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<title>The Half Way House - Edinburgh | Real Ale Hunter</title>

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<meta name="description" content="Award winning pub that is a real little gem, little being the operative word. A tiny little place that rightly claims to be Edinburgh's smallest and friendliest pub. Very close to the station, it's not great for groups as it must only be able to hold 30 or so people. A must visit pub!"/>

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			<h2>The Half Way House</h2>
<p>Added by Beer Baron [44 pints]</p>
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  <p id="pub-address">
    The Half Way House
    24 Fleshmarket


    EH1 1BX

      0131 225 7101

    <a href="../map71e4.html?lat=55.9505232&amp;lng=-3.188753">View on Map</a>

    <p><a href="http://www.halfwayhouse-edinburgh.com/realale.php">View the wesbite for The Half Way House</a>

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  <h3>Permanent Real Ales</h3>
  <p id="permanent-beers">

    <p>The Half Way House has 4 hand pumps</p>

  <h3>Ratings (1)</h3>
  <p id="ratings">
      Beer quality - 9/10
      Beer selection - 8/10
      Atmosphere - 9/10
      Price - 8/10
      Overall Opinion - 8/10
      <a href="../users/sign_in.html">Add/Edit your rating</a>

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<p id="description">
  Award winning pub that is a real little gem, little being the operative word. A tiny little place that rightly claims to be Edinburgh&#x27;s smallest and friendliest pub. Very close to the station, it&#x27;s not great for groups as it must only be able to hold 30 or so people. A must visit pub!
  <a href="../users/sign_in.html">Update the details for The Half Way House</a>

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  <h3>latest photos</h3>
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      <a href="../system/attachments/2696/medium/halfeway_houseb48c.jpg?1304448152" rel="lightbox" title="Uploaded by BENJO 2012 |  &lt;a href=_/system/attachments/2696/original/halfeway_house0366.html?1304448152%22>Download Original&lt;/a&gt;"><img alt="Uploaded by BENJO 2012 |  &lt;a href=_/system/attachments/2696/original/halfeway_house0366.html?1304448152%22>Download Original&lt;/a&gt;" src="../system/attachments/2696/thumb/halfeway_houseb48c.jpg?1304448152" /></a>


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    <a href="../users/sign_in.html">There are currently no visits for The Half Way House, click here to add one</a>


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