/* * popcorn.js version 1.5.6 * http://popcornjs.org * * Copyright 2011, Mozilla Foundation * Licensed under the MIT license */ (function(p, e) { function l(a) { C.put.call(this, a) } function d(a) { this.parent = a; this.byStart = [{ start: -1, end: -1 }]; this.byEnd = [{ start: -1, end: -1 }]; this.animating = []; this.endIndex = this.startIndex = 0; this.previousUpdateTime = -1; this.count = 1 } function b(a, c) { return function() { if (f.plugin.debug) return a.apply(this, arguments); try { return a.apply(this, arguments) } catch (n) { f.plugin.errors.push({ plugin: c, thrown: n, source: a.toString() }); this.emit("pluginerror", f.plugin.errors) } } } if (e.addEventListener) { var h = Array.prototype, i = Object.prototype, g = h.forEach, k = h.slice, r = i.hasOwnProperty, m = i.toString, t = p.Popcorn, q = [], o = false, u = { events: { hash: {}, apis: {} } }, E = function() { return p.requestAnimationFrame || p.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || p.mozRequestAnimationFrame || p.oRequestAnimationFrame || p.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(a) { p.setTimeout(a, 16) } }(), C = { put: function(a) { for (var c in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(c)) this[c] = a[c] } }, f = function(a, c) { return new f.p.init(a, c || null) }; f.version = "1.5.6"; f.isSupported = true; f.instances = []; f.p = f.prototype = { init: function(a, c) { var n, j = this; if (typeof a === "function") if (e.readyState === "complete") a(e, f); else { q.push(a); if (!o) { o = true; var w = function() { e.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", w, false); for (var F = 0, v = q.length; F < v; F++) q[F].call(e, f); q = null }; e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", w, false) } } else { if (typeof a === "string") try { n = e.querySelector(a) } catch (x) { throw Error("Popcorn.js Error: Invalid media element selector: " + a); } this.media = n || a; n = this.media.nodeName && this.media.nodeName.toLowerCase() || "video"; this[n] = this.media; this.options = f.extend({}, c) || {}; this.id = this.options.id || f.guid(n); if (f.byId(this.id)) throw Error("Popcorn.js Error: Cannot use duplicate ID (" + this.id + ")"); this.isDestroyed = false; this.data = { running: { cue: [] }, timeUpdate: f.nop, disabled: {}, events: {}, hooks: {}, history: [], state: { volume: this.media.volume }, trackRefs: {}, trackEvents: new d(this) }; f.instances.push(this); var z = function() { if (j.media.currentTime < 0) j.media.currentTime = 0; j.media.removeEventListener("loadedmetadata", z, false); var F, v, L, y, s; F = j.media.duration; F = F != F ? Number.MAX_VALUE : F + 1; f.addTrackEvent(j, { start: F, end: F }); if (!j.isDestroyed) { j.data.durationChange = function() { var B = j.media.duration, Q = B + 1, K = j.data.trackEvents.byStart, M = j.data.trackEvents.byEnd; K.pop(); M.pop(); for (var D = M.length - 1; D > 0; D--) M[D].end > B && j.removeTrackEvent(M[D]._id); for (M = 0; M < K.length; M++) K[M].end > B && j.removeTrackEvent(K[M]._id); j.data.trackEvents.byEnd.push({ start: Q, end: Q }); j.data.trackEvents.byStart.push({ start: Q, end: Q }) }; j.media.addEventListener("durationchange", j.data.durationChange, false) } if (j.options.frameAnimation) { j.data.timeUpdate = function() { f.timeUpdate(j, {}); f.forEach(f.manifest, function(B, Q) { if (v = j.data.running[Q]) { y = v.length; for (var K = 0; K < y; K++) { L = v[K]; (s = L._natives) && s.frame && s.frame.call(j, {}, L, j.currentTime()) } } }); j.emit("timeupdate"); !j.isDestroyed && E(j.data.timeUpdate) }; !j.isDestroyed && E(j.data.timeUpdate) } else { j.data.timeUpdate = function(B) { f.timeUpdate(j, B) }; j.isDestroyed || j.media.addEventListener("timeupdate", j.data.timeUpdate, false) } }; j.media.addEventListener("error", function() { j.error = j.media.error }, false); j.media.readyState >= 1 ? z() : j.media.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", z, false); return this } } }; f.p.init.prototype = f.p; f.byId = function(a) { for (var c = f.instances, n = c.length, j = 0; j < n; j++) if (c[j].id === a) return c[j]; return null }; f.forEach = function(a, c, n) { if (!a || !c) return {}; n = n || this; var j, w; if (g && a.forEach === g) return a.forEach(c, n); if (m.call(a) === "[object NodeList]") { j = 0; for (w = a.length; j < w; j++) c.call(n, a[j], j, a); return a } for (j in a) r.call(a, j) && c.call(n, a[j], j, a); return a }; f.extend = function(a) { var c = k.call(arguments, 1); f.forEach(c, function(n) { for (var j in n) a[j] = n[j] }); return a }; f.extend(f, { noConflict: function(a) { if (a) p.Popcorn = t; return f }, error: function(a) { throw Error(a); }, guid: function(a) { f.guid.counter++; return (a ? a : "") + (+new Date + f.guid.counter) }, sizeOf: function(a) { var c = 0, n; for (n in a) c++; return c }, isArray: Array.isArray || function(a) { return m.call(a) === "[object Array]" }, nop: function() {}, position: function(a) { if (!a.parentNode) return null; a = a.getBoundingClientRect(); var c = {}, n = e.documentElement, j = e.body, w, x, z; w = n.clientTop || j.clientTop || 0; x = n.clientLeft || j.clientLeft || 0; z = p.pageYOffset && n.scrollTop || j.scrollTop; n = p.pageXOffset && n.scrollLeft || j.scrollLeft; w = Math.ceil(a.top + z - w); x = Math.ceil(a.left + n - x); for (var F in a) c[F] = Math.round(a[F]); return f.extend({}, c, { top: w, left: x }) }, disable: function(a, c) { if (!a.data.disabled[c]) { a.data.disabled[c] = true; if (c in f.registryByName && a.data.running[c]) for (var n = a.data.running[c].length - 1, j; n >= 0; n--) { j = a.data.running[c][n]; j._natives.end.call(a, null, j); a.emit("trackend", f.extend({}, j, { plugin: j.type, type: "trackend" })) } return a } }, enable: function(a, c) { if (a.data.disabled[c]) { a.data.disabled[c] = false; if (c in f.registryByName && a.data.running[c]) for (var n = a.data.running[c].length - 1, j; n >= 0; n--) { j = a.data.running[c][n]; j._natives.start.call(a, null, j); a.emit("trackstart", f.extend({}, j, { plugin: j.type, type: "trackstart", track: j })) } return a } }, destroy: function(a) { var c = a.data.events, n = a.data.trackEvents, j, w, x, z; for (w in c) { j = c[w]; for (x in j) delete j[x]; c[w] = null } for (z in f.registryByName) f.removePlugin(a, z); n.byStart.length = 0; n.byEnd.length = 0; if (!a.isDestroyed) { a.data.timeUpdate && a.media.removeEventListener("timeupdate", a.data.timeUpdate, false); a.isDestroyed = true } f.instances.splice(f.instances.indexOf(a), 1) } }); f.guid.counter = 1; f.extend(f.p, function() { var a = {}; f.forEach("load play pause currentTime playbackRate volume duration preload playbackRate autoplay loop controls muted buffered readyState seeking paused played seekable ended".split(/\s+/g), function(c) { a[c] = function(n) { var j; if (typeof this.media[c] === "function") { if (n != null && /play|pause/.test(c)) this.media.currentTime = f.util.toSeconds(n); this.media[c](); return this } if (n != null) { j = this.media[c]; this.media[c] = n; j !== n && this.emit("attrchange", { attribute: c, previousValue: j, currentValue: n }); return this } return this.media[c] } }); return a }()); f.forEach("enable disable".split(" "), function(a) { f.p[a] = function(c) { return f[a](this, c) } }); f.extend(f.p, { roundTime: function() { return Math.round(this.media.currentTime) }, exec: function(a, c, n) { var j = arguments.length, w = "trackadded", x, z; try { z = f.util.toSeconds(a) } catch (F) {} if (typeof z === "number") a = z; if (typeof a === "number" && j === 2) { n = c; c = a; a = f.guid("cue") } else if (j === 1) c = -1; else if (x = this.getTrackEvent(a)) { this.data.trackEvents.remove(a); l.end(this, x); f.removeTrackEvent.ref(this, a); w = "cuechange"; if (typeof a === "string" && j === 2) { if (typeof c === "number") n = x._natives.start; if (typeof c === "function") { n = c; c = x.start } } } else if (j >= 2) { if (typeof c === "string") { try { z = f.util.toSeconds(c) } catch (v) {} c = z } if (typeof c === "number") n = n || f.nop(); if (typeof c === "function") { n = c; c = -1 } } j = { id: a, start: c, end: c + 1, _running: false, _natives: { start: n || f.nop, end: f.nop, type: "cue" } }; if (x) j = f.extend(x, j); if (w === "cuechange") { j._id = j.id || j._id || f.guid(j._natives.type); this.data.trackEvents.add(j); l.start(this, j); this.timeUpdate(this, null, true); f.addTrackEvent.ref(this, j); this.emit(w, f.extend({}, j, { id: a, type: w, previousValue: { time: x.start, fn: x._natives.start }, currentValue: { time: c, fn: n || f.nop }, track: x })) } else f.addTrackEvent(this, j); return this }, mute: function(a) { a = a == null || a === true ? "muted" : "unmuted"; if (a === "unmuted") { this.media.muted = false; this.media.volume = this.data.state.volume } if (a === "muted") { this.data.state.volume = this.media.volume; this.media.muted = true } this.emit(a); return this }, unmute: function(a) { return this.mute(a == null ? false : !a) }, position: function() { return f.position(this.media) }, toggle: function(a) { return f[this.data.disabled[a] ? "enable" : "disable"](this, a) }, defaults: function(a, c) { if (f.isArray(a)) { f.forEach(a, function(n) { for (var j in n) this.defaults(j, n[j]) }, this); return this } if (!this.options.defaults) this.options.defaults = {}; this.options.defaults[a] || (this.options.defaults[a] = {}); f.extend(this.options.defaults[a], c); return this } }); f.Events = { UIEvents: "blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload", MouseEvents: "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave click dblclick", Events: "loadstart progress suspend emptied stalled play pause error loadedmetadata loadeddata waiting playing canplay canplaythrough seeking seeked timeupdate ended ratechange durationchange volumechange" }; f.Events.Natives = f.Events.UIEvents + " " + f.Events.MouseEvents + " " + f.Events.Events; u.events.apiTypes = ["UIEvents", "MouseEvents", "Events"]; (function(a, c) { for (var n = u.events.apiTypes, j = a.Natives.split(/\s+/g), w = 0, x = j.length; w < x; w++) c.hash[j[w]] = true; n.forEach(function(z) { c.apis[z] = {}; for (var F = a[z].split(/\s+/g), v = F.length, L = 0; L < v; L++) c.apis[z][F[L]] = true }) })(f.Events, u.events); f.events = { isNative: function(a) { return !!u.events.hash[a] }, getInterface: function(a) { if (!f.events.isNative(a)) return false; var c = u.events, n = c.apiTypes; c = c.apis; for (var j = 0, w = n.length, x, z; j < w; j++) { z = n[j]; if (c[z][a]) { x = z; break } } return x }, all: f.Events.Natives.split(/\s+/g), fn: { trigger: function(a, c) { var n, j = this.data.events[a]; if (j) { if (n = f.events.getInterface(a)) { n = e.createEvent(n); n.initEvent(a, true, true, p, 1); this.media.dispatchEvent(n); return this } for (n = j.slice(); n.length;) n.shift().call(this, c) } return this }, listen: function(a, c) { var n = this, j = true, w = f.events.hooks[a], x, z; if (typeof c !== "function") throw Error("Popcorn.js Error: Listener is not a function"); if (!this.data.events[a]) { this.data.events[a] = []; j = false } if (w) { w.add && w.add.call(this, {}, c); if (w.bind) a = w.bind; if (w.handler) { z = c; c = function(F) { w.handler.call(n, F, z) } } j = true; if (!this.data.events[a]) { this.data.events[a] = []; j = false } } this.data.events[a].push(c); !j && f.events.all.indexOf(a) > -1 && this.media.addEventListener(a, function(F) { if (n.data.events[a]) for (x = n.data.events[a].slice(); x.length;) x.shift().call(n, F) }, false); return this }, unlisten: function(a, c) { var n, j = this.data.events[a]; if (j) { if (typeof c === "string") { for (n = 0; n < j.length; n++) j[n].name === c && j.splice(n--, 1); return this } else if (typeof c === "function") { for (; n !== -1;) { n = j.indexOf(c); n !== -1 && j.splice(n, 1) } return this } this.data.events[a] = null; return this } } }, hooks: { canplayall: { bind: "canplaythrough", add: function(a, c) { var n = false; if (this.media.readyState) { setTimeout(function() { c.call(this, a) }.bind(this), 0); n = true } this.data.hooks.canplayall = { fired: n } }, handler: function(a, c) { if (!this.data.hooks.canplayall.fired) { c.call(this, a); this.data.hooks.canplayall.fired = true } } } } }; f.forEach([ ["trigger", "emit"], ["listen", "on"], ["unlisten", "off"] ], function(a) { f.p[a[0]] = f.p[a[1]] = f.events.fn[a[0]] }); l.start = function(a, c) { if (c.end > a.media.currentTime && c.start <= a.media.currentTime && !c._running) { c._running = true; a.data.running[c._natives.type].push(c); if (!a.data.disabled[c._natives.type]) { c._natives.start.call(a, null, c); a.emit("trackstart", f.extend({}, c, { plugin: c._natives.type, type: "trackstart", track: c })) } } }; l.end = function(a, c) { var n; if ((c.end <= a.media.currentTime || c.start > a.media.currentTime) && c._running) { n = a.data.running[c._natives.type]; c._running = false; n.splice(n.indexOf(c), 1); if (!a.data.disabled[c._natives.type]) { c._natives.end.call(a, null, c); a.emit("trackend", f.extend({}, c, { plugin: c._natives.type, type: "trackend", track: c })) } } }; d.prototype.where = function(a) { return (this.parent.getTrackEvents() || []).filter(function(c) { var n, j; if (!a) return true; for (n in a) { j = a[n]; if (c[n] && c[n] === j || c._natives[n] && c._natives[n] === j) return true } return false }) }; d.prototype.add = function(a) { var c = this.byStart, n = this.byEnd, j; a && a._id && this.parent.data.history.push(a._id); a.start = f.util.toSeconds(a.start, this.parent.options.framerate); a.end = f.util.toSeconds(a.end, this.parent.options.framerate); for (j = c.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (a.start >= c[j].start) { c.splice(j + 1, 0, a); break } for (c = n.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) if (a.end > n[c].end) { n.splice(c + 1, 0, a); break } j <= this.parent.data.trackEvents.startIndex && a.start <= this.parent.data.trackEvents.previousUpdateTime && this.parent.data.trackEvents.startIndex++; c <= this.parent.data.trackEvents.endIndex && a.end < this.parent.data.trackEvents.previousUpdateTime && this.parent.data.trackEvents.endIndex++; this.count++ }; d.prototype.remove = function(a) { if (a instanceof l) a = a.id; if (typeof a === "object") { this.where(a).forEach(function(y) { this.removeTrackEvent(y._id) }, this.parent); return this } var c, n, j; j = this.byStart.length; for (var w = 0, x = 0, z = [], F = [], v = [], L = []; --j > -1;) { c = this.byStart[w]; n = this.byEnd[w]; if (!c._id) { z.push(c); F.push(n) } if (c._id) { c._id !== a && z.push(c); n._id !== a && F.push(n); if (c._id === a) x = w } w++ } j = this.animating.length; w = 0; if (j) for (; --j > -1;) { c = this.animating[w]; c._id || v.push(c); c._id && c._id !== a && v.push(c); w++ } x <= this.startIndex && this.startIndex--; x <= this.endIndex && this.endIndex--; this.byStart = z; this.byEnd = F; this.animating = v; this.count--; j = this.parent.data.history.length; for (w = 0; w < j; w++) this.parent.data.history[w] !== a && L.push(this.parent.data.history[w]); this.parent.data.history = L }; f.addTrackEvent = function(a, c) { var n; if (!(c instanceof l)) { if ((c = new l(c)) && c._natives && c._natives.type && a.options.defaults && a.options.defaults[c._natives.type]) { n = f.extend({}, c); f.extend(c, a.options.defaults[c._natives.type], n) } if (c._natives) { c._id = c.id || c._id || f.guid(c._natives.type); if (c._natives._setup) { c._natives._setup.call(a, c); a.emit("tracksetup", f.extend({}, c, { plugin: c._natives.type, type: "tracksetup", track: c })) } } a.data.trackEvents.add(c); l.start(a, c); this.timeUpdate(a, null, true); c._id && f.addTrackEvent.ref(a, c); a.emit("trackadded", f.extend({}, c, c._natives ? { plugin: c._natives.type } : {}, { type: "trackadded", track: c })) } }; f.addTrackEvent.ref = function(a, c) { a.data.trackRefs[c._id] = c; return a }; f.removeTrackEvent = function(a, c) { var n = a.getTrackEvent(c); if (n) { n._natives._teardown && n._natives._teardown.call(a, n); a.data.trackEvents.remove(c); f.removeTrackEvent.ref(a, c); n._natives && a.emit("trackremoved", f.extend({}, n, { plugin: n._natives.type, type: "trackremoved", track: n })) } }; f.removeTrackEvent.ref = function(a, c) { delete a.data.trackRefs[c]; return a }; f.getTrackEvents = function(a) { var c = []; a = a.data.trackEvents.byStart; for (var n = a.length, j = 0, w; j < n; j++) { w = a[j]; w._id && c.push(w) } return c }; f.getTrackEvents.ref = function(a) { return a.data.trackRefs }; f.getTrackEvent = function(a, c) { return a.data.trackRefs[c] }; f.getTrackEvent.ref = function(a, c) { return a.data.trackRefs[c] }; f.getLastTrackEventId = function(a) { return a.data.history[a.data.history.length - 1] }; f.timeUpdate = function(a, c) { var n = a.media.currentTime, j = a.data.trackEvents.previousUpdateTime, w = a.data.trackEvents, x = w.endIndex, z = w.startIndex, F = w.byStart.length, v = w.byEnd.length, L = f.registryByName, y, s, B; if (j <= n) { for (; w.byEnd[x] && w.byEnd[x].end <= n;) { y = w.byEnd[x]; s = (j = y._natives) && j.type; if (!j || L[s] || a[s]) { if (y._running === true) { y._running = false; B = a.data.running[s]; B.splice(B.indexOf(y), 1); if (!a.data.disabled[s]) { j.end.call(a, c, y); a.emit("trackend", f.extend({}, y, { plugin: s, type: "trackend", track: y })) } } x++ } else { f.removeTrackEvent(a, y._id); return } } for (; w.byStart[z] && w.byStart[z].start <= n;) { y = w.byStart[z]; s = (j = y._natives) && j.type; if (!j || L[s] || a[s]) { if (y.end > n && y._running === false) { y._running = true; a.data.running[s].push(y); if (!a.data.disabled[s]) { j.start.call(a, c, y); a.emit("trackstart", f.extend({}, y, { plugin: s, type: "trackstart", track: y })) } } z++ } else { f.removeTrackEvent(a, y._id); return } } } else if (j > n) { for (; w.byStart[z] && w.byStart[z].start > n;) { y = w.byStart[z]; s = (j = y._natives) && j.type; if (!j || L[s] || a[s]) { if (y._running === true) { y._running = false; B = a.data.running[s]; B.splice(B.indexOf(y), 1); if (!a.data.disabled[s]) { j.end.call(a, c, y); a.emit("trackend", f.extend({}, y, { plugin: s, type: "trackend", track: y })) } } z-- } else { f.removeTrackEvent(a, y._id); return } } for (; w.byEnd[x] && w.byEnd[x].end > n;) { y = w.byEnd[x]; s = (j = y._natives) && j.type; if (!j || L[s] || a[s]) { if (y.start <= n && y._running === false) { y._running = true; a.data.running[s].push(y); if (!a.data.disabled[s]) { j.start.call(a, c, y); a.emit("trackstart", f.extend({}, y, { plugin: s, type: "trackstart", track: y })) } } x-- } else { f.removeTrackEvent(a, y._id); return } } } w.endIndex = x; w.startIndex = z; w.previousUpdateTime = n; w.byStart.length < F && w.startIndex--; w.byEnd.length < v && w.endIndex-- }; f.extend(f.p, { getTrackEvents: function() { return f.getTrackEvents.call(null, this) }, getTrackEvent: function(a) { return f.getTrackEvent.call(null, this, a) }, getLastTrackEventId: function() { return f.getLastTrackEventId.call(null, this) }, removeTrackEvent: function(a) { f.removeTrackEvent.call(null, this, a); return this }, removePlugin: function(a) { f.removePlugin.call(null, this, a); return this }, timeUpdate: function(a) { f.timeUpdate.call(null, this, a); return this }, destroy: function() { f.destroy.call(null, this); return this } }); f.manifest = {}; f.registry = []; f.registryByName = {}; f.plugin = function(a, c, n) { if (f.protect.natives.indexOf(a.toLowerCase()) >= 0) f.error("'" + a + "' is a protected function name"); else { var j = typeof c === "function", w = ["start", "end", "type", "manifest"], x = ["_setup", "_teardown", "start", "end", "frame"], z = {}, F = function(y, s) { y = y || f.nop; s = s || f.nop; return function() { y.apply(this, arguments); s.apply(this, arguments) } }; f.manifest[a] = n = n || c.manifest || {}; x.forEach(function(y) { c[y] = b(c[y] || f.nop, a) }); var v = function(y, s) { if (!s) return this; if (s.ranges && f.isArray(s.ranges)) { f.forEach(s.ranges, function(M) { M = f.extend({}, s, M); delete M.ranges; this[a](M) }, this); return this } var B = s._natives = {}, Q = "", K; f.extend(B, y); s._natives.type = s._natives.plugin = a; s._running = false; B.start = B.start || B["in"]; B.end = B.end || B.out; if (s.once) B.end = F(B.end, function() { this.removeTrackEvent(s._id) }); B._teardown = F(function() { var M = k.call(arguments), D = this.data.running[B.type]; M.unshift(null); M[1]._running && D.splice(D.indexOf(s), 1) && B.end.apply(this, M); M[1]._running = false; this.emit("trackend", f.extend({}, s, { plugin: B.type, type: "trackend", track: f.getTrackEvent(this, s.id || s._id) })) }, B._teardown); B._teardown = F(B._teardown, function() { this.emit("trackteardown", f.extend({}, s, { plugin: a, type: "trackteardown", track: f.getTrackEvent(this, s.id || s._id) })) }); s.compose = s.compose || []; if (typeof s.compose === "string") s.compose = s.compose.split(" "); s.effect = s.effect || []; if (typeof s.effect === "string") s.effect = s.effect.split(" "); s.compose = s.compose.concat(s.effect); s.compose.forEach(function(M) { Q = f.compositions[M] || {}; x.forEach(function(D) { B[D] = F(B[D], Q[D]) }) }); s._natives.manifest = n; if (!("start" in s)) s.start = s["in"] || 0; if (!s.end && s.end !== 0) s.end = s.out || Number.MAX_VALUE; if (!r.call(s, "toString")) s.toString = function() { var M = ["start: " + s.start, "end: " + s.end, "id: " + (s.id || s._id)]; s.target != null && M.push("target: " + s.target); return a + " ( " + M.join(", ") + " )" }; if (!s.target) { K = "options" in n && n.options; s.target = K && "target" in K && K.target } if (!s._id && s._natives) s._id = f.guid(s._natives.type); if (s instanceof l) { if (s._natives) { s._id = s.id || s._id || f.guid(s._natives.type); if (s._natives._setup) { s._natives._setup.call(this, s); this.emit("tracksetup", f.extend({}, s, { plugin: s._natives.type, type: "tracksetup", track: s })) } } this.data.trackEvents.add(s); l.start(this, s); this.timeUpdate(this, null, true); s._id && f.addTrackEvent.ref(this, s) } else f.addTrackEvent(this, s); f.forEach(y, function(M, D) { w.indexOf(D) === -1 && this.on(D, M) }, this); return this }; f.p[a] = z[a] = function(y, s) { var B, Q; if (y && !s) s = y; else if (B = this.getTrackEvent(y)) { Q = s; var K = {}, M; for (M in B) if (r.call(Q, M) && r.call(B, M)) K[M] = B[M]; if (B._natives._update) { this.data.trackEvents.remove(B); if (r.call(s, "start")) B.start = s.start; if (r.call(s, "end")) B.end = s.end; l.end(this, B); j && c.call(this, B); B._natives._update.call(this, B, s); this.data.trackEvents.add(B); l.start(this, B) } else { f.extend(B, s); this.data.trackEvents.remove(y); B._natives._teardown && B._natives._teardown.call(this, B); f.removeTrackEvent.ref(this, y); if (j) v.call(this, c.call(this, B), B); else { B._id = B.id || B._id || f.guid(B._natives.type); if (B._natives && B._natives._setup) { B._natives._setup.call(this, B); this.emit("tracksetup", f.extend({}, B, { plugin: B._natives.type, type: "tracksetup", track: B })) } this.data.trackEvents.add(B); l.start(this, B); this.timeUpdate(this, null, true); f.addTrackEvent.ref(this, B) } this.emit("trackchange", { id: B.id, type: "trackchange", previousValue: K, currentValue: B, track: B }); return this } B._natives.type !== "cue" && this.emit("trackchange", { id: B.id, type: "trackchange", previousValue: K, currentValue: Q, track: B }); return this } else s.id = y; this.data.running[a] = this.data.running[a] || []; B = f.extend({}, this.options.defaults && this.options.defaults[a] || {}, s); v.call(this, j ? c.call(this, B) : c, B); return this }; n && f.extend(c, { manifest: n }); var L = { fn: z[a], definition: c, base: c, parents: [], name: a }; f.registry.push(f.extend(z, L, { type: a })); f.registryByName[a] = L; return z } }; f.plugin.errors = []; f.plugin.debug = f.version === "1.5.6"; f.removePlugin = function(a, c) { if (!c) { c = a; a = f.p; if (f.protect.natives.indexOf(c.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { f.error("'" + c + "' is a protected function name"); return } var n = f.registry.length, j; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (f.registry[j].name === c) { f.registry.splice(j, 1); delete f.registryByName[c]; delete f.manifest[c]; delete a[c]; return } } n = a.data.trackEvents.byStart; j = a.data.trackEvents.byEnd; var w = a.data.trackEvents.animating, x, z; x = 0; for (z = n.length; x < z; x++) { if (n[x] && n[x]._natives && n[x]._natives.type === c) { n[x]._natives._teardown && n[x]._natives._teardown.call(a, n[x]); n.splice(x, 1); x--; z--; if (a.data.trackEvents.startIndex <= x) { a.data.trackEvents.startIndex--; a.data.trackEvents.endIndex-- } } j[x] && j[x]._natives && j[x]._natives.type === c && j.splice(x, 1) } x = 0; for (z = w.length; x < z; x++) if (w[x] && w[x]._natives && w[x]._natives.type === c) { w.splice(x, 1); x--; z-- } }; f.compositions = {}; f.compose = function(a, c, n) { f.manifest[a] = n || c.manifest || {}; f.compositions[a] = c }; f.plugin.effect = f.effect = f.compose; var G = /^(?:\.|#|\[)/; f.dom = { debug: false, find: function(a, c) { var n = null; c = c || e; if (a) { if (!G.test(a)) { n = e.getElementById(a); if (n !== null) return n } try { n = c.querySelector(a) } catch (j) { if (f.dom.debug) throw Error(j); } } return n } }; var A = /\?/, O = { ajax: null, url: "", data: "", dataType: "", success: f.nop, type: "GET", async: true, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" }; f.xhr = function(a) { a.dataType = a.dataType && a.dataType.toLowerCase() || null; if (a.dataType && (a.dataType === "jsonp" || a.dataType === "script")) f.xhr.getJSONP(a.url, a.success, a.dataType === "script"); else { a = f.extend({}, O, a); a.ajax = new XMLHttpRequest; if (a.ajax) { if (a.type === "GET" && a.data) { a.url += (A.test(a.url) ? "&" : "?") + a.data; a.data = null } a.ajax.open(a.type, a.url, a.async); a.type === "POST" && a.ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", a.contentType); a.ajax.send(a.data || null); return f.xhr.httpData(a) } } }; f.xhr.httpData = function(a) { var c, n = null, j, w = null; a.ajax.onreadystatechange = function() { if (a.ajax.readyState === 4) { try { n = JSON.parse(a.ajax.responseText) } catch (x) {} c = { xml: a.ajax.responseXML, text: a.ajax.responseText, json: n }; if (!c.xml || !c.xml.documentElement) { c.xml = null; try { j = new DOMParser; w = j.parseFromString(a.ajax.responseText, "text/xml"); if (!w.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) c.xml = w } catch (z) {} } if (a.dataType) c = c[a.dataType]; a.success.call(a.ajax, c) } }; return c }; f.xhr.getJSONP = function(a, c, n) { var j = e.head || e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || e.documentElement, w = e.createElement("script"), x = false, z = []; z = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/; var F, v; if (!n) { v = a.match(/(callback=[^&]*)/); if (v !== null && v.length) { z = v[1].split("=")[1]; if (z === "?") z = "jsonp"; F = f.guid(z); a = a.replace(/(callback=[^&]*)/, "callback=" + F) } else { F = f.guid("jsonp"); if (z.test(a)) a = a.replace(z, "$1" + F); z = a.split(/\?(.+)?/); a = z[0] + "?"; if (z[1]) a += z[1] + "&"; a += "callback=" + F } window[F] = function(L) { c && c(L); x = true } } w.addEventListener("load", function() { n && c && c(); x && delete window[F]; j.removeChild(w) }, false); w.addEventListener("error", function(L) { c && c({ error: L }); n || delete window[F]; j.removeChild(w) }, false); w.src = a; j.insertBefore(w, j.firstChild) }; f.getJSONP = f.xhr.getJSONP; f.getScript = f.xhr.getScript = function(a, c) { return f.xhr.getJSONP(a, c, true) }; f.util = { toSeconds: function(a, c) { var n = /^([0-9]+:){0,2}[0-9]+([.;][0-9]+)?$/, j, w, x; if (typeof a === "number") return a; typeof a === "string" && !n.test(a) && f.error("Invalid time format"); n = a.split(":"); j = n.length - 1; w = n[j]; if (w.indexOf(";") > -1) { w = w.split(";"); x = 0; if (c && typeof c === "number") x = parseFloat(w[1], 10) / c; n[j] = parseInt(w[0], 10) + x } j = n[0]; return { 1: parseFloat(j, 10), 2: parseInt(j, 10) * 60 + parseFloat(n[1], 10), 3: parseInt(j, 10) * 3600 + parseInt(n[1], 10) * 60 + parseFloat(n[2], 10) }[n.length || 1] } }; f.p.cue = f.p.exec; f.protect = { natives: function(a) { return Object.keys ? Object.keys(a) : function(c) { var n, j = []; for (n in c) r.call(c, n) && j.push(n); return j }(a) }(f.p).map(function(a) { return a.toLowerCase() }) }; f.forEach({ listen: "on", unlisten: "off", trigger: "emit", exec: "cue" }, function(a, c) { var n = f.p[c]; f.p[c] = function() { if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) { console.warn("Deprecated method '" + c + "', " + (a == null ? "do not use." : "use '" + a + "' instead.")); f.p[c] = n } return f.p[a].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)) } }); p.Popcorn = f } else { p.Popcorn = { isSupported: false }; for (h = "byId forEach extend effects error guid sizeOf isArray nop position disable enable destroyaddTrackEvent removeTrackEvent getTrackEvents getTrackEvent getLastTrackEventId timeUpdate plugin removePlugin compose effect xhr getJSONP getScript".split(/\s+/); h.length;) p.Popcorn[h.shift()] = function() {} } })(window, window.document); (function(p, e) { var l = p.document, d = p.location, b = /:\/\//, h = d.href.replace(d.href.split("/").slice(-1)[0], ""), i = function(k, r, m) { k = k || 0; r = (r || k || 0) + 1; m = m || 1; r = Math.ceil((r - k) / m) || 0; var t = 0, q = []; for (q.length = r; t < r;) { q[t++] = k; k += m } return q }; e.sequence = function(k, r) { return new e.sequence.init(k, r) }; e.sequence.init = function(k, r) { this.parent = l.getElementById(k); this.seqId = e.guid("__sequenced"); this.queue = []; this.playlist = []; this.inOuts = { ofVideos: [], ofClips: [] }; this.dims = { width: 0, height: 0 }; this.active = 0; this.playing = this.cycling = false; this.times = { last: 0 }; this.events = {}; var m = this, t = 0; e.forEach(r, function(q, o) { var u = l.createElement("video"); u.preload = "auto"; u.controls = true; u.style.display = o && "none" || ""; u.id = m.seqId + "-" + o; m.queue.push(u); var E = q["in"], C = q.out; m.inOuts.ofVideos.push({ "in": E !== undefined && E || 1, out: C !== undefined && C || 0 }); m.inOuts.ofVideos[o].out = m.inOuts.ofVideos[o].out || m.inOuts.ofVideos[o]["in"] + 2; u.src = !b.test(q.src) ? h + q.src : q.src; u.setAttribute("data-sequence-owner", k); u.setAttribute("data-sequence-guid", m.seqId); u.setAttribute("data-sequence-id", o); u.setAttribute("data-sequence-clip", [m.inOuts.ofVideos[o]["in"], m.inOuts.ofVideos[o].out].join(":")); m.parent.appendChild(u); m.playlist.push(e("#" + u.id)) }); m.inOuts.ofVideos.forEach(function(q) { q = { "in": t, out: t + (q.out - q["in"]) }; m.inOuts.ofClips.push(q); t = q.out + 1 }); e.forEach(this.queue, function(q, o) { function u() { if (!o) { m.dims.width = q.videoWidth; m.dims.height = q.videoHeight } q.currentTime = m.inOuts.ofVideos[o]["in"] - 0.5; q.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", u, false); return true } q.addEventListener("canplaythrough", u, false); q.addEventListener("play", function() { m.playing = true }, false); q.addEventListener("pause", function() { m.playing = false }, false); q.addEventListener("timeupdate", function(E) { E = E.srcElement || E.target; E = +(E.dataset && E.dataset.sequenceId || E.getAttribute("data-sequence-id")); var C = Math.floor(q.currentTime); if (m.times.last !== C && E === m.active) { m.times.last = C; C === m.inOuts.ofVideos[E].out && e.sequence.cycle.call(m, E) } }, false) }); return this }; e.sequence.init.prototype = e.sequence.prototype; e.sequence.cycle = function(k) { this.queue || e.error("Popcorn.sequence.cycle is not a public method"); var r = this.queue, m = this.inOuts.ofVideos, t = r[k], q = 0, o; if (r[k + 1]) q = k + 1; if (r[k + 1]) { r = r[q]; m = m[q]; e.extend(r, { width: this.dims.width, height: this.dims.height }); o = this.playlist[q]; t.pause(); this.active = q; this.times.last = m["in"] - 1; o.currentTime(m["in"]); o[q ? "play" : "pause"](); this.trigger("cycle", { position: { previous: k, current: q } }); if (q) { t.style.display = "none"; r.style.display = "" } this.cycling = false } else this.playlist[k].pause(); return this }; var g = ["timeupdate", "play", "pause"]; e.extend(e.sequence.prototype, { eq: function(k) { return this.playlist[k] }, remove: function() { this.parent.innerHTML = null }, clip: function(k) { return this.inOuts.ofVideos[k] }, duration: function() { for (var k = 0, r = this.inOuts.ofClips, m = 0; m < r.length; m++) k += r[m].out - r[m]["in"] + 1; return k - 1 }, play: function() { this.playlist[this.active].play(); return this }, exec: function(k, r) { var m = this.active; this.inOuts.ofClips.forEach(function(t, q) { if (k >= t["in"] && k <= t.out) m = q }); k += this.inOuts.ofVideos[m]["in"] - this.inOuts.ofClips[m]["in"]; e.addTrackEvent(this.playlist[m], { start: k - 1, end: k, _running: false, _natives: { start: r || e.nop, end: e.nop, type: "exec" } }); return this }, listen: function(k, r) { var m = this, t = this.playlist, q = t.length, o = 0; if (!r) r = e.nop; if (e.Events.Natives.indexOf(k) > -1) e.forEach(t, function(u) { u.listen(k, function(E) { E.active = m; if (g.indexOf(k) > -1) r.call(u, E); else ++o === q && r.call(u, E) }) }); else { this.events[k] || (this.events[k] = {}); t = r.name || e.guid("__" + k); this.events[k][t] = r } return this }, unlisten: function() {}, trigger: function(k, r) { var m = this; if (!(e.Events.Natives.indexOf(k) > -1)) { this.events[k] && e.forEach(this.events[k], function(t) { t.call(m, { type: k }, r) }); return this } } }); e.forEach(e.manifest, function(k, r) { e.sequence.prototype[r] = function(m) { var t = {}, q = [], o, u, E, C, f; for (o = 0; o < this.inOuts.ofClips.length; o++) { q = this.inOuts.ofClips[o]; u = i(q["in"], q.out); E = u.indexOf(m.start); C = u.indexOf(m.end); if (E > -1) t[o] = e.extend({}, q, { start: u[E], clipIdx: E }); if (C > -1) t[o] = e.extend({}, q, { end: u[C], clipIdx: C }) } o = Object.keys(t).map(function(A) { return +A }); q = i(o[0], o[1]); for (o = 0; o < q.length; o++) { E = {}; C = q[o]; var G = t[C]; if (G) { f = this.inOuts.ofVideos[C]; u = G.clipIdx; f = i(f["in"], f.out); if (G.start) { E.start = f[u]; E.end = f[f.length - 1] } if (G.end) { E.start = f[0]; E.end = f[u] } } else { E.start = this.inOuts.ofVideos[C]["in"]; E.end = this.inOuts.ofVideos[C].out } this.playlist[C][r](e.extend({}, m, E)) } return this } }) })(this, Popcorn); (function(p, e) { function l(h) { h = typeof h === "string" ? h : [h.language, h.region].join("-"); var i = h.split("-"); return { iso6391: h, language: i[0] || "", region: i[1] || "" } } var d = p.navigator, b = l(d.userLanguage || d.language); e.locale = { get: function() { return b }, set: function(h) { b = l(h); e.locale.broadcast(); return b }, broadcast: function(h) { var i = e.instances, g = i.length, k = 0, r; for (h = h || "locale:changed"; k < g; k++) { r = i[k]; h in r.data.events && r.trigger(h) } } } })(this, this.Popcorn); (function(p) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var e = document.querySelectorAll("[data-timeline-sources]"); p.forEach(e, function(l, d) { var b = e[d], h, i, g; if (!b.id) b.id = p.guid("__popcorn"); if (b.nodeType && b.nodeType === 1) { g = p("#" + b.id); h = (b.getAttribute("data-timeline-sources") || "").split(","); h[0] && p.forEach(h, function(k) { i = k.split("!"); if (i.length === 1) { i = k.match(/(.*)[\/\\]([^\/\\]+\.\w+)$/)[2].split("."); i[0] = "parse" + i[1].toUpperCase(); i[1] = k } h[0] && g[i[0]] && g[i[0]](i[1]) }); g.autoplay() && g.play() } }) }, false) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { var e = function(l, d) { l = l || p.nop; d = d || p.nop; return function() { l.apply(this, arguments); d.apply(this, arguments) } }; p.player = function(l, d) { if (!p[l]) { d = d || {}; var b = function(h, i, g) { g = g || {}; var k = new Date / 1E3, r = k, m = 0, t = 0, q = 1, o = false, u = {}, E = typeof h === "string" ? p.dom.find(h) : h, C = {}; Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ || (C = E || document.createElement("div")); for (var f in E) if (!(f in C)) if (typeof E[f] === "object") C[f] = E[f]; else if (typeof E[f] === "function") C[f] = function(A) { return "length" in E[A] && !E[A].call ? E[A] : function() { return E[A].apply(E, arguments) } }(f); else p.player.defineProperty(C, f, { get: function(A) { return function() { return E[A] } }(f), set: p.nop, configurable: true }); var G = function() { k = new Date / 1E3; if (!C.paused) { C.currentTime += k - r; C.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); setTimeout(G, 10) } r = k }; C.play = function() { this.paused = false; if (C.readyState >= 4) { r = new Date / 1E3; C.dispatchEvent("play"); G() } }; C.pause = function() { this.paused = true; C.dispatchEvent("pause") }; p.player.defineProperty(C, "currentTime", { get: function() { return m }, set: function(A) { m = +A; C.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); return m }, configurable: true }); p.player.defineProperty(C, "volume", { get: function() { return q }, set: function(A) { q = +A; C.dispatchEvent("volumechange"); return q }, configurable: true }); p.player.defineProperty(C, "muted", { get: function() { return o }, set: function(A) { o = +A; C.dispatchEvent("volumechange"); return o }, configurable: true }); p.player.defineProperty(C, "readyState", { get: function() { return t }, set: function(A) { return t = A }, configurable: true }); C.addEventListener = function(A, O) { u[A] || (u[A] = []); u[A].push(O); return O }; C.removeEventListener = function(A, O) { var a, c = u[A]; if (c) { for (a = u[A].length - 1; a >= 0; a--) O === c[a] && c.splice(a, 1); return O } }; C.dispatchEvent = function(A) { var O, a = A.type; if (!a) { a = A; if (A = p.events.getInterface(a)) { O = document.createEvent(A); O.initEvent(a, true, true, window, 1) } } if (u[a]) for (A = u[a].length - 1; A >= 0; A--) u[a][A].call(this, O, this) }; C.src = i || ""; C.duration = 0; C.paused = true; C.ended = 0; g && g.events && p.forEach(g.events, function(A, O) { C.addEventListener(O, A, false) }); if (d._canPlayType(E.nodeName, i) !== false) if (d._setup) d._setup.call(C, g); else { C.readyState = 4; C.dispatchEvent("loadedmetadata"); C.dispatchEvent("loadeddata"); C.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") } else setTimeout(function() { C.dispatchEvent("error") }, 0); h = new p.p.init(C, g); if (d._teardown) h.destroy = e(h.destroy, function() { d._teardown.call(C, g) }); return h }; b.canPlayType = d._canPlayType = d._canPlayType || p.nop; p[l] = p.player.registry[l] = b } }; p.player.registry = {}; p.player.defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function(l, d, b) { l.__defineGetter__(d, b.get || p.nop); l.__defineSetter__(d, b.set || p.nop) }; p.player.playerQueue = function() { var l = [], d = false; return { next: function() { d = false; l.shift(); l[0] && l[0]() }, add: function(b) { l.push(function() { d = true; b && b() }); !d && l[0]() } } }; p.smart = function(l, d, b) { var h = typeof l === "string" ? p.dom.find(l) : l, i, g, k, r, m, t = "HTMLYouTubeVideoElement HTMLVimeoVideoElement HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement HTMLNullVideoElement".split(" "); if (h) { d = typeof d === "string" ? [d] : d; l = 0; for (m = d.length; l < m; l++) { i = d[l]; for (g = 0; g < t.length; g++) if ((r = p[t[g]]) && r._canPlaySrc(i) === "probably") { k = r(h); b = p(k, b); setTimeout(function() { k.src = i }, 0); return b } for (var q in p.player.registry) if (p.player.registry.hasOwnProperty(q)) if (p.player.registry[q].canPlayType(h.nodeName, i)) return p[q](h, i, b) } var o; q = p.guid("popcorn-video-"); g = document.createElement("div"); g.style.width = "100%"; g.style.height = "100%"; if (d.length === 1) { o = document.createElement("video"); o.id = q; h.appendChild(o); setTimeout(function() { var u = document.createElement("div"); u.innerHTML = d[0]; o.src = u.firstChild.nodeValue }, 0); return p("#" + q, b) } h.appendChild(g); t = '"; g.innerHTML = t; b && b.events && b.events.error && h.addEventListener("error", b.events.error, false); return p("#" + q, b) } else p.error("Specified target `" + l + "` was not found.") } })(Popcorn); (function(p) { var e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; p.parsers = {}; p.parser = function(l, d, b) { if (p.protect.natives.indexOf(l.toLowerCase()) >= 0) p.error("'" + l + "' is a protected function name"); else { if (typeof d === "function" && !b) { b = d; d = "" } if (!(typeof b !== "function" || typeof d !== "string")) { var h = {}; h[l] = function(i, g, k) { if (!i) return this; if (typeof g !== "function" && !k) { k = g; g = null } var r = this; p.xhr({ url: i, dataType: d, success: function(m) { var t, q, o = 0; m = b(m, k).data || []; if (t = m.length) { for (; o < t; o++) { q = m[o]; for (var u in q) e.call(q, u) && r[u] && r[u](q[u]) } g && g() } } }); return this }; p.extend(p.p, h); return h } } } })(Popcorn); (function(p, e) { function l(b) { var h = l.options; b = h.parser[h.strictMode ? "strict" : "loose"].exec(b); for (var i = {}, g = 14; g--;) i[h.key[g]] = b[g] || ""; i[h.q.name] = {}; i[h.key[12]].replace(h.q.parser, function(k, r, m) { if (r) i[h.q.name][r] = m }); return i } l.options = { strictMode: false, key: ["source", "protocol", "authority", "userInfo", "user", "password", "host", "port", "relative", "path", "directory", "file", "query", "anchor"], q: { name: "queryKey", parser: /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g }, parser: { strict: /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?((((?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/, loose: /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/ } }; var d = { length: 0, start: p.nop, end: p.nop }; window.MediaError = window.MediaError || function() { function b(h, i) { this.code = h || null; this.message = i || "" } b.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_ACTIVE = 0; b.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1; b.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK = 2; b.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3; b.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED = 4; return b }(); p._MediaElementProto = function() { var b = {}, h; Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ || (b = e.createElement("div")); b._util = { type: "HTML5", TIMEUPDATE_MS: 250, MIN_WIDTH: 300, MIN_HEIGHT: 150, isAttributeSet: function(i) { return typeof i === "string" || i === true }, parseUri: l }; b.addEventListener = function(i, g, k) { e.addEventListener(this._eventNamespace + i, g, k) }; b.removeEventListener = function(i, g, k) { e.removeEventListener(this._eventNamespace + i, g, k) }; b.dispatchEvent = function(i) { var g = e.createEvent("CustomEvent"); g.initCustomEvent(this._eventNamespace + i, false, false, { type: i, target: this.parentNode, data: null }); e.dispatchEvent(g) }; b.load = p.nop; b.canPlayType = function() { return "" }; b.getBoundingClientRect = function() { return h.getBoundingClientRect() }; b.NETWORK_EMPTY = 0; b.NETWORK_IDLE = 1; b.NETWORK_LOADING = 2; b.NETWORK_NO_SOURCE = 3; b.HAVE_NOTHING = 0; b.HAVE_METADATA = 1; b.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA = 2; b.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA = 3; b.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA = 4; Object.defineProperties(b, { currentSrc: { get: function() { return this.src !== undefined ? this.src : "" }, configurable: true }, parentNode: { get: function() { return h }, set: function(i) { h = i }, configurable: true }, preload: { get: function() { return "auto" }, set: p.nop, configurable: true }, controls: { get: function() { return true }, set: p.nop, configurable: true }, poster: { get: function() { return "" }, set: p.nop, configurable: true }, crossorigin: { get: function() { return "" }, configurable: true }, played: { get: function() { return d }, configurable: true }, seekable: { get: function() { return d }, configurable: true }, buffered: { get: function() { return d }, configurable: true }, defaultMuted: { get: function() { return false }, configurable: true }, defaultPlaybackRate: { get: function() { return 1 }, configurable: true }, style: { get: function() { return this.parentNode.style }, configurable: true }, id: { get: function() { return this.parentNode.id }, configurable: true } }); return b } })(Popcorn, window.document); (function(p, e, l) { function d() { if (e.jwplayer) { k = true; for (var t = m.length; t--;) { m[t](); delete m[t] } } else setTimeout(d, 100) } function b() { if (!r) { if (!e.jwplayer) { var t = l.createElement("script"); t.src = "https://jwpsrv.com/library/zaIF4JI9EeK2FSIACpYGxA.js"; var q = l.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(t, q) } r = true; d() } return k } function h(t) { m.unshift(t) } function i(t) { function q(P) { D.unshift(P) } function o() { setTimeout(function() { v.duration = K.getDuration(); z.dispatchEvent("durationchange"); v.readyState = z.HAVE_METADATA; z.dispatchEvent("loadedmetadata"); z.dispatchEvent("loadeddata"); v.readyState = z.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA; z.dispatchEvent("canplay"); for (B = true; D.length;) { D[0](); D.shift() } v.readyState = z.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA; z.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") }, 0) } function u() { if (y) y = false; else if (I) { I = false; o() } else n() } function E() { if (v.seeking) { v.ended = false; v.seeking = false; z.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); z.dispatchEvent("seeked"); z.dispatchEvent("canplay"); z.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") } } function C() { K.onPause(u); K.onTime(function() { if (!v.ended && !v.seeking) { v.currentTime = K.getPosition(); z.dispatchEvent("timeupdate") } }); K.onSeek(E); K.onPlay(function() { if (!v.ended) if (T) { T = false; if (v.autoplay || !v.paused) { v.paused = false; q(a); o() } else { s = I = true; K.pause(true) } } else if (s) { s = false; y = true; K.pause(true) } else a() }); K.onBufferChange(c); K.onComplete(j); K.play(true) } function f(P) { var S = { name: "MediaError" }; S.message = P.message; S.code = P.code || 5; v.error = S; z.dispatchEvent("error") } function G(P) { if (z._canPlaySrc(P)) { var S = z._util.parseUri(P).queryKey; v.controls = S.controls = S.controls || v.controls; v.src = P; if (b()) { if (L) L && K && K.destroy(); jwplayer(F.id).setup({ file: P, width: "100%", height: "100%", controls: v.controls }); K = jwplayer(F.id); K.onReady(C); K.onError(f); jwplayer.utils.log = function(H, V) { if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.log !== "undefined") V ? console.log(H, V) : console.log(H); H === "No suitable players found and fallback enabled" && f({ message: H, code: 4 }) }; v.networkState = z.NETWORK_LOADING; z.dispatchEvent("loadstart"); z.dispatchEvent("progress") } else h(function() { G(P) }) } else { v.error = { name: "MediaError", message: "Media Source Not Supported", code: MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED }; z.dispatchEvent("error") } } function A(P) { v.currentTime = P; if (B) { O(); K.seek(P) } else q(function() { O(); K.seek(P) }) } function O() { v.seeking = true; if (v.paused) s = true; z.dispatchEvent("seeking") } function a() { v.paused = false; if (M) { M = false; if (v.loop && !Q || !v.loop) { Q = true; z.dispatchEvent("play") } z.dispatchEvent("playing") } } function c() { z.dispatchEvent("progress") } function n() { v.paused = true; if (!M) { M = true; z.dispatchEvent("pause") } } function j() { if (v.loop) A(0); else { v.ended = true; n(); z.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); z.dispatchEvent("ended") } } function w(P) { v.volume = P; if (B) { K.setVolume(v.volume * 100); z.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } else q(function() { w(v.volume) }) } function x(P) { v.muted = P; if (B) { K.setMute(P); z.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } else q(function() { x(v.muted) }) } if (!e.postMessage) throw "ERROR: HTMLJWPlayerVideoElement requires window.postMessage"; var z = new p._MediaElementProto, F = typeof t === "string" ? l.querySelector(t) : t, v = { src: g, networkState: z.NETWORK_EMPTY, readyState: z.HAVE_NOTHING, seeking: false, autoplay: g, preload: g, controls: false, loop: false, poster: g, volume: 1, muted: false, currentTime: 0, duration: NaN, ended: false, paused: true, error: null }, L = false, y = false, s = false, B = false, Q = false, K, M = true, D = [], T = true, I = false; z._eventNamespace = p.guid("HTMLJWPlayerVideoElement::"); z.parentNode = F; z._util.type = "JWPlayer"; z.play = function() { z.dispatchEvent("play"); v.paused = false; if (B) { if (v.ended) { A(0); v.ended = false } K.play(true) } else q(function() { z.play() }) }; z.pause = function() { v.paused = true; B ? K.pause(true) : q(function() { z.pause() }) }; Object.defineProperties(z, { src: { get: function() { return v.src }, set: function(P) { P && P !== v.src && G(P) } }, autoplay: { get: function() { return v.autoplay }, set: function(P) { v.autoplay = z._util.isAttributeSet(P) } }, loop: { get: function() { return v.loop }, set: function(P) { v.loop = z._util.isAttributeSet(P) } }, width: { get: function() { return z.parentNode.offsetWidth } }, height: { get: function() { return z.parentNode.offsetHeight } }, currentTime: { get: function() { return v.currentTime }, set: function(P) { A(P) } }, duration: { get: function() { return K.getDuration() } }, ended: { get: function() { return v.ended } }, paused: { get: function() { return v.paused } }, seeking: { get: function() { return v.seeking } }, readyState: { get: function() { return v.readyState } }, networkState: { get: function() { return v.networkState } }, volume: { get: function() { return v.volume }, set: function(P) { if (P < 0 || P > 1) throw "Volume value must be between 0.0 and 1.0"; w(P) } }, muted: { get: function() { return v.muted }, set: function(P) { x(z._util.isAttributeSet(P)) } }, error: { get: function() { return v.error } }, buffered: { get: function() { var P = { start: function(S) { if (S === 0) return 0; throw "INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1"; }, end: function(S) { if (S === 0) { S = K.getDuration(); if (!S) return 0; return S * (K.getBuffer() / 100) } throw "INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1"; } }; Object.defineProperties(P, { length: { get: function() { return 1 } } }); return P } } }); z._canPlaySrc = p.HTMLJWPlayerVideoElement._canPlaySrc; z.canPlayType = p.HTMLJWPlayerVideoElement.canPlayType; return z } var g = "", k = false, r = false, m = []; p.HTMLJWPlayerVideoElement = function(t) { return new i(t) }; p.HTMLJWPlayerVideoElement._canPlaySrc = function() { return "probably" }; p.HTMLJWPlayerVideoElement.canPlayType = function() { return "probably" } })(Popcorn, window, document); (function(p, e) { function l(i) { this.startTime = 0; this.currentTime = i.currentTime || 0; this.duration = i.duration || NaN; this.playInterval = null; this.paused = true; this.playbackRate = this.defaultPlaybackRate = 1; this.ended = i.endedCallback || p.nop } function d(i) { function g(a) { A.push(a) } function k() { if (!C) return 0; return f.currentTime } function r(a) { if (a !== k()) if (C) { G.seeking = true; o.dispatchEvent("seeking"); f.seekTo(a); G.ended = false; G.seeking = false; o.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); o.dispatchEvent("seeked"); o.dispatchEvent("canplay"); o.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") } else g(function() { r(a) }) } function m() { o.dispatchEvent("timeupdate") } function t() { G.paused = true; clearInterval(O); o.dispatchEvent("pause") } function q() { if (G.loop) { r(0); o.play() } else { G.ended = true; t(); o.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); o.dispatchEvent("ended") } } var o = new p._MediaElementProto, u = typeof i === "string" ? e.querySelector(i) : i, E = e.createElement("div"), C = false, f, G = { src: b, networkState: o.NETWORK_EMPTY, readyState: o.HAVE_NOTHING, autoplay: b, preload: b, controls: b, loop: false, poster: b, volume: 1, muted: false, width: u.width | 0 ? u.width : o._util.MIN_WIDTH, height: u.height | 0 ? u.height : o._util.MIN_HEIGHT, seeking: false, ended: false, paused: 1, error: null }, A = [], O; o._eventNamespace = p.guid("HTMLNullVideoElement::"); o.parentNode = u; o._util.type = "NullVideo"; o.play = function() { if (C) { f.play(); if (G.paused) { if (G.paused === 1) { G.paused = false; o.dispatchEvent("play"); o.dispatchEvent("playing") } else { if (G.ended) { r(0); G.ended = false } if (G.paused) { G.paused = false; G.loop || o.dispatchEvent("play"); o.dispatchEvent("playing") } } O = setInterval(m, o._util.TIMEUPDATE_MS) } } else g(function() { o.play() }) }; o.pause = function() { if (C) { f.pause(); G.paused || t() } else g(function() { o.pause() }) }; Object.defineProperties(o, { src: { get: function() { return G.src }, set: function(a) { if (a && a !== G.src) if (o._canPlaySrc(a)) { G.src = a; if (C) if (C && f) { f.pause(); f = null; u.removeChild(E); E = e.createElement("div") } E.width = G.width; E.height = G.height; u.appendChild(E); a = h.exec(a); f = new l({ currentTime: +a[1], duration: +a[2], endedCallback: q }); o.dispatchEvent("loadstart"); o.dispatchEvent("progress"); o.dispatchEvent("durationchange"); C = true; G.networkState = o.NETWORK_IDLE; G.readyState = o.HAVE_METADATA; o.dispatchEvent("loadedmetadata"); o.dispatchEvent("loadeddata"); G.readyState = o.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA; o.dispatchEvent("canplay"); G.readyState = o.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA; for (o.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough"); A.length;) { a = A.shift(); a() } G.autoplay && o.play() } else { G.error = { name: "MediaError", message: "Media Source Not Supported", code: MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED }; o.dispatchEvent("error") } } }, autoplay: { get: function() { return G.autoplay }, set: function(a) { G.autoplay = o._util.isAttributeSet(a) } }, loop: { get: function() { return G.loop }, set: function(a) { G.loop = o._util.isAttributeSet(a) } }, width: { get: function() { return E.width }, set: function(a) { E.width = a; G.width = E.width } }, height: { get: function() { return E.height }, set: function(a) { E.height = a; G.height = E.height } }, currentTime: { get: function() { return k() }, set: function(a) { r(a) } }, duration: { get: function() { return f ? f.duration : NaN } }, ended: { get: function() { return G.ended } }, paused: { get: function() { return G.paused } }, seeking: { get: function() { return G.seeking } }, readyState: { get: function() { return G.readyState } }, networkState: { get: function() { return G.networkState } }, volume: { get: function() { return G.volume }, set: function(a) { if (a < 0 || a > 1) throw "Volume value must be between 0.0 and 1.0"; G.volume = a; o.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } }, muted: { get: function() { return G.muted }, set: function(a) { a = o._util.isAttributeSet(a); G.muted = a; o.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } }, playbackRate: { get: function() { return f.playbackRate }, set: function(a) { f.playbackRate = a; o.dispatchEvent("ratechange") } }, error: { get: function() { return G.error } } }); o._canPlaySrc = p.HTMLNullVideoElement._canPlaySrc; o.canPlayType = p.HTMLNullVideoElement.canPlayType; return o } var b = "", h = /#t=(\d+\.?\d*)?,?(\d+\.?\d*)/; l.prototype = { play: function() { var i = this; if (this.paused) { this.paused = false; this.startTime = Date.now(); this.playInterval = setInterval(function() { i.currentTime += (Date.now() - i.startTime) / (1E3 / i.playbackRate); i.startTime = Date.now(); if (i.currentTime >= i.duration) { i.pause(i.duration); i.ended() } i.currentTime < 0 && i.pause(0) }, 16) } }, pause: function() { if (!this.paused) { this.paused = true; clearInterval(this.playInterval) } }, seekTo: function(i) { i = i < 0 ? 0 : i; this.currentTime = i = i > this.duration ? this.duration : i } }; p.HTMLNullVideoElement = function(i) { return new d(i) }; p.HTMLNullVideoElement._canPlaySrc = function(i) { return h.test(i) ? "probably" : b }; p.HTMLNullVideoElement.canPlayType = function(i) { return i === "video/x-nullvideo" ? "probably" : b } })(Popcorn, document); (function(p, e, l) { function d(k) { var r = this, m = k.src.split("?")[0]; if (m.substr(0, 2) === "//") m = e.location.protocol + m; "play pause paused seekTo unload getCurrentTime getDuration getVideoEmbedCode getVideoHeight getVideoWidth getVideoUrl getColor setColor setLoop getVolume setVolume addEventListener".split(" ").forEach(function(t) { r[t] = function(q) { q = JSON.stringify({ method: t, value: q }); k.contentWindow && k.contentWindow.postMessage(q, m) } }) } function b(k) { function r(y) { z.unshift(y) } function m(y) { var s = c.duration; if (s !== y) { c.duration = y; A.dispatchEvent("durationchange"); if (isNaN(s)) { c.networkState = A.NETWORK_IDLE; c.readyState = A.HAVE_METADATA; A.dispatchEvent("loadedmetadata"); A.dispatchEvent("loadeddata"); c.readyState = A.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA; A.dispatchEvent("canplay"); c.readyState = A.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA; A.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough"); c.autoplay && A.play(); for (y = z.length; y--;) { z[y](); delete z[y] } } } } function t(y) { if (n) { c.seeking = true; A.dispatchEvent("seeking"); w.seekTo(y) } else r(function() { t(y) }) } function q() { A.dispatchEvent("timeupdate") } function o(y) { (c.currentTime = y) !== L && A.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); L = c.currentTime } function u(y) { if (y.origin === g) { var s; try { s = JSON.parse(y.data) } catch (B) { console.warn(B) } if (s.player_id == j) switch (s.event) { case "ready": w = new d(a); w.addEventListener("loadProgress"); w.addEventListener("pause"); w.setVolume(0); w.play(); break; case "loadProgress": if (parseFloat(s.data.duration) > 0 && !n) { n = true; w.pause() } break; case "pause": w.setVolume(1); e.removeEventListener("message", u, false); e.addEventListener("message", E, false); w.addEventListener("loadProgress"); w.addEventListener("playProgress"); w.addEventListener("play"); w.addEventListener("pause"); w.addEventListener("finish"); w.addEventListener("seek"); w.getDuration(); c.networkState = A.NETWORK_LOADING; A.dispatchEvent("loadstart"); A.dispatchEvent("progress") } } } function E(y) { if (y.origin === g) { var s; try { s = JSON.parse(y.data) } catch (B) { console.warn(B) } if (s.player_id == j) { switch (s.method) { case "getCurrentTime": o(parseFloat(s.value)); break; case "getDuration": m(parseFloat(s.value)); break; case "getVolume": y = parseFloat(s.value); if (c.volume !== y) { c.volume = y; A.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } } switch (s.event) { case "loadProgress": A.dispatchEvent("progress"); m(parseFloat(s.data.duration)); break; case "playProgress": o(parseFloat(s.data.seconds)); break; case "play": c.ended && t(0); if (!v) { v = setInterval(C, h); c.loop && A.dispatchEvent("play") } F = setInterval(q, A._util.TIMEUPDATE_MS); c.paused = false; if (x) { x = false; c.loop || A.dispatchEvent("play"); A.dispatchEvent("playing") } break; case "pause": c.paused = true; if (!x) { x = true; clearInterval(F); A.dispatchEvent("pause") } break; case "finish": if (c.loop) { t(0); A.play() } else { c.ended = true; A.dispatchEvent("ended") } break; case "seek": o(parseFloat(s.data.seconds)); c.seeking = false; A.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); A.dispatchEvent("seeked"); A.dispatchEvent("canplay"); A.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") } } } } function C() { w.getCurrentTime() } function f(y) { c.volume = y; if (n) { w.setVolume(y); A.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } else r(function() { f(y) }) } function G(y) { if (n) if (y) { c.muted = c.volume; f(0) } else { c.muted = 0; f(c.muted) } else { c.muted = y ? 1 : 0; r(function() { G(y) }) } } if (!e.postMessage) throw "ERROR: HTMLVimeoVideoElement requires window.postMessage"; var A = new p._MediaElementProto, O = typeof k === "string" ? p.dom.find(k) : k, a = l.createElement("iframe"), c = { src: i, networkState: A.NETWORK_EMPTY, readyState: A.HAVE_NOTHING, seeking: false, autoplay: i, preload: i, controls: false, loop: false, poster: i, volume: 1, muted: 0, currentTime: 0, duration: NaN, ended: false, paused: true, error: null }, n = false, j = p.guid(), w, x = true, z = [], F, v, L = 0; A._eventNamespace = p.guid("HTMLVimeoVideoElement::"); A.parentNode = O; A._util.type = "Vimeo"; A.play = function() { c.paused = false; n ? w.play() : r(function() { A.play() }) }; A.pause = function() { c.paused = true; n ? w.pause() : r(function() { A.pause() }) }; Object.defineProperties(A, { src: { get: function() { return c.src }, set: function(y) { if (y && y !== c.src) if (A._canPlaySrc(y)) { c.src = y; if (n) if (n && w) { clearInterval(v); w.pause(); e.removeEventListener("message", E, false); O.removeChild(a); a = l.createElement("iframe") } n = false; y = A._util.parseUri(y); var s = y.queryKey, B, Q = ["api=1", "player_id=" + j, "title=0", "byline=0", "portrait=0"]; c.loop = s.loop === "1" || c.loop; delete s.loop; c.autoplay = s.autoplay === "1" || c.autoplay; delete s.autoplay; y = g + "/video/" + /\d+$/.exec(y.path) + "?"; for (B in s) s.hasOwnProperty(B) && Q.push(encodeURIComponent(B) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(s[B])); y += Q.join("&"); a.id = j; a.style.width = "100%"; a.style.height = "100%"; a.frameBorder = 0; a.webkitAllowFullScreen = true; a.mozAllowFullScreen = true; a.allowFullScreen = true; O.appendChild(a); a.src = y; e.addEventListener("message", u, false) } else { c.error = { name: "MediaError", message: "Media Source Not Supported", code: MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED }; A.dispatchEvent("error") } } }, autoplay: { get: function() { return c.autoplay }, set: function(y) { c.autoplay = A._util.isAttributeSet(y) } }, loop: { get: function() { return c.loop }, set: function(y) { c.loop = A._util.isAttributeSet(y) } }, width: { get: function() { return A.parentNode.offsetWidth } }, height: { get: function() { return A.parentNode.offsetHeight } }, currentTime: { get: function() { return c.currentTime }, set: function(y) { t(y) } }, duration: { get: function() { return c.duration } }, ended: { get: function() { return c.ended } }, paused: { get: function() { return c.paused } }, seeking: { get: function() { return c.seeking } }, readyState: { get: function() { return c.readyState } }, networkState: { get: function() { return c.networkState } }, volume: { get: function() { return c.muted > 0 ? c.muted : c.volume }, set: function(y) { if (y < 0 || y > 1) throw "Volume value must be between 0.0 and 1.0"; f(y) } }, muted: { get: function() { return c.muted > 0 }, set: function(y) { G(A._util.isAttributeSet(y)) } }, error: { get: function() { return c.error } } }); A._canPlaySrc = p.HTMLVimeoVideoElement._canPlaySrc; A.canPlayType = p.HTMLVimeoVideoElement.canPlayType; return A } var h = 16, i = "", g = "https://player.vimeo.com"; p.HTMLVimeoVideoElement = function(k) { return new b(k) }; p.HTMLVimeoVideoElement._canPlaySrc = function(k) { return /player.vimeo.com\/video\/\d+/.test(k) || /vimeo.com\/\d+/.test(k) ? "probably" : i }; p.HTMLVimeoVideoElement.canPlayType = function(k) { return k === "video/x-vimeo" ? "probably" : i } })(Popcorn, window, document); (function(p, e) { function l() { return "maybe" } function d(b, h) { var i = typeof b === "string" ? e.querySelector(b) : b, g = e.createElement(h); i.appendChild(g); g._canPlaySrc = l; return g } p.HTMLVideoElement = function(b) { return d(b, "video") }; p.HTMLVideoElement._canPlaySrc = l; p.HTMLAudioElement = function(b) { return d(b, "audio") }; p.HTMLAudioElement._canPlaySrc = l })(Popcorn, window.document); (function(p, e, l) { function d() { var u; if (YT.loaded) for (t = true; o.length;) { u = o.shift(); u() } else setTimeout(d, 250) } function b() { var u; if (!q) { if (e.YT) d(); else { u = l.createElement("script"); u.addEventListener("load", d, false); u.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; l.head.appendChild(u) } q = true } return t } function h(u) { o.push(u) } function i(u) { function E(J) { W.push(J) } function C() { R.pauseVideo(); j("play", C); n("play", K) } function f() { n("pause", M); j("pause", f) } function G() { var J = function() { if (R.isMuted()) { n("play", c); R.playVideo() } else setTimeout(J, 0) }; V = true; R.mute(); J() } function A(J) { var N = { name: "MediaError" }; switch (J.data) { case 2: N.message = "Invalid video parameter."; N.code = MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED; break; case 5: N.message = "The requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred."; N.code = MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE; case 100: N.message = "Video not found."; N.code = MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK; break; case 101: case 150: N.message = "Video not usable."; N.code = MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; default: N.message = "Unknown error."; N.code = 5 } H.error = N; I.dispatchEvent("error") } function O() { n("play", K); n("pause", M); if (H.autoplay || !H.paused) { j("play", O); H.paused = false; E(function() { H.paused || K() }) } H.muted || R.unMute(); H.readyState = I.HAVE_METADATA; I.dispatchEvent("loadedmetadata"); aa = setInterval(v, g); I.dispatchEvent("loadeddata"); H.readyState = I.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA; I.dispatchEvent("canplay"); U = true; for (ba = setInterval(L, 50); W.length;) { W[0](); W.shift() } H.readyState = I.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA; I.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") } function a() { j("pause", a); if (R.getCurrentTime() > 0) setTimeout(a, 0); else if (H.autoplay || !H.paused) { n("play", O); R.playVideo() } else O() } function c() { j("play", c); if (R.getCurrentTime() === 0) setTimeout(c, 0); else { n("pause", a); R.seekTo(0); R.pauseVideo() } } function n(J, N) { I.addEventListener("youtube-" + J, N, false) } function j(J, N) { I.removeEventListener("youtube-" + J, N, false) } function w(J) { I.dispatchEvent("youtube-" + J) } function x() { H.networkState = I.NETWORK_LOADING; I.dispatchEvent("waiting") } function z(J) { switch (J.data) { case YT.PlayerState.ENDED: w("ended"); break; case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING: w("play"); break; case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED: R.getDuration() !== R.getCurrentTime() && w("pause"); break; case YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING: w("buffering") } J.data !== YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING && ca === YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING && I.dispatchEvent("progress"); ca = J.data } function F(J) { if (I._canPlaySrc(J)) { H.src = J; if (b()) { if (V) if (U) { if (V && R) { j("buffering", x); j("ended", D); j("play", K); j("pause", M); M(); Z = U = false; H.currentTime = 0; W = []; clearInterval(aa); clearInterval(ba); R.stopVideo(); R.clearVideo(); R.destroy(); S = l.createElement("div") } } else { E(function() { F(J) }); return } P.appendChild(S); var N = I._util.parseUri(J).queryKey; delete N.v; H.autoplay = N.autoplay === "1" || H.autoplay; delete N.autoplay; H.loop = N.loop === "1" || H.loop; delete N.loop; N.rel = N.rel || 0; N.modestbranding = N.modestbranding || 1; N.iv_load_policy = N.iv_load_policy || 3; N.disablekb = N.disablekb || 1; N.showinfo = N.showinfo || 0; var ea = e.location.protocol === "file:" ? "*" : e.location.protocol + "//" + e.location.host; N.origin = N.origin || ea; N.controls = N.controls || H.controls ? 2 : 0; H.controls = N.controls; N.wmode = N.wmode || "opaque"; J = r.exec(J)[1]; p.getJSONP("https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/" + J + "?v=2&alt=jsonc&callback=?", function(X) { if (X.error) console.warn("failed to retreive duration data, reason: " + X.error.message); else if (X.data) { H.duration = X.data.duration; I.dispatchEvent("durationchange"); R = new YT.Player(S, { width: "100%", height: "100%", wmode: N.wmode, videoId: J, playerVars: N, events: { onReady: G, onError: A, onStateChange: z } }); H.networkState = I.NETWORK_LOADING; I.dispatchEvent("loadstart"); I.dispatchEvent("progress") } else console.warn("failed to retreive duration data, reason: no response data") }) } else h(function() { F(J) }) } else { H.error = { name: "MediaError", message: "Media Source Not Supported", code: MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED }; I.dispatchEvent("error") } } function v() { var J = R.getCurrentTime(); if (H.seeking) m(J - H.currentTime) < 1 && Q(); else { if (m(H.currentTime - J) > g) { B(); Q() } H.currentTime = J } } function L() { var J = R.getVideoLoadedFraction(); if (J && $ !== J) { $ = J; I.dispatchEvent("progress") } } function y(J) { if (J !== H.currentTime) { H.currentTime = J; if (U) { B(); R.seekTo(J) } else E(function() { B(); R.seekTo(J) }) } } function s() { I.dispatchEvent("timeupdate") } function B() { n("pause", f); j("pause", M); H.seeking = true; I.dispatchEvent("seeking") } function Q() { H.ended = false; H.seeking = false; I.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); I.dispatchEvent("seeked"); I.dispatchEvent("canplay"); I.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") } function K() { if (H.ended) { y(0); H.ended = false } da = setInterval(s, I._util.TIMEUPDATE_MS); H.paused = false; if (Y) { Y = false; if (H.loop && !Z || !H.loop) { Z = true; I.dispatchEvent("play") } I.dispatchEvent("playing") } } function M() { H.paused = true; if (!Y) { Y = true; clearInterval(da); I.dispatchEvent("pause") } } function D() { if (H.loop) { y(0); I.play() } else { H.ended = true; M(); n("play", C); j("play", K); I.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); I.dispatchEvent("ended") } } function T(J) { H.muted = J; if (U) { R[J ? "mute" : "unMute"](); I.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } else E(function() { T(H.muted) }) } if (!e.postMessage) throw "ERROR: HTMLYouTubeVideoElement requires window.postMessage"; var I = new p._MediaElementProto, P = typeof u === "string" ? l.querySelector(u) : u, S = l.createElement("div"), H = { src: k, networkState: I.NETWORK_EMPTY, readyState: I.HAVE_NOTHING, seeking: false, autoplay: k, preload: k, controls: false, loop: false, poster: k, volume: 1, muted: false, currentTime: 0, duration: NaN, ended: false, paused: true, error: null }, V = false, U = false, Z = false, R, Y = true, W = [], ca = -1, ba, $ = 0, aa, da; I._eventNamespace = p.guid("HTMLYouTubeVideoElement::"); I.parentNode = P; I._util.type = "YouTube"; n("buffering", x); n("ended", D); I.play = function() { H.paused = false; U ? R.playVideo() : E(function() { I.play() }) }; I.pause = function() { H.paused = true; if (U) { f(); R.pauseVideo() } else E(function() { I.pause() }) }; Object.defineProperties(I, { src: { get: function() { return H.src }, set: function(J) { J && J !== H.src && F(J) } }, autoplay: { get: function() { return H.autoplay }, set: function(J) { H.autoplay = I._util.isAttributeSet(J) } }, loop: { get: function() { return H.loop }, set: function(J) { H.loop = I._util.isAttributeSet(J) } }, width: { get: function() { return I.parentNode.offsetWidth } }, height: { get: function() { return I.parentNode.offsetHeight } }, currentTime: { get: function() { return H.currentTime }, set: function(J) { y(J) } }, duration: { get: function() { return H.duration } }, ended: { get: function() { return H.ended } }, paused: { get: function() { return H.paused } }, seeking: { get: function() { return H.seeking } }, readyState: { get: function() { return H.readyState } }, networkState: { get: function() { return H.networkState } }, volume: { get: function() { return H.volume }, set: function(J) { if (J < 0 || J > 1) throw "Volume value must be between 0.0 and 1.0"; H.volume = J; if (U) { R.setVolume(H.volume * 100); I.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } else E(function() { I.volume = J }) } }, muted: { get: function() { return H.muted }, set: function(J) { T(I._util.isAttributeSet(J)) } }, error: { get: function() { return H.error } }, buffered: { get: function() { var J = { start: function(N) { if (N === 0) return 0; throw "INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1"; }, end: function(N) { if (N === 0) { if (!H.duration) return 0; return H.duration * $ } throw "INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1"; } }; Object.defineProperties(J, { length: { get: function() { return 1 } } }); return J }, configurable: true } }); I._canPlaySrc = p.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement._canPlaySrc; I.canPlayType = p.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement.canPlayType; return I } var g = 10, k = "", r = /^.*(?:\/|v=)(.{11})/, m = Math.abs, t = false, q = false, o = []; p.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement = function(u) { return new i(u) }; p.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement._canPlaySrc = function(u) { return /(?:http:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|www\.|\.|^)(youtu).*(?:\/|v=)(.{11})/.test(u) ? "probably" : k }; p.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement.canPlayType = function(u) { return u === "video/x-youtube" ? "probably" : k } })(Popcorn, window, document); (function(p, e, l) { function d() { if (!r) { p.getScript("https://w.soundcloud.com/player/api.js", function() { p.getScript("https://connect.soundcloud.com/sdk.js", function() { k = true; SC.initialize({ client_id: "PRaNFlda6Bhf5utPjUsptg" }); for (var t = m.length; t--;) { m[t](); delete m[t] } }) }); r = true } return k } function b(t) { m.unshift(t) } function h(t) { function q(D) { B.unshift(D) } function o() { s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.LOAD_PROGRESS, function(D) { O({ type: "loadProgress", data: D.currentPosition / 1E3 }) }); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS, function(D) { O({ type: "playProgress", data: D.currentPosition / 1E3 }) }); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY, function() { O({ type: "play" }) }); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE, function() { O({ type: "pause" }) }); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.SEEK, function() { s.getPosition(function(D) { D = D / 1E3; if (v.seeking) if (Math.floor(D) !== Math.floor(v.currentTime)) s.seekTo(v.currentTime * 1E3); else { v.ended = false; v.seeking = false; x.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); x.dispatchEvent("seeked"); x.dispatchEvent("canplay"); x.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough") } else O({ type: "seek", data: D }) }) }); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.FINISH, function() { O({ type: "finish" }) }); L = true; s.getDuration(E) } function u() { s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS, function(D) { s.setVolume(0); if (D.currentPosition > 0) { s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE, function() { s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE); s.setVolume(100); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.SEEK, function() { s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.SEEK); o() }); s.seekTo(0) }); s.pause() } }); s.play() } function E(D) { D /= 1E3; var T = v.duration; if (T !== D) { v.duration = D; x.dispatchEvent("durationchange"); if (isNaN(T)) { v.networkState = x.NETWORK_IDLE; v.readyState = x.HAVE_METADATA; x.dispatchEvent("loadedmetadata"); x.dispatchEvent("loadeddata"); v.readyState = x.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA; x.dispatchEvent("canplay"); v.readyState = x.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA; x.dispatchEvent("canplaythrough"); for (D = B.length; D--;) { B[D](); delete B[D] } v.paused && v.autoplay && x.play() } } } function C(D) { function T() { v.seeking = true; x.dispatchEvent("seeking"); s.seekTo(D) } v.currentTime = D; D *= 1E3; L ? T() : addMediaReadyCallback(T) } function f() { v.paused = true; if (!y) { y = true; clearInterval(Q); x.dispatchEvent("pause") } } function G() { x.dispatchEvent("timeupdate") } function A(D) { v.currentTime = D; D !== M && x.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); M = D } function O(D) { switch (D.type) { case "loadProgress": x.dispatchEvent("progress"); break; case "playProgress": A(D.data); break; case "play": if (!K) { K = setInterval(a, i); v.loop && x.dispatchEvent("play") } Q = setInterval(G, x._util.TIMEUPDATE_MS); v.paused = false; if (y) { y = false; v.loop || x.dispatchEvent("play"); x.dispatchEvent("playing") } break; case "pause": f(); break; case "finish": if (v.loop) { C(0); x.play() } else { v.ended = true; x.pause(); f(); x.dispatchEvent("timeupdate"); x.dispatchEvent("ended") } break; case "seek": A(D.data) } } function a() { v.ended || s.getPosition(function(D) { A(D / 1E3) }) } function c(D) { if (x._canPlaySrc(D)) { v.src = D; if (L) if (L && s) { clearInterval(K); s.pause(); s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.READY); s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.LOAD_PROGRESS); s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS); s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY); s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE); s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.SEEK); s.unbind(SC.Widget.Events.FINISH); z.removeChild(F); F = l.createElement("iframe") } if (d()) { L = false; SC.get("/resolve", { url: D }, function(T) { var I; if (T.errors) { I = { name: "MediaError" }; if (T.errors[0]) if (T.errors[0].error_message === "404 - Not Found") { I.message = "Video not found."; I.code = MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK } v.error = I; x.dispatchEvent("error") } F.id = p.guid("soundcloud-"); F.width = v.width; F.height = v.height; F.frameBorder = 0; F.webkitAllowFullScreen = true; F.mozAllowFullScreen = true; F.allowFullScreen = true; w(v.controls); z.appendChild(F); F.onload = function() { F.onload = null; s = SC.Widget(F); s.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, u); v.networkState = x.NETWORK_LOADING; x.dispatchEvent("loadstart"); x.dispatchEvent("progress") }; F.src = "https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=" + T.uri + "&show_artwork=false&buying=false&liking=false&sharing=false&download=false&show_comments=false&show_user=false&single_active=false" }) } else b(function() { c(D) }) } else { v.error = { name: "MediaError", message: "Media Source Not Supported", code: MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED }; x.dispatchEvent("error") } } function n(D) { v.volume = D; if (L) { s.setVolume(D); x.dispatchEvent("volumechange") } else q(function() { n(D) }) } function j(D) { if (L) if (D) { v.muted = v.volume; n(0) } else { v.muted = 0; n(v.muted) } else { v.muted = D ? 1 : 0; q(function() { j(D) }) } } function w(D) { if (L) { F.style.position = "absolute"; F.style.visibility = D ? "visible" : "hidden" } else { F.style.opacity = D ? "1" : "0"; F.style.pointerEvents = D ? "auto" : "none" } v.controls = D } if (!e.postMessage) throw "ERROR: HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement requires window.postMessage"; var x = new p._MediaElementProto, z = typeof t === "string" ? p.dom.find(t) : t, F = l.createElement("iframe"), v = { src: g, networkState: x.NETWORK_EMPTY, readyState: x.HAVE_NOTHING, seeking: false, autoplay: g, preload: g, controls: false, loop: false, poster: g, volume: 100, muted: 0, currentTime: 0, duration: NaN, ended: false, paused: true, width: z.width | 0 ? z.width : x._util.MIN_WIDTH, height: z.height | 0 ? z.height : x._util.MIN_HEIGHT, error: null }, L = false, y = true, s, B = [], Q, K, M = 0; x._eventNamespace = p.guid("HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement::"); x.parentNode = z; x._util.type = "SoundCloud"; x.play = function() { v.paused = false; if (L) { v.ended && C(0); s.play() } else q(function() { x.play() }) }; x.pause = function() { v.paused = true; L ? s.pause() : q(function() { x.pause() }) }; Object.defineProperties(x, { src: { get: function() { return v.src }, set: function(D) { D && D !== v.src && c(D) } }, autoplay: { get: function() { return v.autoplay }, set: function(D) { v.autoplay = x._util.isAttributeSet(D) } }, loop: { get: function() { return v.loop }, set: function(D) { v.loop = x._util.isAttributeSet(D) } }, width: { get: function() { return F.width }, set: function(D) { F.width = D; v.width = F.width } }, height: { get: function() { return F.height }, set: function(D) { F.height = D; v.height = F.height } }, currentTime: { get: function() { return v.currentTime }, set: function(D) { C(D) } }, duration: { get: function() { return v.duration } }, ended: { get: function() { return v.ended } }, paused: { get: function() { return v.paused } }, seeking: { get: function() { return v.seeking } }, readyState: { get: function() { return v.readyState } }, networkState: { get: function() { return v.networkState } }, volume: { get: function() { return (v.muted > 0 ? v.muted : v.volume) / 100 }, set: function(D) { if (D < 0 || D > 1) throw "Volume value must be between 0.0 and 1.0"; D *= 100; n(D) } }, muted: { get: function() { return v.muted > 0 }, set: function(D) { j(x._util.isAttributeSet(D)) } }, error: { get: function() { return v.error } }, controls: { get: function() { return v.controls }, set: function(D) { w(!!D) } } }); x._canPlaySrc = p.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement._canPlaySrc; x.canPlayType = p.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement.canPlayType; return x } var i = 16, g = "", k = false, r = false, m = []; p.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement = function(t) { return new h(t) }; p.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement._canPlaySrc = function(t) { return /(?:https?:\/\/www\.|https?:\/\/|www\.|\.|^)(soundcloud)/.test(t) ? "probably" : g }; p.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement.canPlayType = function(t) { return t === "audio/x-soundcloud" ? "probably" : g } })(Popcorn, window, document); (function(p) { var e = function(l, d) { var b = 0, h = 0, i; p.forEach(d.classes, function(g, k) { i = []; if (g === "parent") i[0] = document.querySelectorAll("#" + d.target)[0].parentNode; else i = document.querySelectorAll("#" + d.target + " " + g); b = 0; for (h = i.length; b < h; b++) i[b].classList.toggle(k) }) }; p.compose("applyclass", { manifest: { about: { name: "Popcorn applyclass Effect", version: "0.1", author: "@scottdowne", website: "scottdowne.wordpress.com" }, options: {} }, _setup: function(l) { l.classes = {}; l.applyclass = l.applyclass || ""; for (var d = l.applyclass.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","), b = [], h = 0, i = d.length; h < i; h++) { b = d[h].split(":"); if (b[0]) l.classes[b[0]] = b[1] || "" } }, start: e, end: e }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { function e(d, b) { if (d.map) d.map.div.style.display = b; else setTimeout(function() { e(d, b) }, 10) } var l = 1; p.plugin("openmap", function(d) { var b, h, i, g, k, r, m, t, q = document.getElementById(d.target); 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document.getElementById(d.target) || l(this, d.target) : this.container; document.getElementById(d.container.id) && document.getElementById(d.container.id).appendChild(b); d.innerContainer = b; d.showSubtitle = function() { d.innerContainer.innerHTML = d.text || "" } }, start: function(d, b) { b.innerContainer.style.display = "inline"; b.showSubtitle(b, b.text) }, end: function(d, b) { b.innerContainer.style.display = "none"; b.innerContainer.innerHTML = "" }, _teardown: function(d) { d.container.removeChild(d.innerContainer) } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p, e) { var l = {}; p.plugin("documentcloud", { manifest: { about: { name: "Popcorn Document Cloud Plugin", version: "0.1", author: "@humphd, @ChrisDeCairos", website: "http://vocamus.net/dave" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, target: "documentcloud-container", width: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Width", optional: true }, height: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Height", optional: true }, src: { elem: "input", type: "url", label: "PDF URL", "default": "http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/70050-urbina-day-1-in-progress.html" }, preload: { elem: "input", type: "checkbox", label: "Preload", "default": true }, page: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Page Number", optional: true }, aid: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Annotation Id", optional: true } } }, _setup: function(d) { function b() { function m(j) { d._key = j.api.getId(); d._changeView = function(w) { d.aid ? 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h() : setTimeout(function() { i() }, 300) } var g = document.getElementById(b.target) || {}, k, r, m; if (r = e.exec(b.source)) { k = r[1]; if (k === "youtu") k = "youtube" } else k = "HTML5"; b._type = k; b._container = document.createElement("div"); r = b._container; r.id = "mediaSpawnerdiv-" + p.guid(); b.width = b.width || 400; b.height = b.height || 200; if (b.caption) { m = document.createElement("div"); m.innerHTML = b.caption; m.style.display = "none"; b._capCont = m; r.appendChild(m) } g && g.appendChild(r); if (!window.Popcorn.player && !l.module) { l.module = true; p.getScript("http://popcornjs.org/code/modules/player/popcorn.player.js", i) } else i(); b.toString = function() { return b.source || b._natives.manifest.options.source["default"] } }, start: function(b, h) { if (h._capCont) h._capCont.style.display = ""; h._container.style.width = h.width + "px"; h._container.style.height = h.height + "px"; h._container.style.visibility = "visible"; h._container.style.overflow = "visible"; h.autoplay && h.popcorn.play() }, end: function(b, h) { if (h._capCont) h._capCont.style.display = "none"; h._container.style.width = "0px"; h._container.style.height = "0px"; h._container.style.visibility = "hidden"; h._container.style.overflow = "hidden"; h.popcorn.pause() }, _teardown: function(b) { b.popcorn && b.popcorn.destory && b.popcorn.destroy(); document.getElementById(b.target) && document.getElementById(b.target).removeChild(b._container) } }) })(Popcorn, this); (function(p) { var e = 1; p.plugin("timeline", function(l) { var d = document.getElementById(l.target), b = document.createElement("div"), h, i = true; if (d && !d.firstChild) { d.appendChild(h = document.createElement("div")); h.style.width = "inherit"; h.style.height = "inherit"; h.style.overflow = "auto" } else h = d.firstChild; b.style.display = "none"; b.id = "timelineDiv" + e; l.direction = l.direction || "up"; if (l.direction.toLowerCase() === "down") i = false; if (d && h) i ? 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o.word.style.opacity = 1; setTimeout(function() { o.word.style.opacity = 0 }, (o.end - o.start - 1 || 1) * 1E3) }, end: function(q, o) { o.word.style.opacity = 0 }, _teardown: function(q) { var o = document.getElementById(q.target); q.word.parentNode && q._container.removeChild(q.word); e[q.target] && !e[q.target].childElementCount && o && o.removeChild(e[q.target]) && delete e[q.target] } }) })(Popcorn); var googleCallback; (function(p) { function e(g, k, r) { g = g.type ? g.type.toUpperCase() : "HYBRID"; var m; if (g === "STAMEN-WATERCOLOR" || g === "STAMEN-TERRAIN" || g === "STAMEN-TONER") m = g.replace("STAMEN-", "").toLowerCase(); r = new google.maps.Map(r, { mapTypeId: m ? m : google.maps.MapTypeId[g], mapTypeControlOptions: { mapTypeIds: [] } }); m && r.mapTypes.set(m, new google.maps.StamenMapType(m)); r.getDiv().style.display = "none"; return r } var l = 1, d = false, b = false, h, i; googleCallback = function(g) { if (typeof google !== "undefined" && google.maps && google.maps.Geocoder && google.maps.LatLng) { h = new google.maps.Geocoder; p.getScript("//maps.stamen.com/js/tile.stamen.js", function() { b = true }) } else setTimeout(function() { googleCallback(g) }, 1) }; i = function() { if (document.body) { d = true; p.getScript("//maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&callback=googleCallback") } else setTimeout(function() { i() }, 1) }; p.plugin("googlemap", function(g) { var k, r, m, t = document.getElementById(g.target); g.type = g.type || "ROADMAP"; g.zoom = g.zoom || 1; g.lat = g.lat || 0; g.lng = g.lng || 0; d || i(); k = document.createElement("div"); k.id = "actualmap" + l; k.style.width = g.width || "100%"; k.style.height = g.height ? g.height : t && t.clientHeight ? t.clientHeight + "px" : "100%"; l++; t && t.appendChild(k); var q = function() { if (b) { if (k) if (g.location) h.geocode({ address: g.location }, function(o, u) { if (k && u === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { g.lat = o[0].geometry.location.lat(); g.lng = o[0].geometry.location.lng(); m = new google.maps.LatLng(g.lat, g.lng); r = e(g, m, k) } }); else { m = new google.maps.LatLng(g.lat, g.lng); r = e(g, m, k) } } else setTimeout(function() { q() }, 5) }; q(); g.toString = function() { return g.location || (g.lat && g.lng ? g.lat + ", " + g.lng : g._natives.manifest.options.location["default"]) }; return { start: function(o, u) { var E = this, C, f = function() { if (r) { u._map = r; r.getDiv().style.display = "block"; google.maps.event.trigger(r, "resize"); r.setCenter(m); if (u.zoom && typeof u.zoom !== "number") u.zoom = +u.zoom; r.setZoom(u.zoom); if (u.heading && typeof u.heading !== "number") u.heading = +u.heading; if (u.pitch && typeof u.pitch !== "number") u.pitch = +u.pitch; if (u.type === "STREETVIEW") { r.setStreetView(C = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(k, { position: m, pov: { heading: u.heading = u.heading || 0, pitch: u.pitch = u.pitch || 0, zoom: u.zoom } })); var G = function(w, x) { var z = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading; setTimeout(function() { var F = E.media.currentTime; if (typeof u.tween === "object") { for (var v = 0, L = w.length; 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F < v; F++) O.push(new google.maps.LatLng(z[F].lat(), z[F].lng())); u.interval = u.interval || 1E3; G(O, 10) } }) } else if (typeof u.tween === "object") { var n = C; a = 0; for (var j = u.tween.length; a < j; a++) { u.tween[a].interval = u.tween[a].interval || 1E3; G(u.tween, 10) } } } u.onmaploaded && u.onmaploaded(u, r) } else setTimeout(function() { f() }, 13) }; f() }, end: function() { if (r) r.getDiv().style.display = "none" }, _teardown: function(o) { var u = document.getElementById(o.target); u && u.removeChild(k); k = r = m = null; o._map = null } } }, { about: { name: "Popcorn Google Map Plugin", version: "0.1", author: "@annasob", website: "annasob.wordpress.com" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "start", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "start", label: "End" }, target: "map-container", type: { elem: "select", options: ["ROADMAP", "SATELLITE", "STREETVIEW", "HYBRID", "TERRAIN", "STAMEN-WATERCOLOR", "STAMEN-TERRAIN", "STAMEN-TONER"], label: "Map Type", optional: true }, zoom: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Zoom", "default": 0, optional: true }, lat: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Lat", optional: true }, lng: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Lng", optional: true }, location: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Location", "default": "Toronto, Ontario, Canada" }, heading: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Heading", "default": 0, optional: true }, pitch: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Pitch", "default": 1, optional: true } } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { p.plugin("mustache", function(e) { var l, d, b, h; p.getScript("http://mustache.github.com/extras/mustache.js"); var i = !!e.dynamic, g = typeof e.template, k = typeof e.data, r = document.getElementById(e.target); e.container = r || document.createElement("div"); if (g === "function") if (i) b = e.template; else h = e.template(e); else h = g === "string" ? e.template : ""; if (k === "function") if (i) l = e.data; else d = e.data(e); else d = k === "string" ? JSON.parse(e.data) : k === "object" ? e.data : ""; return { start: function(m, t) { var q = function() { if (window.Mustache) { if (l) d = l(t); if (b) h = b(t); var o = Mustache.to_html(h, d).replace(/^\s*/mg, ""); t.container.innerHTML = o } else setTimeout(function() { q() }, 10) }; q() }, end: function(m, t) { t.container.innerHTML = "" }, _teardown: function() { l = d = b = h = null } } }, { about: { name: "Popcorn Mustache Plugin", version: "0.1", author: "David Humphrey (@humphd)", website: "http://vocamus.net/dave" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, target: "mustache-container", template: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Template" }, data: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Data" }, dynamic: { elem: "input", type: "checkbox", label: "Dynamic", "default": true } } }) })(Popcorn); document.addEventListener("click", function(p) { p = p.target; if (p.nodeName === "A" || p.parentNode && p.parentNode.nodeName === "A") Popcorn.instances.forEach(function(e) { e.options.pauseOnLinkClicked && e.pause() }) }, false); (function(p) { p.plugin("footnote", { manifest: { about: { name: "Popcorn Footnote Plugin", version: "0.2", author: "@annasob, @rwaldron", website: "annasob.wordpress.com" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, text: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Text" }, target: "footnote-container" } }, _setup: function(e) { var l = p.dom.find(e.target); e._container = document.createElement("div"); e._container.style.display = "none"; e._container.innerHTML = e.text; l.appendChild(e._container) }, start: function(e, l) { l._container.style.display = "inline" }, end: function(e, l) { l._container.style.display = "none" }, _teardown: function(e) { var l = p.dom.find(e.target); l && l.removeChild(e._container) } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { p.plugin("footnotereplace", { manifest: { about: { name: "Popcorn Footnote Plugin", version: "0.2", author: "@annasob, @rwaldron", website: "annasob.wordpress.com" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, text: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Text" }, target: "footnote-container" } }, _setup: function(e) { var l = p.dom.find(e.target); e._container = document.createElement("div"); e._container.style.display = "none"; e._container.innerHTML = e.text; e._mainspan = $(l).find("span"); // console.log(2); l.appendChild(e._container) }, start: function(e, l) { // console.log(1); l._container.style.display = "inline" // $(l).find("span").style.display = "none" // l._mainspan.style.display = "none" $(l._mainspan).hide(); }, end: function(e, l) { l._container.style.display = "none" // l._mainspan.style.display = "inline" $(l._mainspan).show(); }, _teardown: function(e) { var l = p.dom.find(e.target); l && l.removeChild(e._container) } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { var e = 1, l = false; p.plugin("googlefeed", function(d) { var b = function() { var k = false, r = 0, m = document.getElementsByTagName("link"), t = m.length, q = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], o = document.createElement("link"); if (window.GFdynamicFeedControl) l = true; else p.getScript("//www.google.com/uds/solutions/dynamicfeed/gfdynamicfeedcontrol.js", function() { l = true }); for (; r < t; r++) if (m[r].href === "//www.google.com/uds/solutions/dynamicfeed/gfdynamicfeedcontrol.css") k = true; if (!k) { o.type = "text/css"; o.rel = "stylesheet"; o.href = "//www.google.com/uds/solutions/dynamicfeed/gfdynamicfeedcontrol.css"; q.insertBefore(o, q.firstChild) } }; window.google ? b() : p.getScript("//www.google.com/jsapi", function() { google.load("feeds", "1", { callback: function() { b() } }) }); var h = document.createElement("div"), i = document.getElementById(d.target), g = function() { if (l) d.feed = new GFdynamicFeedControl(d.url, h, { vertical: d.orientation.toLowerCase() === "vertical" ? true : false, horizontal: d.orientation.toLowerCase() === "horizontal" ? true : false, title: d.title = d.title || "Blog" }); else setTimeout(function() { g() }, 5) }; if (!d.orientation || d.orientation.toLowerCase() !== "vertical" && d.orientation.toLowerCase() !== "horizontal") d.orientation = "vertical"; h.style.display = "none"; h.id = "_feed" + e; h.style.width = "100%"; h.style.height = "100%"; e++; i && i.appendChild(h); g(); d.toString = function() { return d.url || d._natives.manifest.options.url["default"] }; return { start: function() { h.setAttribute("style", "display:inline") }, end: function() { h.setAttribute("style", "display:none") }, _teardown: function(k) { document.getElementById(k.target) && document.getElementById(k.target).removeChild(h); delete k.feed } } }, { about: { name: "Popcorn Google Feed Plugin", version: "0.1", author: "David Seifried", website: "dseifried.wordpress.com" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, target: "feed-container", url: { elem: "input", type: "url", label: "Feed URL", "default": "http://planet.mozilla.org/rss20.xml" }, title: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Title", "default": "Planet Mozilla", optional: true }, orientation: { elem: "select", options: ["Vertical", "Horizontal"], label: "Orientation", "default": "Vertical", optional: true } } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { function e(b) { return String(b).replace(/&(?!\w+;)|[<>"']/g, function(h) { return d[h] || h }) } function l(b, h) { var i = b.container = document.createElement("div"), g = i.style, k = b.media, r = function() { var m = b.position(); g.fontSize = "18px"; g.width = k.offsetWidth + "px"; g.top = m.top + k.offsetHeight - i.offsetHeight - 40 + "px"; g.left = m.left + "px"; setTimeout(r, 10) }; i.id = h || ""; g.position = "absolute"; g.color = "white"; g.textShadow = "black 2px 2px 6px"; g.fontWeight = "bold"; g.textAlign = "center"; r(); b.media.parentNode.appendChild(i); return i } var d = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'" }; p.plugin("text", { manifest: { about: { name: "Popcorn Text Plugin", version: "0.1", author: "@humphd" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, text: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Text", "default": "Popcorn.js" }, escape: { elem: "input", type: "checkbox", label: "Escape" }, multiline: { elem: "input", type: "checkbox", label: "Multiline" } } }, _setup: function(b) { var h, i, g = b._container = document.createElement("div"); g.style.display = "none"; if (b.target) if (h = p.dom.find(b.target)) { if (["VIDEO", "AUDIO"].indexOf(h.nodeName) > -1) h = l(this, b.target + "-overlay") } else h = l(this, b.target); else h = this.container ? this.container : l(this); b._target = h; i = b.escape ? e(b.text) : b.text; i = b.multiline ? i.replace(/\r?\n/gm, "
") : i; g.innerHTML = i || ""; alert(1); h.appendChild(g); b.toString = function() { return b.text || b._natives.manifest.options.text["default"] } }, start: function(b, h) { h._container.style.display = "inline" }, end: function(b, h) { h._container.style.display = "none" }, _teardown: function(b) { var h = b._target; h && h.removeChild(b._container) } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { p.plugin("code", function(e) { var l = false, d = this, b = function() { var h = function(i) { return function(g, k) { var r = function() { l && g.call(d, k); l && i(r) }; r() } }; return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ? h(window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame) : window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ? h(window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) : h(function(i) { window.setTimeout(i, 16) }) }(); if (!e.onStart || typeof e.onStart !== "function") e.onStart = p.nop; if (e.onEnd && typeof e.onEnd !== "function") e.onEnd = undefined; if (e.onFrame && typeof e.onFrame !== "function") e.onFrame = undefined; return { start: function(h, i) { i.onStart.call(d, i); if (i.onFrame) { l = true; b(i.onFrame, i) } }, end: function(h, i) { if (i.onFrame) l = false; i.onEnd && i.onEnd.call(d, i) } } }, { about: { name: "Popcorn Code Plugin", version: "0.1", author: "David Humphrey (@humphd)", website: "http://vocamus.net/dave" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, onStart: { elem: "input", type: "function", label: "onStart" }, onFrame: { elem: "input", type: "function", label: "onFrame", optional: true }, onEnd: { elem: "input", type: "function", label: "onEnd" } } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { function e(b) { function h() { var r = b.getBoundingClientRect(), m = g.getBoundingClientRect(); if (m.left !== r.left) g.style.left = r.left + "px"; if (m.top !== r.top) g.style.top = r.top + "px" } var i = -1, g = document.createElement("div"), k = getComputedStyle(b).zIndex; g.setAttribute("data-popcorn-helper-container", true); g.style.position = "absolute"; g.style.zIndex = isNaN(k) ? l : k + 1; document.body.appendChild(g); return { element: g, start: function() { i = setInterval(h, d) }, stop: function() { clearInterval(i); i = -1 }, destroy: function() { document.body.removeChild(g); i !== -1 && clearInterval(i) } } } var l = 2E3, d = 10; p.plugin("image", { manifest: { about: { name: "Popcorn image Plugin", version: "0.1", author: "Scott Downe", website: "http://scottdowne.wordpress.com/" }, options: { start: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "Start" }, end: { elem: "input", type: "number", label: "End" }, src: { elem: "input", type: "url", label: "Image URL", "default": "http://mozillapopcorn.org/wp-content/themes/popcorn/images/for_developers.png" }, href: { elem: "input", type: "url", label: "Link", "default": "http://mozillapopcorn.org/wp-content/themes/popcorn/images/for_developers.png", optional: true }, target: "image-container", text: { elem: "input", type: "text", label: "Caption", "default": "Popcorn.js", optional: true } } }, _setup: function(b) { var h = document.createElement("img"), i = document.getElementById(b.target); b.anchor = document.createElement("a"); b.anchor.style.position = "relative"; b.anchor.style.textDecoration = "none"; b.anchor.style.display = "none"; if (i) if (["VIDEO", "AUDIO"].indexOf(i.nodeName) > -1) { b.trackedContainer = e(i); b.trackedContainer.element.appendChild(b.anchor) } else i && i.appendChild(b.anchor); h.addEventListener("load", function() { h.style.borderStyle = "none"; b.anchor.href = b.href || b.src || "#"; // b.anchor.onclick = "alert(1);return false;" // b.anchor.target = "_blank"; var g, k; h.style.height = i.style.height; h.style.width = i.style.width; b.anchor.appendChild(h); if (b.text) { g = h.height / 12 + "px"; k = document.createElement("div"); p.extend(k.style, { color: "black", fontSize: g, fontWeight: "bold", position: "relative", textAlign: "center", width: h.style.width || h.width + "px", zIndex: "10" }); k.innerHTML = b.text || ""; k.style.top = (h.style.height.replace("px", "") || h.height) / 2 - k.offsetHeight / 2 + "px"; b.anchor.insertBefore(k, h) } }, false); h.src = b.src; b.toString = function() { var g = b.src || b._natives.manifest.options.src["default"], k = g.replace(/.*\//g, ""); return k.length ? k : g } }, start: function(b, h) { h.anchor.style.display = "inline"; h.trackedContainer && h.trackedContainer.start() }, end: function(b, h) { h.anchor.style.display = "none"; h.trackedContainer && h.trackedContainer.stop() }, _teardown: function(b) { if (b.trackedContainer) b.trackedContainer.destroy(); else b.anchor.parentNode && b.anchor.parentNode.removeChild(b.anchor) } }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { p.parser("parseXML", "XML", function(e) { var l = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }, d = {}, b = function(m) { m = m.split(":"); if (m.length === 1) return parseFloat(m[0], 10); else if (m.length === 2) return parseFloat(m[0], 10) + parseFloat(m[1] / 12, 10); else if (m.length === 3) return parseInt(m[0] * 60, 10) + parseFloat(m[1], 10) + parseFloat(m[2] / 12, 10); else if (m.length === 4) return parseInt(m[0] * 3600, 10) + parseInt(m[1] * 60, 10) + parseFloat(m[2], 10) + parseFloat(m[3] / 12, 10) }, h = function(m) { for (var t = {}, q = 0, o = m.length; q < o; q++) { var u = m.item(q).nodeName, E = m.item(q).nodeValue, C = d[E]; if (u === "in") t.start = b(E); else if (u === "out") t.end = b(E); else if (u === "resourceid") for (var f in C) { if (C.hasOwnProperty(f)) if (!t[f] && f !== "id") t[f] = C[f] } else t[u] = E } return t }, i = function(m, t) { var q = {}; q[m] = t; return q }, g = function(m, t, q) { var o = {}; p.extend(o, t, h(m.attributes), { text: m.textContent || m.text }); t = m.childNodes; if (t.length < 1 || t.length === 1 && t[0].nodeType === 3) if (q) d[o.id] = o; else l.data.push(i(m.nodeName, o)); else for (m = 0; m < t.length; m++) t[m].nodeType === 1 && g(t[m], o, q) }; e = e.documentElement.childNodes; for (var k = 0, r = e.length; k < r; k++) if (e[k].nodeType === 1) e[k].nodeName === "manifest" ? g(e[k], {}, true) : g(e[k], {}, false); return l }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { p.parser("parseSBV", function(e) { var l = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }, d = [], b = 0, h = 0, i = function(q) { q = q.split(":"); var o = q.length - 1, u; try { u = parseInt(q[o - 1], 10) * 60 + parseFloat(q[o], 10); if (o === 2) u += parseInt(q[0], 10) * 3600 } catch (E) { throw "Bad cue"; } return u }, g = function(q, o) { var u = {}; u[q] = o; return u }; e = e.text.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/gm); for (h = e.length; b < h;) { var k = {}, r = [], m = e[b++].split(","); try { k.start = i(m[0]); for (k.end = i(m[1]); b < h && e[b];) r.push(e[b++]); k.text = r.join("
"); d.push(g("subtitle", k)) } catch (t) { for (; b < h && e[b];) b++ } for (; b < h && !e[b];) b++ } l.data = d; return l }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { p.parser("parseJSON", "JSON", function(e) { var l = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }; p.forEach(e.data, function(d) { l.data.push(d) }); return l }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { p.parser("parseTTXT", function(e) { var l = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }, d = function(k) { k = k.split(":"); var r = 0; try { return parseFloat(k[0], 10) * 60 * 60 + parseFloat(k[1], 10) * 60 + parseFloat(k[2], 10) } catch (m) { r = 0 } return r }, b = function(k, r) { var m = {}; m[k] = r; return m }; e = e.xml.lastChild.lastChild; for (var h = Number.MAX_VALUE, i = []; e;) { if (e.nodeType === 1 && e.nodeName === "TextSample") { var g = {}; g.start = d(e.getAttribute("sampleTime")); g.text = e.getAttribute("text"); if (g.text) { g.end = h - 0.0010; i.push(b("subtitle", g)) } h = g.start } e = e.previousSibling } l.data = i.reverse(); return l }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { function e(g, k, r) { var m = g.firstChild; g = l(g, r); r = []; for (var t; m;) { if (m.nodeType === 1) if (m.nodeName === "p") r.push(d(m, k, g)); else if (m.nodeName === "div") { t = b(m.getAttribute("begin")); if (t < 0) t = k; r.push.apply(r, e(m, t, g)) } m = m.nextSibling } return r } function l(g, k) { var r = g.getAttribute("region"); return r !== null ? r : k || "" } function d(g, k, r) { var m = {}; m.text = (g.textContent || g.text).replace(h, "").replace(i, "
"); m.id = g.getAttribute("xml:id") || g.getAttribute("id"); m.start = b(g.getAttribute("begin"), k); m.end = b(g.getAttribute("end"), k); m.target = l(g, r); if (m.end < 0) { m.end = b(g.getAttribute("duration"), 0); if (m.end >= 0) m.end += m.start; else m.end = Number.MAX_VALUE } return { subtitle: m } } function b(g, k) { var r; if (!g) return -1; try { return p.util.toSeconds(g) } catch (m) { for (var t = g.length - 1; t >= 0 && g[t] <= "9" && g[t] >= "0";) t--; r = t; t = parseFloat(g.substring(0, r)); r = g.substring(r); return t * ({ h: 3600, m: 60, s: 1, ms: 0.0010 }[r] || -1) + (k || 0) } } var h = /^[\s]+|[\s]+$/gm, i = /(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/gm; p.parser("parseTTML", function(g) { var k = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }; if (!g.xml || !g.xml.documentElement) return k; g = g.xml.documentElement.firstChild; if (!g) return k; for (; g.nodeName !== "body";) g = g.nextSibling; if (g) k.data = e(g, 0); return k }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { function e(d) { var b = d.split(":"); d = d.length; var h; if (d !== 12 && d !== 9) throw "Bad cue"; d = b.length - 1; try { h = parseInt(b[d - 1], 10) * 60 + parseFloat(b[d], 10); if (d === 2) h += parseInt(b[0], 10) * 3600 } catch (i) { throw "Bad cue"; } return h } function l(d, b) { var h = {}; h[d] = b; return h } p.parser("parseVTT", function(d) { var b = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }, h = [], i = 0, g = 0, k, r; d = d.text.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/gm); g = d.length; if (g === 0 || d[0] !== "WEBVTT") return b; for (i++; i < g;) { k = []; try { for (var m = i; m < g && !d[m];) m++; i = m; var t = d[i++]; m = void 0; var q = {}; if (!t || t.indexOf("--\>") === -1) throw "Bad cue"; m = t.replace(/--\>/, " --\> ").split(/[\t ]+/); if (m.length < 2) throw "Bad cue"; q.id = t; q.start = e(m[0]); q.end = e(m[2]); for (r = q; i < g && d[i];) k.push(d[i++]); r.text = k.join("
"); h.push(l("subtitle", r)) } catch (o) { for (i = i; i < g && d[i];) i++; i = i } } b.data = h; return b }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { function e(b, h) { var i = b.substr(10).split(","), g; g = { start: l(i[h.start]), end: l(i[h.end]) }; if (g.start === -1 || g.end === -1) throw "Invalid time"; var k = q.call(m, /\{(\\[\w]+\(?([\w\d]+,?)+\)?)+\}/gi, ""), r = k.replace, m; m = i.length; q = []; for (var t = h.text; t < m; t++) q.push(i[t]); m = q.join(","); var q = m.replace; g.text = r.call(k, /\\N/gi, "
"); return g } function l(b) { var h = b.split(":"); if (b.length !== 10 || h.length < 3) return -1; return parseInt(h[0], 10) * 3600 + parseInt(h[1], 10) * 60 + parseFloat(h[2], 10) } function d(b, h) { var i = {}; i[b] = h; return i } p.parser("parseSSA", function(b) { var h = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }, i = [], g = 0, k; b = b.text.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/gm); for (k = b.length; g < k && b[g] !== "[Events]";) g++; var r = b[++g].substr(8).split(", "), m = {}, t, q; q = 0; for (t = r.length; q < t; q++) if (r[q] === "Start") m.start = q; else if (r[q] === "End") m.end = q; else if (r[q] === "Text") m.text = q; for (; ++g < k && b[g] && b[g][0] !== "[";) try { i.push(d("subtitle", e(b[g], m))) } catch (o) {} h.data = i; return h }) })(Popcorn); (function(p) { function e(d, b) { var h = {}; h[d] = b; return h } function l(d) { d = d.split(":"); try { var b = d[2].split(","); if (b.length === 1) b = d[2].split("."); return parseFloat(d[0], 10) * 3600 + parseFloat(d[1], 10) * 60 + parseFloat(b[0], 10) + parseFloat(b[1], 10) / 1E3 } catch (h) { return 0 } } p.parser("parseSRT", function(d, b) { var h = { title: "", remote: "", data: [] }, i = [], g = 0, k = 0, r, m, t, q, o; r = d.text.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/gm); for (t = r.length - 1; t >= 0 && !r[t];) t--; q = t + 1; for (g = 0; g < q; g++) { o = {}; t = []; for (g = g; !r[g];) g++; g = g; o.id = parseInt(r[g++], 10); m = r[g++].split(/[\t ]*--\>[\t ]*/); o.start = l(m[0]); k = m[1].indexOf(" "); if (k !== -1) m[1] = m[1].substr(0, k); for (o.end = l(m[1]); g < q && r[g];) t.push(r[g++]); o.text = t.join("\\N").replace(/\{(\\[\w]+\(?([\w\d]+,?)+\)?)+\}/gi, ""); o.text = o.text.replace(//g, ">"); o.text = o.text.replace(/<(\/?(font|b|u|i|s))((\s+(\w|\w[\w\-]*\w)(\s*=\s*(?:\".*?\"|'.*?'|[^'\">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)(\/?)>/gi, "<$1$3$7>"); o.text = o.text.replace(/\\N/gi, "
"); if (b && b.target) o.target = b.target; i.push(e("subtitle", o)) } h.data = i; return h }) })(Popcorn); (function(p, e) { e.player("vimeo", { _canPlayType: function(l, d) { return typeof d === "string" && e.HTMLVimeoVideoElement._canPlaySrc(d) } }); e.vimeo = function(l, d, b) { typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn("Deprecated player 'vimeo'. Please use Popcorn.HTMLVimeoVideoElement directly."); var h = e.HTMLVimeoVideoElement(l); l = e(h, b); setTimeout(function() { h.src = d }, 0); return l } })(window, Popcorn); (function(p, e) { var l = function(d, b) { return typeof b === "string" && e.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement._canPlaySrc(b) }; e.player("youtube", { _canPlayType: l }); e.youtube = function(d, b, h) { typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn("Deprecated player 'youtube'. Please use Popcorn.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement directly."); var i = e.HTMLYouTubeVideoElement(d); d = e(i, h); setTimeout(function() { i.src = b }, 0); return d }; e.youtube.canPlayType = l })(window, Popcorn); (function(p, e) { e.player("soundcloud", { _canPlayType: function(l, d) { return typeof d === "string" && e.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement._canPlaySrc(d) && l.toLowerCase() !== "audio" } }); e.soundcloud = function(l, d, b) { typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && console.warn("Deprecated player 'soundcloud'. Please use Popcorn.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement directly."); var h = e.HTMLSoundCloudAudioElement(l); l = e(h, b); setTimeout(function() { h.src = d }, 0); return l } })(window, Popcorn);