#!/bin/bash/ #This file was created by linuxwebdevelopment.com #It is released under the GPLv3 license #You are free to copy it, modify it, and/or share it #Just please give credit to linuxwebdevelopment.com #this is a list of software to install every time in Debian Jessie #This comes from the article on linuxwebdevelopment.com at: #https://linuxwebdevelopment.com/software-to-install-every-time-with-debian-jessie/ sudo apt-get install alarm-clock-applet \ apache2 \ arandr \ build-essential \ bum \ chromium \ clamav \ cups \ dillo \ elinks \ espeak \ filezilla \ freeplane \ gimp \ git \ gnome-screenshot \ gparted \ gtick \ gtimelog \ hunspell hunspell-en-us myspell-en-gb \ ibus ibus-pinyin \ ipython3 \ ipython3-qtconsole \ keepassx \ librecad \ links2 \ lynx \ mariadb-server \ mnemosyne \ openvpn \ pavucontrol \ phatch \ pinta \ qemu qemu-kvm \ simple-image-reducer \ soundconverter \ spyder3 \ sshfs \ stopwatch \ thunderbird \ ufw \ vim \ vinagre \ vlc \ whois \ wine \ xfce4-power-manager \ youtube-dl