# BitrixHelp ### [Sublime] Text 2 plugin help in work with [Bitrix] CMS Feauters: * BitrixAPI.sublime-complations(complations for Bitrix API) - all modules included. * List links whith names of Bitrix Dev API Help (links to http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/) [ctrl+alt+b, ctrl+alt+b]. * List links whith names of Bitrix Components (links to http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/) [ctrl+alt+b, ctrl+alt+c]. ## Instalation Recommended way is using [PackageControll] package. ### Using Sublime Package Control It is preferred and simplest way for most users. - Install Package Control http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control - Open Package Control - Select 'Install Package' - Find and select 'BitrixHelp' ### Using Git If you like work with HEAD you can locate BitrixHelp in your packages directory. - Go to your Packages directory, you can locate to your Packages directory by using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages... - Inside the Packages directory, clone the BitrixHelp repository using the command below: git clone https://github.com/matiaspub/BitrixHelp.git BitrixHelp ### Download Manually - Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option. - Unzip the files and rename the folder to something like BitrixHelp. - Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory. ## Configuration You can add self links in BitrixHelp.sublime-settings ```` { "pages": { // items in list Bitrix Components [ctrl+alt+b, ctrl+alt+c] "bitrixComponents":[ list of links ], // items in list Bitrix API [ctrl+alt+b, ctrl+alt+b] "bitrixAPI": [ list of links ] } } ```` ## Key Map It contains redefine standart keys as ctrl++(encrease font size), but you can change it. ```` [ { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+b", "ctrl+alt+b"], "command": "bitrix_help"}, { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+b", "ctrl+alt+c"], "command": "bitrix_help", "args": {"it": "bitrixComponents"}} ] ```` ## Use ### Complations For complation in ```` $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent($componentName, $componentName, $arParams = array(), $arParams = array(), $arFunctionParams = array()) ```` Type APPincom + Tab, or choose complation in drop-down select + Enter Its work for objects $APPLICATION, $USER and $DB For complation in ```` CIBlockElement::GetList($arOrder=array('SORT'=>'ASC'), $arFilter=array(), $arGroupBy=false, $arNavStartParams=false, $arSelectFields=array()) ```` Type CIblElGetli + Tab, or choose complation in drop-down select + Enter ### API Help To speed choose API help page of Bitrix API Help - press __[ctrl+alt+b, ctrl+alt+b]__, and type some characters to find what you need and press Enter. You will see opened tab in browser with choosen page of Bitrix Api Help. ### Components Help To speed choose component help page of Bitrix API Help - press __[ctrl+alt+b, ctrl+alt+c]__, and type some characters to find what you need and press Enter. You will see opened tab in browser with choosen page of Bitrix Api Help. [Sublime]: http://www.sublimetext.com/ [PackageControll]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation [Bitrix]: http://1c-bitrix.ru