the game.
Mars offers the opportunity to help create a truly free and decentralized future… one where we take the 1%’s financial tools and freedoms and deliver them to the 99%.
The future awaits.",
"whatIsMars": "What is Mars",
"yourVoiceMattersHere": "Your voice matters here.
Stake the Mars token (MARS) and earn the right to ascend to the Citadel and take a seat on the Martian Council.
There, you’ll help the protocol shape the very future, not just of our planet, but of the entire Cosmos and beyond."
"redbank": {
"borrow": "Borrow",
"borrowedAmountSymbol": "Borrowed: {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"borrowMarkets": "Borrowings",
"buyAssetsFirstToBeAbleToDeposit": "Buy assets first to be able to deposit them. <1>Learn how1>",
"buyAssetsFirstToBeAbleToBorrow": "Buy assets first, then deposit to be able to borrow. <1>Learn how1>",
"close": "Close",
"currentComposition": "Current Composition",
"deposit": "Deposit",
"depositCap": "Deposit cap.",
"depositMarkets": "Deposits",
"lendAndBorrowMoney": "Lend and borrow money on the Osmosis or Neutron blockchain",
"maxLTV": "Max. LTV",
"myBorrowBalance": "My Borrow Balance",
"myBorrowings": "Borrowings",
"myDeposits": "Deposits",
"myDepositBalance": "My Deposit Balance",
"newComposition": "New Composition",
"noFundsForRepay": "You do not have any {{symbol}} in your wallet to repay the debt.",
"notBorrowedYet": "Not borrowed yet",
"notEnoughMarketLiquidity": "Not enough market liquidity.",
"noPriceAvailable": "There is no price available for {{symbol}}. Therefore depositing and borrowing are disabled temporarily.",
"readMoreAboutMarsOrLearnHowToUseTheRedBank": "<0>Read more about MARS0> or <2>learn how to use the RED BANK.2>",
"redBankRewards": "Red Bank Rewards",
"repay": "Repay",
"toDepositAssetOnChain": "To deposit {{asset}}, buy some on an exchange and transfer it to {{chain}}.",
"totalBorrowed": "Total Borrowed",
"totalSupplied": "Total Supplied",
"tooltips": {
"borrow": {
"action": "Enter the amount you would like to borrow. You can see how this transaction will impact any existing borrowing balance in the New Borrow Balance panel.",
"bar": "The borrowing capacity bar displays the total amount you can borrow ({{limit}}). Your liquidation threshold will be hit if the bar hits 100% ({{liquidation}}), which will result in some or all of your collateral becoming eligible to be liquidated.",
"market": {
"connected": "An overview of your borrowing activity on Mars.",
"unconnected": "Deposits can be used as collateral to borrow from the Red Bank at the rates displayed. Rates change based on market conditions."
"rate": "An asset's borrow rate is the cost a user must pay to borrow a given asset. It is updated every time a user performs an action involving that specific asset. Rates are a 365-day projection based on each asset's utilization rate over the past 24 hours and are determined by a mathematical curve.",
"assets": "Assets available to be borrowed",
"borrowed": "The total number of tokens you've borrowed",
"marketLiquidity": "The total number of tokens available to be borrowed"
"deposit": {
"action": "Enter the amount you would like to deposit. You can see how this transaction will impact any existing deposit balance in the New Deposit Balance panel.",
"apy": "An asset's deposit APR is updated every time a user deposits or withdraws that specific asset. APRs are not a rate promised by a counterparty, but are a 365-day projection based on each asset's utilization rate, which determines APR on a mathematical curve over the last 24 hours. The APR also includes any applicable MARS rewards, which are calculated by extrapolating the amount of MARS rewards per second to a yearly rate.",
"market": {
"connected": "An overview of your deposit activity on Mars.",
"unconnected": "When you deposit assets in the Red Bank, they’re deposited into smart contract liquidity pools and made available for borrowing by other users and smart contracts. Depositers earn a pro-rata portion of the yield that’s generated by the pool. Deposits can also be used as collateral to borrow from the Red Bank."
"caps": "The deposit cap limits the amount of each asset that can be deposited into the Red Bank and is denominated in the asset to be deposited. Once the cap is reached for any asset, it’s no longer possible for anyone (including current depositors) to initiate a deposit for that asset. However, users who have already deposited that asset can keep their assets in the Red Bank and withdraw at will (subject to protocol solvency and liquidity conditions).",
"assets": "Assets available to be deposited",
"deposited": "The total number of tokens you've deposited",
"notBorrowable": "{{symbol}} can only be deposited as collateral to borrow other assets. Since it can't be borrowed, {{symbol}} deposits will not generate yield from the Red Bank."
"portfolio": "You can borrow up to the white line in the Borrowing Capacity bar graph. If you fill the entire Borrowing Capacity bar, you’re in danger of liquidation.",
"repay": {
"action": "Enter the amount of debt you would like to repay. You can see how this transaction will impact your debt in the New Borrow Balance panel."
"withdraw": {
"action": "Enter the amount you would like to withdraw. You can see how this transaction will impact any existing deposit balance in the New Deposit Balance panel."
"tutorial": {
"1": {
"title": "1. Deposit collateral",
"description": "Welcome to the Red Bank! To begin your journey, you must provide collateral. Select an asset by clicking on it and choosing 'Deposit'. If you don’t have any of the supported assets, you’ll need to buy them on an exchange.",
"button": "Next"
"2": {
"title": "2. Borrow against your collateral",
"description": "Once you’ve deposited collateral, you can borrow against it. Click on the asset you’d like to borrow and select ‘Borrow.’",
"button": "Next"
"3": {
"title": "3. Your portfolio",
"description": "This is your portfolio overview. You can borrow up to the white line in the Borrowing Capacity bar graph. As the value of your collateral and borrowings fluctuate, the Borrowing Capacity bar will automatically update. If you fill the Borrowing Capacity bar to 100%, you're in immediate danger of liquidation.",
"button": "Got it"
"utilizationRate": "Utilization Rate",
"warning": {
"depositCap": "Amount exceeds deposit cap. Max amount left: {{amount}} {{symbol}}.",
"depositCapReached": "The deposit cap for {{symbol}} has been reached.",
"withdraw": "Withdrawing is not possible. Repay borrowed assets to enable withdrawing of assets.",
"borrow": "Deposit assets first to be able to borrow."
"welcomeToTheRedBank": "Welcome to the Red Bank",
"withdraw": "Withdraw",
"youAreGettingCloserToGettingLiquidated": "You're close to getting liquidated. Deposit more to reduce risk. <1>Learn more1>",
"youDontHaveAnyAssetsInYourWallet": "You don't have any Assets in your wallet so far.",
"youDontHaveBorrowedOrDepositedAnyAsset": "You don't have any borrowed assets so far."