ERB-Sublime-Snippets ==================== A collection of [Sublime Text]( snippets useful for writing [ERB]( ## Installation These snippets can now be installed via [Sublime Package Control]( If you do not use package control, simply checkout the source code into Sublime Text's packages directory. The location is system specific: ### For OSX $ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/ $ git clone git:// ERB\ Snippets ### For Windows $ cd %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ $ git clone git:// ERB\ Snippets ### For Linux $ cd ~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages/ $ git clone git:// ERB\ Snippets ## Snippets and Bindings Snippet | Tab Trigger | Output --- | --- | --- ERB tags | __er__ | `<% %>` print ERB tags | __pe__ | `<%= %>` print ERB comment | __pc__ | `<%# %>` `if` block | __if__ | `<% if %>...<% end %>` `if` / `else` block | __ife__ | `<% if %>...<% else %>...<% end %>` `else` tag | __else__ | `<% else %>` `elsif` tag | __elsif__ | `<% elsif %>` `unless` block | __unless__ | `<% unless %>...<% end %>` `end` block | __end__ | `<% end %>` `image_tag` helper | __it__ | `<%= image_tag ..., ... %>` `cl_image_tag` helper | __cli__ | `<%= cl_image_tag 'path' {`*`option`*`} %>` `submit_tag` helper | __st__ | `<%= submit_tag ..., ... %>` `text_field_tag` helper | __tft__ | `<%= text_field_tag ..., ... %>` `password_field_tag` helper | __pft__ | `<%= password_field_tag ..., ... %>` `label_tag` helper | __lblt__ | `<%= label_tag ..., ... %>` `link_to` helper | __lt__ | `<%= link_to ..., ... %>` `each` helper | __each__ | `<% `*`@things`*`.each do |`*`thing`*`| %> ... <% end %>` `form_for` helper | __ff__ | `<%= form_for(`*`@model`*`) do |f| %> ... <% end %>` `simple_form_for` helper | __sf__ | `<%= simple_form_for(`*`@model`*`) do |f| %> ... <% end %>` `f.input` helper | __fi__ | `<%= f.input ... %>` `f.button` helper | __fs__ | `<%= f.button :input ... %>` `time_ago_in_words` helper | __tw__ | `<%= time_ago_in_words(...) %>` `t()` helper | __t__ | `<%= t('`*`@model`*`') %>` ## Resolve conflicting tab trigger It is possible for the snippets in this package to conflict with other Sublime text plugins, such as the built-in Rails package or [Rails Developer Snippets]( You may want to disable unwanted snippets. ### For Sublime Text 2 Delete unwanted snippet files from `~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages//` ### For Sublime Text 3 1. Install the [PackageResourceViewer]( Package 2. Open unwanted snippets with `PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource` command and comment it out ##Questions, Comments, Concerns? Feel free to submit a pull request with any snippets you would like to add to the project. If you have any problems or suggestions you can contact me [on twitter]( ## License Released under [WTFPL, Version 2](