-------------------------------------------------------------- -- @module Battlefront2API -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the sound stream to play for the specified team when the other specified team has started/stopped bleeding. -- -- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number -- @param #int bleedTeam The team that's started/stopped bleeding -- @param #string streamSoundName Stream sound to play when the local player is playerTeam and bleedTeam has started/stopped bleeding -- @param #int bleeding Set to 1 to assign a started bleeding sound, set to 0 to assign a stopped bleeding sound function SetBleedingVoiceOver(playerTeam, bleedTeam, streamSoundName, bleeding) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the bleeding sound stream repeat time. -- -- @param #float repeatTime Time between each repetition of the started bleeding voice over function SetBleedingRepeatTime(repeatTime) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the voice over to play for the specified bonus. -- -- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number -- @param #int bonusNum The number of the bonus to be set. -- `0` - medical regen bonus (played on level load, heard by players team) -- `1` - surplus supplies bonus (played on level load, heard by players team) -- `2` - sensor boost bonus (played on level load, heard by players team) -- `3` - hero is on the battlefield (played on level load, heard by both teams) -- `4` - our team just got the reserves bonus (played when it happens, heard by players team) -- `5` - the other team just got reserves bonus (played when it happens, heard by other team) -- @param #string streamSoundName Stream sound to play when the bonus occurs (or at level load if the bonus is ongoing) function SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(playerTeam, bonusNum, streamSoundName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the sound effect to play for the specified sound event. -- -- @param #string soundEventType Type of event. Can be any of the following... -- `BirdScatter` - Played when birds are spawned -- `Bird` - Attached to each bird -- `LeafFall` - Played when a falling leaf is spawned -- `ScopeDisplayAmbient` - Played when scope display is active -- `ScopeDisplayZoomIn` - When scope display zooms in -- `ScopeDisplayZoomOut` - When scope display zooms out -- `WeaponUnableSelect` - When the weapon change button is pressed but another weapon is not available -- `WeaponModeUnableSelect` - When the weapon mode change button is pressed but another mode is not available -- `SpawnDisplayUnitChange` - When unit is changed in spawn display -- `SpawnDisplayUnitAccept` - When unit is selected in spawn display -- `SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange` - When spawn point is changed in spawn display -- `SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept` - When spawn point is selected in spawn display -- `SpawnDisplayBack` - When user presses the back button and returns from the map to the unit select screen in -- the spawn display -- `LockOn` - Played when player locks onto someone using the targetting display -- `HeroesUnlocked` - When heroes are unlocked in multiplayer -- `HeroSpawned` - When a player on Team `teamIndex` spawns in as the hero -- `HeroDefeated` - When a player on Team `teamIndex` dies in as the hero -- @param #string soundPropertyName Name of a SoundProperty assigned to the event -- @param #int teamIndex Only required if `soundEventType` == `"HeroSpawned"` or `"HeroDefeated"`. Index of team that player is on function SetSoundEffect(soundEventType, soundPropertyName, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the voice over for when the specified team has low reinforcements. -- -- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number -- @param #int lowReinforcementTeam Team which has low reinforcements -- @param #string streamSoundName Sound stream to play when the local player is `playerTeam` and `lowReinforcementTeam`'s reinforcements -- have dropped below `numReinforcements` -- @param #int numReinforcements Number of reinforcements which triggers the low reinforcement stream -- @param #int isPercentage Optional argument which when set to 1 treats `numReinforcements` as a fraction (`0.0..1.0`) of maximum reinforcements function SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(playerTeam, lowReinforcementTeam, streamSoundName, numReinforcements, isPercentage) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the out-of-bounds voice over to play for the specified team. -- -- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number -- @param #string streamSoundName Name of the stream to play when the player goes out of bounds function SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(playerTeam, streamSoundName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the ambient music to play for players on the specified team. -- -- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number -- @param #int reinforcementCount Reinforcement count of the player's team which triggers the specified music -- @param #string musicName Name of the music configuration -- @param #int gameStage Value from 0 to 2, where 0 = beginning, 1 = middle, and 2 = end -- @param #int isPercentage Optional argument which when set to 1 treats reinforcementCount as a fraction (`0.0..1.0`) of maximum reinforcements function SetAmbientMusic(playerTeam, reinforcementCount, musicName, gameStage, isPercentage) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets which music and voice overs are heard when in two-player (only?) splitscreen. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of the attacking team function SetAttackingTeam(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the music to play for players on the specified team when their team is victorious. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of player's team -- @param #string soundStreamID ID of sound stream properties to play function SetVictoryMusic(teamIndex, soundStreamID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the music to play for players on the specified team when their team is defeated. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of player's team -- @param #string soundStreamID ID of sound stream properties to play function SetDefeatMusic(teamIndex, soundStreamID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plays the specified sound stream segment. -- -- @param #string streamFilename File containing the audio stream -- @param #string streamID ID of sound stream properties containing `segmentID` -- @param #string segmentID ID of segment within the `streamID` to play -- @param #float gain Initial gain of the stream -- @param #string busName Bus stream is assigned to (default = "Root") -- @param #int streamIndex Index of the open stream to play, `streamFilename` can be "" if this is specified. (NOTE : This is an optional argument) -- @return #int ID of the opened stream, `streamIndex` if it was specified or 0 if the function fails function PlayAudioStream(streamFilename, streamID, segmentID, gain, busName, streamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plays the specified sound stream with the specified properties. -- -- @param #string streamFilename File containing the audio stream specified in the sound stream properties -- @param #string soundStreamID ID of the sound stream properties to play -- @param #int noOpen Set to 1 to play using a previously opened stream. (NOTE : This is an optional argument) -- @return #int ID of the opened stream (this may not be the stream that's playing) function PlayAudioStreamUsingProperties(streamFilename, soundStreamID, noOpen) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stops and optionally closes the specified sound stream. -- -- @param #int streamIndex Index of the audio stream to stop -- @param #int close Optional argument. Set to 1 to close the stream, 0 to leave the stream open function StopAudioStream(streamIndex, close) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Opens the specified sound stream. -- -- @param #string streamFilename File containing the audio stream -- @param #string streamID ID of stream within the file -- @return #int ID of the opened stream or 0 if the function fails function OpenAudioStream(streamFilename, streamID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Appends the specified sound stream to another stream. Just like how only one segment in an open audio stream can be -- played at a time, only one segment in a group of appended segments can be played at a time. -- -- NOTE: This can ONLY be used with streams that are stored inside the same lvl file! -- -- @param #string streamFilename File containing the stream to append to the currently open stream -- @param #string streamID ID of the stream within the file -- @param #string streamIndex Number returned from `OpenAudioStream()` which is the index of the stream to append segments to -- @return #int ID of the opened stream or 0 if the function fails function AudioStreamAppendSegments(streamFilename, streamID, streamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not a sound stream is currently playing. -- -- @param #string streamID ID of the stream to query -- @return #int 1 if the stream has stopped, 0 otherwise function AudioStreamComplete(streamID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plays the specified sound properties. -- -- @param #string soundID ID of sound properties to play function ScriptCB_SndPlaySound(soundID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fades the specified sound bus. -- -- @param #string busName Name of the bus to fade -- @param #float endGain Final gain of the bus -- @param #float fadeTime Time to fade the bus -- @param #float startGain Start gain of the bus (NOTE : this is an optional argument) function ScriptCB_SndBusFade(busName, endGain, fadeTime, startGain) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Scales the specified parameter for the specified sound group. -- -- @param #string groupID Identifies the group which contains sounds that are changed -- @param #string parameter Parameter to scale on each sound within the group. Can be one of the following... -- `Gain` -- `GainDev` -- `Pitch` -- `PitchDev` -- `PlayProbability` -- `PlayInterval` -- `PlayIntervalDev` -- `ReverbGain` -- `Pan` -- `MinDistance` -- `MuteDistance` -- `MaxDistance` -- `RollOff` -- `RollIn` -- `RollInDistance` -- @param #float scale Scale factor for the parameter function ScaleSoundParameter(groupID, parameter, scale) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the bus that controls movie audio volume. -- -- @param #string busID ID of bus which controls the movie audio volume function ScriptCB_SetMovieAudioBus(busID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exaggerates or reduces doppler effects. -- -- @param #float dopplerFactor Default value is 1.0. To reduce doppler effects use values -- less than 1.0, to exaggerate use values greater than 1.0 function ScriptCB_SetDopplerFactor(dopplerFactor) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plays the specified music. -- -- @param #string musicID ID of the music to play in game function ScriptCB_PlayInGameMusic(musicID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stops the music previously played using `ScriptCB_PlayInGameMusic()`. function ScriptCB_StopInGameMusic() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enables or disables command post voice overs. -- -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable command post VO, 0 to disable command post VO function ScriptCB_EnableCommandPostVO(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enables or disables hero music. -- -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable hero music, 0 to disable hero music function ScriptCB_EnableHeroMusic(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enables or disables hero voice overs. -- -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable hero voice overs, 0 to disable hero voice overs function ScriptCB_EnableHeroVO(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the gain of the ingame bus when the spawn display is visible. -- -- @param #float gain 0..1 - Gain of the ingame bus when the spawn display is visible (default = 0.2) -- @param #float fadeTime Time, in seconds, to fade the ingame bus (default = 3.0) function ScriptCB_SetSpawnDisplayGain(gain, fadeTime) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enables or disables the specified trigger sound region. -- -- @param #string groupName Name of the trigger sound region group to enable/disable -- @param #int enabled 1 to enable, 0 to disable. (default = 1) function ScriptCB_TriggerSoundRegionEnable(groupName, enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the entity class of the specified class name. -- -- @param #string entityClassName Name of the entity class -- @return Entity class function FindEntityClass(entityClassName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the amount of extra(?) model memory to allocate for the map on the PS2. -- -- @param #int bytes Bytes to allocate function SetPS2ModelMemory(bytes) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- For CollisionManager and TreeGrid sizes... -- -- `SetWorldExtents` and `ScriptPreInit` go hand in hand. When building a Space level, you may notice that when you exit -- your ship you instantly die. You also might find that running around certain parts of your ship you will die -- without taking damage. That�s what `SetWorldExtents` is for. If you have this set to 2500, but you�re still finding -- that the world is killing you (and you�re not walking into a death region) then bump it up to enlarge the soldier -- based playable space. -- -- Might have to go in `ScriptPreInit`. -- -- @param #int amount New world extents in meters(?) function SetWorldExtents(amount) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the amount of memory to take from the artist memory pools and reallocate. (Where to, though?) -- -- @param #int bytes Bytes to reallocate function StealArtistHeap(bytes) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Loads the specified lvl file. Sub-lvls contained in the lvl file can be loaded in subsequent arguments like so: -- `ReadDataFile("dc:SIDE\\rep.lvl", "rep_inf_ep3_trooper", "rep_inf_ep3_engineer", "rep_hero_anakin")` -- -- You can also load a sub-lvl with a semicolon in the `sourceFilename` argument like so: -- `ReadDataFile("dc:Sound\\abc.lvl;ABCg")` -- -- @param #string sourceFilename Path of the lvl file to load, a single sub-lvl can be loaded by appending a semicolon followed by the name of the sub-lvl to this -- @param #string ... Optional. Any additional sub-lvls to load function ReadDataFile(sourceFilename, ...) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Loads the specified lvl file during run-time (I think?). Sub-lvls contained in the lvl file can be loaded in subsequent arguments like so: -- `ReadDataFile("dc:SIDE\\rep.lvl", "rep_inf_ep3_trooper", "rep_inf_ep3_engineer", "rep_hero_anakin")` -- -- You can also load a sub-lvl with a semicolon in the `sourceFilename` argument like so: -- `ReadDataFile("dc:Sound\\abc.lvl;ABCg")` -- -- @param #string sourceFilename Path of the lvl file to load, a single sub-lvl can be loaded by appending a semicolon followed by the name of the sub-lvl -- @param #string ... Optional. Any additional sub-lvls to load function ReadDataFileInGame(sourceFilename, ...) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the amount of memory to allocate to a temporary pool. Used in galactic conquest. (What for specifically, though?) -- -- @param #int bytes Bytes to allocate function SetupTempHeap(bytes) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clears the temporary memory pool created with `SetupTempHeap`. function ClearTempHeap() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds a shot to the map's set of camera shots. These are the different camera angles that you cycle -- through while in spectator mode when there's no players to spectate. -- Use the `DumpCamera` console command to print new ones to the debug log. -- -- @param #float quatW Quaternion's W value for camera rotation -- @param #float quatX Quaternion's X value for camera rotation -- @param #float quatY Quaternion's Y value for camera rotation -- @param #float quatZ Quaternion's Z value for camera rotation -- @param #float posX Value of camera's X position -- @param #float posY Value of camera's Y position -- @param #float posZ Value of camera's Z position function AddCameraShot(quatW, quatX, quatY, quatZ, posX, posY, posZ) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the camera's rotation (in quaternions). Note that the camera is immediately reset if the player is controlling a -- Controllable entity. -- -- @param #float quatW Quaternion's W value for camera rotation -- @param #float quatX Quaternion's X value for camera rotation -- @param #float quatY Quaternion's Y value for camera rotation -- @param #float quatZ Quaternion's Z value for camera rotation function SetCameraRotation(quatW, quatX, quatY, quatZ) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the camera's position. Note that the camera is immediately reset if the player is controlling a Controllable entity. -- -- @param #float posX Value of camera's X position -- @param #float posY Value of camera's Y position -- @param #float posZ Value of camera's Z position function SetCameraPosition(posX, posY, posZ) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Moves the camera to the specified entity. Used in galactic conquest. -- -- @param entity Entity to move camera to function MoveCameraToEntity(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map camera's position. Used in galactic conquest. -- -- @param #int posX X position -- @param #int posY Y position -- @param #int posZ Z position function SetMapCameraPosition(posX, posY, posZ) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the map camera's position values. Used in galactic conquest. -- -- @return #int X position -- @return #int Y position -- @return #int Z position function GetMapCameraPosition() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map camera's position offset for the specified level of zoom. Used in galactic conquest. -- -- @param #int zoom Level of zoom for which to set camera offset (0 = wide, 1 = normal, 2 = focus) -- @param #int posX X position offset -- @param #int posY Y position offset -- @param #int posZ Z position offset function SetMapCameraOffset(zoom, posX, posY, posZ) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map camera's pitch for the specified level of zoom. Used in galactic conquest. -- -- @param #int zoom Level of zoom for which to set camera pitch -- @param #float pitch Amount to pitch camera by function SetMapCameraPitch(zoom, pitch) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map camera's zoom level. Used in galactic conquest. -- -- @param #int zoom Level of zoom (0 = wide, 1 = normal, 2 = focus) -- @param #int dir Optional argument. Direction of zoom (1 = zoom in, 0 = zoom out) -- @param #float ratio Optional argument. Ratio of the shortest and longest ranges of the zoom lens. For example, -- an 18-55 mm lens has a ratio of 0.33, or about 1:3, while a 75-300 mm lens ratio is 0.25, -- or 1:4. Note that the zoom ratios have no connection to field of view, but merely express -- the range between short and long function SetMapCameraZoom(zoom, dir, ratio) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the map camera's current zoom values. Used in galactic conquest. -- -- @return #int Level of zoom (0 = wide, 1 = normal, 2 = focus) -- @return #int Direction of zoom (1 = zoom in, 0 = zoom out) -- @return #float Ratio of the shortest and longest ranges of the zoom lens. For example, an 18-55 mm lens -- has a ratio of 0.33, or about 1:3, while a 75-300 mm lens ratio is 0.25, or 1:4. Note -- that the zoom ratios have no connection to field of view, but merely express the range -- between short and long function GetMapCameraZoom() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Snaps the map camera in place. Used in galactic conquest. function SnapMapCamera() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Restarts the shell. -- -- @param #string state Set to "State" function SetState(state) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the mission as historical, might be related to Galactic Conquest? Obsolete, used in SWBF1. function SetHistorical() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the name of the specified team. The names "neutral", "neu", "alliance", "all", "empire", "imp", "republic", "rep", -- and "cis" map to pre-defined team identifiers; anything else maps to locals. (Yes, this is not very general.) -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #string key Localization key (not the full path) of the team name, which must be located in the -- scope `"level.ABC."` (replacing `ABC` with the map's ID) function SetTeamName(teamIndex, key) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the aggressiveness of the AI on the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #float aggressiveness Aggressiveness value, higher means more aggressive (`0.0..1.0`) function SetTeamAggressiveness(teamIndex, aggressiveness) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controls how far downwards from the center of the world the AI can fly. These are used on ground based maps to limit -- the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far below the space battlefield. To find -- an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired min height, and punch those numbers -- in. It�s best to keep the MinFlyHeight and the MinPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing things -- that players can�t. -- -- @param #int height Height in meters(?) function SetMinFlyHeight(height) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controls how far upwards from the center of the world the AI can fly. These are used on ground based maps to limit -- the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far above the space battlefield. To find -- an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired max height, and punch those numbers -- in. It�s best to keep the MaxFlyHeight and the MaxPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing things -- that players can�t. -- -- @param #int height Height in meters(?) function SetMaxFlyHeight(height) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controls how far downwards from the center of the world the player can fly. These are used on ground based maps to -- limit the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far below the space battlefield. To -- find an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired min height, and punch those -- numbers in. It�s best to keep the MinFlyHeight and the MinPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing -- things that players can�t. -- -- @param #int height Height in meters(?) function SetMinPlayerFlyHeight(height) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controls how far upwards from the center of the world the player can fly. These are used on ground based maps to -- limit the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far above the space battlefield. To -- find an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired min height, and punch those -- numbers in. It�s best to keep the MaxFlyHeight and the MaxPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing -- things that players can�t. -- -- @param #int height Height in meters(?) function SetMaxPlayerFlyHeight(height) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enables uber mode, which allows more than 32 units per team. -- -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable function SetUberMode(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exact functionality unknown, but likely allows AI units to jetjump at will instead of restricting them to JetJump hint nodes. Used in Kamino. -- -- @param #int allow Set to 1 to allow, or 0 to disallow (default = 1) function SetAllowBlindJetJumps(allow) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unused, exact functionality unknown. Might be related to AI planning requests. -- -- @param #float time Wait time in seconds function SetStationaryWaitTime(time) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the icon of the specified team to the specified texture. Not sure where exactly this is used. -- -- @param #int teamnIndex Index of team -- @param #string icon Name of icon texture function SetTeamIcon(teamIndex, icon) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Makes the specified `team` regard the `other` team as an enemy. It does not affect how the `other` team regards the specified `team`! -- -- @param #int team Index of team to set views of -- @param #int other Index of team that's being viewed as enemy function SetTeamAsEnemy(team, other) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Makes the specified `team` regard the `other` team as a neutral. It does not affect how the `other` team regards the specified `team`! -- -- @param #int team Index of team to set views of -- @param #int other Index of team that's being viewed as neutral function SetTeamAsNeutral(team, other) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Makes the specified `team` regard the `other` team as an ally. It does not affect how the `other` team regards the specified `team`! -- -- @param #int team Index of team to set views of -- @param #int other Index of team that's being viewed as ally function SetTeamAsFriend(team, other) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the number of units the specified team has. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #int count Number of units function SetUnitCount(teamIndex, count) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the number of units the specified team has. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return #int Team's unit count function GetUnitCount(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the specified team's ticket count. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #int tickets Number of tickets to set to function SetReinforcementCount(teamIndex, tickets) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the specified team's current ticket count. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return #int Number of tickets function GetReinforcementCount(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds the specified number of tickets to the specified team's ticket count. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #int tickets Number of tickets to add, use negative value to subtract tickets function AddReinforcements(teamIndex, tickets) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the specified team's point count. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #int points Number of points to set to function SetTeamPoints(teamIndex, points) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the specified team's current point count. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return #int Number of points function GetTeamPoints(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds the specified number of points to the specified team's point count. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #int points Number of points to add, use negative value to subtract points function AddTeamPoints(teamIndex, points) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gives the specified character unit flag capture points. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character unit function AddFlagCapturePoints(integerChrIdx) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gives the specified character unit assault destroy points. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character unit function AddAssaultDestroyPoints(integerChrIdx) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gives the specified character unit space assault destroy points for the specified object. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character unit -- @param #string object ID of object function AddSpaceAssaultDestroyPoints(integerChrIdx, object) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the faction ID of the specified team. Not sure what this is used for. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return #string Team's faction ID function GetTeamFactionId(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds the specified unit class to the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #string unitClass Name of unit class (example: `"imp_inf_trooper"`) -- @param #int minUnits Minimum number of AI units that can spawn as this class -- @param #int maxUnits Optional argument. Maximum number of AI units that can spawn as this class. If the unit class has -- a `PointsToUnlock` value specified in its ODF, this argument acts as the maximum number of AI and -- player units that can spawn as this class. function AddUnitClass(teamIndex, unitClass, minUnits, maxUnits) end -- Hero -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the hero class for the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #string heroClass Name of hero class (example: `"imp_hero_vader"`) function SetHeroClass(teamIndex, heroClass) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Turns on the hero rules for the game. This should be present in every multiplayer script, unless you do not actually want heroes -- in your map. Simply omit this line, and you will never get heroes in your game. function EnableSPHeroRules() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Turns on the campaign hero rules for the game. This should be present in every campaign script for missions that include heroes. function EnableSPScriptedHeroes() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unused. Sets the rule by which the hero is unlocked. -- -- @param #string rule Unlock rule to use, possible options are unknown function SetHeroUnlockRule(rule) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unused. Sets the hero player rule (whatever that means). -- -- @param #string rule Team rule to use, possible options are unknown function SetHeroTeamRule(rule) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unused. Sets the hero player rule (whatever that means). -- -- @param #string rule Player rule to use, possible options are unknown function SetHeroPlayerRule(rule) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unused. Sets the rule by which the hero respawns. -- -- @param #string rule Respawn rule to use, possible options are unknown function SetHeroRespawnRule(rule) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unlocks the hero for the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team function UnlockHeroForTeam(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forces the specified character unit to accept the unlocked hero, automatically bringing them to the spawn screen. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Character unit index returned by GetCharacterUnit function AcceptHero(integerChrIdx) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Shows all units on the minimap if enabled. -- -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to show all units, or 0 to put back to normal function ShowAllUnitsOnMinimap(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Shows or hides the CTF points for the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to show points, or 0 to hide function ShowTeamPoints(teamIndex, enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Activates a bonus for the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to activate bonus for -- @param #string bonus Bonus to activate. Allowed values: -- `MEDICAL_SUPPLIES` -- `SURPLUS_SUPPLIES` -- `SENSOR_BOOST` -- `HERO` -- `RESERVES` -- `SABOTAGE` -- `SNEAK_ATTACK` -- `TRAINING` function ActivateBonus(teamIndex, bonus) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the specified team's ticket bleed rate. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #float rate Bleed rate to set to function SetBleedRate(teamIndex, rate) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the specified team's current ticket bleed rate. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return #float Team's bleed rate function GetBleedRate(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Obsolete, from SWBF1. Sets the carrier class for the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #string class Name of carrier class (example: `"rep_fly_vtrans"`) function SetCarrierClass(teamIndex, class) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specifies an initial spawn delay. All levels use this call. You should never have to modify the values. -- -- @param #float num1 Unknown, always set to `10.0` -- @param #float num2 Unknown, always set to `0.25` function SetSpawnDelay(num1, num2) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specifies an initial spawn delay for the specified team. All levels use this call. You should never have to modify the values. -- -- @param #float num1 Unknown, always set to `10.0` -- @param #float num2 Unknown, always set to `0.25` -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team function SetSpawnDelayTeam(num1, num2, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets a switch in the code that controls a number of AI behaviors. If this were a very foggy map, with a short view distance, -- you would set this to "true" which would make the AI see a shorter distance, and other various things to make the AI act -- more appropriately in an environment with limited visibility. -- -- Synonymous with `SetUrbanEnvironment()`. -- -- @param #string enabled Set to "true" to enable, or "false" to disable function SetDenseEnvironment(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the distance from which AI scout units can snipe when using 'attack' snipe hint nodes. -- -- @param #int distance Average distance in meters from which AI can snipe function SetAttackerSnipeRange(distance) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the distance from which AI scout units can snipe when using 'defend' snipe hint nodes. -- -- @param #int distance Average distance in meters from which AI can snipe function SetDefenderSnipeRange(distance) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Makes AI units stay in turrets, but under what conditions, no one knows... Found on Endor. -- -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable function SetStayInTurrets(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the maximum collision distance for asteroids. What this does exactly is unclear. -- -- @param #int distance Maximum collision distance (likely in meters) function SetMaxCollisionDistance(distance) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the particle LOD bias (probably correlates to particle view distance). Needed for particles in space -- to work properly, don�t delete it! -- -- @param #int bias LOD bias value, is set to `15000` in stock space maps function SetParticleLODBias(bias) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the size of the specified memory pool. -- -- @param #string memoryPool Memory pool to set size of. Possible values: -- `AcklayData` -- `ActiveRegion` -- `Aimer` -- `AmmoCounter` -- `Asteroid` -- `BaseHint` -- `ClothData` - need 1 per cloth object in the level -- `Combo` - should be ~ 2x number of jedi classes -- `Combo::Attack` - should be ~8-12x #Combo -- `Combo::Condition` - should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State -- `Combo::DamageSample` - should be ~8-12x #Combo::Attack -- `Combo::Deflect` - should be ~1x #combo -- `Combo::State` - should be ~12x #Combo -- `Combo::Transition` - should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State -- `CommandFlyer` -- `CommandHover` -- `CommandWalker` -- `ConnectivityGraphFollower` -- `EnergyBar` -- `EntityBuildingArmedDynamic` -- `EntityCarrier` -- `EntityCloth` -- `EntityDefenseGridTurret` -- `EntityDroid` -- `EntityDroideka` -- `EntityFlyer` - need 1 per flyer in the level -- `EntityHover` -- `EntityLight` -- `EntityMine` -- `EntityPortableTurret` -- `EntityRemoteTerminal` -- `EntitySoldier` -- `EntitySoundStatic` -- `EntitySoundStream` -- `EntityTauntaun` - need 1 per tauntaun in the level -- `EntityWalker` - need 1 per walker in the level -- `FlagItem` - need 1 per flag in the level -- `FLEffectObject::OffsetMatrix` -- `LightFlash` -- `MountedTurret` -- `Music` -- `Navigator` -- `Obstacle` -- `Ordnance` -- `OrdnanceTowCable` -- `ParticleEmitter` -- `ParticleEmitterInfoData` -- `ParticleEmitterObject` -- `ParticleTransformer::ColorTrans` - must go before the stock `ingame.lvl` is loaded -- `ParticleTransformer::PositionTr` - must go before the stock `ingame.lvl` is loaded -- `ParticleTransformer::SizeTransf` - must go before the stock `ingame.lvl` is loaded -- `PassengerSlot` -- `PathFollower` -- `PathNode` -- `PathRequest` -- `PowerupItem` -- `RedOmniLight` -- `ShieldEffect` -- `SoldierAnimation` -- `SoundSpaceRegion` -- `TentacleSimulator` -- `Timer` -- `TreeGridStack` -- `UnitAgent` -- `UnitController` -- `Weapon` -- @param #int size Size of memory pool function SetMemoryPoolSize(memoryPool, size) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets how many types of birds there are in the level. -- -- @param #int types Number of bird types function SetNumBirdTypes(types) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Declares a new bird type. -- -- @param #int disable Exact functionality unknown, seems to disable birds of this type when set to 1 -- @param #float size Size of birds of this type -- @param #string texture Name of bird texture function SetBirdType(disable, size, texture) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the lowest height at which flocks of birds can fly. -- -- @param #int height Minimum flying height function SetBirdFlockMinHeight(height) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets how many types of fish there are in the level. -- -- @param #int types Number of fish types function SetNumFishTypes(types) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Declares a new fish type. -- -- @param #int disable Exact functionality unknown, seems to disable fish of this type when set to 1 -- @param #float size Size of fish of this type -- @param #string texture Name of fish texture function SetFishType(disable, size, texture) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fills the specified region with asteroids. Each asteroid will move in the X, Y, and Z directions at a random velocity within the range -- of each `minSpeed` and `maxSpeed` argument. Asteroid velocity is probably measured in meters per second. This randomized velocity is -- different for each asteroid. -- -- NOTE: Asteroids won't appear unless the "Asteroid" memory pool is filled >= the total number of asteroids that -- are in the level! -- -- @param #string region ID of region class -- @param #string class Name of asteroid class (example: `"spa1_prop_asteroid_03"`) -- @param #int count Number of asteroids to fill the region with -- @param #float maxSpeedX Maximum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0) -- @param #float maxSpeedY Maximum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0) -- @param #float maxSpeedZ Maximum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0) -- @param #float minSpeedX Minimum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0) -- @param #float minSpeedY Minimum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0) -- @param #float minSpeedZ Minimum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0) function FillAsteroidRegion(region, class, count, maxSpeedX, maxSpeedY, maxSpeedZ, minSpeedX, minSpeedY, minSpeedZ) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fills the specified path with asteroids. The distribution of the asteroids along the path's spline is more-or-less even. However, the -- position of each asteroid is also offset in a random direction. The distance of this offset is a random value between 0 and `maxOffset`. -- This randomized offset is different for each asteroid. -- -- Each asteroid will move in the X, Y, and Z directions at a random velocity within the range of each `minSpeed` and `maxSpeed` -- argument. Asteroid velocity is probably measured in meters per second. This randomized velocity is different for each asteroid. -- -- NOTE: Asteroids won't appear unless the "Asteroid" memory pool is filled >= the total number of asteroids that -- are in the level! -- -- @param #string path ID of path -- @param #float maxOffset Maximum distance (probably in meters) to offset each asteroid's position by (default = 0) -- @param #string class Name of asteroid class (example: `"spa1_prop_asteroid_03"`) -- @param #int count Number of asteroids to fill the path with -- @param #float maxSpeedX Maximum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0) -- @param #float maxSpeedY Maximum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0) -- @param #float maxSpeedZ Maximum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0) -- @param #float minSpeedX Minimum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0) -- @param #float minSpeedY Minimum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0) -- @param #float minSpeedZ Minimum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0) function FillAsteroidPath(path, maxOffset, class, count, maxSpeedX, maxSpeedY, maxSpeedZ, minSpeedX, minSpeedY, minSpeedZ) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Registers the specified region class as a death region. Entities that enter this region will be immediately killed. -- -- @param #string regionClass ID of region class function AddDeathRegion(regionClass) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Registers the specified region class as a landing region. Flyers will be able to land when inside of this region. -- -- @param #string regionClass ID of region class function AddLandingRegion(regionClass) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes the specified region class. Death regions and landing regions removed by RemoveRegion can be re-added -- with AddDeathRegion or AddLandingRegion. -- -- @param #string regionClass ID of region class function RemoveRegion(regionClass) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the specified character is in the specified region. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character -- @param #string region ID of region class -- @return #int 1 if character is in region, 0 if not function IsCharacterInRegion(integerChrIdx, region) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the name of the specified region class. -- -- @param #string region ID of region class -- @return #string Name of region function GetRegionName(region) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the class of the specified region. -- -- @param #string region Name of region -- @return #string ID of region class function GetRegion(region) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wipes out any allocations that may have been done automatically for walkers. You�ll need to have this line in, -- and uncommented if you want to have walkers in your level. function ClearWalkers() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds walkers to your level. -- -- The first number inside the parenthesis (numPairs) specifies how many leg pairs the walker type has. -- Droidekas are set up as a special case, with 0 leg pairs. So as you can see below, we have AddWalkerType(0,4), this -- specifies that we will have 4 walkers with 0 leg pairs (droidekas). 1 leg pair would specify a walker with one pair -- of legs, an ATST for example, or a one-man ATST from the Clone Wars era. So for 2 ATSTs, we would have a line that -- says AddWalkerType(1, 2). 2 leg pairs would be a unit like the CIS spider walker, or an ATAT, and 3 leg pairs would -- be the 6-legged walker from the Clone Wars era. -- -- **Examples:** -- -- `AddWalkerType(0, 4) -- special -> droidekas, 0x4 (4 droidekas)` -- `AddWalkerType(1, 2) -- 1x2 (2 walkers with 1 pair of legs)` -- `AddWalkerType(2, 4) -- 2x4 (4 walkers with 2 pairs of legs)` -- `AddWalkerType(3, 1) -- 3x1 (1 walker with 3 pairs of legs)` -- -- @param #int numPairs How many leg pairs the walker type has -- @param #int count Max number of walkers of this type that can exist simultaneously in the level function AddWalkerType(numPairs, count) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the distance around a waiting vehicle from which AI can be lured in. -- -- @param #int radius Notify radius in meters (probably) function SetAIVehicleNotifyRadius(radius) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the overall view distance for AI. -- -- @param #float visibility Multiplier for how far AI can see function SetAIViewMultiplier(visibility) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the distance from which AI scout units can snipe. -- -- @param #int distance Average distance in meters from which AI can snipe function AISnipeSuitabilityDist(distance) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- When enabled, makes it so AI flyers are spatially aware of the ground, thus reducing/eliminating the chances of them crashing into it. -- -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable, set to 0 to disable (default = 0) function SetGroundFlyerMap(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Turns on AutoBalancing. This will work for Conquest/Assault/CTF games. Not campaign. Basically -- if the score gets too far in one teams favor (+/- 40 conquest, 60 assault, 1 ctf) it will make -- the losing team better and the winning team worse until things get back to close again. function EnableAIAutoBalance() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Turns off AutoBalancing. It is on by default so you should use this for your campaign mode scripts. function DisableAIAutoBalance() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the current difficulty modifier. This can be called from any point within a mission. So if you -- want the bad guys to be more difficult on just one objective, call this with say (0,2) in the OnStart -- function, then call it again with (0,0) to reset it in the OnComplete function. -- -- @param #int player Modifier for player team, positive value = team is better, negative value = team is worse (default = 0) -- @param #int enemy Modifier for enemy team, positive value = team is better, negative value = team is worse (default = 0) -- @param #string difficulty Optional argument. Sets the player and enemy difficulty only for this profile difficulty mode ("easy", "medium", or "hard") function SetAIDifficulty(player, enemy, difficulty) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notifies the C++ code that the specified objective (uniquely identified in `text` parameter) exists for the specified team. -- Optionally specifies the text to show in a popup once the objective is activated. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to add the objective to -- @param #string text Path to localized text to display in the objective list once the objective is activated -- (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1"`) -- @param #string popupText Optional argument. Path to localized text to display in a popup once the objective is -- activated (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1_popup"`) function AddMissionObjective(teamIndex, text, popupText) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tells the C++ code to activate the specified objective. -- -- @param #string text Path to localized text of the objective to activate (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1"`) function ActivateObjective(text) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tells the C++ code to complete the specified objective. -- -- @param #string text Path to localized text of the objective to complete (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1"`) function CompleteObjective(text) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds the specified hint to the list of hints for the level. -- -- @param #string hintText Path to localized text of the hint (example: `"level.ABC.hints.1"`) function AddMissionHint(hintText) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the flag gameplay type for the level. -- -- @param #string type Flag gameplay type. Possible values: -- `none` -- `1flag` -- `2flag` -- `campaign` function SetFlagGameplayType(type) end -- Space Assault -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notifies C++ that we're running space assault now so it can do team scoring with critical systems and whatnot. -- -- @param #bool enabled Set to true to enable, or false to disable (default = false) function SpaceAssaultEnable(enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds a critical system to be destroyed in space assault. -- -- @param #string name Name of the object in the level -- @param #int pointValue How many points the object is worth when it's destroyed -- @param #float hudPosX X coordinate for placing the hud health indicator for the critical system (`0.0..1.0`) -- @param #float hudPosY Y coordinate for placing the hud health indicator for the critical system (`0.0..1.0`) -- @param #bool displayHUDMarker Optional argument. Set to true to display the HUD marker, or false to not display it (default = true) function SpaceAssaultAddCriticalSystem(name, pointValue, hudPosX, hudPosY, displayHUDMarker) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Links together all of the critical system objects (the names of which are stored in the specified table) as one marker in space assault. -- -- @param #table objects Table containing the names of critical system objects to link together function SpaceAssaultLinkCriticalSystems(objects) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unused. Exact functionality unknown. -- -- @param unknown Unknown argument function SpaceAssaultSetupTeamNumbers(unknown) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets up the HUD bitmaps for each team's capital ship, systems, etc. -- -- @param #string shipBitmapATT Name of texture to use for ATT team's ship -- @param #string shipBitmapDEF Name of texture to use for DEF team's ship -- @param #string shieldBitmapATT Name of texture to use for ATT team's shields -- @param #string shieldBitmapDEF Name of texture to use for DEF team's shields -- @param #string critSysBitmapATT Name of texture to use for each of ATT team's critical systems -- @param #string critSysBitmapDEF Name of texture to use for each of DEF team's critical systems function SpaceAssaultSetupBitmaps(shipBitmapATT, shipBitmapDEF, shieldBitmapATT, shieldBitmapDEF, critSysBitmapATT, critSysBitmapDEF) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the score limit for space assault. -- -- @return #int Score limit that each team must reach to win function SpaceAssaultGetScoreLimit() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the current mission is a multiplayer match. -- -- @return #int 1 if multiplayer match, 0 if not function ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the current mission is using campaign rules. -- -- @return #int 1 if using campaign rules, 0 if using non-campaign rules function IsCampaign() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the name of the first wld file that was loaded in the map. For example, if the stock hot1.lvl -- file is loaded, this function will return *hoth*, since the wld file in hot1 is called *hoth.wld*. -- -- @return #string Name of the first-loaded wld file function GetWorldFilename() end -- Messages -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prints the specified localized key in the message box in the player's HUD. For example, printing the key -- "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1" would print "Capture the Jedi Council Chamber". -- -- @param #string keyPath Full path of localized key to show (example: "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1") -- @param #int teamIndex Optional argument. Index of team to show message to if specified, or shows to players on both teams if unspecified function ShowMessageText(keyPath, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- DEPRECATED, DOESN'T WORK. -- -- @param #string keyPath Full path of localized key to show (example: "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1") function ShowPopup(keyPath) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- DEPRECATED, DOESN'T WORK. -- -- @param #string keyPath Full path of localized key to show (example: "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1") function ShowObjectiveTextPopup(keyPath) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Shows or hides the specified Timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to show. Set to nil (or leave blank) to hide all Timers function ShowTimer(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Shows the specified localized text in a selection popup. Used in spa2c_c for choosing control layout making but not for PC?! -- -- @param #string text Path to localized text to show (example: `"level.spa2.objectives.popup.selectConfig"`) function ShowSelectionTextPopup(text) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plays the specified sound stream for all players, or optionally only for players on the specified team. -- -- @param #string streamID ID of sound stream properties to play -- @param #int teamIndex Optional argument. If set, plays the sound stream properties only for players on this team function BroadcastVoiceOver(streamID, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Kills the player of the specified HUD viewport. -- -- @param viewport Viewport of the player to kill function ScriptCB_PlayerSuicide(viewport) end -- Markers -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attaches a map marker to the specified region class. -- -- @param #string region ID of region class to attach marker to -- @param #string markerClass Name of marker icon texture to use (the only value that seems to work is `"hud_objective_icon_circle"`) -- @param #float size Icon size multiplier -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team that should be able to see the marker -- @param #string color Icon color. Possible values: -- `RED` -- `GREEN` -- `BLUE` -- `CYAN` -- `MAGENTA` -- `YELLOW` -- `ORANGE` -- `WHITE` -- `BLACK` -- @param #bool showOnHUD Optional argument. Set to true to also show the marker on the player's HUD, or false to only show it on the map. NOTE: Doesn't seem to -- work with this particular marker function (default = true) -- @param #bool pulseOpacity Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker opacity from `(alpha*1.0)` to `(alpha*0.0)` -- once per second, or false to keep opacity static (default = true) -- @param #bool pulseSize Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker size from `(size*0.5)` to `(size*1.5)` once -- per second, or false to keep size static (default = true) function MapAddRegionMarker(region, markerClass, size, teamIndex, color, showOnHUD, pulseOpacity, pulseSize) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes any map markers attached to the specified region class. -- -- @param #string region ID of region class to remove markers from function MapRemoveRegionMarker(region) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attaches a map marker to the specified entity. -- -- @param #string entity ID of entity to attach marker to -- @param #string markerClass Name of marker icon texture to use (the only value that seems to work is `"hud_objective_icon_circle"`) -- @param #float size Icon size multiplier -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team that should be able to see the marker -- @param #string color Icon color. Possible values: -- `RED` -- `GREEN` -- `BLUE` -- `CYAN` -- `MAGENTA` -- `YELLOW` -- `ORANGE` -- `WHITE` -- `BLACK` -- @param #bool showOnHUD Optional argument. Set to true to also show the marker on the player's HUD, or false to only show it on the map (default = true) -- @param #bool pulseOpacity Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker opacity from `(alpha*1.0)` to `(alpha*0.0)` -- once per second, or false to keep opacity static (default = true) -- @param #bool pulseSize Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker size from `(size*0.5)` to `(size*1.5)` once -- per second, or false to keep size static (default = true) function MapAddEntityMarker(entity, markerClass, size, teamIndex, color, showOnHUD, pulseOpacity, pulseSize) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes any map markers attached to the specified entity. -- -- @param #string entity ID of entity to remove markers from function MapRemoveEntityMarker(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attaches a map marker to all instances of the specified entity class. -- -- @param #string class Name of entity class to attach markers to (example: `"imp_inf_trooper"`) -- @param #string markerClass Name of marker icon texture to use (the only value that seems to work is `"hud_objective_icon"`) -- @param #float size Icon size multiplier -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team that should be able to see the marker -- @param #string color Icon color. Possible values: -- `RED` -- `GREEN` -- `BLUE` -- `CYAN` -- `MAGENTA` -- `YELLOW` -- `ORANGE` -- `WHITE` -- `BLACK` -- @param #bool showOnHUD Optional argument. Set to true to also show the marker on the player's HUD, or false to only show it on the map (default = true) -- @param #bool pulseOpacity Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker opacity from `(alpha*1.0)` to `(alpha*0.0)` -- once per second, or false to keep opacity static (default = true) -- @param #bool pulseSize Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker size from `(size*0.5)` to `(size*1.5)` once -- per second, or false to keep size static (default = true) function MapAddClassMarker(class, markerClass, size, teamIndex, color, showOnHUD, pulseOpacity, pulseSize) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes any map markers attached to the specified entity class. -- -- @param #string class Name of entity class to remove markers from function MapRemoveClassMarker(class) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Hides all command post markers from the minimap and radar. function MapHideCommandPosts() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets whether or not the specified object can be locked onto by weapons. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object -- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable locking on, or 0 to disable function EnableBuildingLockOn(objectName, enabled) end -- Timer -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checks whether or not a timer exists. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from `CreateTimer`) of the timer to find function FindTimer(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates a new Timer with the specified name and returns it. -- -- @param #string name Name to give the Timer -- @return Timer's handler function CreateTimer(name) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deletes the specified Timer. Do not use the timer after destroying it! -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer function DestroyTimer(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Activates the specified Timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer function StartTimer(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deactivates the specified Timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer function StopTimer(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the value of the specified Timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer -- @param #float value Timer's duration in seconds function SetTimerValue(timer, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the value of the specified Timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer -- @return #float The Timer's value function GetTimerValue(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the rate of the specified Timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer -- @param #float rate Multiplier for Timer's elapse speed (default = 1.0) function SetTimerRate(timer, rate) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the rate of the specified Timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer -- @return #float The Timer's rate function GetTimerRate(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Shows or hides the timer. -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer function GetTimerName(timer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tell the C++ code about the defeat timer (which will display it on the HUD). -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to pair with the defeat timer -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to associate with the defeat timer function SetDefeatTimer(timer, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tell the C++ code about the victory timer (which will display it on the HUD). -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to pair with the victory timer. Set to nil (or leave blank) to hide it -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to associate with the victory timer function SetVictoryTimer(timer, team) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- UNUSED. Tell the C++ code about the mission timer (which will display it on the HUD). -- -- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to pair with the mission timer. Set to nil (or leave blank) to hide it function SetMissionTimer(timer) end -- Object -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the object pointer of the specified object -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to get pointer of -- @return The object's pointer function GetObjectPtr(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Activates the specified object. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to activate function ActivateObject(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deactivates the specified object. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to deactivate function DeactivateObject(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assigns the specified object to the specified team. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to set the team of -- @param #int teamIndex Index of the team to assign to the object function SetObjectTeam(objectName, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the team index of the specified object. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to get the team of -- @return #int Index of the team the object belongs to function GetObjectTeam(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the specified object is alive. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to check -- @return #int 1 if object is alive, 0 if object is not alive function IsObjectAlive(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the current health value of the specified object. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to get the current health value of -- @return #float Object's CurHealth value -- @return #float Object's MaxHealth value -- @return #float Object's AddHealth value function GetObjectHealth(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the current shield value of the specified object. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to get the current shield value of -- @return #float Object's CurShield value -- @return #float Object's MaxShield value -- @return #float Object's AddShield value function GetObjectShield(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the name of the most recent weapon that the specified object was hit by. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to check -- @return #string Weapon class name function GetObjectLastHitWeaponClass(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Kills the specified object. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to destroy function KillObject(objectName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Respawns the specified object. -- -- @param #string objectName ID of object to respawn function RespawnObject(objectName) end -- Entity -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the entity pointer of the specified object or character unit index. -- -- @param object ID of object or character unit index -- @return Entity pointer of object or character function GetEntityPtr(object) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the name of the specified entity. -- -- @param entity ID of entity -- @return #string Entity name function GetEntityName(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the class of the specified entity. Can be used with FindEntityClass to check whether or not an entity is a certain class. -- -- @param entity ID of entity -- @return Entity class function GetEntityClass(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the class name of the specified entity. -- -- @param entity ID of entity -- @return #string Entity class name function GetEntityClassName(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the matrix of the specified entity. -- -- @param entity ID of entity -- @param matrix Entity matrix to apply to entity function SetEntityMatrix(entity, matrix) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the matrix of the specified entity. -- -- @param entity ID of entity -- @return Entity matrix function GetEntityMatrix(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the value of a property for the specified object. -- -- @param objectName ID of object or character unit index -- @param #string property ID of the property to set -- @param value Value to set the property to function SetProperty(objectName, property, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates a new instance of the specified entity and returns it. -- -- @param #string class Name of the entity class to instantiate -- @param matrix Matrix or path point to create the entity at -- @param #string name Name to assign to the entity -- @return Entity instance function CreateEntity(class, matrix, name) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deletes the specified entity. -- -- @param entity ID of entity function DeleteEntity(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the entity class pointer of the specified entity. -- -- @param entity ID of entity -- @return Entity class pointer function GetEntityClassPtr(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the value of a property for the specified object class. -- -- @param objectClass ID of object class -- @param #string property ID of the property to set -- @param value Property's value to set function SetClassProperty(objectClass, property, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forces the specified flyer to perform a take-off. -- -- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object function EntityFlyerTakeOff(flyer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forces the specified flyer to perform a landing. -- -- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object function EntityFlyerLand(flyer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initializes the specified flyer as flying. -- -- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object function EntityFlyerInitAsFlying(flyer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initializes the specified flyer as landed. -- -- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object function EntityFlyerInitAsLanded(flyer) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forces the specified entity into the specified vehicle. -- -- @param entity Entity or character unit index to force into vehicle -- @param #string vehicle ID of the vehicle class function EnterVehicle(entity, vehicle) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forces the specified entity out of whatever vehicle it's currently in. -- -- @param entity Entity or character unit index to force out of vehicle function ExitVehicle(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enables or disables the specified flyer path. -- -- @param #int pathID ID of flyer spline path to enable -- @param #int enable Set to 1 to enable the path, or set to 0 to disable the path function EnableFlyerPath(pathID, enable) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the path point based on the specified path node. -- -- @param #string pathName ID of path -- @param #int nodeIdx Numeric ID of path node -- @return Path point function GetPathPoint(pathName, nodeIdx) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the number of units that are currently alive in the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return #int Number of units currently alive in team function GetNumTeamMembersAlive(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates a new matrix based on an existing one. -- -- @param #float rad Rotation angle in radians around chosen axes or X axis if none chosen -- @param #float rotX Rotation around x axis if rotX ~= 0 -- @param #float rotY Rotation around y axis if rotY ~= 0 -- @param #float rotZ Rotation around z axis if rotZ ~= 0 -- @param #float posX Translates unit on X axis -- @param #float posY Translates unit on Y axis -- @param #float posZ Translates unit on Z axis -- @param matrix Starting point for matrix changes -- @return Newly created matrix function CreateMatrix(rad, rotX, rotY, rotZ, posX, posY, posZ, matrix) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the current screen position relative to what seems to be the entity camera or -- entity origin point (otherwise known as pivot point or center of geometry (COG)). -- -- @param entity Entity, or integer character index (returned by GetCharacterUnit) to check -- @return #float X position -- @return #float Y position -- @return #float Z position (so it seems, anyway) function GetScreenPosition(entity) end -- procedural animation callbacks -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Resumes playing of animation group from whichever time it was at last. -- -- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to resume function PlayAnimation(animationGroupName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pauses animation group's playback � objects remain where they are currently. -- -- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to pause function PauseAnimation(animationGroupName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instanly rewinds the animation group to the beginning. Can be called while the group is playing. -- If called while the group is stopped, play will resume from the beginning when Play is called. -- -- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to rewind function RewindAnimation(animationGroupName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Takes the current positions of the objects referenced by the group, and uses those positions -- as the new start point for when that object is next animated. -- -- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to affect function SetAnimationStartPoint(animationGroupName) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plays the indicated animation group from beginTime to endTime. So for a 10-second animation, -- playing from 0 to 5 plays the first half, and playing from 5 to 10 plays the second half. -- -- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to play -- @param #float beginTime Start point of animation in seconds -- @param #float endTime End point of animation in seconds function PlayAnimationFromTo(animationGroupName, beginTime, endTime) end -- Character -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the total number of units (living or dead) on the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to get size of -- @return #int Size of team function GetTeamSize(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the integer character index of the specified unit index from the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @param #int unitIndex Index of unit to get integer character index of -- @return #int Integer character index function GetTeamMember(teamIndex, unitIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- @param #int characterIndex Index of character to get team of -- @return #int Index of team the character belongs to function GetCharacterTeam(characterIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Selects the specified team for the specified character (as if you were doing so manually via the spawn screen). -- -- @param #int character Character unit -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to select function SelectCharacterTeam(character, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether the specified character is a human player or an AI. -- -- @param #int characterIndex Index of character to check "humanity" of -- @return #int 1 if character is human, 0 if character is not human function IsCharacterHuman(characterIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Selects the specified class for the specified character (as if you were doing so manually via the spawn screen). -- -- @param #int character Character unit -- @param #int class Name of class to select function SelectCharacterClass(character, class) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the numeric index of the specified character's class (starting at 0). If you think of a team's list of -- classes as a table (with the hero being the last class in the list), the first class's index would be 0, the -- second class's index would be 1, etc. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer character index returned by GetCharacterUnit -- @return #int Numeric index of character's class function GetCharacterClass(integerChrIdx) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Moves specified number of units from the source team to the destination team. No, you can't specify which units -- are moved. All this function does is iterate through the list of units on the source team and move each unit to -- the source team until the iterator max limit, `numUnits`, has been reached. Think of it as a for loop where -- the `min` is `1` and the `max` is `numUnits`, and inside the loop is a function that moves the unit index (shifted -- up by 1, so the player's index is going to be 1) matching the loop's `cur` value to the destination team. -- -- Also worth noting is when an alive unit is moved with this function, the function will not automatically kill the -- unit, so you must kill the unit through some other means if you don't want the unit to remain spawned their current -- class. One way you might do this (and this is untested) is by looping through `destTeam`'s units and killing them -- (and only loop through as many as you plan on moving to the other team), and then call `BatchChangeTeams` immediately -- after the loop has finished. Here's what this might look like: -- -- `unitsToMove = 5` -- -- `for unit=0,unitsToMove-1 do` -- ` KillObject(GetCharacterUnit(GetTeamMember(ATT, unit)))` -- `end` -- -- `BatchChangeTeams(ATT, DEF, unitsToMove)` -- -- @param #int sourceTeam Index of source team, where units are moved from -- @param #int destTeam Index of destination team, where units are moved to -- @param #int numUnits Number of units to move function BatchChangeTeams(sourceTeam, destTeam, numUnits) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prevents or allows spawning of AI units from the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to affect -- @param #int canSpawn Set to 1 to allow AI units on this team to spawn, or 0 to prevent them from spawning function AllowAISpawn(teamIndex, canSpawn) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Spawns the specified character unit index at the specified path point. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Unit returned from GetCharacterUnit -- @param pathPoint Path point returned from GetPathPoint function SpawnCharacter(integerChrIdx, pathPoint) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the integer character index from the specified entity or team member index. -- -- @param entity Character entity, or character index returned from GetTeamMember -- @return #int Character unit index function GetCharacterUnit(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the integer vehicle index from the specified vehicle entity. -- -- @param entity Vehicle entity -- @return #int Vehicle index function GetCharacterVehicle(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the integer index from the specified RemoteTerminal entity. See BF2EntityRemoteTerminalClassReference for more information. -- http://www.secretsociety.com/forum/downloads/BF2Docs/ClassReference/BF2EntityRemoteTerminalClassReference.jpg -- -- @param entity RemoteTerminal entity -- @return #int RemoteTerminal entity index function GetCharacterRemote(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the integer vehicle index from the specified Controllable entity. See BF2ControllableClassReference for more information. -- http://www.secretsociety.com/forum/downloads/BF2Docs/ClassReference/BF2ControllableClassReference.jpg -- -- @param entity Vehicle entity -- @return #int Controllable entity index function GetCharacterControllable(entity) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns a command post's capture region. -- -- @param #string postID ID of command post -- @return #string ID of command post's capture region function GetCommandPostCaptureRegion(postID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns a command post's bleed value. -- -- @param #string postID ID of command post -- @return #int Command post's bleed value function GetCommandPostBleedValue(postID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns a command post's owning team. -- -- @param #string postID ID of command post -- @return #int Index of owning team function GetCommandPostTeam(postID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initiates a victory for the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to declare victory for function MissionVictory(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initiates a defeat for the specified team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to declare defeat for function MissionDefeat(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the movie to play once the mission has ended. -- -- @param #string sourceFilename File containing the movie -- @param #string movieID ID of the movie properties to play function SetMissionEndMovie(sourceFilename, movieID) end -- AI Goal management functions -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes all previous AI goals for this team. You should call this before you set the -- first goals for a team, since teams 1, 2, and 3 start out with a default Conquest goal. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to clear goals of function ClearAIGoals(teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes the specified goal. -- -- @param goalHandle Handle returned by AddAIGoal function DeleteAIGoal(goalHandle) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds an AI goal for this team. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to add goal to -- @param #string goalType Goal's type. Can be one of the following... -- `Conquest` - capture enemy team's CPs while preventing own from being captured. -- `Deathmatch` - just kill everyone. -- `Destroy` - destroy the target (a gameobject pointer, or a character index) (set in target1). -- `Defend` - defend the target (a gameobject pointer, or a character index) (set in target1). -- `CTFOffense` - try to get the specified flag (set in `target2`) and bring it back to the specified region (set in target1). -- `CTFDefense` - protect the specified flag (set in `target1`), and hunt down and return it when its stolen. -- `Follow` - follow around the target (like defend, but uses a tight follow) (set in `target1`). -- @param #int weight Weight is a relative weight for this goal. Since you can specify more than one goal for a -- team at a time, this specifies how the guys are divided. A goal with weight 2 will get -- twice as many guys as the goal with weight 1. The size of the numbers doesn't matter and -- they don't have to add up to 100 or anything. -- @param target1 If `goalType` is: -- `Destroy` - this is a gameobject pointer or a character index. -- `Defend` - this is a gameobject pointer or a character index. -- `CTFOffense` - this is a region name. -- `CTFDefense` - this is a flag pointer. -- `Follow` - this is a gameobject pointer. -- @param target2 If `goalType` is: -- `CTFOffense` - this is a flag pointer. -- @return Goal's handle. function AddAIGoal(teamIndex, goalType, weight, target1, target2) end -- dynamic congraph functions -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Blocks the given dynamic connection/group if it is currently unblocked, or unblocks it if it is currently blocked. -- -- @param #int connection ID of dynamic connection or planning group to toggle function TogglePlanningGraphArcs(connection) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Blocks the given dynamic connection/group. -- -- @param #int connection ID of dynamic connection or planning group to block function BlockPlanningGraphArcs(connection) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unblocks the given dynamic connection/group. -- -- @param #int connection ID of dynamic connection or planning group to unblock function UnblockPlanningGraphArcs(connection) end -- dynamic barrier functions -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Disables the given barrier if it is currently enabled, or enables it if it is currently disabled. -- -- @param #int barrierID ID of barrier to toggle function ToggleBarriers(barrierID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enables the given barrier. -- -- @param #int barrierID ID of barrier to enable function EnableBarriers(barrierID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Disables the given barrier. -- -- @param #int barrierID ID of barrier to disable function DisableBarriers(barrierID) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prevents all AI or AI on a specified team from using any vehicle. When this -- is called, AI currently in a vehicle will be forced out of it. -- -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to force out of vehicles -- @param #bool enabled True to prevent AI from entering vehicles, false to allow them to do so function ForceAIOutOfVehicles(teamIndex, enabled) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prevents or allows AI to capture the specified command post. -- -- @param #string postID ID of command post -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team whose AI to affect -- @param #int canCapture Set to 1 to allow AI from teamIndex to capture postID, set to 0 to prevent them from capturing it function AICanCaptureCP(postID, teamIndex, canCapture) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the threshold at which AI units can no longer damage the specified -- object or entity. For example, if threshold is 0.5, AI will not be able -- to damage the object or entity if its health percentage is <= 50%. -- -- @param object Object or entity to affect -- @param #float threshold Lowest health percentage that object can be brought to by AI function SetAIDamageThreshold(object, threshold) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Translates AI command IDs to strings. -- -- @param command_id command_id returned by CharacterIssueAICommand event -- @return #string Depending on command_id, will be one of the following: "getintovehicle", -- "getoutofvehicle", "waitforpickup", "followchr", or "stopfollowchr" function TranslateAICommand(command_id) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds the specified amount to the specified entity's MaxShields. NOTE: This does not affect the entity's CurShields value. -- -- @param entity Entity, or integer index returned by GetCharacterUnit, GetCharacterVehicle, etc. -- @param #int shields Amount of shields to add function AddShieldStrength(entity, shields) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the north angle on the minimap. -- -- @param #int angle New minimap rotation angle in degrees (clockwise) -- @param #int number Unknown, seemingly optional, doesn't appear to do anything. Some stock mission scripts have this set to 1, some don't include it at all function SetMapNorthAngle(angle, number) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forces all non-AI players to join team 1. function ForceHumansOntoTeam1() end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the specified character can interact with flags. -- -- @param #int integerChrIdx Character unit index to check for flag interactibility (yeah I made up that word, so what, big whoop, wanna fight about it?) -- @return #int 1 if character can interact with flag, 0 if not function CanCharacterInteractWithFlag(integerChrIdx) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the character unit carrying the specified flag. -- -- @param #string flag Name of the flag in the level -- @return #int Character unit index of flag carrier function GetFlagCarrier(flag) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map overall range (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit -- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything. -- -- @param #int range Range in meters? (or maybe units in relation to minimap size) function SetMapRangeOverall(range) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map shooting range (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit -- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything. -- -- @param #int range Range in meters? (or maybe units in relation to minimap size) function SetMapRangeShooting(range) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map range view cone (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit -- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything. -- -- @param #int range Cone range in meters? (or maybe units in relation to minimap size) function SetMapRangeViewCone(range) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the map view cone angle (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit -- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything. -- -- @param #int angle Cone angle in degrees? function SetMapViewConeAngle(angle) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes the small minimap from the HUD. function DisableSmallMapMiniMap() end -- effects -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Spawns a new instance of the specified particle effect and returns it. -- -- @param effectFilename Name of particle effect to instantiate -- @return Particle effect instance function CreateEffect(effectFilename) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deletes the specified particle effect instance. -- -- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect function RemoveEffect(effect) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attaches the specified particle effect instance to the specified object. -- -- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect -- @param #string object ID of object to attach effect to function AttachEffectToObject(effect, object) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attaches the specified particle effect instance to the specified matrix. -- -- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect -- @param matrix Matrix to attach effect to function AttachEffectToMatrix(effect, matrix) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the matrix of the specified particle effect instance. -- -- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect -- @return Effect matrix function GetEffectMatrix(effect) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the matrix of the specified particle effect instance. -- -- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect function SetEffectMatrix(effect, matrix) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the specified particle effect is active. -- -- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect -- @return #int 1 if effect is active, 0 if effect is inactive function IsEffectActive(effect) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the state of the specified particle effect. -- -- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect -- @param #int active Set to 1 to activate effect, set to 0 to deactivate effect function SetEffectActive(effect, active) end -- EVENT CALLBACKS :: Character -- CharacterDeath -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterDeath(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeath(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) of the specified name dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeathName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) of the specified team dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeathTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) of the specified class dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeathConfig(callback, configStr) end -- CharacterSpawn -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterSpawn(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) spawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterSpawn(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) of the specified name spawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterSpawnName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) of the specified team spawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterSpawnTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character (human or AI) of the specified class spawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterSpawnConfig(callback, configStr) end -- CharacterDispensePowerup -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterDispensePowerup(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character drops a health/ammo pickup. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, powerup` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispensePowerup(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified name drops a health/ammo pickup. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, powerup` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispensePowerupName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified team drops a health/ammo pickup. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, powerup` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispensePowerupTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified class drops a health/ammo pickup. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, powerup` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispensePowerupConfig(callback, configStr) end -- callbackname -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterDispenseControllable(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character drops a controllable item (such as a remote droid or a mini-turret). -- -- If you want to check exactly what kind of controllable was dropped, use 'GetEntityClassName(controllable)'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, controllable` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispenseControllable(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified name drops a controllable item (such as a remote droid or a mini-turret). -- -- If you want to check exactly what kind of controllable was dropped, use 'GetEntityClassName(controllable)'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, controllable` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispenseControllableName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified team drops a controllable item (such as a remote droid or a mini-turret). -- -- If you want to check exactly what kind of controllable was dropped, use 'GetEntityClassName(controllable)'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, controllable` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispenseControllableTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified class drops a controllable item (such as a remote droid or a mini-turret). -- -- If you want to check exactly what kind of controllable was dropped, use 'GetEntityClassName(controllable)'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, controllable` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDispenseControllableConfig(callback, configStr) end -- CharacterLandedFlyer -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterLandedFlyer(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character lands a flyer. -- -- If you wanted to check if the player landed within a region, use 'IsCharacterInRegion(player, "regionName")'. -- -- If you want to check if the flyer matches a particular type of flyer, use this: -- `if GetEntityClass(flyer) == FindEntityClass("flyerClassName") then` -- ` ` -- `end` -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, flyer` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterLandedFlyer(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified name lands a flyer. -- -- If you wanted to check if the player landed within a region, use 'IsCharacterInRegion(player, "regionName")'. -- -- If you want to check if the flyer matches a particular type of flyer, use this: -- `if GetEntityClass(flyer) == FindEntityClass("flyerClassName") then` -- ` ` -- `end` -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, flyer` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterLandedFlyerName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified team lands a flyer. -- -- If you wanted to check if the player landed within a region, use 'IsCharacterInRegion(player, "regionName")'. -- -- If you want to check if the flyer matches a particular type of flyer, use this: -- `if GetEntityClass(flyer) == FindEntityClass("flyerClassName") then` -- ` ` -- `end` -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, flyer` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterLandedFlyerTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified class lands a flyer. -- -- If you wanted to check if the player landed within a region, use 'IsCharacterInRegion(player, "regionName")'. -- -- If you want to check if the flyer matches a particular type of flyer, use this: -- `if GetEntityClass(flyer) == FindEntityClass("flyerClassName") then` -- ` ` -- `end` -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, flyer` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterLandedFlyerConfig(callback, configStr) end -- CharacterEnterVehicle -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterEnterVehicle(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character enters a vehicle. It also works for turrets! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, vehicle` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterEnterVehicle(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified name enters a vehicle. It also works for turrets! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, vehicle` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterEnterVehicleName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified team enters a vehicle. It also works for turrets! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, vehicle` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterEnterVehicleTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a character of the specified class enters a vehicle. It also works for turrets! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, vehicle` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterEnterVehicleConfig(callback, configStr) end -- CharacterChangeClass -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterChangeClass(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever the player presses the OK button in the spawn display. It is not intended to be a robust thing that can be used in either multiplayer or to check when the AI change classes. -- -- If you need to get the player's class, use 'GetCharacterClass(player)', which will return a class index. -- -- If you need the class name, you can use 'GetEntityClassName(GetCharacterUnit(player))'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterChangeClass(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever the player of the specified name presses the OK button in the spawn display. It is not intended to be a robust thing that can be used in either multiplayer or to check when the AI change classes. -- -- If you need to get the player's class, use 'GetCharacterClass(player)', which will return a class index. -- -- If you need the class name, you can use 'GetEntityClassName(GetCharacterUnit(player))'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterChangeClassName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever the player of the specified team presses the OK button in the spawn display. It is not intended to be a robust thing that can be used in either multiplayer or to check when the AI change classes. -- -- If you need to get the player's class, use 'GetCharacterClass(player)', which will return a class index. -- -- If you need the class name, you can use 'GetEntityClassName(GetCharacterUnit(player))'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterChangeClassTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever the player of the specified class presses the OK button in the spawn display. It is not intended to be a robust thing that can be used in either multiplayer or to check when the AI change classes. -- -- If you need to get the player's class, use 'GetCharacterClass(player)', which will return a class index. -- -- If you need the class name, you can use 'GetEntityClassName(GetCharacterUnit(player))'. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterChangeClassConfig(callback, configStr) end -- CharacterIssueAICommand -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterIssueAICommand(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a player issues a command to the AI. The command ID that is passed in must be translated into a string by calling 'TranslateAICommand(command_id)'. This function will return one of the following strings: -- -- 'getintovehicle' -- 'getoutofvehicle' -- 'waitforpickup' -- 'followchr' -- 'stopfollowchr' -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, command_id` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterIssueAICommand(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a player of the specified name issues a command to the AI. The command ID that is passed in must be translated into a string by calling 'TranslateAICommand(command_id)'. This function will return one of the following strings: -- -- 'getintovehicle' -- 'getoutofvehicle' -- 'waitforpickup' -- 'followchr' -- 'stopfollowchr' -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, command_id` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterIssueAICommandName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a player of the specified team issues a command to the AI. The command ID that is passed in must be translated into a string by calling 'TranslateAICommand(command_id)'. This function will return one of the following strings: -- -- 'getintovehicle' -- 'getoutofvehicle' -- 'waitforpickup' -- 'followchr' -- 'stopfollowchr' -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, command_id` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterIssueAICommandTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs whenever a player of the specified class issues a command to the AI. The command ID that is passed in must be translated into a string by calling 'TranslateAICommand(command_id)'. This function will return one of the following strings: -- -- 'getintovehicle' -- 'getoutofvehicle' -- 'waitforpickup' -- 'followchr' -- 'stopfollowchr' -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, command_id` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterIssueAICommandConfig(callback, configStr) end -- EVENT CALLBACKS :: Command Post -- BeginNeutralize -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseBeginNeutralize(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit begins neutralizing a Command Post. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginNeutralize(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit begins neutralizing a Command Post of the specified name. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginNeutralizeName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit begins neutralizing a Command Post of the specified team. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginNeutralizeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- AbortNeutralize -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseAbortNeutralize(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit stops neutralizing a Command Post. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnAbortNeutralize(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit stops neutralizing a Command Post of the specified name. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnAbortNeutralizeName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit stops neutralizing a Command Post of the specified team. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnAbortNeutralizeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- FinishNeutralize -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseFinishNeutralize(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit finishes neutralizing a Command Post. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFinishNeutralize(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit finishes neutralizing a Command Post of the specified name. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFinishNeutralizeName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when an enemy unit finishes neutralizing a Command Post of the specified team. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFinishNeutralizeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- BeginCapture -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseBeginCapture(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit begins capturing a neutral Command Post. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginCapture(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit begins capturing a neutral Command Post of the specified name. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginCaptureName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit begins capturing a neutral Command Post of the specified team. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginCaptureTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- AbortCapture -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseAbortCapture(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit stops capturing a neutral Command Post. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnAbortCapture(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit stops capturing a neutral Command Post of the specified name. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnAbortCaptureName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit stops capturing a neutral Command Post of the specified team. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnAbortCaptureTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- FinishCapture -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseFinishCapture(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit finishes capturing a neutral Command Post. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFinishCapture(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit finishes capturing a neutral Command Post of the specified name. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFinishCaptureName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- This Event occurs when a unit finishes capturing a neutral Command Post of the specified team. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFinishCaptureTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- CommandPostKill -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCommandPostKill(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when a Command Post dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, killer` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCommandPostKill(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when a Command Post of the specified name dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, killer` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCommandPostKillName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when a Command Post of the specified team dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, killer` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCommandPostKillTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- CommandPostRespawn -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCommandPostRespawn(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs when a Command Post spawns or respawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCommandPostRespawn(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs when a Command Post of the specified name spawns or respawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCommandPostRespawnName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs when a Command Post of the specified team spawns or respawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCommandPostRespawnTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- EVENT CALLBACKS :: Flag -- FlagPickUp -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseFlagPickUp(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character picks up a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUp(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified name picks up a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUpName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified team picks up a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUpTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified class picks up a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string configStr Character config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUpConfig(callback, configStr) end -- FlagDrop -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseFlagDrop(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character drops a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagDrop(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified name drops a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagDropName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified team drops a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagDropTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified class drops a Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string configStr Character config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagDropConfig(callback, configStr) end -- FlagReturn -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseFlagReturn(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character returns an allied Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagReturn(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified name returns an allied Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagReturnName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified team returns an allied Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagReturnTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified class returns an allied Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string configStr Character config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagReturnConfig(callback, configStr) end -- FlagCapture -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseFlagCapture(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character captures a neutral or enemy Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagCapture(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified name captures a neutral or enemy Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagCaptureName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified team captures a neutral or enemy Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagCaptureTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- This Event occurs when a character of the specified class captures a neutral or enemy Flag. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string configStr Character config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagCaptureConfig(callback, configStr) end -- EVENT CALLBACKS :: Object -- ObjectCreate -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectCreate(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the creation of an Object, before setting its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreate(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the creation of an Object of the specified name, before setting its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreateName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the creation of an Object of the specified team, before setting its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreateTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the creation of an Object of the specified class, before setting its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreateConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectInit -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectInit(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the initialization of an Object, after settings its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectInit(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the initialization of an Object of the specified name, after settings its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectInitName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the initialization of an Object of the specified team, after settings its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectInitTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the initialization of an Object of the specified class, after settings its properties. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectInitConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectDamage -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectDamage(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: damager (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever an Object takes damage. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, damager` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDamage(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: damager (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever an Object of the specified name takes damage. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, damager` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDamageName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: damager (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever an Object of the specified team takes damage. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, damager` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDamageTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: damager (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever an Object of the specified class takes damage. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, damager` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDamageConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectRepair -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectRepair(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: repairer (character) -- -- This event occurs when a character finishes repairing an Object. Also conveniently works for checking when a player has built a repair/ammo droid from one of those build pads. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, repairer` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRepair(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: repairer (character) -- -- This event occurs when a character finishes repairing an Object of the specified name. Also conveniently works for checking when a player has built a repair/ammo droid from one of those build pads. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, repairer` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRepairName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: repairer (character) -- -- This event occurs when a character finishes repairing an Object of the specified team. Also conveniently works for checking when a player has built a repair/ammo droid from one of those build pads. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, repairer` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRepairTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: repairer (character) -- -- This event occurs when a character finishes repairing an Object of the specified class. Also conveniently works for checking when a player has built a repair/ammo droid from one of those build pads. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, repairer` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRepairConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectHack -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectHack(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: hacker (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever a character hacks an Object (which is our nomenclature for kicking dudes out of a vehicle with the fusion cutter... makes sense to me). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, hacker` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHack(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: hacker (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever a character hacks an Object of the specified name (which is our nomenclature for kicking dudes out of a vehicle with the fusion cutter... makes sense to me). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, hacker` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHackName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: hacker (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever a character hacks an Object of the specified team (which is our nomenclature for kicking dudes out of a vehicle with the fusion cutter... makes sense to me). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, hacker` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHackTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: hacker (character) -- -- This Event occurs whenever a character hacks an Object of the specified class (which is our nomenclature for kicking dudes out of a vehicle with the fusion cutter... makes sense to me). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, hacker` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHackConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectKill -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectKill(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectKill(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified name dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectKillName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified team dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectKillTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified class dies. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectKillConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectHeadshot -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectHeadshot(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object (entity soldier) -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object gets shot in the head. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHeadshot(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object (entity soldier) -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified name gets shot in the head. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHeadshotName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object (entity soldier) -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified team gets shot in the head. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHeadshotTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object (entity soldier) -- Context: killer (character) -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified class gets shot in the head. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, killer` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectHeadshotConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectRespawn -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectRespawn(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs when an Object respawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRespawn(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified name respawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRespawnName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified team respawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRespawnTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified class respawns. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectRespawnConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ObjectDelete -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectDelete(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the deletion of an Object. Do not use the Object after deletion! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDelete(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the deletion of an Object of the specified name. Do not use the Object after deletion! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDeleteName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the deletion of an Object of the specified team. Do not use the Object after deletion! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDeleteTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- This Event occurs on the deletion of an Object of the specified class. Do not use the Object after deletion! -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectDeleteConfig(callback, configStr) end -- TeamChange -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseTeamChange(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: team -- -- This Event occurs when an Object changes teams. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, team` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTeamChange(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: team -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified name changes teams. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, team` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTeamChangeName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: team -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified team changes teams. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, team` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTeamChangeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: team -- -- This Event occurs when an Object of the specified class changes teams. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, team` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTeamChangeConfig(callback, configStr) end -- HealthChange -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseHealthChange(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: health -- -- This Event occurs when the Object's health changes due to an external event. AddHealth does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, health` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnHealthChange(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: health -- -- This Event occurs when the Object of the specified name's health changes due to an external event. AddHealth does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, health` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnHealthChangeName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: health -- -- This Event occurs when the Object of the specified team's health changes due to an external event. AddHealth does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, health` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnHealthChangeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: health -- -- This Event occurs when the Object of the specified class's health changes due to an external event. AddHealth does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, health` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnHealthChangeConfig(callback, configStr) end -- ShieldChange -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseShieldChange(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: shield -- -- This Event occurs when the Object's shield changes due to an external event. AddShield does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, shield` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnShieldChange(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: shield -- -- This Event occurs when the Object of the specified name's shield changes due to an external event. AddShield does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, shield` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnShieldChangeName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: shield -- -- This Event occurs when the Object of the specified team's shield changes due to an external event. AddShield does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, shield` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnShieldChangeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: shield -- -- This Event occurs when the Object of the specified class's shield changes due to an external event. AddShield does not trigger this Event (supposedly). -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, shield` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnShieldChangeConfig(callback, configStr) end -- EVENT CALLBACKS :: Region -- EnterRegion -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseEnterRegion(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character enters a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnEnterRegion(callback, regionNameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character of the specified name enters a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @param #string charNameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnEnterRegionName(callback, regionNameStr, charNameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character of the specified team enters a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @param #int charTeamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnEnterRegionTeam(callback, regionNameStr, charTeamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character of the specified class enters a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @param #string charConfigStr Character config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnEnterRegionConfig(callback, regionNameStr, charConfigStr) end -- LeaveRegion -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseLeaveRegion(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character leaves a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnLeaveRegion(callback, regionNameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character of the specified name leaves a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @param #string charNameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnLeaveRegionName(callback, regionNameStr, charNameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character of the specified team leaves a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @param #int charTeamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnLeaveRegionTeam(callback, regionNameStr, charTeamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: region -- Context: character -- Instance: name or region -- -- This Event occurs when a Character of the specified class leaves a Region. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `region, character` -- @param #string regionNameStr Region or region name -- @param #string charConfigStr Character config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnLeaveRegionConfig(callback, regionNameStr, charConfigStr) end -- EVENT CALLBACKS :: Team -- TicketCountChange -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseTicketCountChange(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs when the reinforcement count changes. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `team, count` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTicketCountChange(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs when the specified team's reinforcement count changes. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `team, count` -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTicketCountChangeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- TicketBleedChange -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseTicketBleedChange(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs when the bleed rate changes. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `team, bleed` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTicketBleedChange(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- This event occurs when the specified team's bleed rate changes. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `team, bleed` -- @param #int teamIndex Index of team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTicketBleedChangeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -- EVENT CALLBACKS :: Timer -- TimerElapse -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseTimerElapse(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: timer -- Context: none -- Instance: name or timer -- -- This Event occurs when the timer reaches zero. -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `timer` -- @param timer Timer or timer name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnTimerElapse(callback, timer) end -- event callback snippet "templates": --[[ -- callbackname -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseObjectCreate(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, character` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreate(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, character` -- @param #string nameStr Object name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreateName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, character` -- @param #int teamIndex Object team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreateTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: object -- Context: none -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `object, character` -- @param #string configStr Object config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnObjectCreateConfig(callback, configStr) end ]] --[[ -- callbackname -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseFlagPickUp(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUp(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUpName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUpTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: flag -- Context: character -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `flag, character` -- @param #string configStr Character config -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnFlagPickUpConfig(callback, configStr) end ]] --[[ -- callbackname -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseBeginNeutralize(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginNeutralize(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #string nameStr Command Post name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginNeutralizeName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actor: post -- Context: holding (table of characters) -- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `post, holding` -- @param #int teamIndex Command Post team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnBeginNeutralizeTeam(callback, teamIndex) end ]] --[[ -- callbackname -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deregisters the specified event callback handler. -- -- For example, if you assign an event callback to a variable via 'playerDeathHandler = OnCharacterDeath(<...>)', calling 'ReleaseCharacterDeath(playerDeathHandler)' would stop the contents of whatever is in '<...>' from executing because the event callback's handler will have been removed from the list of event callbacks that should be executed when 'OnCharacterDeath' (or any one of its filter equivalents, such as 'OnCharacterDeathTeam', etc.) is triggered. -- -- When this is used, generally it's good practice to also dispose of the event handler by setting its variable to nil (e.g., 'playerDeathHandler = nil'). -- -- @param eventHandler Event callback handler to deregister function ReleaseCharacterDeath(eventHandler) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeath(callback) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @param #string nameStr Character name -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeathName(callback, nameStr) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @param #int teamIndex Character team -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeathTeam(callback, teamIndex) end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- @param callback Callback to execute, generally a lambda function. Uses parameters: `player, killer` -- @param #string configStr Character class -- @return Unique event callback handler function OnCharacterDeathConfig(callback, configStr) end ]]