# CoderPad Color Scheme CoderPad-like color scheme for Sublime Text. Mainly geared toward development with JavaScript and Ruby, but can be also used with other programming languages. #### JavaScript ![JavaScript](https://github.com/marwan37/CoderPad-Color-Scheme/raw/main/JavaScript.png) #### Ruby ![Ruby](https://github.com/marwan37/CoderPad-Color-Scheme/raw/main/Ruby.png) --- ### Installation #### Via Package Control 1. Open Command Palette → Command Palette or `CMD/CTRL + SHIFT +P`. 2. Choose Package Control: Install Package. 3. Type `CoderPad-Color-Scheme` and hit `Enter`. #### Manually 1. Download the `CoderPad.sublime-color-scheme` file 2. Go to Sublime Text → Preferences → Browse Packages. 3. Move file inside your Packages folder. --- ### Activation 1. Open the Command Palette → `CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P`. 2. Type `UI: Select Color Scheme` and hit `Enter`. 3. Select `CoderPad` and hit `Enter`.