{ "data_format": 1, "data_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matkoniecz/lunar_assembler/master/examples/generated/laser_road_area_taginfo.json", "project": { "name": "SVG for laser cutting a map based on area:highway", "description": "Map style to produce tactile maps for blind. Generated maps are for use in a laser cutter. Lunar Assembler map style.", "icon_url": "https://mapsaregreat.com/favicon.svg", "project_url": "https://github.com/matkoniecz/lunar_assembler", "doc_url": "https://mapsaregreat.com/osm_to_svg_in_browser/laser_road_area.html", "contact_name": "Mateusz Konieczny", "contact_email": "matkoniecz@tutanota.com" }, "tags": [ { "key": "area:highway", "value": "pedestrian", "description": "area of a pedestrian way (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "path", "description": "area of a pedestrian way (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "footway", "description": "area of a pedestrian way (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "highway", "value": "pedestrian", "description": "pedestrian square (using it for sidewalk areas is invalid!)" }, { "key": "highway", "value": "pedestrian", "description": "pedestrian square (using it for sidewalk areas is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "crossing", "description": "pedestrian crossing through a road (area used in addition to area representing road)" }, { "key": "footway", "value": "crossing", "description": "detecting crossings" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "steps", "description": "area representation of steps (used in addition to linear highway=steps)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "steps", "description": "area of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "highway", "value": "steps", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "up", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "down", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "steps", "description": "area of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "highway", "value": "steps", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "up", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "down", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "steps", "description": "area of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "highway", "value": "steps", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "up", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "down", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "steps", "description": "area of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "highway", "value": "steps", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "up", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "incline", "value": "down", "description": "detecting upper/lower side of steps, for an automatic generation of a symbolic representation" }, { "key": "building", "description": "buildings" }, { "key": "waterway", "value": "riverbank", "description": "water - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "natural", "value": "water", "description": "water - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "waterway", "value": "riverbank", "description": "water - entire area, expected to be cut at outline to separate element for easier painting (or used solely for orientation)" }, { "key": "natural", "value": "water", "description": "water - entire area, expected to be cut at outline to separate element for easier painting (or used solely for orientation)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "living_street", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "escape", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "raceway", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "busway", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "road", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "track", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "service", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "residential", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "unclassified", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "tertiary_link", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "tertiary", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "secondary_link", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "secondary", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "primary_link", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "primary", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "trunk_link", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "trunk", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "motorway_link", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "motorway", "description": "area of a motorized road - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "living_street", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "escape", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "raceway", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "busway", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "road", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "track", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "service", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "residential", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "unclassified", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "tertiary_link", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "tertiary", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "secondary_link", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "secondary", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "primary_link", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "primary", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "trunk_link", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "trunk", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "motorway_link", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "motorway", "description": "area of a motorized road (linear representation must be also present! Using only area representation is invalid!)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "taxi_stop", "description": "road area of a taxi stop (used in addition to amenity=taxi) - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "taxi_stop", "description": "road area of a taxi stop (used in addition to amenity=taxi)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "bus_stop", "description": "road area of a bus stop - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "bus_stop", "description": "road area of a bus stop (used in addition to highway=bus_stop)" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "cycleway", "description": "road area of a cycleway - pattern, part expected to be engraved" }, { "key": "area:highway", "value": "cycleway", "description": "road area of a cycleway (used in addition to highway=bus_stop)" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "haha", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "guard_rail", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "city_wall", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "wire_fence", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "hedge_bank", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "retaining_wall", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "hedge", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "wall", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "fence", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "yes", "description": "unknown barrier, assumed to be generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "haha", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "guard_rail", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "city_wall", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "wire_fence", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "hedge_bank", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "retaining_wall", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "hedge", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "wall", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "fence", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "barrier", "value": "yes", "description": "unknown barrier, assumed to be generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "natural", "value": "water", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "waterway", "value": "riverbank", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "building", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "waterway", "value": "riverbank", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "area:highway", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "foot", "value": "no", "description": "generally impassable barrier, for detecting where access is blocked" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "monorail", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "miniature", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "construction", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "preserved", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "light_rail", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "narrow_gauge", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "subway", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "tram", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "disused", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" }, { "key": "railway", "value": "rail", "description": "linear representation of a single railway track" } ] }