/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Matthias Mann * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Matthias Mann nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package slim.texture.io; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.zip.CRC32; import java.util.zip.DataFormatException; import java.util.zip.Inflater; import slim.texture.Texture; /** * A PNGDecoder. The slick PNG decoder is based on this class :) * * @author Matthias Mann */ public class PNGDecoder { public enum Format { ALPHA(1, true), LUMINANCE(1, false), LUMINANCE_ALPHA(2, true), RGB(3, false), RGBA(4, true), BGRA(4, true), ABGR(4, true); final int numComponents; final boolean hasAlpha; private Format(int numComponents, boolean hasAlpha) { this.numComponents = numComponents; this.hasAlpha = hasAlpha; } public int getNumComponents() { return numComponents; } public boolean isHasAlpha() { return hasAlpha; } } private static final byte[] SIGNATURE = {(byte)137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10}; private static final int IHDR = 0x49484452; private static final int PLTE = 0x504C5445; private static final int tRNS = 0x74524E53; private static final int IDAT = 0x49444154; private static final int IEND = 0x49454E44; private static final byte COLOR_GREYSCALE = 0; private static final byte COLOR_TRUECOLOR = 2; private static final byte COLOR_INDEXED = 3; private static final byte COLOR_GREYALPHA = 4; private static final byte COLOR_TRUEALPHA = 6; private final InputStream input; private final CRC32 crc; private final byte[] buffer; private int chunkLength; private int chunkType; private int chunkRemaining; private int width; private int height; private int bitdepth; private int colorType; private int bytesPerPixel; private byte[] palette; private byte[] paletteA; private byte[] transPixel; public PNGDecoder(InputStream input) throws IOException { this.input = input; this.crc = new CRC32(); this.buffer = new byte[4096]; readFully(buffer, 0, SIGNATURE.length); if(!checkSignature(buffer)) { throw new IOException("Not a valid PNG file"); } openChunk(IHDR); readIHDR(); closeChunk(); searchIDAT: for(;;) { openChunk(); switch (chunkType) { case IDAT: break searchIDAT; case PLTE: readPLTE(); break; case tRNS: readtRNS(); break; } closeChunk(); } if(colorType == COLOR_INDEXED && palette == null) { throw new IOException("Missing PLTE chunk"); } } public int getHeight() { return height; } public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * Checks if the image has a real alpha channel. * This method does not check for the presence of a tRNS chunk. * * @return true if the image has an alpha channel * @see #hasAlpha() */ public boolean hasAlphaChannel() { return colorType == COLOR_TRUEALPHA || colorType == COLOR_GREYALPHA; } /** * Checks if the image has transparency information either from * an alpha channel or from a tRNS chunk. * * @return true if the image has transparency * @see #hasAlphaChannel() * @see #overwriteTRNS(byte, byte, byte) */ public boolean hasAlpha() { return hasAlphaChannel() || paletteA != null || transPixel != null; } public boolean isRGB() { return colorType == COLOR_TRUEALPHA || colorType == COLOR_TRUECOLOR || colorType == COLOR_INDEXED; } /** * Overwrites the tRNS chunk entry to make a selected color transparent. *

This can only be invoked when the image has no alpha channel.


Calling this method causes {@link #hasAlpha()} to return true.

* * @param r the red component of the color to make transparent * @param g the green component of the color to make transparent * @param b the blue component of the color to make transparent * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the tRNS chunk data can't be set * @see #hasAlphaChannel() */ public void overwriteTRNS(byte r, byte g, byte b) { if(hasAlphaChannel()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("image has an alpha channel"); } byte[] pal = this.palette; if(pal == null) { transPixel = new byte[] { 0, r, 0, g, 0, b }; } else { paletteA = new byte[pal.length/3]; for(int i=0,j=0 ; i> 1)] & 255; switch(n-i) { default: dst[i+1] = (byte)(val & 15); case 1: dst[i ] = (byte)(val >> 4); } } } private void expand2(byte[] src, byte[] dst) { for(int i=1,n=dst.length ; i> 2)] & 255; switch(n-i) { default: dst[i+3] = (byte)((val ) & 3); case 3: dst[i+2] = (byte)((val >> 2) & 3); case 2: dst[i+1] = (byte)((val >> 4) & 3); case 1: dst[i ] = (byte)((val >> 6) ); } } } private void expand1(byte[] src, byte[] dst) { for(int i=1,n=dst.length ; i> 3)] & 255; switch(n-i) { default: dst[i+7] = (byte)((val ) & 1); case 7: dst[i+6] = (byte)((val >> 1) & 1); case 6: dst[i+5] = (byte)((val >> 2) & 1); case 5: dst[i+4] = (byte)((val >> 3) & 1); case 4: dst[i+3] = (byte)((val >> 4) & 1); case 3: dst[i+2] = (byte)((val >> 5) & 1); case 2: dst[i+1] = (byte)((val >> 6) & 1); case 1: dst[i ] = (byte)((val >> 7) ); } } } private void unfilter(byte[] curLine, byte[] prevLine) throws IOException { switch (curLine[0]) { case 0: // none break; case 1: unfilterSub(curLine); break; case 2: unfilterUp(curLine, prevLine); break; case 3: unfilterAverage(curLine, prevLine); break; case 4: unfilterPaeth(curLine, prevLine); break; default: throw new IOException("invalide filter type in scanline: " + curLine[0]); } } private void unfilterSub(byte[] curLine) { final int bpp = this.bytesPerPixel; for(int i=bpp+1,n=curLine.length ; i>> 1); } for(int n=curLine.length ; i>> 1); } } private void unfilterPaeth(byte[] curLine, byte[] prevLine) { final int bpp = this.bytesPerPixel; int i; for(i=1 ; i<=bpp ; ++i) { curLine[i] += prevLine[i]; } for(int n=curLine.length ; i 256 || (chunkLength % 3) != 0) { throw new IOException("PLTE chunk has wrong length"); } palette = new byte[paletteEntries*3]; readChunk(palette, 0, palette.length); } private void readtRNS() throws IOException { switch (colorType) { case COLOR_GREYSCALE: checkChunkLength(2); transPixel = new byte[2]; readChunk(transPixel, 0, 2); break; case COLOR_TRUECOLOR: checkChunkLength(6); transPixel = new byte[6]; readChunk(transPixel, 0, 6); break; case COLOR_INDEXED: if(palette == null) { throw new IOException("tRNS chunk without PLTE chunk"); } paletteA = new byte[palette.length/3]; Arrays.fill(paletteA, (byte)0xFF); readChunk(paletteA, 0, paletteA.length); break; default: // just ignore it } } private void closeChunk() throws IOException { if(chunkRemaining > 0) { // just skip the rest and the CRC skip(chunkRemaining + 4); } else { readFully(buffer, 0, 4); int expectedCrc = readInt(buffer, 0); int computedCrc = (int)crc.getValue(); if(computedCrc != expectedCrc) { throw new IOException("Invalid CRC"); } } chunkRemaining = 0; chunkLength = 0; chunkType = 0; } private void openChunk() throws IOException { readFully(buffer, 0, 8); chunkLength = readInt(buffer, 0); chunkType = readInt(buffer, 4); chunkRemaining = chunkLength; crc.reset(); crc.update(buffer, 4, 4); // only chunkType } private void openChunk(int expected) throws IOException { openChunk(); if(chunkType != expected) { throw new IOException("Expected chunk: " + Integer.toHexString(expected)); } } private void checkChunkLength(int expected) throws IOException { if(chunkLength != expected) { throw new IOException("Chunk has wrong size"); } } private int readChunk(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if(length > chunkRemaining) { length = chunkRemaining; } readFully(buffer, offset, length); crc.update(buffer, offset, length); chunkRemaining -= length; return length; } private void refillInflater(Inflater inflater) throws IOException { while(chunkRemaining == 0) { closeChunk(); openChunk(IDAT); } int read = readChunk(buffer, 0, buffer.length); inflater.setInput(buffer, 0, read); } private void readChunkUnzip(Inflater inflater, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { assert(buffer != this.buffer); try { do { int read = inflater.inflate(buffer, offset, length); if(read <= 0) { if(inflater.finished()) { throw new EOFException(); } if(inflater.needsInput()) { refillInflater(inflater); } else { throw new IOException("Can't inflate " + length + " bytes"); } } else { offset += read; length -= read; } } while(length > 0); } catch (DataFormatException ex) { throw (IOException)(new IOException("inflate error").initCause(ex)); } } private void readFully(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { do { int read = input.read(buffer, offset, length); if(read < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } offset += read; length -= read; } while(length > 0); } private int readInt(byte[] buffer, int offset) { return ((buffer[offset ] ) << 24) | ((buffer[offset+1] & 255) << 16) | ((buffer[offset+2] & 255) << 8) | ((buffer[offset+3] & 255) ); } private void skip(long amount) throws IOException { while(amount > 0) { long skipped = input.skip(amount); if(skipped < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } amount -= skipped; } } private static boolean checkSignature(byte[] buffer) { for(int i=0 ; i