var rows = 3; var columns = 3; var currTile; var otherTile; //blank tile var turns = 0; // var imgOrder = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]; var imgOrder = ["4", "2", "8", "5", "1", "6", "7", "9", "3"]; window.onload = function() { for (let r=0; r < rows; r++) { for (let c=0; c < columns; c++) { // let tile = document.createElement("img"); = r.toString() + "-" + c.toString(); tile.src = imgOrder.shift() + ".jpg"; //DRAG FUNCTIONALITY tile.addEventListener("dragstart", dragStart); //click an image to drag tile.addEventListener("dragover", dragOver); //moving image around while clicked tile.addEventListener("dragenter", dragEnter); //dragging image onto another one tile.addEventListener("dragleave", dragLeave); //dragged image leaving anohter image tile.addEventListener("drop", dragDrop); //drag an image over another image, drop the image tile.addEventListener("dragend", dragEnd); //after drag drop, swap the two tiles document.getElementById("board").append(tile); } } } function dragStart() { currTile = this; //this refers to the img tile being dragged } function dragOver(e) { e.preventDefault(); } function dragEnter(e) { e.preventDefault(); } function dragLeave() { } function dragDrop() { otherTile = this; //this refers to the img tile being dropped on } function dragEnd() { if (!otherTile.src.includes("3.jpg")) { return; } let currCoords ="-"); //ex) "0-0" -> ["0", "0"] let r = parseInt(currCoords[0]); let c = parseInt(currCoords[1]); let otherCoords ="-"); let r2 = parseInt(otherCoords[0]); let c2 = parseInt(otherCoords[1]); let moveLeft = r == r2 && c2 == c-1; let moveRight = r == r2 && c2 == c+1; let moveUp = c == c2 && r2 == r-1; let moveDown = c == c2 && r2 == r+1; let isAdjacent = moveLeft || moveRight || moveUp || moveDown; if (isAdjacent) { let currImg = currTile.src; let otherImg = otherTile.src; currTile.src = otherImg; otherTile.src = currImg; turns += 1; document.getElementById("turns").innerText = turns; } }