# MotionBuilderSublime ### A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin. Send selected Python code snippets or whole files from SublimeText to MotionBuilder via telnet. ---------- ### Installation **Easy Install** You can install this plugin directly from Sublime Package Control: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/MotionBuilder Note: Due to current naming policies, the listed package name is ```MotionBuilder``` - not ```MotionBuilderSublime```. **Manual Install** 1. clone this repo into the `SublimeText2/3 -> Preference -> Browse Packages` directory: `git clone git://github.com/matthewkapfhammer/MotionBuilderSublime.git` 2. Edit the `MotionBuilderSublime.sublime-settings` file, setting the port to match the commandPorts you have configured in MotionBuilder. 3. Optionally edit the keymap file to change the default hotkey from ctrl+alt+shift+return to something else. Note: Ideally you would make your custom changes to the user settings and not the default settings, so that they do not get overwritten when the plugin is updated. ### Usage To send a snippet, simply select some code in a Python script, and hit ctrl+alt+shift+return, or right click and choose "Send To MotionBuilder". A telnet connection will be made to a running MotionBuilder instance on the configured port matching Python, and the code will be run in MotionBuilder's environment. ### Beyond The Plugin The function that sends a Python command to MotionBuilder can also be used in any external application. See ```MotionBuilderSublime.py``` -> ```telnet_write``` ### Credits MotionBuilderSublime is inspired by and primarily based on [MayaSublime] (https://github.com/justinfx/MayaSublime) by [Justin Israel] (https://github.com/justinfx). Additional credit belongs to [Chris Evans] (https://github.com/chrisevans3d) for sharing how to handle a telnet connection to MotionBuilder in his blog post, [Creating Interactive MotionBuilder User Interface Tools] (http://www.chrisevans3d.com/pub_blog/creating-interactive-motionbuilder-user-interface-tools/).