## [2.0.0] - Major - 2019-12-29 * Switch to d3v5, this only means changing the way `d3.json` and `d3.csv` work. * Rewritten the snippets using ES2015. * New snippet for using `Promise.all` to load files. This is the way to do it now as d3-queue is no longer recommended. * New snippet for `d3.max`. * New snippet for `d3.min`. ## [1.2.1] - Path - 2017-11-01 * Change block snippet shorthand to `createblock` to prevent a collision with the CSS display property. ## [1.2.0] - Minor - 2017-10-29 * New snippet to scaffold blocks. ## [1.1.0] - Minor - 2017-10-24 ### Added * Support for TypeScript and React scopes (`.ts`, `.tsx`, and `.jsx`). * New snippet to set the _x_. * New snippet to set the _y_. * New snippet to set the radius. * New snippet to add a class. * New snippet to add a group. * New snippet for `d3.extent`. * New snippet for `d3.scaleSequential`. * New snippet for sorting a dataset. * New snippets for customizing the stroke. * New snippets for customizing the fill. * New snippets for customizing the axis ticks. * New snippet to set the text. * New snippet to set the text anchor. ### Fixes * Improve [d3-voronoi](https://github.com/d3/d3-voronoi) snippet. ## [1.0.1] - Patch - 2017-05-14 ### Fixes * Fix semicolon on margin snippet. ## [1.0.0] - Major - 2017-04-15 * Update to D3.v4. ### Added * New snippets for [d3-axis](https://github.com/d3/d3-axis). * New snippets for [d3-shape](https://github.com/d3/d3-shape). * New snippet for [d3-voronoi](https://github.com/d3/d3-voronoi). ### Update * Rename map snippet to geomap. ### Fixes * Improve descriptions ## [0.2.0] - Minor - 2016-10-11 ### Added * New snippets contributed by @dephora for `domain`, `range`, `append`, `duration`, `enter` and `on`. Add `d3.svg.axis` snippet. ### Fixes * Small bug on `attr` snippet, by @dephora. ## [0.1.1] - Patch * Small bugfix on the queue snippet * Improve anonymous function descriptions ## [0.1.0] - First Release * Add the first snippets