import json import random def sentence(): s_nouns = ["A dude", "My mom", "The king", "Some guy", "A cat with rabies", "A sloth", "Your homie", "This cool guy my gardener met yesterday", "Superman"] p_nouns = ["These dudes", "Both of my moms", "All the kings of the world", "Some guys", "All of a cattery's cats", "The multitude of sloths living under your bed", "Your homies", "Like, these, like, all these people", "Supermen"] s_verbs = ["eats", "kicks", "gives", "treats", "meets with", "creates", "hacks", "configures", "spies on", "retards", "meows on", "flees from", "tries to automate", "explodes"] p_verbs = ["eat", "kick", "give", "treat", "meet with", "create", "hack", "configure", "spy on", "retard", "meow on", "flee from", "try to automate", "explode"] infinitives = ["to make a pie.", "for no apparent reason.", "because the sky is green.", "for a disease.", "to be able to make toast explode.", "to know more about archeology."] return random.choice(s_nouns) + ' ' + random.choice(s_verbs) + ' ' + random.choice(s_nouns).lower() or random.choice(p_nouns).lower() + ' ' + random.choice(infinitives) def lambda_handler(event, context): message = sentence() return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps({'message' : message}), "headers": { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" : "*" } }