# sublime snippets for django projects This package can be found and downloaded on [package control][1] A set of useful sublime snippets for use with Django. If you have snippet which is useful with django submit a pull request or raise a github issue. ### Current snippets: #### Models * `mauto` - AutoField * `mbigint` - BigIntegerField * `mbinary` - BinaryField * `mchar` - CharField * `mcomma` - CommaSeparatedIntegerField * `mdate` - DateField * `mdatetime` - DateTimeField * `mdecimal` - DateTimeField * `mduration` - DurationField * `memail` - EmailField * `mfile` - FileField * `mfilepath` - FilePathField * `mfloat` - FloatField * `mimage` - ImageField * `mint` - IntField * `mip` - GenericIPAddressField * `mnullbool` - NullBooleanField * `mintpos` - PositiveIntegerField * `mintsmallpos` - PositiveSmallIntegerField * `mslug` - SlugField * `mintsmall` - SmallIntegerField * `mtext` - TextField * `mtime` - TimeField * `muuid` - UUIDField * `model` - basic django model * `mforeign` - ForeignKey * `mmany` - ManyToManyField * `mone` - OneToOneField #### Templates * `autoescape` - auto escape html template syntax * `block` - block template syntax * `iblock` - inline block syntax * `comment` - comment template syntax * `csrf` - csrf_token template syntax * `cycle` - basic cycle template syntax * `debug` - debug template syntax wrapped in pre tags * `extends` - extends template syntax * `filter` - filter template syntax * `firstof` - firstof template syntax * `forloop` - forloop template syntax * `if` - if template syntax * `elif` - elif partial syntax * `else` - else partial syntax * `changed` - ifchanged template syntax * `equal` - ifequal template syntax * `notequal` - ifnotequal template syntax * `include` - include template syntax * `load` - load template syntax * `lorem` - lorem template syntax * `{` - inline tags * `tag` - inline tags * `now` - now template syntax * `time` - alias to now template syntax * `blocktrans` - blocktrans template syntax * `regroup` - regroup template syntax * `spaceless` - spaceless template syntax * `ssi` - ssi template syntax * `var` - alias to `{` variable template syntax (`{{ var_name }}`) * `url` - url template syntax * `url_as` - url as template syntax * `verbatim` - verbatim template syntax * `widthratio` - widthration template syntax * `with` - with template syntax #### Commands Whilst there is currently no commands in the project I have created a loose roadmap of commands I would like to encorperate into this package. #### Aims Comprehensive set of django snippets and commands with the aim of making sublime an even more powerful django development tool. [1]:https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Django