require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' require 'digest/md5' module Jekyll module Tags class DitaaBlock < Liquid::Block @@debug = false @@output_dir = "/images/ditaa" def self.output_dir @@output_dir end @@generated_files = [ ] def self.generated_files @@generated_files end @@baseurl = "" def self.baseurl @@baseurl end def initialize(tag_name, options, tokens) super @ditaa_exists = system('which ditaa > /dev/null 2>&1') @ditaa_options = options if @ditaa_options.include? "--alt" @alt_text = @ditaa_options.scan(/--alt "([^"]*)"/).last.first @ditaa_options = @ditaa_options.sub /--alt "([">]*)"/, '' else @alt_text = "" end end def self.init_globals(site) # Get the output_dir from the config or keep the hardcoded one if not defined. if !defined?(@@first_time) @@first_time = true if ! site.config["ditaa_debug_mode"].nil? @@debug = (site.config["ditaa_debug_mode"].to_s == 'true') end if ! site.config["ditaa_output_directory"].nil? @@output_dir = site.config["ditaa_output_directory"] end if ! site.config["baseurl"].nil? @@baseurl = site.config["baseurl"] end # Verify and prepare the output folder (src) if it doesn't exist src_dir = File.join(site.source, @@output_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(src_dir) unless File.exists?(src_dir) end end def render(context) source = super site = context.registers[:site] # First time read of the configuration parameters Tags::DitaaBlock::init_globals(site) # There is always a blank line at the beginning, so we remove to get rid # of that undesired top padding in the ditaa output source.gsub!('\n', "\n") source.gsub!(/^$\n/, "") source.gsub!(/^\[\"\n/, "") source.gsub!(/\"\]$/, "") source.gsub!(/\\\\/, "\\") # compose a hash to address the file hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(source + @ditaa_options) # obtain the path of the file once generated png_name = 'ditaa-' + hash + '.png' web_path = File.join(@@baseurl, @@output_dir, png_name) png_path = File.join(site.source, @@output_dir, png_name) if @ditaa_exists # only render the new blocks if not File.exists?(png_path) args = ' ' + @ditaa_options + ' -o ' if ! @@debug args += ' >/dev/null ' # silent execution end f ='ditaa') f.write(source) f.close @png_exists = system('ditaa ' + f.path + ' ' + png_path + args) f.unlink # cleanup of temporary file end end # only if the rendering process has taken effect and was successful if File.exists?(png_path) st =, site.source, @@output_dir, png_name) @@generated_files << st site.static_files << st return '' + @alt_text +'' else # return the code if failure return '
' + source + '
' end end end end # clean up process in Site::write class Site # override variable (to keep previous version) alias :super_ditaa_write :write def write super_ditaa_write # calling super output_dir = Tags::DitaaBlock::output_dir # create the destination folder for the rendered images (dest) dest_folder = File.join(dest, output_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_folder) unless File.exists?(dest_folder) # get a list of all the generated files src_files = [] Tags::DitaaBlock::generated_files.each do |f| src_files << f.path end # get a list of all the already present files pre_files = Dir.glob(File.join(source, output_dir, 'ditaa-*.png')) # clean all previously rendered files not rendered in the actual build to_remove = pre_files - src_files to_remove.each do |f| File.unlink f if File.exists?(f) d, fn = File.split(f) df = File.join(dest, output_dir, fn) File.unlink df if File.exists?(df) end end end end # Register the tag Liquid::Template.register_tag('ditaa', Jekyll::Tags::DitaaBlock)