/*! jQuery HTML5 Form - v1.5.0 - 2013-02-19 * http://www.matiasmancini.com.ar/jquery-plugin-ajax-form-validation-html5.html * Copyright (c) 2013 Matias Mancini; Licensed MIT */ (function($){ $.fn.html5form = function(options){ $(this).each(function(){ //default configuration properties var defaults = { async : true, method : $(this).attr('method'), responseDiv : null, labels : 'show', colorOn : '#000000', colorOff : '#a1a1a1', action : $(this).attr('action'), messages : false, emptyMessage : false, emailMessage : false, allBrowsers : true }; var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, options); //Filter modern browsers if(!opts.allBrowsers){ //exit if Webkit > 533 if($.browser.webkit && parseInt($.browser.version) >= 533){ return false; } //exit if Firefox > 4 if($.browser.mozilla && parseInt($.browser.version) >= 2){ return false; } //exit if Opera > 11 if($.browser.opera && parseInt($.browser.version) >= 11){ return false; } } //Private properties var form = $(this); var required = new Array(); var email = new Array(); //Setup color & placeholder function function fillInput(input){ if(input.attr('placeholder') && input.attr('type') != 'password'){ input.val(input.attr('placeholder')); input.css('color', opts.colorOff); }else{ if(!input.data('value')){ if(input.val()!=''){ input.data('value', input.val()); } }else{ input.val(input.data('value')); } input.css('color', opts.colorOn); } } //Label hiding (if required) if(opts.labels == 'hide'){ $(this).find('label').hide(); } //Select event handler (just colors) $.each($('select', this), function(){ $(this).css('color', opts.colorOff); $(this).change(function(){ $(this).css('color', opts.colorOn); }); }); //For each textarea & visible input excluding button, submit, radio, checkbox and select $.each($(':input:visible:not(:button, :submit, :radio, :checkbox, select)', form), function(i) { //Setting color & placeholder fillInput($(this)); //Make array of required inputs if(this.getAttribute('required')!=null){ required[i]=$(this); } //Make array of Email inputs if(this.getAttribute('type')=='email'){ email[i]=$(this); } //FOCUS event attach //If input value == placeholder attribute will clear the field //If input type == url will not //In both cases will change the color with colorOn property $(this).bind('focus', function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); if(this.value == $(this).attr('placeholder')){ if(this.getAttribute('type')!='url'){ $(this).attr('value', ''); } } $(this).css('color', opts.colorOn); }); //BLUR event attach //If input value == empty calls fillInput fn //if input type == url and value == placeholder attribute calls fn too $(this).bind('blur', function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); if(this.value == ''){ fillInput($(this)); } else{ if((this.getAttribute('type')=='url') && ($(this).val()==$(this).attr('placeholder'))){ fillInput($(this)); } } }); //Limits content typing to TEXTAREA type fields according to attribute maxlength $('textarea').filter(this).each(function(){ if($(this).attr('maxlength')>0){ $(this).keypress(function(ev){ var cc = ev.charCode || ev.keyCode; if(cc == 37 || cc == 39) { return true; } if(cc == 8 || cc == 46) { return true; } if(this.value.length >= $(this).attr('maxlength')){ return false; } else{ return true; } }); } }); }); $.each($('input:submit, input:image, input:button', this), function() { $(this).bind('click', function(ev){ var emptyInput=null; var emailError=null; var input = $(':input:visible:not(:button, :submit, :radio, :checkbox, select)', form); //Search for empty fields & value same as placeholder //returns first input founded //Add messages for multiple languages $(required).each(function(key, value) { if(value==undefined){ return true; } if(($(this).val()==$(this).attr('placeholder')) || ($(this).val()=='')){ emptyInput=$(this); if(opts.emptyMessage){ //Customized empty message $(opts.responseDiv).html('


'); } else if(opts.messages=='es'){ //Spanish empty message $(opts.responseDiv).html('

El campo '+$(this).attr('title')+' es requerido.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='en'){ //English empty message $(opts.responseDiv).html('

The '+$(this).attr('title')+' field is required.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='it'){ //Italian empty message $(opts.responseDiv).html('

Il campo '+$(this).attr('title')+' é richiesto.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='de'){ //German empty message $(opts.responseDiv).html('

'+$(this).attr('title')+' ist ein Pflichtfeld.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='fr'){ //Frech empty message $(opts.responseDiv).html('

Le champ '+$(this).attr('title')+' est requis.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='nl' || opts.messages=='be'){ //Dutch messages $(opts.responseDiv).html('

'+$(this).attr('title')+' is een verplicht veld.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='br'){ //Brazilian empty message $(opts.responseDiv).html('

O campo '+$(this).attr('title')+' é obrigatório.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='br'){ $(opts.responseDiv).html("

Insira um email válido por favor.

"); } return false; } return emptyInput; }); //check email type inputs with regular expression //return first input founded $(email).each(function(key, value) { if(value==undefined){ return true; } if($(this).val().search(/[\w-\.]{3,}@([\w-]{2,}\.)*([\w-]{2,}\.)[\w-]{2,4}/i)){ emailError=$(this); return false; } return emailError; }); //Submit form ONLY if emptyInput & emailError are null //if async property is set to false, skip ajax if(!emptyInput && !emailError){ //Clear all empty value fields before Submit $(input).each(function(){ if($(this).val()==$(this).attr('placeholder')){ $(this).val(''); } }); //Submit data by Ajax if(opts.async){ var formData=$(form).serialize(); $.ajax({ url : opts.action, type : opts.method, data : formData, success : function(data){ if(opts.responseDiv){ $(opts.responseDiv).html(data); } //Reset form $(input).val(''); $.each(form[0], function(){ fillInput($(this).not(':hidden, :button, :submit, :radio, :checkbox, select')); $('select', form).each(function(){ $(this).css('color', opts.colorOff); $(this).children('option:eq(0)').attr('selected', 'selected'); }); $(':radio, :checkbox', form).removeAttr('checked'); }); } }); } else{ $(form).submit(); } }else{ if(emptyInput){ $(emptyInput).focus().select(); } else if(emailError){ //Customized email error messages (Spanish, English, Italian, German, French, Dutch) if(opts.emailMessage){ $(opts.responseDiv).html('


'); } else if(opts.messages=='es'){ $(opts.responseDiv).html('

Ingrese una dirección de correo válida por favor.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='en'){ $(opts.responseDiv).html('

Please type a valid email address.

'); } else if(opts.messages=='it'){ $(opts.responseDiv).html("

L'indirizzo e-mail non é valido.

"); } else if(opts.messages=='de'){ $(opts.responseDiv).html("

Bitte eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse eintragen.

"); } else if(opts.messages=='fr'){ $(opts.responseDiv).html("

Entrez une adresse email valide s’il vous plait.

"); } else if(opts.messages=='nl' || opts.messages=='be'){ $(opts.responseDiv).html('

Voert u alstublieft een geldig email adres in.

'); } $(emailError).select(); }else{ alert('Unknown Error'); } } return false; }); }); }); } })(jQuery);