# WheelChanger (Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin) Whith WheelChanger you can change numbers(as in google chrome css editor) and lists with mouse wheel. ## Instalation Recommended way is using [PackageControll] package. ### Using Sublime Package Control It is preferred and simplest way for most users. - Install Package Control http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control - Open Package Control - Select 'Install Package' - Find and select 'WheelChanger' ### Using Git If you like work with HEAD you can locate WheelChanger in your packages directory. - Go to your Packages directory, you can locate to your Packages directory by using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages... - Inside the Packages directory, clone the WheelChanger repository using the command below: git clone https://github.com/matiaspub/WheelChanger.git WheelChanger ### Download Manually - Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option. - Unzip the files and rename the folder to something like WheelChanger. - Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 or 3 Packages directory. ## Configuration You can add self lists, but you must remember: everithing string in lists must be unique ```` { // lists of change words, words must be unique for all lists "lists": [ ["true","false"], ["True","False"], ["TRUE","FALSE"], ["inherit","pointer","crosshair","progress","help","move","wait"], ["bold","normal"], ["hidden","scroll","visible"], ["inside","outside"], ["capitalize","lowercase","uppercase","none"], ["absolute","relative","fixed","static"] ], // if list ending - start anew "anew": true, // pattern for decimalic substrings "decimal_pattern": "[+-]?\\d+[.\\d]*" } ```` ## Key Map It contains redefine standart keys as ctrl++(encrease font size), but you can change it. ```` [ { "keys": ["ctrl++"], "command": "wheel_changer" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+="], "command": "wheel_changer" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+keypad_plus"], "command": "wheel_changer" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+-"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+keypad_minus"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift++"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 10} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+="], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 10} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+keypad_plus"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 10} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+-"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true, "step": 10} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+keypad_minus"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true, "step": 10} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt++"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 100} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt+="], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 100} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt+keypad_plus"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 100} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt+-"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true, "step": 100} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt+keypad_minus"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true, "step": 100} } ] ```` ## Mouse Map It contains redefine standart keys as first line in code below, but you can change it. ```` [ { "button": "scroll_up", "modifiers": ["ctrl"], "command": "wheel_changer" }, { "button": "scroll_down", "modifiers": ["ctrl"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true} }, { "button": "scroll_up", "modifiers": ["ctrl","shift"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 10} }, { "button": "scroll_down", "modifiers": ["ctrl","shift"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true, "step": 10} }, { "button": "scroll_up", "modifiers": ["ctrl","shift","alt"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"step": 100} }, { "button": "scroll_down", "modifiers": ["ctrl","shift","alt"], "command": "wheel_changer", "args": {"back": true, "step": 100} } ] ```` [Sublime]: http://www.sublimetext.com/ [PackageControll]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation