sublime-coffee-to-js ==================== Sublime plugin to convert coffeescript to javascript. ## Functions: * Convert .coffee file to .js (keymap - `shift+alt+f`) * Copy coffeescript to clipboard paste as javascript (keymap - `shift+alt+j`) * Convert highlighted code snippet into javascript (keymap - `shift+alt+v`) ## Requirements: Coffee to Javascript requires a coffee script binary to be accessible on the users path. This is commonly achieved using nodeJS and installing coffee through npm. ## Plugin Settings: __Default settings:__ ```json { "coffeeCommand": "coffee", // inline operations, paste, code block "inlineArgs": ["--no-header", "--bare"], // File operation only "fileArgs": ["--no-header",], "debug": false, } ``` ##### coffeeCommand This is the executable which is used to convert coffeescript to javascript. This can be changed to be another coffeescript executable (either on the path or absolute path). ##### inlineArgs These are the arguements which affect the inline functions provided by this plugin. (Convert highlighted code snippet into javascript, copy coffeescript to clipboard paste as javascript). This should be a list of strings. Default arguments will provide javascript with no header and no function wrapping. ##### fileArgs These are the arguements which will affect the file functions provided by this plugin. (Convert .coffeescript file to .js). This should be a list of strings. Default arguments will provide javascript with no header. ##### debug This option prints to console the command which is executed to convert coffeescript into javascript.