20230410T111454,20+0220230327T165132,43+02 20230327T165354,76+02 20230410T111454,20+02 20230410T111454,19+02 20230410T111454,19+02 20230327T165354,86+02 CN=Super Admin/O=WWCorp 20230327T165354,86+0220230327T165432,23+02 Check the API at https://desec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ The details about this DNS Configuration can be found in this blog article https://blog.martdj.nl/2023/04/24/how-to-create-a-dns-configuration To create a DNS TXT record: curl -X POST https://desec.io/api/v1/domains/{name}/rrsets/ \ --header "Authorization: Token {secret}" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @- <<< \ '{"subname": "{acme_challenge_name}", "type": "TXT", "ttl": 360, "records": ["\"{acme_challenge_token}\""]}' To delete a DNS TXT record: curl -X DELETE https://desec.io/api/v1/domains/{name}/rrsets/{acme_challenge_name}/TXT \ --header "Authorization: Token {secret}" This DNS Configuration can be used with CNAME delegation by entering the correct name for the TXT record in the Custom value-field of your DNS Provider. See https://blog.martdj.nl/2023/04/09/dns-configurations-and-cname-delegation/ H 60 1 D P D FP_Server_Scope = "1" [Administrator] deSec with CNAME Delegation deSec https://desec.io https://desec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dns 1.0 Martijn de Jong https://desec.io/ ret_AddStatus https://desec.io/api/v1 cfg_URL + "/domains/" + cfg_DnsZone +"/rrsets/" + @if(cfg_CustomValue="";@Left(param_DnsTxtName;"." + cfg_DnsZone);cfg_CustomValue) + "/TXT/" ("Authorization: Token " + cfg_AuthToken ) : ( "Content-Type: application/json" ) cfg_URL + "/domains/" + cfg_DnsZone +"/rrsets/" ("Authorization: Token " + cfg_AuthToken ) : ( "Content-Type: application/json" ) "{" + { "subname": "} + @if(cfg_CustomValue="";@Left(param_DnsTxtName;"." + cfg_DnsZone);cfg_CustomValue) + {","type": "TXT","ttl": 120,"records":["\\"} + param_DnsTxtValue + {\\""]} + "}" cfg_URL + "/domains/" + cfg_DnsZone +"/rrsets/" + @if(cfg_CustomValue="";@Left(param_DnsTxtName;"." + cfg_DnsZone);cfg_CustomValue) + "/TXT/" ("Authorization: Token " + cfg_AuthToken ) : ( "Content-Type: application/json" )