# SCSS Compiler Initial idea and inspiration by [@sfdrummer](http://www.twitter.com/sfdrummer), with development help from [@kakersuk](https://github.com/KakersUK). A Sublime Text 3 plugin which compiles the selected SCSS to CSS in your document window. This plugin depends on ruby being installed and the `scss` compiler binary being installed via ruby gems. ### Usage Select the SCSS which you wish to compile, right click and select "Compile selected SCSS to CSS". You may need to wait a few seconds for the compilier to do it's thing, and then your SCSS should then be transformed into CSS! --- # Installation on Linux & OS X Open a Terminal window and run the following command: ``` sudo gem install sass ``` This script assumes that the `scss` binary is installed in the following location: `/usr/local/bin`. # Installation on Windows Download and install the [Ruby installer](https://rubyinstaller.org/). **Ensure the "Add Ruby executables to your PATH" is enabled during the installation process.** Open an Admin Command or PowerShell window and run the following command: ``` gem install sass ```