pymatgen.analysis.molecule_structure_comparator module

This module provides classes to comparsion the structures of the two molecule. As long as the two molecule have the same bond connection tables, the molecules are deemed to be same. The atom in the two molecule must be paired accordingly. This module is supposed to perform rough comparisons with the atom order correspondence prerequisite, while molecule_matcher is supposed to do exact comparisons without the atom order correspondence prerequisite.

class CovalentRadius[source]

Bases: object

Covalent Radius of the elements.

Beatriz C. et al. Dalton Trans. 2008, 2832-2838. DOI: 10.1039/b801115j

radius = {'Ac': 2.15, 'Ag': 1.45, 'Al': 1.21, 'Am': 1.8, 'Ar': 1.06, 'As': 1.19, 'At': 1.5, 'Au': 1.36, 'B': 0.84, 'Ba': 2.15, 'Be': 0.96, 'Bi': 1.48, 'Br': 1.2, 'C': 0.73, 'Ca': 1.76, 'Cd': 1.44, 'Ce': 2.04, 'Cl': 1.02, 'Cm': 1.69, 'Co': 1.38, 'Cr': 1.39, 'Cs': 2.44, 'Cu': 1.32, 'Dy': 1.92, 'Er': 1.89, 'Eu': 1.98, 'F': 0.57, 'Fe': 1.42, 'Fr': 2.6, 'Ga': 1.22, 'Gd': 1.96, 'Ge': 1.2, 'H': 0.31, 'He': 0.28, 'Hf': 1.75, 'Hg': 1.32, 'Ho': 1.92, 'I': 1.39, 'In': 1.42, 'Ir': 1.41, 'K': 2.03, 'Kr': 1.16, 'La': 2.07, 'Li': 1.28, 'Lu': 1.87, 'Mg': 1.41, 'Mn': 1.5, 'Mo': 1.54, 'N': 0.71, 'Na': 1.66, 'Nb': 1.64, 'Nd': 2.01, 'Ne': 0.58, 'Ni': 1.24, 'Np': 1.9, 'O': 0.66, 'Os': 1.44, 'P': 1.07, 'Pa': 2.0, 'Pb': 1.46, 'Pd': 1.39, 'Pm': 1.99, 'Po': 1.4, 'Pr': 2.03, 'Pt': 1.36, 'Pu': 1.87, 'Ra': 2.21, 'Rb': 2.2, 'Re': 1.51, 'Rh': 1.42, 'Rn': 1.5, 'Ru': 1.46, 'S': 1.05, 'Sb': 1.39, 'Sc': 1.7, 'Se': 1.2, 'Si': 1.11, 'Sm': 1.98, 'Sn': 1.39, 'Sr': 1.95, 'Ta': 1.7, 'Tb': 1.94, 'Tc': 1.47, 'Te': 1.38, 'Th': 2.06, 'Ti': 1.6, 'Tl': 1.45, 'Tm': 1.9, 'U': 1.96, 'V': 1.53, 'W': 1.62, 'Xe': 1.4, 'Y': 1.9, 'Yb': 1.87, 'Zn': 1.22, 'Zr': 1.75}[source]
class MoleculeStructureComparator(bond_length_cap=0.3, covalent_radius={'Ac': 2.15, 'Ag': 1.45, 'Al': 1.21, 'Am': 1.8, 'Ar': 1.06, 'As': 1.19, 'At': 1.5, 'Au': 1.36, 'B': 0.84, 'Ba': 2.15, 'Be': 0.96, 'Bi': 1.48, 'Br': 1.2, 'C': 0.73, 'Ca': 1.76, 'Cd': 1.44, 'Ce': 2.04, 'Cl': 1.02, 'Cm': 1.69, 'Co': 1.38, 'Cr': 1.39, 'Cs': 2.44, 'Cu': 1.32, 'Dy': 1.92, 'Er': 1.89, 'Eu': 1.98, 'F': 0.57, 'Fe': 1.42, 'Fr': 2.6, 'Ga': 1.22, 'Gd': 1.96, 'Ge': 1.2, 'H': 0.31, 'He': 0.28, 'Hf': 1.75, 'Hg': 1.32, 'Ho': 1.92, 'I': 1.39, 'In': 1.42, 'Ir': 1.41, 'K': 2.03, 'Kr': 1.16, 'La': 2.07, 'Li': 1.28, 'Lu': 1.87, 'Mg': 1.41, 'Mn': 1.5, 'Mo': 1.54, 'N': 0.71, 'Na': 1.66, 'Nb': 1.64, 'Nd': 2.01, 'Ne': 0.58, 'Ni': 1.24, 'Np': 1.9, 'O': 0.66, 'Os': 1.44, 'P': 1.07, 'Pa': 2.0, 'Pb': 1.46, 'Pd': 1.39, 'Pm': 1.99, 'Po': 1.4, 'Pr': 2.03, 'Pt': 1.36, 'Pu': 1.87, 'Ra': 2.21, 'Rb': 2.2, 'Re': 1.51, 'Rh': 1.42, 'Rn': 1.5, 'Ru': 1.46, 'S': 1.05, 'Sb': 1.39, 'Sc': 1.7, 'Se': 1.2, 'Si': 1.11, 'Sm': 1.98, 'Sn': 1.39, 'Sr': 1.95, 'Ta': 1.7, 'Tb': 1.94, 'Tc': 1.47, 'Te': 1.38, 'Th': 2.06, 'Ti': 1.6, 'Tl': 1.45, 'Tm': 1.9, 'U': 1.96, 'V': 1.53, 'W': 1.62, 'Xe': 1.4, 'Y': 1.9, 'Yb': 1.87, 'Zn': 1.22, 'Zr': 1.75}, priority_bonds=(), priority_cap=0.8, ignore_ionic_bond=True, bond_13_cap=0.05)[source]

Bases: monty.json.MSONable

Class to check whether the connection tables of the two molecules are the same. The atom in the two molecule must be paired accordingly.

  • bond_length_cap – The ratio of the elongation of the bond to be acknowledged. If the distance between two atoms is less than ( empirical covalent bond length) X (1 + bond_length_cap), the bond between the two atoms will be acknowledged.

  • covalent_radius – The covalent radius of the atoms. dict (element symbol -> radius)

  • priority_bonds – The bonds that are known to be existed in the initial molecule. Such bonds will be acknowledged in a loose criteria. The index should start from 0.

  • priority_cap – The ratio of the elongation of the bond to be acknowledged for the priority bonds.

are_equal(mol1, mol2)[source]

Compare the bond table of the two molecules.

  • mol1 – first molecule. pymatgen Molecule object.

  • mol2 – second moleculs. pymatgen Molecule objec.


Returns: MSONable dict

classmethod from_dict(d)[source]

d (dict) – Dict representation



static get_13_bonds(priority_bonds)[source]

() (priority_bonds) –


halogen_list = ['F', 'Cl', 'Br', 'I'][source]
ionic_element_list = ['Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Sc', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Rb', 'Sr'][source]