# Sublime Text 2: HostsEdit Plugin Open your `hosts` file quickly and have syntax highlighting for it. ## Usage - Simply hit `Ctrl+Shift+H` (on Windows and Linux) or `⌘+Shift+H` (on OS X) to bring up your `hosts` file - Or you can open it via `Command Palette`, hit `Ctrl+Shift+P` and choose `Open Hosts File` ## Installation To install this plugin, you have two options: 1. If you have Package Control installed, simply search for `HostsEdit` to install. 2. Clone source code to Sublime Text packages folder. ## Settings This plugin has a three settings. If you create a file called `SublimeHostsEdit.sublime-settings` in your `User` package you can override them. - `win_hosts_file_location`: location of `hosts` file under Windows - `unix_hosts_file_location`: location of `hosts` file under Unix - `osx_hosts_file_location`: location of `hosts` file under OS X ``` JSON { //PATH to `hosts` file depending on system "windows_hosts_file_location": "C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts", "linux_hosts_file_location": "/etc/hosts", "osx_hosts_file_location": "/private/etc/hosts" } ```