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The Dolphin is well known in Haywards Heath and across Sussex as a fine country pub. A popular pub restaurant famous for great food, we have been open as a public house for over 150 years. There is always a warm welcome with roaring log fires, freshly prepared food, a great selection of real ales and a diverse wine menu for you to choose from.


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<p>Added by matt [29280 pints]</p>
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  <p id="pub-address">
    Butlers Green Road

    Haywards Heath

    RH16 4AH

      01444 413 768

    <a href="../map2450.html?lat=50.999828&amp;lng=-0.112551">View on Map</a>

    <p><a href="http://www.vintageinn.co.uk/thedolphinhaywardsheath/">View the wesbite for Dolphin</a>

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  <h3>Permanent Real Ales</h3>
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    <p>Dolphin has 0 hand pumps</p>

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<p id="description">

The Dolphin is well known in Haywards Heath and across Sussex as a fine country pub. A popular pub restaurant famous for great food, we have been open as a public house for over 150 years. There is always a warm welcome with roaring log fires, freshly prepared food, a great selection of real ales and a diverse wine menu for you to choose from.

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