#!/usr/bin/env bash # # c7repos.sh # # Copyright © 2017-2022 Mathieu Aubin # # Installs common/base CentOS 7 repositories/programs (x86_64 ONLY) # # WHAT # ¯¯¯¯ # Attempts to installs/create the following repositories configs, and # some suggested (at user's will) extra packages for a clean, practical # and usable base server system # # EPEL * REMI * NGINX * NODEJS * EL-REPO * MARIADB # DOCKER * IUS * YARN * MIDNIGHT COMMANDER # # Some repos have options that can be enabled in the repo file itself. # REMI, as an example, has all PHP versions easily enablable from the # repo files. EL-REPO's latest kernel packages, kernel-ml, is also just # a digit away from being enabled. YUM can also be run with the extra # switch --enablerepo=repo.name, essentially doing the same, as a one- # shot type deal. Alot more YUM stuff to be read to whom dares using the # awesome 'man' command or by visiting # # YUM's official webpage --> http://yum.baseurl.org # # WHERE # ¯¯¯¯¯ # c7repos.sh code repository is hosted on GitHub at # # https://github.com/mathieu-aubin/c7repos # # The installable script (aka the raw script file) is accessible via the # traditionnal GitHub's raw url and is also 'mirrored' using some short # url providers. # # Git.io --> https://git.io/vd7Ye # Git.io --> https://git.io/c7repos-install # Bit.ly --> https://bit.ly/c7repos # # HOWTO # ¯¯¯¯¯ # Preferably from a FRESHLY INSTALLED CentOS 7 server, c7repos.sh can be # called as superuser (root) using one of the following methods: # # Method #1 # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # - Executing straight from a known mirror. Example: # # root@host ~ # bash <(curl -4sLk https://git.io/vd7Ye) # root@host ~ # bash <(curl -4sLk https://git.io/c7repos-install) # root@host ~ # bash <(curl -4sLk https://bit.ly/c7repos) # # Method #2 # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # - Piping curl's output to bash's input. Examples: # # root@host ~ # curl -4sLko- https://bit.ly/c7repos | bash - # user@host ~ $ curl -4skLo- https://git.io/vd7Ye | sudo bash - # user@host ~ $ curl -4skLo- https://git.io/c7repos-install | sudo bash - # # Method #3 # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # - Saving it to a location on the machine. # - Executing the script with bash. Example: # # root@host ~ # wget https://bit.ly/c7repos -O c7repos.sh # root@host ~ # bash c7repos.sh # # HOWTO/INSTALL NOTE # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # You *MUST* be superuser in order to run the this - sudo works as well. # # Using https://bit.ly/c7repos is the same as using the raw repository # url directly, the difference being i can potentially monitor the usage # at some point. # # If you do not want to go thru Bit.ly you are free to run directly from # either one of GitHub's addresses, Git.io's mirror or the raw url. # # https://git.io/vd7Ye (git.io mirror/short url) # https://git.io/c7repos-install (git.io mirror/short url) # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mathieu-aubin/c7repos/master/c7repos.sh # # HISTORY # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # Originally coded for C6 by Peggy following a # request for a simple C6 config script. From there on, some time later, # it grew to something a little more actual and practical. (Peggy is a # fictitious character) # # KNOWN BUGS # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # This script is known to cause problems if used BEFORE merging a CentOS # release into a CloudLinux one. Please be aware of this and use only if # you are confident in your abilities to cleanup whatever mess resulting # in using this before converting your instance to CloudLinux. # # CHANGELOG # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # A changelog is available (and hopefuly up-to-date) on GitHub at # # https://git.io/vd5aC # # CONTRIBUTING # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # By all means and please, do not hesitate to send comments, ideas and/or # pull requests. # # Define some versions used in the script # # NodeJS - Must be a valid version number # Reference: https://github.com/nodesource/distributions # nodejs 18 requires higher glibc 2.2++ NODEJS_VERSION=${NODEJS_VERSION:-17}; # MariaDB - Must be a valid version number # Reference: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/library-mariadb-releases/ MARIADB_VERSION=${MARIADB_VERSION:-10.7}; # 10.7 is stable as of 2022/04/26 # TODO: # - Add a php installer thing # - Ask users for their preferred editor to use as EDITOR env variable # # PHP - Must be a valid remi repo version # Reference: https://blog.remirepo.net/pages/Config-en PHP_VERSION=${PHP_VERSION:-81}; # Repository URL used to fetch ressources from REPOURL='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mathieu-aubin/c7repos/master'; # URL to insert into generated files (old BRAGURL='https://github.com/mathieu-aubin/c7repos') BRAGURL='https://c7repos.4ce.ca'; # Hides cursor and clears terminal tput civis; tput clear; # Resets term upon QUIT/CTRL+C and EXIT signals trap "read -rsp $'\n\n\033[1;38;5;196m--- USER-ISSUED CTRL+C. PRESS ENTER TO EXIT ---\033[0m\n'; exit 1" SIGINT; trap 'tput smam; tput sgr0; tput cnorm; source ~/.bash_profile' EXIT; # Function that displays our header... function _showHEADER() { tput bold && cat <<- "__EOF__" ╔═══════════════════════════════╗ ║ https://c7repos.4ce.ca ║ ║ ____ ║ ║ |__ | ║ ║ ╔═╗ / / ║ ║ ║ /_/╦═╗╔═╗╔═╗╔═╗╔═╗ ║ ║ ╚═╝ ╠╦╝║╣ ╠═╝║ ║╚═╗ ║ ║ ╩╚═╚═╝╩ ╚═╝╚═╝.sh ║ ║ ║ ║ Basic CentOS 7 Install Script ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════╝ __EOF__ tput sgr0; tput civis; sleep 1.75; } # Function that displays potential danger situation, with a 'danger' msg, centered. function _showDANGER() { local _dangerMSG _dangerASCII; _dangerASCII=$(base64 -id <<< 'G1sxOzM4OzU7MTk2bV9fX19fX19fX19fXyAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgX19fX19fX18bWzBtChtbMTszODs1OzE5Nm0gX19fX19fICBfXyBcX19fX18gX19fX19fX19fX19fX18gX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fICAvG1swbQobWzE7Mzg7NTsxOTZtICBfX19fICAvIC8gLyAgX18gYC9fICBfXyBcXyAgX18gYC8gIF8gXF8gIF9fXy9fICAvG1swbQobWzE7Mzg7NTsxOTZtICAgX18gIC9fLyAvLyAvXy8gL18gIC8gLyAvICAvXy8gLy8gIF9fLyAgLyAgICAvXy8bWzBtChtbMTszODs1OzE5Nm0gICAgL19fX19fLyBcX18sXy8gL18vIC9fL19cX18sIC8gXF9fXy8vXy8gICAgKF8pG1swbQobWzE7Mzg7NTsxOTZtICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAvX19fXy8bWzBtChtbNTsxOzM4OzU7MTk2bSAgICAgICAbWzRtUE9URU5USUFMIERBTkdFUhtbMG0='); [[ ! ${#@} -eq 0 ]] && { _dangerMSG="${@}"; echo "${_dangerASCII}"; echo -ne "\033[1;38;5;196m" && printf "\n%*s\n" $(((${#_dangerMSG}+50)/2)) "${_dangerMSG}" && echo -e "\033[0m"; } } # Function that check all the required things for the script to run function _preCHECK() { # Check if we run as super-user... else... a quote from Linus Torvalds. [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]] && >&2 echo '“ You not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard, too. ” -LT' && exit 1; # Check if we run a x86_64 architecture, else abort. _ARCH_TYPE=$(uname -m); [[ "${_ARCH_TYPE}" != "x86_64" ]] && >&2 echo -e "\033[1;38;5;196mERROR\033[0;1m: This system is not x86_64 compatible, aborting.\033[0m" && exit 1; # Check if we are using centos at all, else abort. [[ ! -f "/etc/centos-release" ]] && >&2 echo -e "\033[1;38;5;196mERROR\033[0;1m: This ain't a CentOS release, aborting.\033[0m" && exit 1; # Check if we are using the right centos version for this script, else abort. _CVER=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep -Pio 'VERSION_ID="\K[[:digit:]"]'); [[ "${_CVER}" != "7" ]] && >&2 echo -e "\033[1;38;5;196mERROR\033[0;1m: Incompatible CentOS release version, aborting.\033[0m" && exit 1; } # Function to disable SELinux function _doSELINUX() { echo -en "\033[1mDisable SELinux? (required to continue) [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _SEL; case "${_SEL}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) >&2 echo -e "\033[1;38;5;196mERROR\033[0;1m: I require SELinux to be disabled to continue, aborting.\033[0m"; exit 1; ;; *) echo -e "\033[1mDisabling SELinux...\033[0m"; setenforce 0 &>/dev/null; sed -i 's/\(^SELINUX=\).*/\SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config 2>/dev/null; sed -i 's/\(^SELINUX=\).*/\SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/sysconfig/selinux 2>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mSELinux disabled\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; ;; esac unset _SEL; } # Function that imports repo gpg signing keys function _importGPGKEYS() { echo -e "\033[1mImporting repositories GPG keys...\033[0m "; rpm --import https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://rpms.remirepo.net/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://rpms.remirepo.net/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2022; sleep 0.01 rpm --import https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://www.elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/gpg; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://repo.ius.io/RPM-GPG-KEY-IUS-7; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/wp-cli.pgp; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/pubkey.gpg &>/dev/null; sleep 0.01; rpm --import https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/laurentwandrebeck:/mc/CentOS_7/repodata/repomd.xml.key; sleep 0.01; echo -e " - \033[32mGPG keys imported\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; } # Function to install repos that we want/should/must have function _installREPOS() { echo -e "\033[1mInstalling repository packages for available ones...\033[0m "; rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm &>/dev/null; sleep 0.1; rpm -Uvh https://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm &>/dev/null; sleep 0.1; rpm -Uvh https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm &>/dev/null; sleep 0.1; echo -e " - \033[32mRepository packages installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; echo -e "\033[1mCreating repository files (.repo) for repositories without install packages...\033[0m "; # Create the MariaDB repo file cat <<- __EOF__ | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo &>/dev/null; # Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S") # Check it out at ${BRAGURL} [mariadb] name=MariaDB ${MARIADB_VERSION} repository for CentOS \$releasever baseurl=https://yum.mariadb.org/${MARIADB_VERSION}/centos\$releasever-amd64 gpgkey=https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 skip_if_unavailable=1 [mariadb-source] name=MariaDB ${MARIADB_VERSION} Source repository for CentOS \$releasever baseurl=https://yum.mariadb.org/${MARIADB_VERSION}/centos\$releasever-amd64/srpms gpgkey=https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 skip_if_unavailable=1 __EOF__ echo -e " - \033[32mRepository file for MariaDB ${MARIADB_VERSION} created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # Create the NGINX repo file cat <<- __EOF__ | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo &>/dev/null; # Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S") # Check it out at ${BRAGURL} [nginx-stable] name=NGINX stable repository for CentOS \$releasever baseurl=https://nginx.org/packages/centos/\$releasever/\$basearch gpgkey=https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key skip_if_unavailable=1 gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 [nginx-mainline] name=NGINX mainline repository for CentOS \$releasever baseurl=https://nginx.org/packages/mainline/centos/\$releasever/\$basearch gpgkey=https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key skip_if_unavailable=1 gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 [nginx-source] name=NGINX source repository for CentOS \$releasever baseurl=https://nginx.org/packages/centos/\$releasever/SRPMS gpgkey=https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key skip_if_unavailable=1 gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 __EOF__ echo -e " - \033[32mRepository file for NGINX created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # Create the Midnight Commander repo file # Thanks to Laurent Wandrebeck for his builds (https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/laurentwandrebeck:/) cat <<- __EOF__ | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/midnight-commander.repo &>/dev/null; # Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S") # Check it out at ${BRAGURL} # Thanks to Laurent Wandrebeck for his builds of Midnight Commander # Official source is at https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/laurentwandrebeck:/ [midnight-commander] name=Midnight Commander repository for CentOS \$releasever baseurl=https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/laurentwandrebeck:/mc/CentOS_\$releasever gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/laurentwandrebeck:/mc/CentOS_\$releasever/repodata/repomd.xml.key enabled=1 skip_if_unavailable=1 __EOF__ echo -e " - \033[32mRepository file for MIDNIGHT COMMANDER created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # NodeJS echo -e "\033[1mInstalling NodeJS repository from official source...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; bash <(curl -4skL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_${NODEJS_VERSION}.x) &>/dev/null && \ 2>/dev/null echo 'skip_if_unavailable=1' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/nodesource-el7.repo; echo -e " - \033[32mNodeJS repository installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # Yarn echo -e "\033[1mInstalling Yarn repository from official source...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; echo -e "# Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" > /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo; curl -4skL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo >>/etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo && \ 2>/dev/null echo 'skip_if_unavailable=1' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo; echo -e " - \033[32mYarn repository installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # iUS Community echo -e "\033[1mInstalling iUS repository from official source...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; bash <(curl -4skL https://setup.ius.io) &>/dev/null && \ echo -e " - \033[32miUS repository installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # DockerCE (disabled by default) echo -e "\033[1mInstalling Docker CE repository from official source...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; echo -e "# Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" > /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo; curl -4skL https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo | sed -e 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo && \ echo -e " - \033[32mDocker CE repository installed (disabled by default)\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # Removed fasttrack repository enable echo -e "\033[1mEnabling repositories...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; for R in {centosplus,elrepo,elrepo-extras,elrepo-kernel,epel,extras,ius,mariadb,midnight-commander,nginx-stable,nodesource,remi,remi-safe,remi-php${PHP_VERSION},yarn}; do yum-config-manager --enable ${R} &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mRepository ${R} enabled\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; done # Fix an issue with epel repo having, sometimes, a higher, newer version of nginx # We want to use official repository only yum-config-manager --setopt=epel.exclude=nginx* --save &>/dev/null # Yum config manager has a tendency to add equal '=' sign as ' = ', that is, using spaces. # Get rid of the spaces before and after the equal sign to keep me sane. sed -i 's/ = /=/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo; } # Function to edit repo files function _editREPOS() { echo -en "\033[1mManually edit repositories files? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _EDITREPOS; case "${_EDITREPOS}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) ${EDITOR:-nano} /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo; ;; esac unset _EDITREPOS; } # Function to update system packages function _updateSYSTEM() { # Clear/refresh Yum cache echo -ne "\033[1mCleaning YUM cache...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; yum clean all &>/dev/null; echo -e "\033[32m DONE\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; echo -ne "\033[1mGenerating a new cache (please wait)...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; yum makecache &>/dev/null; echo -e "\033[32m DONE\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; # installing Yum-Axelget echo -e "\033[1mInstalling yum-axelget...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; yum -y install --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=epel yum-axelget &>/dev/null echo -e " - \033[32mPackage installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # System update echo -e "\033[1mInstalling system updates (please wait)...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; yum -y update &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mSystem update completed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # Compat libs echo -e "\033[1mInstalling compatibility package group...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; yum -y groups install "Compatibility Libraries" "Legacy UNIX Compatibility" &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mCompatibility package group installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; } # Function to fix Yum to only use ipv4 function _fixYUMV6() { # This comes from a problem i faced on fedora and c7 with epel throwing garbage at ipv6 requests, making any # update attemps unsuccessful... that fucked me good but the guys there fixed it quick after i told them. # You do whatever. I rather disable ipv6 for Yum than swear, even for only a few seconds. echo -e "\033[1mFixing 'potential' IPv6 problem with some repos...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; cat <<- __EOF__ >> /etc/yum.conf # This might not behave as intended, potentially lowering # your server's download speeds when updating packages... # If you get up here and have noticed many failed updates # or abnormally slower speeds than expected when updating # please comment the following line ip_resolve=4 __EOF__ echo -e " - \033[32mYum 'potential' IPv6 problem fixed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; } # Function that adds to Yum default configuration function _addtoYUMCONF() { _fixYUMV6; echo -e "\033[1mAdding extra Yum configurations...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; # Modify default options sed -i '/keepcache=/s/=.*/=1/' /etc/yum.conf; sed -i '/debuglevel=/s/=.*/=4/' /etc/yum.conf; sed -i '/installonly_limit=/s/=.*/=3/' /etc/yum.conf; cat <<- __EOF__ >> /etc/yum.conf # rpmverbosity Debug scriptlet output level. Defaults to 'info' # Other options: 'critical', 'emergency', 'error', 'warn', 'debug' #rpmverbosity=debug rpmverbosity=warn # http_caching Determines how upstream HTTP caches are instructed # to handle any HTTP downloads that Yum does. This option can take # the following values # # - 'all' all downloads should be cached # - 'packages' only RPM downloads should be cached (no metadata) # - 'none' no cache at all # # Defaults to 'all'. Unless you are experiencing caching related # issues, the default should be fine. Try at least use 'packages' # in order to minimize load on repository/packages servers. #http_caching=packages deltarpm=1 deltarpm_percentage=70 skip_if_unavailable=1 failovermethod=priority clean_requirements_on_remove=0 __EOF__ } # Function to update grub2 bootloader # This handy tool now runs whenever an action to a kernel* package is done to # ensure your bootloader is updated everytime. Thanks to Yum post actions plugin # To know more about 'update-grub' you can run it with -h or --help function _updateGRUB() { echo -e "\033[1mGetting 'update-grub' tool...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; mkdir -p ~/{bin,.config} &>/dev/null; curl -4skL ${REPOURL}/bin/update-grub -o ~/bin/update-grub; chmod +x ~/bin/update-grub &>/dev/null; sleep 0.1; echo -e " - \033[32mGrub-Updater tool installed in ~/bin\033[0;1m. Updating bootloader now.\033[0m\n"; sleep 0.3; rm -f /boot/grub2/grubenv; ~/bin/update-grub; echo; } # Function to install development group packages and some other dev libs function _installDEVEL() { echo -en "\033[1mInstall development tools package group (plus extra packages)? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _DEVPACK; case "${_DEVPACK}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) echo -e "\033[1mInstalling development tools package group...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; yum -y --skip-broken groups install "Development Tools" "Fedora Packager" &>/dev/null; yum -y --skip-broken install LibRaw-devel bison-devel boost-devel bzip2-devel c-ares-devel giflib-devel glib2-devel glibc-devel gmp-devel json-glib-devel koji-utils libcurl-devel libcap-devel libevent-devel libexif-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libpcap-devel libpng12-devel libpng-devel libsodium-devel libstdc++-devel libtiff-devel libyaml-devel ncurses-devel openssl-devel pcre-devel perl-devel python-devel ruby-devel systemd-devel xz-devel zlib-devel nasm yasm-devel bzip2-devel &>/dev/null; rpmdev-setuptree &>/dev/null; # Setup the rpm build tree echo -e " - \033[32mDevelopment tools package group installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; ;; esac unset _DEVPACK; } # Function to install/enable MariaDB function _installMARIADB() { rpm -q MariaDB-server &>/dev/null; if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then _MARIADB_INST=0; echo -en "\033[1mInstall MariaDB server? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; else _MARIADB_INST=1; echo -en "\033[1mMariaDB already installed. Re-install MariaDB server? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; fi read -er _MARIADB; case "${_MARIADB}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) [[ ${_MARIADB_INST} -eq 0 ]] && echo -e "\033[1mInstalling MariaDB server...\033[0m" || echo -e "\033[1mRe-installing MariaDB server...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; [[ ${_MARIADB_INST} -eq 0 ]] && yum -y install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client &>/dev/null || yum -y reinstall MariaDB-server MariaDB-client &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mMariaDB server installed\033[0m."; sed -i.c7repos.OLD 's/\[server\]/\[server\]\nbind-address =' /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf; sleep 0.3; echo -ne "\033[1mStarting MariaDB server...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; systemctl enable mariadb --now && echo -e "\033[32m MariaDB started\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 1; if [ ${_MARIADB_INST} -eq 0 ]; then echo -en "\033[1mWould you like me to set a random SQL root password? [y/\033[0;1;38;5;40mN\033[0;1m]\033[0m "; read -er _SQLPASS; case "${_SQLPASS}" in [yY][eE][sS]|[yes]) _RNDPASS=$(tr -cd '[:alnum:]' /dev/null; if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then _NGX_INST=0; echo -en "\033[1mInstall \033[0;32mNGINX\033[0;1m? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _GINX; else _NGX_INST=1; echo -en "\033[0;32mNGINX\033[0;1m already installed. Re-install? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _GINX; fi case "${_GINX}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) [[ ${_NGX_INST} -eq 0 ]] && echo -e "\033[1mInstalling \033[0;32mNGINX\033[0;1m...\033[0m" || echo -e "\033[1mRe-installing \033[0;32mNGINX\033[0;1m...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; [[ ${_NGX_INST} -eq 0 ]] && yum -y install nginx &>/dev/null || yum -y reinstall nginx &>/dev/null; nginx -t &>/dev/null; [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]] && { _NGXPID="$(pidof nginx)"; [[ -z ${_NGXPID} ]] && echo -ne "\033[1mStarting \033[0;32mNGINX\033[0;1m...\033[0m" && sleep 0.1; systemctl enable nginx --now &>/dev/null && echo -e "\033[32m NGINX\033[0;1m started.\033[0m" && sleep 1; } echo -e " - \033[32mNGINX installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; _NGX_INST=1; ;; esac unset _NGXPID _GINX; } # Function to install NodeJS/NPM function _installNODE() { rpm -q nodejs &>/dev/null; if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then _NODE_INST=0; echo -en "\033[1mInstall NodeJS and update NPM to current version? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _NODENPM; else _NODE_INST=1; echo -en "\033[1mNodeJS already installed. Re-install and update to current version? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _NODENPM; fi case "${_NODENPM}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) [[ ${_NODE_INST} -eq 0 ]] && echo -e "\033[1mInstalling NodeJS/NPM...\033[0m" || echo -e "\033[1mRe-installing NodeJS/NPM...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1 [[ ${_NODE_INST} -eq 0 ]] && yum -y --skip-broken install nodejs npm &>/dev/null || yum -y --skip-broken reinstall nodejs npm &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mNodeJS installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; echo -e "\033[1mUpgrading NPM to latest/current version...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; # Upgrades npm to latest version npm install npm -g --upgrade &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mNPM upgraded\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # Generates npm bash completion file echo -e "\033[1mCreating NPM completion file...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; echo -e "# Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" >/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/npm 2>/dev/null; npm completion | grep -Ev "^$|^#$|^# " >>/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/npm 2>/dev/null; echo -e "# Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#\nunsafe-perm\nsearchlimit=100\nuser-agent='NPM Linux x86_64'" >> ~/.npmrc; echo -e " - \033[32mNPM completion file created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; ;; esac unset _NODE_INST _NODENPM; } # Function to install the common packages/applications function _installCOMMON() { # Set of commonly used packages and utilities to be installed _COMMON_PACKAGES=$(curl -4skL ${REPOURL}/deps/common_packages.txt); echo -e "\033[1mInstalling base/common packages...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; # Running this twice should help mitigate the kmod-nvidia issue by installing whatever # it can first (with --skip-broken, too), then running it again... yum -y --skip-broken --disablerepo=elrepo install ${_COMMON_PACKAGES} &>/dev/null; yum -y --skip-broken install ${_COMMON_PACKAGES} &>/dev/null; # Adding nano as EDITOR because i like it's simplicity export EDITOR=$(which nano); # Starting the iptables 'firewall' system systemctl enable iptables --now &>/dev/null; systemctl enable ip6tables --now &>/dev/null; # "Hack" to silence parallel's bibtex thing - Make sure you cite the following publication # https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ab8ea12a0dffc7a4f4d5e972c8fb4ad8/fezett mkdir -p ~/.parallel && touch ~/.parallel/will-cite; # Go as far as apply the hack to every new users created mkdir -p /etc/skel/.parallel && touch /etc/skel/.parallel/will-cite; # Creates wp-cli bash-completion file cat <<- __EOF__ >/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/wp-cli &>/dev/null; # wp-cli bash completion file, generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S") # Check it out at ${BRAGURL} _wp_complete() { local OLD_IFS="\$IFS"; local cur=\${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} IFS=\$'\n'; local opts="\$(wp cli completions --line="\$COMP_LINE" --point="\$COMP_POINT")"; if [[ "\$opts" =~ \\s* ]]; then COMPREPLY=(\$(compgen -f -- \$cur)) elif [[ \$opts = "" ]]; then COMPREPLY=(\$(compgen -f -- \$cur)) else COMPREPLY=(\${opts[*]}) fi IFS="\$OLD_IFS"; return 0 } complete -o nospace -F _wp_complete wp wp-cli __EOF__ # Perform python2-pip commands if installed rpm -q python2-pip &>/dev/null; [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]] && { echo -e "\033[1mUpgrading and creating python PIP completion file...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; # Upgrades pip to latest version pip install pip --upgrade &>/dev/null; # Generates pip completion file echo -e "# Generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" >/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/pip 2>/dev/null; pip completion --bash | grep -Ev "^$" >>/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/pip 2>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mPython PIP completion file created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; # Install speedtest-cli (https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli) and pyftpdlib (https://github.com/giampaolo/pyftpdlib) pip install speedtest-cli pyftpdlib &>/dev/null; } # Install some npm utils if installed hash npm &>/dev/null; [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]] && { npm install serve http-server xtinypng-cli webpagetest -g &>/dev/null; } echo -e " - \033[32mBase/common packages installed\033[0m."; sleep 0.3; } # Function to create our dotfiles function _createDOTFILES() { # Append some stuff to .bashrc and skeleton for new users echo -e "\033[1mAppending to ~/.bashrc and /etc/skel/.bashrc...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; # Apply modifications to both ~/.bashrc and /etc/skel/.bashrc for BASHRCFILE in ~/.bashrc /etc/skel/.bashrc; do #echo -e "\nexport HISTIGNORE='&:exit:x:l:history:editenv:[h ]*:[ \\\t]*:?:??:w -i:pwd:srcalias*:srcexports*:srcfunctions*:srccolors*:srcdot*:env:quit:popd*:ginx*:chownwww*:yum clean*:yum makecache*'" >> ${BASHRCFILE}; # Make sure we only have the source line once (if script is run multiple times per example) sed -i '/not excluded by/d' ${BASHRCFILE}; sed -i '/for DFs in/d' ${BASHRCFILE}; # Commands to source files echo -e "\n# Source ~/.bash_* files not excluded by the grep command" >> ${BASHRCFILE}; echo 'for DFs in $(ls -1p ~/.bash_* | \grep -Ev "save$|old|back|bak$|~$|history|logout|profile|/$"); do source ${DFs}; done; unset DFs;' >> ${BASHRCFILE}; # Bash completion files echo "# Source the completion files needed for bash completion to work" >> ${BASHRCFILE}; echo "[[ -f /etc/bash_completion ]] && source /etc/bash_completion" >> ${BASHRCFILE}; echo "[[ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]] && source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion" >> ${BASHRCFILE}; # Perlbrew source file, added if Perlbrew has been previously installed [[ ${_PBREW_INST} -eq 1 ]] && echo -e "[[ -f ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc ]] && source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc\n" >> ${BASHRCFILE}; done unset BASHRCFILE; # Creates the functions file echo -e "\033[1mCreating bash functions file...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; echo -e "# .bash_functions - Functions file added by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" > ~/.bash_functions; # Get the functions raw files from the repo _TMPFILE=$(mktemp -t c7rf.XXXXXXXXXX); curl -4skL ${REPOURL}/deps/functions_list.txt >${_TMPFILE}; while read _FSRC; do curl -4skL ${REPOURL}/functions/${_FSRC} >> ~/.bash_functions; echo '' >> ~/.bash_functions; done < ${_TMPFILE} [[ -f ${_TMPFILE} ]] && rm -f ${_TMPFILE}; echo -e " - \033[32mFunctions file created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.2; unset _TMPFILE; # Creates the aliases file echo -e "\033[1mCreating bash aliases file...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; echo -e "# .bash_aliases - Aliases file created by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" > ~/.bash_aliases; curl -4skL ${REPOURL}/aliases/bash_aliases >> ~/.bash_aliases; echo -e " - \033[32mAliases file created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.2; # Creates the export file echo -e "# .bash_exports - Export file created by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" > ~/.bash_exports; echo -e "\033[1mAdding a random colored PS1 to export file...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; _C1=$(shuf -n1 -i 21-231); _C2=$(shuf -n1 -i 21-231); _C3=$(shuf -n1 -i 21-231); _RNDPS1="\[\033[1m\][\[\033[1;38;5;${_C1}m\]\u\[\033[0m\]@\[\033[1;38;5;${_C2}m\]\H\[\033[0;1m\]] \[\033[1;38;5;${_C3}m\]\w\[\033[0;1m\] \\$\[\033[0m\] " echo -e "export PS1=\"${_RNDPS1}\";" >> ~/.bash_exports; echo -e ' - \033[32mRandom colored PS1 added to exports\033[0m'; sleep 0.3; unset _C1 _C2 _C3; # Writes general export values to export file cat <<- "__EOF__" >> ~/.bash_exports shopt -s checkwinsize; shopt -s histappend; shopt -s globstar; shopt -s dotglob; shopt -s autocd; export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups; export HISTSIZE=20000; export HISTFILESIZE=-1; export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%Y/%m/%d %T '; export EDITOR=$(which nano); export VISUAL=${EDITOR}; # To get rid of systemd pager export SYSTEMD_PAGER=; # Source tinykeys to get a new API code to use with 'xtinypng' every login # More informations at https://ghub.io/xtinypng-cli (thanks ghub.io) # DO NOT ENABLE IF YOU HAVE NOT RUN tinykeys ONCE TO SET YOUR PASSWORD FIRST #[[ -x $(which tinykeys) ]] && source $(tinykeys --env); __EOF__ echo -e ' - \033[32mAdded general exports\033[0m'; sleep 0.3; # Check if golang was installed if [[ ${_GOLANG_INST} -eq 1 ]]; then # Writes golang env variables to export file cat <<- "__EOF__" >> ~/.bash_exports # Golang env variables (more infos: go env / go help environment) export GOOS=linux; export GOPATH=~/go; export GOARCH=amd64; export GOROOT=/opt/go; export CGO_ENABLED=0; export GO111MODULE=off; export GOBIN=${GOPATH}/bin; export GOTOOLDIR=${GOROOT}/pkg/tool/${GOOS}_${GOARCH}; export PATH="${GOROOT}/bin:${GOBIN}:${PATH}"; __EOF__ echo -e ' - \033[32mAdded Golang exports\033[0m'; sleep 0.3; fi } # Function to check for current running ssh port - Might have some issues with proper detection function _checkSSH() { # Checking the ssh server port, relying on which port user currently is connected on if [[ ${SSH_CLIENT##* } -eq 22 ]]; then _showDANGER "SSH IS RUNNING ON PORT 22"; echo -en "\033[1mShould we change SSH port NOW? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _SSHP; case "${_SSHP}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) _showDANGER "SSH PORT UNCHANGED AND STILL ON 22"; sleep 2; ;; *) echo -en "\033[1mChange SSH to which port (integers only)? \033[0m"; read -er _SSHPC; _SSHPC=${_SSHPC##*[!0-9]*}; if ! [[ -z ${_SSHPC} || ${_SSHPC} -eq 22 ]]; then # Replace the port line by commenting it and adding new port infos sed -i "s/^\(Port 22\)$/# Original port was 22\nPort ${_SSHPC}/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config; sed -i "s/^\(#Port 22\)$/# Original port was 22\nPort ${_SSHPC}/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config; # Dont take any chances and add port to selinux policy [[ $(command -v semanage) ]] && semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp ${_SSHPC} &>/dev/null; # Adds AcceptEnv line to accept history env variables sed -i 's/\(XMODIFIERS\)$/\1\n\n# Accept history-related environment variables\nAcceptEnv HISTFILE HISTIGNORE HISTCONTROL/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; systemctl restart sshd; unset SSH_CLIENT; # Fix BOTH iptables default files with new port yum -y install iptables ip6tables iptables-services &>/dev/null; [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables ]] && sed -i "s/--dport 22 /--dport ${_SSHPC} /" /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables; [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables ]] && sed -i "s/--dport 22 /--dport ${_SSHPC} /" /etc/sysconfig/iptables; # Since i hate firewalld, disable it and use straight iptables instead systemctl disable firewalld --now &>/dev/null; systemctl enable iptables ip6tables --now &>/dev/null; systemctl restart iptables &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mSSH port changed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; echo -e "\n\033[1;38;5;196;4mMAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER IT AS IT IS IN EFFECT NOW.\033[0m"; sleep 2; echo -e "\033[1;38;5;196;4mMAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER IT AS IT IS IN EFFECT NOW.\033[0m\n"; sleep 1; else _showDANGER "BAD INPUT. SSH IS STILL RUNNING ON PORT 22"; sleep 2; fi unset _SSHPC; ;; esac unset _SSHP; fi } # Function to install nano (v2.9.4) from rpm, built for c7repos function _installNANO() { echo -e "\033[1mInstalling nano-editor v2.9.4...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; rpm -Uvh ${REPOURL}/rpms/nano-2.9.4-1.c7repos.x86_64.rpm &>/dev/null; } # Function that creates getaddrinfo configuration (favors ipv4 vs ipv6) function _createGAICONF() { echo -e "\033[1mCreating getaddrinfo (GAI) config...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; if [[ -f /etc/gai.conf ]]; then echo -e " - \033[32mGAI config file \033[0;1m/etc/gai.conf\033[0;32m already exist, skipping\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; else # Get gai.conf from the repo curl -4skL ${REPOURL}/deps/gai.conf >/etc/gai.conf; chmod 644 /etc/gai.conf &>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mGAI config file \033[0;1m/etc/gai.conf\033[0;32m created\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; fi } # Function that installs Yum-utils/fastestmirror/deltarpm function _installYUMSTUFF() { echo -e "\033[1mInstalling yum-utils/fastestmirror/deltarpm,post-actions...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=base install yum-utils yum-plugin-fastestmirror yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions deltarpm -y &>/dev/null && echo -e " - \033[32mYum stuff installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; } # Function to install Perlbrew (https://github.com/gugod/App-perlbrew) function _installPERLBREW() { echo -en "\033[1mInstall Perlbrew? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _PERLB; case "${_PERLB}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) echo -e "\033[1mInstalling Perlbrew...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; # Installs Perlbrew from the Git.io redirect url bash <(curl -4sLk https://git.io/perlbrew-install) &>/dev/null if [[ -e ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc ]]; then _PBREW_INST=1; source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc &>/dev/null; perlbrew init &>/dev/null; sleep 1; echo -e 'y\n'|perlbrew install-cpanm &>/dev/null; echo -e 'y\n'|perlbrew install-patchperl &>/dev/null; # Creates Perlbrew bash-completion file echo -e "# Perlbrew bash completion file, generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" >/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/perlbrew; curl -4skL https://git.io/perlbrew-completion >>/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/perlbrew 2>/dev/null; echo -e " - \033[32mPerlbrew installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; else echo -e " - \033[1;38;5;196;4mPerlbrew installation problem... \033[0;1mskipped.\033[0m"; sleep 2; fi ;; esac unset _PERLB; } # Function to install latest Golang from src (https://golang.org/doc/) function _installGOLANG() { echo -en "\033[1mInstall Golang? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _GOLNG; case "${_GOLNG}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) _GOVER=$(curl -4skL 'https://golang.org/VERSION?m=text'); mkdir -p /opt/go; echo -e "\033[1mInstalling Golang version ${_GOVER##*go}...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; curl -4sLk https://dl.google.com/go/${_GOVER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar --strip-components=1 -xzC /opt/go &>/dev/null if [[ -x /opt/go/bin/go ]]; then _GOLANG_INST=1; # Allows for using 'getgo' to update - https://go.googlesource.com/tools/+/master/cmd/getgo/ ln -s /opt/go ~/.go; mkdir -p ~/go/{bin,src,pkg}; echo -e " - \033[32mGolang installed\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; else echo -e " - \033[1;38;5;196;4mGolang installation problem... \033[0;1mskipped.\033[0m"; sleep 2; fi ;; esac unset _GOLNG _GOVER; } # Function to create a ssh key/pair function _createSSHKEYS() { if [[ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa || ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]]; then echo -en "\033[1mCreate a new ssh key pair? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _SSHP; case "${_SSHP}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) # Create the .ssh dir for both current and future users mkdir -p ~/.ssh /etc/skel/.ssh; ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''; # Once our key is created, add it as allowed for new users skeleton touch /etc/skel/.ssh/authorized_keys && cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >>/etc/skel/.ssh/authorized_keys; ;; esac fi unset _SSHP; } # Function to cheat gnu parallel into thinking we have read the citation (sorry) # Also applies it to new users via skeleton files at /etc/skel function _cheatPARALLEL() { mkdir -p ~/.parallel && touch ~/.parallel/will-cite; mkdir -p /etc/skel/.parallel && touch /etc/skel/.parallel/will-cite; } # Function to add support for some filetypes for command-line coloring (webp for now) function _addCOLORS() { echo -e "\033[1mAdding support for WEBP file coloring to DIR_COLORS files...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; # Remove any previous webp declaration to avoid duplicates sed -i '/^.webp/d' /etc/DIR_COLORS /etc/DIR_COLORS.256color /etc/DIR_COLORS.lightbgcolor; echo -e '\n# Support for WEBP images\n.webp 01;35\n' >> /etc/DIR_COLORS echo -e '\n# Support for WEBP images\n.webp 38;5;13\n' >> /etc/DIR_COLORS.256color echo -e '\n# Support for WEBP images\n.webp 00;35\n' >> /etc/DIR_COLORS.lightbgcolor echo -e " - \033[32mDIR_COLORS files modified\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; } # Function to create a yum post install/update/remove action on all kernel-related packages function _createYUMPOST() { cat <<- __EOF__ >/etc/yum/post-actions/kernel.action # This runs update-grub after any kernel modification (install, update, remove). # If 'update-grub' cannot be found in the typical c7repos location, directly run # the command as in 'rm -f /boot/grub2/grubenv; grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg' kernel*:any:>&2 echo; if [ -x /root/bin/update-grub ]; then >&2 /root/bin/update-grub; elif [ -x /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ]; then rm -f /boot/grub2/grubenv; /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg; fi; >&2 echo; __EOF__ } # Function that sets the hostname according to user input # I don't care if the user sets a bad hostname, he should be # more careful next time as i don't want to manage that input function _setHOSTNAME() { echo -en "\033[1mSet a HOSTNAME for this server? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _HSTNM; case "${_HSTNM}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) read -rp $"Please enter the HOSTNAME you want for this server: " _HOSTNAME; if [[ -n "${_HOSTNAME}" ]]; then hostnamectl set-hostname "${_HOSTNAME}"; echo -e " - \033[32mHOSTNAME set to '${_HOSTNAME}'\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; else echo -e " - \033[1;38;5;196;4mThe hostname cannot be null... \033[0;1mAborting.\033[0m"; sleep 2; fi ;; esac unset _HSTNM _HOSTNAME; } # Function to add cloudflare/google's resolvers to resolv.conf file. # It also very basically backups the original data by commenting it. function _modifyRESOLVCONF() { echo -en "\033[1mModify resolv.conf to add's resolvers? [\033[0;1;38;5;40mY\033[0;1m/n]\033[0m "; read -er _MRESOLV; case "${_MRESOLV}" in [nN][oO]|[no]) sleep 0.3; ;; *) echo -e "\033[1mAdding's resolvers to resolv.conf...\033[0m"; sleep 0.1; _TMPFILE=$(mktemp -t c7rf.XXXXXXXXXX); sed -i '/generated /d' /etc/resolv.conf; sed -i '/it out /d' /etc/resolv.conf; sed -i '/^#$/d' /etc/resolv.conf; echo -e "# resolv.conf generated by an awesome script on $(date +"%F %R:%S")\n# Check it out at ${BRAGURL}\n#" > ${_TMPFILE}; while read _ORSLV; do echo "#${_ORSLV}" >> ${_TMPFILE}; done < /etc/resolv.conf; echo -e "#\nnameserver\nnameserver\nnameserver\noptions rotate\n#search yourdomain.com" >> ${_TMPFILE}; cat ${_TMPFILE} > /etc/resolv.conf; [[ -f ${_TMPFILE} ]] && rm -f ${_TMPFILE}; echo -e " - \033[32mresolv.conf modified\033[0;1m.\033[0m"; sleep 0.3; ;; esac unset _MRESOLV _TMPFILE _ORSLV; } # Call to show our header _showHEADER; # Call to check if all is correct to run the script... _preCHECK; # Call to the disable SELinux function _doSELINUX; # Call to check SSH port and change if needed/wanted _checkSSH; # Call to create getaddressinfo config which favors ipv4 _createGAICONF; # Call to modify resolv.conf adding CF/GOOGLE nameservers _modifyRESOLVCONF; # Call to set a HOSTNAME for the server/instance _setHOSTNAME; # Call to create ssh key pair _createSSHKEYS; # Call to install Yum-utils/fastestmirror/deltapm/yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions _installYUMSTUFF; # Call to set Yum post install actions (essentially for kernel packages manipulations) _createYUMPOST; # Call to update bootloader config after any yum kernel modifications _updateGRUB; # Call to import the repo gpg keys _importGPGKEYS; # Call to install/create known repos files _installREPOS; # Call to install nano _installNANO; # Call to edit repo files _editREPOS; # Call to add some extra Yum configs _addtoYUMCONF; # Call to update system packages _updateSYSTEM; # Call to install devel packages _installDEVEL; # Call to install MariaDB _installMARIADB; # Call to install NGINX _installNGINX; # Call to install NODEJS _installNODE; # Call to install common packages _installCOMMON; # Call to install PERLBREW _installPERLBREW; # Call to install GOLANG _installGOLANG; # Call to create aliase and function _createDOTFILES; # Call to add to DIR_COLORS* files _addCOLORS; # Adds webp support # Call to cheat parallel citation (sorry) _cheatPARALLEL; sleep 2; clear; echo -e "\n\033[1mDone with this CentOS 7 auto install script.\033[0m"; echo -e "\033[1mConsider checking your firewall, SSH configs and the likes.\033[0m"; echo -e "\033[1mAlso, a reboot wouldn't hurt, after initial install...\033[0m\n"; echo -e "\033[1mHave a nice day.\033[0m\n"; sleep 5; # Ensure a definite exit code in order for the initially set trap # to be executed - Essentially, to source ~/.bash_profile at exit exit 0;