#!/bin/sh ############################################################################ # _ # # _ __ (_)_____ ___ ____ _____ # # | | /| / // // ___// _ \ / __ \ / ___/ # # | |/ |/ // // /__ / __// / / /(__ ) # # |__/|__//_/ \___/ \___//_/ /_//____/ # # # # WAN IP Change Email Notification Script # # # ############################################################################ # Thanks to all who contribute(d) at SNBforums, pieces of your code are here ;) # shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC3045,SC2034,SC3003,SC3046,SC1090,SC2154,SC2005,SC2104 # disable notices about posix compliant -s reads unused vars hex/backspace in pswd check # source unfoundvars echo with command continue in function # written by maverickcdn # github.com/maverickcdn/wicens # SNBforums thread https://www.snbforums.com/threads/wicens-wan-ip-change-email-notification-script.69294/ [ "$1" = 'debug' ] && shift && set -x # START ############################################################################################################### script_version='3.41' script_ver_date='Apr 15 2023' current_core_config='3.0' # version of core(update) config (F_default_update_create) current_user_config='3.1' # version of user config (F_default_create) script_name="$(basename "$0")" script_name_full="/jffs/scripts/$script_name" script_dir='/jffs/addons/wicens' [ ! -d "$script_dir" ] && mkdir "$script_dir" script_git_src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maverickcdn/wicens/master/wicens.sh' git_get="/usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 5 $script_git_src" config_src="${script_dir}/wicens_user_config.wic" # user settings update_src="${script_dir}/wicens_update_conf.wic" # core config file script_backup_file="${script_dir}/wicens_user_config.backup" # user settings backup history_src="${script_dir}/wicens_wan_history.wic" # historical wan ip change file history_src_backup="${script_dir}/wicens_history_src.bak" # historical wan ip change file backup mail_file='/tmp/wicens_email.txt' # temp file for mail text mail_log="${script_dir}/wicens_email.log" # log file for sendmail/curl wicens_send_retry='/tmp/wicens_send.retry' # retry count file for send option wicens_send_copy='/tmp/wicens_user_email.txt' # backup of email for send option in retries wicens_update_retry='/tmp/wicens_update.retry' # retry count file for script update notifications wicens_fw_retry='/tmp/wicens_fw.retry' # retry count file for fw update notifications wicens_wanip_retry='/tmp/wicens_wanip.retry' # retry count file for wan ip change notifications script_lock='/tmp/wicens.lock' # script temp lock file script_mail_lock='/tmp/wicenssendmail.lock' # script temp lock file2 (email) cred_loc="${script_dir}/.wicens_cred.enc" cred_loc_bak="${cred_loc}bak" amtm_email_conf='/jffs/addons/amtm/mail/email.conf' amtm_cred_loc='/jffs/addons/amtm/mail/emailpw.enc' amtm_d='L3Vzci9zYmluL29wZW5zc2wgMj4vZGV2L251bGwgYWVzLTI1Ni1jYmMgLXBia2RmMiAtZCAtaW4gL2pmZnMvYWRkb25zL2FtdG0vbWFpbC9lbWFpbHB3LmVuYyAtcGFzcyBwYXNzOmRpdGJhYm90LGlzb2kK' user_e='L3Vzci9zYmluL29wZW5zc2wgZW5jIC1tZCBzaGE1MTIgLXBia2RmMiAtYWVzLTI1Ni1jYmMgLWEgLXNhbHQgLXBhc3MgcGFzczoiJChGX252cmFtX2dldCBib2FyZG51bSB8IC9iaW4vc2VkIHMvOi8vZykiIHwgdHIgLWQgIlxuIgo=' user_d='L3Vzci9zYmluL29wZW5zc2wgZW5jIC1tZCBzaGE1MTIgLXBia2RmMiAtYWVzLTI1Ni1jYmMgLWQgLWEgLXBhc3MgcGFzczoiJChGX252cmFtX2dldCBib2FyZG51bSB8IC9iaW4vc2VkIHMvOi8vZykiCg==' # script misc ######################################################################################################### F_ctrlc_clean() { printf '\n\n%b Script interrupted...\n' "$tTERMHASH" ; F_clean_exit ;} # CTRL+C catch with trap trap F_ctrlc_clean INT # trap ctrl+c exit clean ip_regex='([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}' current_wan_ip='' passed_options="$1" [ "$1" = '' ] && passed_options='manual' # used to show manual vs cron/test/wancall/fwupdate/send run F_replace_var() { sed -i "1,/${1}=.*/{s/${1}=.*/${1}=\'${2}\'/;}" "$3" ;} # 1=var to change 2=new var string 3=file F_chmod() { chmod a+rx "$1" ;} F_crlf() { if grep -q $'\x0D' "$1" 2>/dev/null ; then dos2unix "$1" ; fi ;} # crlf F_nvram_get() { nvram get "$1" ;} F_date() { if [ "$1" = 'sec' ] ; then /bin/date +'%s' elif [ "$1" = 'full' ] ; then /bin/date +'%a %b %d %Y @ %T' fi } # terminal/logging functions ########################################################################################## F_terminal_show() { printf -- '%b %s\n' "$tTERMHASH" "$1" ;} F_terminal_padding() { printf '\n' ;} F_terminal_separator() { printf '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n' ;} F_terminal_entry() { printf '%b %s' "$tTERMHASH" "$1" ;} F_terminal_check() { printf '%b %s' "$tCHECK" "$1" ;} F_terminal_check_ok() { printf '\r%b %s\n' "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$1" ;} F_terminal_check_fail() { printf '\r%b %s\n' "$tERASE$tCHECKFAIL" "$1" ;} F_terminal_header_print() { printf '%b %s %b%s%b\n' "$tTERMHASH" "$1" "$tGRN" "$2" "$tCLR" ;} F_terminal_header_print_d() { printf '%b %s %b%s%b\n' "$tTERMHASH" "$1" "$tRED" "$2" "$tCLR" ;} F_terminal_warning() { printf '%b%45s\n%45s\n%45s%b\n\n' "$tRED" "#################" "# WARNING #" "#################" "$tCLR" ;} F_fail_entry() { F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, any key to retry" && read -rsn1 "invalidwait" && printf '%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" && continue ;} F_log() { printf '%s: %s' "$passed_options" "$1" | /usr/bin/logger -t "wicens[$$]" ;} F_log_show() { F_log "$1" ; F_terminal_show "$1" ;} F_log_terminal_ok() { F_terminal_check_ok "$1" ; F_log "$1" ;} F_log_terminal_fail() { F_terminal_check_fail "$1" ; F_log "$1" ;} F_sleep() { F_terminal_check "Importing..." ; usleep 150000 ;} F_terminal_color() { tGRN="\033[1;32m" ; tRED="\033[1;31m" ; tPUR="\033[1;95m" ; tYEL="\033[1;93m" ; tCLR="\033[0m" ; tERASE="\033[2K" ; tBACK="\033[1A" # user no color [ "$opt_color" = 'no' ] && tGRN='' && tRED='' && tPUR='' && tYEL='' && tCLR='' tCHECK="[${tYEL}WAIT${tCLR}]" ; tCHECKOK="[${tGRN} OK${tCLR} ]" ; tCHECKFAIL="[${tRED}FAIL${tCLR}]" ; tTERMHASH="[${tPUR}-##-${tCLR}]" } F_confirm() { while true ; do if [ "$1" = 'correct' ] ; then printf '%bIs %b correct? | Y||y or N||n' "$(F_terminal_check)" "${tGRN}${2}${tCLR}" else printf '%b%s | Y||y or N||n' "$(F_terminal_check)" "$1" fi read -rsn1 ynentry case $ynentry in Y|y) return 0 ;; N|n) return 1 ;; E|e) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_fail_entry ;; esac break done } ### confirm F_menu_wait() { wait_time="$1" while [ "$wait_time" != '0' ] ; do printf "%b Loading menu in %s secs... any key to skip " "$tCHECK" "$wait_time" wait_time=$((wait_time - 1)) waiting=zzz read -rsn1 -t1 waiting if [ ${#waiting} -le 1 ] ; then break fi printf '\r%b' "$tERASE" done } ### menu_wait # vars from user config below ######################################################################################### F_user_settings() { [ ! -f "$update_src" ] && F_default_update_create && F_chmod "$update_src" # first run create core [ ! -f "$config_src" ] && F_default_create && F_chmod "$config_src" # first run create user default source "$config_src" source "$update_src" F_terminal_color # load user terminal settings F_integrity_check # confirm configs are up to date re-source if updated F_settings_test # sets var if valid configured config_src exists or not (used by Menu and F_ready_check for autorun) user_custom_subject_decoded="$(echo "$user_custom_subject" | /usr/sbin/openssl base64 -d)" user_custom_text_decoded="$(echo "$user_custom_text" | /usr/sbin/openssl base64 -d)" user_custom_script_decoded="$(echo "$user_custom_script" | /usr/sbin/openssl base64 -d)" if [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'i' ] || [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'I' ] ; then user_script_call_time='immediate' elif [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'w' ] || [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'W' ] ; then user_script_call_time='wait' fi original_wan_ip="$(grep 'saved_wan_ip' 2>/dev/null < "$config_src" | grep -Eo "$ip_regex")" original_wan_date="$(grep 'saved_wan_date' 2>/dev/null < "$config_src" | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d "'")" original_wan_epoch="$(grep 'saved_wan_epoch' 2>/dev/null < "$config_src" | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d "'")" if [ "$update_cron_epoch" -gt 0 ] ; then update_diff=$((run_epoch - update_cron_epoch)) ; else update_diff="$update_period" ; fi # update_cron_epoch comes from core config (default=0) } # function to be reloadable on restore # firmware check ###################################################################################################### F_firmware_check() { F_fw_valid() { if [ "$build_no" = '384' ] && [ "$build_sub" -lt 15 ] ; then return 1 elif [ "$build_no" = '374' ] && [ "$john_sub" -lt 48 ] ; then return 1 fi } [ "$build_no" = '374' ] && john_sub=${build_extend:0:2} if ! F_fw_valid ; then F_terminal_header F_terminal_check_fail "Sorry this version of firmware is not compatible, please update to 384.15 or newer, or 374 LTS release 48 or newer to utilize this script" F_terminal_padding rm -d "$script_dir" F_clean_exit fi pulled_device_name="$(F_nvram_get lan_hostname)" pulled_lan_name="$(F_nvram_get lan_domain)" if [ -z "$(F_nvram_get odmpid)" ] ; then device_model="$(F_nvram_get productid)" ; else device_model="$(F_nvram_get odmpid)" ; fi F_replace_var fw_pulled_device_name "$pulled_device_name" "$update_src" F_replace_var fw_pulled_lan_name "$pulled_lan_name" "$update_src" F_replace_var fw_device_model "$device_model" "$update_src" F_replace_var fw_build_no "$build_no" "$update_src" if [ "$build_no" = '374' ] ; then F_replace_var fw_build_sub "$john_sub" "$update_src" ; else F_replace_var fw_build_sub "$build_sub" "$update_src" ; fi F_replace_var fw_build_extend "$build_extend" "$update_src" source "$update_src" if [ "$1" = 'fwupdate' ] ; then F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_padding F_log_show "core config v${update_settings_version} updated for new router firmware version" sleep 3 else F_log "core config v${update_settings_version} updated with router config" fi } # alias ############################################################################################################### F_alias() { if [ ! -f '/jffs/configs/profile.add' ] ; then echo "alias wicens=\"/bin/sh ${script_name_full}\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" > /jffs/configs/profile.add elif ! grep -q "alias wicens=" '/jffs/configs/profile.add' ; then echo "alias wicens=\"/bin/sh ${script_name_full}\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add fi } # alias only checked on manual runs # MENU OPTIONS ######################################################################################################## ####################################################################################################################### F_opt_about() { clear { # start of | more printf " WICENS - WAN IP Change Email Notification Script \n\n" printf "This script when configured will send an Email (1-4) at variable intervals \n" printf "X(second/minute/hour/day) to your Email(s) notifying you when your WAN IP \n" printf "has changed. \n\n" printf "Supports GMail, Hotmail, Outlook, ISP based Email \n\n" printf "Supports AMTM Email config import \n\n" printf "SMTP Email send formats available: \n" printf "sendmail - StartTLS v1.1 higher (eg. GMail port 587) \n" printf "sendmail - StartTLS v1 only \n" printf "curl - SSL (eg GMail port 465) \n" printf "sendmail - SMTP plain auth (no encryption) \n" printf "sendmail - ISP based (no password reqd, generally port 25) \n\n" printf "IMPORTANT - If using GMail, you must use 2 factor authentication and setup \n" printf "an assigned App password in GMail for this script to use. \n\n" printf "IMPORTANT - Your Email address(es) are stored as plain text within this \n" printf "script. Your Email password is encrypted and saved to router storage. \n" printf "If you dont practice good security habits around your router ssh access, \n" printf "this script might not be for you. \n\n" printf "Script compares IP in NVRAM to saved IP with wancall connected events and \n" printf "cron, cron is also a watchdog and monitors for failed Email attempts. \n" printf "Should NVRAM IP be unavailable for whatever reason script will use \n" printf "firmware built in getrealip.sh to retrieve your WAN IP using Google STUN \n" printf "server. \n\n" printf "Script will display a notification if an update is available. \n\n" printf "All cron/wan-event entries are automatically created with this script \n\n" printf "NTP sync must occur to update router date/time for proper script function\n\n" printf "### Technical ###\n\n" printf "Supports being used as an Email forwarder for other scripts, in your \n" printf "script call /jffs/scripts/wicens.sh send {your email.txt path here} \n" printf "ie. /jffs/scripts/wicens.sh send /tmp/email.txt \n" printf "Your email.txt should contain a Subject: Date: From: fields as headers \n" printf "In your script when generating email.txt use \n" printf "echo \"Subject: My Email notification\" >> /tmp/email.txt \n" printf "echo \"Date: \$(/bin/date -R)\" >> /tmp/email.txt \n" printf "echo \"From: Myscript\" >> /tmp/email.txt \n" printf "echo \"\" \n\n" printf "Ensure there is 1 line space between header info and text body. \n\n" printf "Should Email sending fail with either WAN IP change or forwarder the \n" printf "script will retry 4 more times with cron (1/10min) in 6 hour intervals. \n" printf "If FW update or script update Emails fail 5 times it will give up trying. \n" printf "Script generates a lock file in /tmp called wicens.lock to prevent \n" printf "duplicate runs as well as another file in /tmp called wicenssendmail.lock \n" printf "when sending Email notifications. Script will automatically remove (with \n" printf "cron) stale lock files if original starting process no longer exists or \n" printf "lock files are over age limit. \n\n" printf "Sendmail/Curl output for Emails is saved to /tmp/wicenssendmail.log for \n" printf "debugging if needed. This file can be viewed by running this script and \n" printf "select option L||l \n\n" printf "Sendmail doesnt always return an error code on a misconfiguration so false \n" printf "send success can occur. If script says Email has sent but no Email received\n" printf "use option L||l from the Main Menu to read sendmail output for errors\n\n" printf "The script does not update its saved WAN IP until the script has completed \n" printf "sending all notifications and adds to the Email message of success or \n" printf "failure in updating it, so in the event of message failure it should run \n" printf "again with next cron run and attempt to send again.\n\n" printf "Using option 4 you can call your own script either immediately upon WAN IP \n" printf "change detection, or wait until all Email messages have been sent and \n" printf "script has successfully updated. Script will be put in background as to not\n" printf "block this script \n\n" printf "Every Sunday the script will log the number of calls from wan-event. \n\n" printf "Thank you for using this script. \n\n" printf "SNBforums thread https://www.snbforums.com/threads/wicens-wan-ip-change-email-notification-script.69294/ \n\n" } | more F_menu_exit } ### about F_opt_amtm() { if [ "$1" = 'check' ] ; then if [ -f "$amtm_email_conf" ] ; then # check vars without sourcing file for var_set_check in FROM_ADDRESS TO_NAME TO_ADDRESS FROM_ADDRESS USERNAME SMTP PORT PROTOCOL ; do pull_var="$(grep "$var_set_check" $amtm_email_conf | cut -d"=" -f2 | tr -d '"')" [ -z "$pull_var" ] && return 1 done # ensure pswd file exists if [ -f "$amtm_cred_loc" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi else return 1 fi elif [ "$1" = 'import' ] ; then building_settings='yes' F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_padding if [ "$2" = 'update' ] ; then F_terminal_header F_log_show "Detected updated AMTM config, updating wicens" fi source "$amtm_email_conf" # write AMTM config to wicens F_replace_var user_from_addr "$USERNAME" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Imported send from/login address - $USERNAME" F_sleep F_replace_var user_send_to_addr "$TO_ADDRESS" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Imported send to address - $TO_ADDRESS" F_sleep F_replace_var user_from_name "$FROM_ADDRESS" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Imported from address - $FROM_ADDRESS" F_sleep F_replace_var user_smtp_server "${SMTP}:${PORT}" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Imported server address/port - ${SMTP}:${PORT}" F_sleep F_replace_var user_message_type "smtp_ssl" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Set server type to SSL req'd" F_sleep if [ "$2" != 'update' ] ; then # dont overwrite if updating, user may have changed in wicens menu F_replace_var user_message_count "1" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Set Email message count to 1 notification" F_sleep fi F_replace_var protocol "$PROTOCOL" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Imported server protocol - $PROTOCOL" F_sleep if [ -n "$SSL_FLAG" ] ; then F_replace_var ssl_flag "$SSL_FLAG" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Imported SSL flag $SSL_FLAG" fi # pswd not found warning, should never hit this if [ ! -f "$amtm_cred_loc" ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Error, missing Email password from AMTM" F_terminal_show "Configure Email login password from wicens menu" else amtm_pswd="$(eval "$(echo "$amtm_d" | openssl base64 -d)" )" user_pswd_encrypt="$(echo "$amtm_pswd" | eval "$(echo "$user_e" | openssl base64 -d)" )" if [ -n "$user_pswd_encrypt" ] ; then echo "$user_pswd_encrypt" > "$cred_loc" F_chmod "$cred_loc" F_log_terminal_ok "Imported password successfully encrypted and saved" else F_log_terminal_fail "Failed decrypting/encrypting saved AMTM password" F_terminal_show "Configure Email login password from wicens menu" fi amtm_pswd= user_pswd_encrypt= fi # set imported flag, change script configured date F_replace_var amtm_import 0 "$config_src" F_replace_var created_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" F_log_terminal_ok "Import complete" echo "# Imported from AMTM config on $run_date" >> "$config_src" source "$config_src" [ -z "$saved_wan_ip" ] && F_saved_wan_ip_create # below only with new import if [ "$2" != 'update' ] && [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Enabling WAN IP notifications..." F_auto_run add F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "T||t Send Test Email - E||e Exit - Any key to return to the Main Menu" read -rsn1 setupwait case $setupwait in t|T) rm -f "$script_lock" && exec /bin/sh "$script_name_full" test ;; E|e) printf "\r%b" "$tERASE" && F_clean_exit ;; *) F_clean_exit reload ;; esac fi elif [ "$1" = 'confirm' ] ; then source "$amtm_email_conf" # sync check if [ "$user_from_addr" != "$USERNAME" ] || [ "$user_send_to_addr" != "$TO_ADDRESS" ] || \ [ "$user_from_name" != "$FROM_ADDRESS" ] || [ "$user_smtp_server" != "${SMTP}:${PORT}" ] || \ [ "$user_message_type" != "smtp_ssl" ] || [ "$protocol" != "$PROTOCOL" ] || \ [ "$ssl_flag" != "$SSL_FLAG" ] ; then F_opt_amtm import update [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] && F_menu_wait 10 fi # sync pswd check amtm_pswd="$(eval "$(echo "$amtm_d" | openssl base64 -d)" )" user_pswd_enc="$(echo "$amtm_pswd" | eval "$(echo "$user_e" | openssl base64 -d)" )" user_pswd="$(eval "$(echo "$user_d" | openssl base64 -d)" < "$cred_loc")" if [ "$amtm_pswd" != "$user_pswd" ] ; then F_terminal_header F_log_terminal_ok "Detected new saved password in AMTM, updated wicens with new password" echo "$user_pswd_enc" > "$cred_loc" sync_updated='Y' fi amtm_pswd= user_pswd_enc= user_pswd= [ "$passed_options" != 'cron' ] || [ "$passed_options" != 'wancall' ] && [ "$sync_updated" = 'Y' ] && F_menu_wait 20 fi } ### amtm_import F_opt_backup_restore() { F_backup() { if [ -f "$script_backup_file" ] ; then while true; do F_terminal_warning ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "Backup file exists, Y||y to overwrite - Any key to return to Main Menu" read -rsn1 configremove case $configremove in y|Y) rm -f "$script_backup_file" ; printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" ;; *) F_clean_exit reload;; esac break done fi F_terminal_check "Starting backup" if cp "$config_src" "$script_backup_file" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Backup successful, saved to $script_backup_file" echo "# Backup created $(F_date full)" >> "$script_backup_file" if [ -f "$history_src" ] ; then cp "$history_src" "$history_src_backup" fi if [ "$user_message_type" != 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] ; then if [ -f "$cred_loc" ] ; then if cp "$cred_loc" "$cred_loc_bak" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Password backup successful" else F_terminal_check_fail"Error backing up password" fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Couldn't find password to backup" fi else # cleanup if smtp_isp_nopswd if [ -f "$cred_loc_bak" ] ; then rm -f "$cred_loc_bak" fi fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Critical error, backup failed, could not output to $script_backup_file" fi [ "$1" = 'resetbackup' ] && F_terminal_check "Any key to continue..." && read -rsn1 rstbakwait } # backup F_restore() { source "$script_backup_file" F_status F_terminal_show "File history:" sed -n "/# Created/,/&/p" "$script_backup_file" F_terminal_padding if ! F_confirm "Do you wish to restore this config?" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "No received, exiting..." F_menu_exit fi F_terminal_check_ok "Ok received" F_terminal_check "Restoring backup" if cp -f "$script_backup_file" "$config_src" ; then echo "# File restored from backup on $(F_date full)" >> "$config_src" F_replace_var created_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" source "$config_src" if [ -f "$history_src_backup" ] ; then cp "$history_src_backup" "$history_src" fi F_user_settings # reload custom_decoded etc for status if [ "$user_fw_update_notification" = '0' ] ; then F_fw_updates add fi F_status F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check_ok "Done restoring backup settings to script" if [ "$user_message_type" != 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] ; then if [ -f "$cred_loc_bak" ] ; then if cp "$cred_loc_bak" "$cred_loc" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Successfully restored backed up password" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error restoring backed up password" fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, no backed up password found, use Main Menu option P||p" fi fi F_terminal_check_ok "Enabling WAN IP notifications..." F_auto_run add else F_terminal_check_fail "Critical error copying backup to script" fi } # restore [ "$1" = 'resetbackup' ] && F_backup resetbackup && return 0 # from F_reset valid config incase want to save before reset F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_padding printf "%bBackup/Restore Settings Menu %b \n" "$tTERMHASH $tYEL" "$tCLR" ; F_terminal_padding if [ "$settings_test" != 'OK' ] && [ ! -f "$script_backup_file" ] ; then F_terminal_warning ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_check_fail "Error invalid current settings and no backup found to restore" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_show "Use Menu option 1 to edit settings" ; F_terminal_padding F_menu_exit fi while true; do if [ -f "$script_backup_file" ] ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Backup found! R||r to restore settings D||d to delete backup" ; F_terminal_padding else F_terminal_check_fail "No backup found to restore" ; F_terminal_padding fi if [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Valid config found! B||b to backup current config" ; F_terminal_padding else F_terminal_check_fail "No valid config to backup, Main Menu option 1 to add a config" ; F_terminal_padding fi F_terminal_show "E|e to return to the Main Menu" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Selection : " read -r bandrwait case $bandrwait in D|d) printf '%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" F_terminal_check_ok "Delete backup selected" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_warning if ! F_confirm "This will delete your backup, are you sure?" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "No received, exiting..." F_menu_exit fi if [ -f "$script_backup_file" ] ; then rm -f "$script_backup_file" F_terminal_check_ok "Saved backup removed" [ -f "$cred_loc_bak" ] && rm -f "$cred_loc_bak" F_menu_exit else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, no saved backup to delete" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_check "Any key to return to the Main Menu" read -rsn1 nobackupwait F_clean_exit reload fi ;; B|b) if [ "$settings_test" != 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Error, no valid config found to backup" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Any key to return to the Main Menu" read -rsn1 backupwait F_clean_exit reload else printf '%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" F_terminal_check_ok "B selected for backup" F_backup F_menu_exit fi ;; R|r) if [ -f "$script_backup_file" ] ; then printf '%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" F_terminal_check_ok "R selected for restore" F_restore F_menu_exit else printf '%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, no valid backup exists" read -rsn1 invalwait F_opt_backup_restore continue fi ;; E|e) F_clean_exit reload ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, B/R/D - any key to retry, E return to Main Menu" read -rsn1 brinvalid case $brinvalid in e|E) F_clean_exit reload ;; *) F_opt_backup_restore ;; esac ;; esac break done } ### backup_restore F_opt_color() { F_terminal_padding if [ "$opt_color" = 'yes' ] ; then printf '%b' "$tBACK" F_terminal_check "Setting script to no color mode" F_replace_var opt_color "no" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Done, set to no color mode, return to the Main Menu to view changes" elif [ "$opt_color" = 'no' ] ; then printf '%b' "$tBACK" F_terminal_check "Setting script to color mode" F_replace_var opt_color "yes" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Done, set to color mode, return to the Main Menu to view changes" fi F_menu_exit } ### color F_opt_count() { F_terminal_header printf "%b %bCounts Reset Menu%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_header_print "Number of cron checks : " "$cron_run_count" F_terminal_header_print "Number of wan-event checks : " "$wancall_run_count" [ -n "$last_cron_run" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Last monitored with cron : " "$last_cron_run" [ -n "$last_wancall_run" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Last ran with wan-event : " "$last_wancall_run" [ -n "$last_ip_change" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Last IP change : " "$last_ip_change" F_terminal_header_print "IP changes recorded : " "$ip_change_count" F_terminal_header_print "Script configured on : " "$created_date" F_terminal_show '---------------------------------------------------------------------' F_terminal_padding F_terminal_warning F_terminal_show "This will reset cron/wan-event check counts and configured date" F_terminal_padding if F_confirm "Are you sure you wish to reset?" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Ok received, resetting counts..." F_terminal_check "Resetting script wan-event/cron count and install date" F_replace_var cron_run_count 0 "$config_src" F_replace_var last_cron_run "''" "$config_src" F_replace_var wancall_run_count 0 "$config_src" F_replace_var last_wancall_run "''" "$config_src" F_replace_var last_wancall_log_count 0 "$config_src" F_replace_var created_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" F_log_terminal_ok "Reset cron count, wan-event count and configured date" if [ -n "$last_ip_change" ] ; then if F_confirm "Do you want to reset last recorded WAN IP change date and count?" ; then F_replace_var last_ip_change "never" "$config_src" F_replace_var ip_change_count 0 "$config_src" F_log_terminal_ok "Reset last recorded WAN IP change date" else F_terminal_check_ok "Keeping WAN IP change records" fi fi if [ -f "$history_src" ] ; then if F_confirm "Do you want to remove historical WAN IP change file?" ; then rm -f "$history_src" else F_terminal_check_ok "Keeping historical WAN IP change records" fi fi else F_terminal_check_ok "No received, exiting..." fi F_menu_exit } ### count F_opt_custom() { F_terminal_header printf "%b %bCustom Text Entry Menu - E||e to exit%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" ; F_terminal_padding F_ready_check options if [ -z "$user_custom_text" ] ; then F_terminal_show "Enter your line of custom plain text to add to the Email message(s)" F_terminal_show "eg. Router hidden in moms closet, 2 vpn clients to update" F_terminal_show "Entry must be one line, can use \\n to create new line in Email msg" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Text : " read -r user_custom_text_entry F_terminal_padding # ensure we empty any saved vars if brought here by N new entry but left entry blank [ -z "$user_custom_text_entry" ] && F_replace_var user_custom_text "" "$config_src" && return 0 case $user_custom_text_entry in e|E) F_menu_exit ;; esac if F_confirm correct "$user_custom_text_entry" ; then custom_text_encoded="$(echo "$user_custom_text_entry" | /usr/sbin/openssl base64 | tr -d '\n')" # base64 no worries of sed conflicts if F_replace_var user_custom_text "$custom_text_encoded" "$config_src" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Done writing custom text to script" user_custom_text="$user_custom_text_entry" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, sed failed writing custom text to script" fi else return 1 fi else F_terminal_show "Custom text already set :" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "$user_custom_text_decoded" ; F_terminal_padding while true ; do F_terminal_check "Y||y keep - N||n enter new - R||r remove current " read -rsn1 yesornowremove case $yesornowremove in Y|y) F_terminal_check_ok "Keeping currently saved custom text" ;; N|n) user_custom_text='' ; return 1 ;; R|r) if F_replace_var user_custom_text "" "$config_src" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Done, custom text cleared" user_custom_text='' else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, sed failed to reset custom text" F_clean_exit fi ;; E|e) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, Y||y N||n R||r - Any to key to retry" read -rsn1 invalidwait printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" continue ;; esac break done fi } ### custom_text F_opt_disable() { F_terminal_header printf "%b %bWAN IP notification disable Menu%b \n\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" F_terminal_warning F_terminal_show "This will remove all auto start entries in wan-event, cron, and" F_terminal_show "services-start. Saved configuration will be kept." F_terminal_show "You will not receive an Email notification if your WAN IP changes." F_terminal_show "Nor will you receive notification of script updates if enabled." F_terminal_show "Firmware update notifications will continue if enabled, but will" F_terminal_show "not have the redundacy failback of cron runs" F_terminal_show "Use Main Menu option M||m to re-enable notifications." ; F_terminal_padding if F_confirm "Are you sure you wish to disable?" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Ok received, disabling..." F_auto_run remove else F_terminal_check_ok "No received, exiting..." fi F_menu_exit } ### disable F_opt_error() { if [ -f "$mail_log" ] ; then F_terminal_show "Contents of last Email send log : " more < "$mail_log" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_check_ok "End of contents." F_menu_exit else F_terminal_show "No log file found" F_menu_exit fi } # error F_opt_forward() { [ -n "$fwd_send_addr" ] && user_send_to_addr="$fwd_send_addr" cp "$fwd_send_msg" "$wicens_send_copy" 2> /dev/null # copy incase send fails and user has email removed in their script ln -s "$fwd_send_msg" "$mail_file" # symlink user Email to script Email source rm -f "$mail_log" 2> /dev/null if [ ! -f "$wicens_send_retry" ] ; then { echo "#/bin/sh" echo "fwd_send_msg='${wicens_send_copy}'" echo "fwd_send_addr='${user_send_to_addr}'" echo "wicens_send_retry_time='${run_epoch}'" echo "# Attempting to send $fwd_send_msg to $user_send_to_addr $(F_date full)" } > "$wicens_send_retry" F_chmod "$wicens_send_retry" else echo "# Attempting to send $fwd_send_msg to $user_send_to_addr $(F_date full)" >> "$wicens_send_retry" fi internet_check_count=0 until F_internet_check send ; do : ; done if ! F_send_message ; then F_log "Error, failed to send $fwd_send_msg Email to $user_send_to_addr" user_pswd='' rm -f "$mail_file" return 1 fi user_pswd='' rm -f "$mail_file" rm -f "$wicens_send_retry" rm -f "$wicens_send_copy" F_log_terminal_ok "Success, finished sending $fwd_send_msg Email to $user_send_to_addr" } ### forward F_opt_fw_notifications() { if F_ready_check ; then if [ "$user_fw_update_notification" = 1 ] ; then if [ "$fw_build_no" = '374' ] ; then F_terminal_show "Sorry, this version of firmware is not compatible" F_menu_exit else F_fw_updates add fi elif [ "$user_fw_update_notification" = 0 ] ; then F_fw_updates remove fi else F_terminal_padding F_terminal_check_fail "Error, no/invalid Email settings, use Main Menu option 1 to edit settings" fi F_menu_exit } # fw_notifications F_opt_notifications() { if F_ready_check ; then if [ "$user_update_notification" = 1 ] ; then if F_auto_run checkall ; then F_log_terminal_ok "Enabling Email notifications for script updates" F_replace_var user_update_notification 0 "$config_src" F_menu_exit else F_log_terminal_fail "Error, WAN IP notifications MUST be enabled for script update notifications" F_menu_exit fi elif [ "$user_update_notification" = 0 ] ; then F_log_terminal_ok "Disabling Email notifications for script updates" F_replace_var user_update_notification 1 "$config_src" F_menu_exit fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, no/invalid Email settings, use Main Menu option 1 to edit settings" F_menu_exit fi } # notifications F_opt_manual() { F_ready_check F_status F_auto_run add if ! F_do_compare ; then F_send_mail fi } ### manual run called by option m in menu F_opt_pswd() { if F_ready_check pswdset ; then until F_smtp_pswd ; do : ; done F_menu_exit fi } ### pswd F_opt_remove() { F_terminal_padding if [ -f "$script_lock" ] ; then process_id="$(/bin/sed -n '2p' "$script_lock")" # pid process_created="$(/bin/sed -n '5p' "$script_lock")" # started on if [ -d "/proc/$process_id" ] ; then # process that created exist F_terminal_show "Process exists attached to lock file.... killing process" /bin/kill -9 "$process_id" 2> /dev/null printf "%b Killed process %s and deleting lock file %s" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$process_id" "$process_created" F_terminal_padding F_log "Killed old process $process_id and deleting lock file $process_created" fi F_terminal_check "Removing lock file 1 of 2" rm -f "$script_lock" F_terminal_check_ok "Removed lock file 1 of 2 " else F_terminal_check_fail "1st lock file not present" fi F_terminal_check "Removing lock file 2 of 2" if [ -f "$script_mail_lock" ] ; then rm -f "$script_mail_lock" F_terminal_check_ok "Removed lock file 2 of 2 " else F_terminal_check_fail "2nd lock file not present" fi F_terminal_check "Removing retry file" if [ -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" ] ; then rm -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" F_terminal_check_ok "Removed WAN IP retry file" else F_terminal_check_fail "WAN IP retry file not present" fi F_terminal_check_ok "Exiting." F_terminal_padding exit 0 } ### remove F_opt_reset() { if [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header printf "%b %bScript Reset Menu - E||e to Exit%b \n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_warning F_terminal_check_ok "Found valid config" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "You're about to reset, would you like to make a backup?" ; F_terminal_padding while true; do F_terminal_check "B||b to create a backup, R||r to reset without backup, E||e to exit" read -rsn1 backup_wait case $backup_wait in B|b) F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_check_ok "Creating backup" ; F_opt_backup_restore resetbackup ;; R|r) break ;; E|e) F_clean_exit reload ;; *) F_fail_entry ;; esac break done fi F_terminal_header printf "%b %bScript Reset Menu%b \n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_warning F_terminal_show "This will reset wicens to default and remove all" F_terminal_show "saved settings and records including entires in" F_terminal_show "services-start/wan-event/cron/update-notification" ; F_terminal_padding if F_confirm "Are you sure you wish to reset?" ; then F_terminal_header F_terminal_check_ok "Ok received, resetting..." else F_terminal_check_ok "No received, exiting..." F_menu_exit fi F_auto_run remove F_fw_updates remove [ -f "$cred_loc" ] && rm -f "$cred_loc" && F_log_terminal_ok "Removed saved password" [ -f "$config_src" ] && rm -f "$config_src" && F_log_terminal_ok "Reset user config to default" [ -f "$update_src" ] && rm -f "$update_src" && F_log_terminal_ok "Reset core config to default" [ -f "$history_src" ] && rm -f "$history_src" && F_log_terminal_ok "Removed WAN IP change history" F_log_terminal_ok "Done, script reset to default" [ -f "$mail_log" ] && rm -f "$mail_log" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Any key to continue" read -rsn1 donewait F_clean_exit reset } ### reset F_opt_sample() { F_terminal_header F_terminal_show "Sample Email output:" ; F_terminal_padding current_wan_ip="x.x.x.x" # fake for email passed_options='sample' # for setup just fake running sample loop_run=1 user_message_count=1 test_mode="yes" F_email_message cat "$mail_file" ; F_terminal_padding rm -f "$mail_file" F_terminal_show "End of Email output" [ "$building_settings" != 'yes' ] && F_menu_exit } ### sample F_opt_script() { F_terminal_header printf "%b %bCustom Script Path Entry Menu - E||e to Exit%b \n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" ; F_terminal_padding F_ready_check options if [ -z "$user_custom_script" ] ; then while true ; do F_terminal_show "Do you want your custom script to execute immediately on WAN IP" F_terminal_show "change detection, or wait till all Email messages configured" F_terminal_show "have finished sending" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_entry "W||w for wait I||i for immediately : " read -r user_script_wait_entry case $user_script_wait_entry in w|W|I|i) if F_replace_var user_custom_script_time "$user_script_wait_entry" "$config_src" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Done writing custom script execute time $user_script_wait_entry to script" user_custom_script_time="$user_script_wait_entry" if [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'i' ] || [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'I' ] ; then user_script_call_time='immediate' elif [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'w' ] || [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'W' ]; then user_script_call_time='wait' fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, sed failed writing custom script exec time to script" F_clean_exit fi ;; e|E) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, any key to retry" && read -rsn1 "invalidwait" && printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE$tBACK$tERASE$tBACK$tERASE$tBACK$tERASE$tBACK$tERASE" && continue ;; esac break done F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Any key to continue..." read -rsn1 waitscript F_terminal_header F_terminal_show "Custom Script Path Entry Menu" ; F_terminal_padding printf "%b Script execution set to : %b \n" "$tTERMHASH" "$user_script_call_time" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "Enter the full path to your script" F_terminal_show "eg. /jffs/scripts/customscript.sh" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_entry "Path : " read -r user_custom_script_entry F_terminal_padding case $user_custom_script_entry in E|e) F_replace_var user_custom_script_time "''" "$config_src" user_script_call_time= F_menu_exit ;; "") F_terminal_check_fail "Script path cannot be empty - Any key to retry" read -rsn1 scriptempty F_opt_script ;; esac if F_confirm correct "$user_custom_script_entry" ; then if [ ! -f "$user_custom_script_entry" ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Could not locate custom script" F_terminal_show "Any key to return to the Main Menu" F_replace_var user_custom_script_time "''" "$config_src" user_script_call_time= read -rsn1 nofind F_clean_exit reload fi custom_script_encoded="$(echo "$user_custom_script_entry" | /usr/sbin/openssl base64 | tr -d '\n')" # base64 no worries of sed conflicts if F_replace_var user_custom_script "$custom_script_encoded" "$config_src" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Done writing custom script path to script" user_custom_script="$user_custom_script_entry" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, sed failed writing custom script path to wicens script" F_clean_exit fi else F_replace_var user_custom_script_time "''" "$config_src" return 1 fi else F_terminal_show "Custom script path already set" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "$user_custom_script_decoded" ; F_terminal_padding while true ; do F_terminal_check "Y||y keep - N||n enter new - R||r remove current " read -rsn1 yesornowremove case $yesornowremove in Y|y) F_terminal_check_ok "Keeping currently saved custom script path" ;; N|n) user_custom_script='' ; return 1 ;; R|r) if F_replace_var user_custom_script "''" "$config_src" ; then F_replace_var user_custom_script_time "''" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Done, custom script path cleared" user_custom_script='' else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, sed failed to reset custom script path" F_clean_exit fi ;; E|e) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, Y||y N||n R||r - Any to key to retry" ; read -rsn1 invalidwait ; printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" ; continue ;; esac break done fi } ### script F_opt_subject() { F_terminal_header ; printf "%b %bCustom Subject Menu - E||e to Exit%b \n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" ; F_terminal_padding F_ready_check options if [ -z "$user_custom_subject" ] ; then F_terminal_show "Enter the text for a custom Email Subject line you wish to use" printf "%b Default Subject text is: %bWAN IP has changed on %s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$fw_device_model" "$tCLR" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_show "If you wish to use the new or current WAN IP, add the var names" F_terminal_show "\$current_wan_ip and \$saved_wan_ip to your text (like shown)" F_terminal_show "Model of router var is \$fw_device_model" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Subject: " read -r user_custom_subject_entry F_terminal_padding [ -z "$user_custom_subject_entry" ] && return 0 case $user_custom_subject_entry in e|E) F_menu_exit ;; esac if F_confirm correct "$user_custom_subject_entry" ; then custom_subject_encoded="$(echo "$user_custom_subject_entry" | /usr/sbin/openssl base64 | tr -d '\n')" if F_replace_var user_custom_subject "$custom_subject_encoded" "$config_src" ; then user_custom_subject="$user_custom_subject_entry" F_terminal_check_ok "Done. user_custom_subject set to : $user_custom_subject_entry" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, sed failed to write custom subject to script" F_clean_exit fi else return 1 fi else F_terminal_show "Custom subject already set :" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "$user_custom_subject_decoded" ; F_terminal_padding while true; do F_terminal_check "Y||y keep - N||n enter new - R||r remove current " read -rsn1 yesornowremovesub case $yesornowremovesub in Y|y) F_terminal_check_ok "Keeping currently saved custom Email subject text" ;; N|n) user_custom_subject="" ; return 1 ;; R|r) if F_replace_var user_custom_subject "" "$config_src" ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Custom subject text cleared" user_custom_subject= else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, sed failed to clear custom subject text" F_clean_exit fi ;; E|e) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, Y||y N||n R||r - Any to key to retry" && read -rsn1 invalidwait && printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" && continue ;; esac break done fi } ### subject F_opt_test() { test_mode="yes" user_message_count="1" F_log "Test mode started, sending test Email" current_wan_ip="x.x.x.x Test Mode" F_status printf "[%bFAIL%b] Current WAN IP is : %b%s%b --- %bNo Match%b\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" "$tRED" "$current_wan_ip" "$tCLR" "$tRED" "$tCLR" F_send_mail # return to menu or exit in F_send_mail test_mode='' # reset for terminal header } ### test F_opt_uninstall() { F_uninstall_do() { F_auto_run remove F_fw_updates remove [ -f "$script_lock" ] && rm -f "$script_lock" [ -f "$script_mail_lock" ] && rm -f "$script_mail_lock" [ -f "$mail_file" ] && rm -f "$mail_file" if [ -f "/jffs/configs/profile.add" ] ; then if grep -q "alias wicens=" '/jffs/configs/profile.add' ; then /bin/sed -i "/alias wicens=/d" '/jffs/configs/profile.add' [ ! -s '/jffs/configs/profile.add' ] && rm -f '/jffs/configs/profile.add' fi fi rm -r "$script_dir" rm -f "$script_name_full" F_terminal_check_ok "Done. Uninstalled" ; F_terminal_padding exit 0 } # uninstall_do F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_warning ; F_terminal_show "This will remove the wicens script ENTIRELY from your system" F_terminal_show "And any backup configs" ; F_terminal_padding while true; do F_terminal_show "Are you sure you wish to uninstall? Type DELETE" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Entry : " read -r uninstall_wait case $uninstall_wait in 'DELETE'|'delete') F_terminal_check_ok "Uninstalling" F_terminal_padding F_uninstall_do ;; *) F_terminal_check_ok "Must type DELETE to uninstall" F_menu_exit ;; esac break done } ### uninstall # BUILD USER SETTINGS FUNCTIONS ####################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### #requires being passed a line # for head to terminate on F_terminal_entry_header() { F_status | head -n "$1" ; F_terminal_separator ; F_terminal_padding ;} # all user entry functions called by until loops and return 1 for failed input and restart or return 0 with completed Y in while loop F_send_to_addr() { F_terminal_entry_header 16 F_terminal_show "Enter the Email address you wish to send a notification Email(s)" F_terminal_show "to when your WAN IP changes" F_terminal_show "eg. myrecipient@myemail.com" [ -n "$user_send_to_addr" ] && F_terminal_padding && printf "%b Currently set to : %b%s%b \n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_send_to_addr" "$tCLR" && F_terminal_show "Leave entry blank to keep current" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Send to address : " read -r send_to_entry [ -z "$user_send_to_addr" ] && [ -z "$send_to_entry" ] && F_terminal_check_fail "Error, Email send to address cannot be empty - Any key to retry" && read -rsn1 waitsendto && return 1 [ -z "$send_to_entry" ] && [ -n "$user_send_to_addr" ] && return 0 case $send_to_entry in E|e) F_menu_exit ;; esac F_terminal_padding if F_confirm correct "$send_to_entry" ; then F_replace_var user_send_to_addr "$send_to_entry" "$config_src" user_send_to_addr="$send_to_entry" else send_to_entry='' return 1 fi } ### send_to_addr F_send_to_cc() { if [ -n "$user_send_to_cc" ] ; then F_terminal_entry_header 17 printf "%b Second Email recipient already set to : %b%s%b \n\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_send_to_cc" "$tCLR" ; F_terminal_padding while true; do F_terminal_check "Y||y keep - N||n enter new - R||r remove current & skip to server entry" # for edits can remove 2nd email if wanted. read -rsn 1 ccmailwait2 case $ccmailwait2 in Y|y) return 0 ;; N|n) user_send_to_cc= ; return 1 ;; R|r) F_replace_var user_send_to_cc "" "$config_src" && user_send_to_cc= && return 0 ;; E|e) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid Entry , Y||y N||n R||r - Any key to retry" ; read -rsn1 "invalidwait" ; printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" ; continue ;; esac break done else F_terminal_entry_header 17 F_terminal_show "Enter a 2nd Email address you wish to send a notification Email(s)" F_terminal_show "to when your WAN IP changes" F_terminal_show "eg. my2ndrecipient@myemail.com" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_show "Leave entry blank to leave CC option empty and continue" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Send to CC address : " read -r send_to_cc_entry [ -z "$send_to_cc_entry" ] && return 0 case $send_to_cc_entry in E|e) F_menu_exit ;; esac F_terminal_padding if F_confirm correct "$send_to_cc_entry" ; then F_replace_var user_send_to_cc "$send_to_cc_entry" "$config_src" user_send_to_cc="$send_to_cc_entry" else user_send_to_cc='' return 1 fi fi } ### send_to_cc F_smtp_server() { F_terminal_entry_header 18 F_terminal_show "Enter the SMTP server address and port # like as shown for your" F_terminal_show "Email provider - eg. smtp.myemailprovider.com:25" [ -n "$user_smtp_server" ] && F_terminal_padding && printf "%b Currently set to : %b%s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_smtp_server" "$tCLR" && F_terminal_show "Leave entry blank to keep current" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Server address and port : " read -r smtp_server_entry [ -z "$user_smtp_server" ] && [ -z "$smtp_server_entry" ] && F_terminal_check_fail "Error, Server address cannot be empty - Any key to retry" && read -rsn1 waitsmtpserv && return 1 [ -z "$smtp_server_entry" ] && [ -n "$user_smtp_server" ] && return 0 case $smtp_server_entry in E|e) F_menu_exit ;; esac F_terminal_padding if F_confirm correct "$smtp_server_entry" ; then F_replace_var user_smtp_server "$smtp_server_entry" "$config_src" user_smtp_server="$smtp_server_entry" else smtp_server_entry='' return 1 fi } ### smtp_server F_send_type() { F_terminal_entry_header 19 F_terminal_show "SMTP Email server send configuration type" F_terminal_show "for $user_smtp_server Selection" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "WITH password and StartTLS - eg.GMail(587)/Hotmail/Outlook - 1" F_terminal_show "WITH password and SSL required - eg.GMail(465) - 2" F_terminal_show "ISP type with NO password and NO StartTLS/SSL-eg.port 25 - 3" F_terminal_show "WITH password and NO StartTLS or SSL (plain auth) - 4" F_terminal_show "WITH password and StartTLS v1 - 5" [ -n "$user_message_type" ] && F_terminal_padding && printf "%b Currently set to : %b%s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_message_type" "$tCLR" && F_terminal_show "Leave selection blank to keep current setting" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Selection : " read -r send_type_entry case $send_type_entry in 1|2|3|4|5) ;; "") if [ -n "$user_message_type" ] ; then return 0 else F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry, 1,2,3,4,5 only - Any key to retry" && read -rsn1 smtpinvalidwait && return 1 fi ;; e|E) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid Entry, 1,2,3,4,5 only - Any key to retry" && read -rsn1 smtpinvalidwait && return 1 ;; esac F_terminal_padding if ! F_confirm correct "$send_type_entry" ; then send_type_entry='' return 1 fi [ "$send_type_entry" = "1" ] && F_replace_var user_message_type "smtp_start_tls" "$config_src" && user_message_type="smtp_start_tls" [ "$send_type_entry" = "2" ] && F_replace_var user_message_type "smtp_ssl" "$config_src" && user_message_type="smtp_ssl" [ "$send_type_entry" = "3" ] && F_replace_var user_message_type "smtp_isp_nopswd" "$config_src" && user_message_type="smtp_isp_nopswd" [ "$send_type_entry" = "4" ] && F_replace_var user_message_type "smtp_plain_auth" "$config_src" && user_message_type="smtp_plain_auth" [ "$send_type_entry" = "5" ] && F_replace_var user_message_type "smtp_start_tls_v1" "$config_src" && user_message_type="smtp_start_tls_v1" if [ "$user_message_type" != 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] && [ "$user_message_type" != 'smtp_plain_auth' ] ; then F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_warning F_terminal_show "If using GMail for your sending service you must have" F_terminal_show "2 factor authentication enabled and create a App" F_terminal_show "password for this script to use" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Any key to continue" && read -rsn1 notify_wait fi return 0 } ### send_type F_login_addr() { F_terminal_entry_header 20 F_terminal_show "Enter the Email login (address) for your Email provider" F_terminal_show "eg. myemail@myemailprovider.com for $user_smtp_server" [ -n "$user_from_addr" ] && F_terminal_padding && printf "%b Currently set to : %b%s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_from_addr" "$tCLR" && F_terminal_show "Leave entry blank to keep current" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "From Email addr : " read -r from_email_addr_entry [ -z "$user_from_addr" ] && [ -z "$from_email_addr_entry" ] && F_terminal_check_fail "ERROR - login credentials cannot be empty - Any key to retry" && read -rsn1 waitfromemail && return 1 [ -z "$from_email_addr_entry" ] && [ -n "$user_from_addr" ] && return 0 case $from_email_addr_entry in E|e) F_menu_exit ;; esac F_terminal_padding if F_confirm correct "$from_email_addr_entry" ; then F_replace_var user_from_addr "$from_email_addr_entry" "$config_src" user_from_addr="$from_email_addr_entry" else from_email_addr_entry='' return 1 fi } ### from_email_addr F_from_addr() { F_terminal_entry_header 21 if [ -n "$user_from_addr" ] && [ -z "$user_from_name" ] ; then user_from_name="$user_from_addr" else [ -z "$user_from_name" ] && F_terminal_check_fail "Could not find a saved Email login address to pull from" fi F_terminal_show "Enter the message 'from' Email address for the notification Email" F_terminal_show "Typically this is the same as your Email login address" F_terminal_padding [ -n "$user_from_name" ] && printf "%b Currently set to : %b%s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_from_name" "$tCLR" && F_terminal_show "Leave entry blank to keep current" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Email from name : " read -r from_name_entry [ -z "$user_from_name" ] && [ -z "$from_name_entry" ] && F_terminal_show "Error, Script could not auto-fill from name, cannot be blank, any key to retry" && read -rsn1 waitfromname && return 1 case $from_name_entry in E|e) F_menu_exit ;; esac F_terminal_padding # first run set if user accepts autofill user_set_check="$(grep "user_from_name" $config_src | cut -f2 -d"=" | tr -d "'")" [ -z "$user_set_check" ] && F_replace_var user_from_name "$user_from_name" "$config_src" && return 0 [ -n "$user_set_check" ] && [ -z "$from_name_entry" ] && return 0 if F_confirm correct "$from_name_entry" ; then F_replace_var user_from_name "$from_name_entry" "$config_src" user_from_name="$from_name_entry" else from_name_entry='' return 1 fi } ### from_name F_smtp_pswd() { F_pswd_entry() { # replaces typed chars with * sets var through openssl then sed output to script old_ifs=$IFS charcount=1 while IFS= read -rsn1 char ; do # -s or terminal will leave last char, easier this way if [ -z "$char" ] ; then # enter hit [ "$charcount" -eq 1 ] && printf '\n' || printf '\b*\n' break fi if [ "$char" = $'\x7f' ] || [ "$char" = $'\x08' ] ; then # backspace if [ "$charcount" != '1' ] ; then passwordentry="${passwordentry%?}" printf '\b \b' charcount=$((charcount - 1)) fi else if [ "$charcount" = '1' ] ; then # first char printf "%s" "$char" passwordentry="$char" else printf "\b*%s" "$char" # terminal output passwordentry="${passwordentry}$char" # create var fi charcount=$((charcount + 1)) fi done IFS=$old_ifs } # pswd_entry F_terminal_entry_header 22 F_terminal_show "Enter the password for your Email" [ -f "$cred_loc" ] && F_terminal_padding && F_terminal_show "Saved password exists, leave blank to use saved" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Password : " F_pswd_entry password_entry_1="$passwordentry" case $passwordentry in E|e) F_menu_exit ;; esac if [ -f "$cred_loc" ] && [ -z "$passwordentry" ] ; then # keep saved printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" F_terminal_check_ok "Keeping saved" return 0 elif [ ! -f "$cred_loc" ] && [ -z "$passwordentry" ] ; then F_terminal_show "Error - Password cannot be empty - Any key to retry - E|e to Exit" read -rsn1 waitsmtppswd case $waitsmtppswd in E|e) F_clean_exit reload ;; esac return 1 fi passwordentry='' F_terminal_entry "Reconfirm : " F_pswd_entry password_entry_2="$passwordentry" case $passwordentry in E|e) F_menu_exit ;; esac if [ "$password_entry_1" != "$password_entry_2" ] || [ -z "$password_entry_2" ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Passwords do NOT match - Any key to retry" read -rsn1 nomatchwait password_entry_1='' ; password_entry_2='' ; passwordentry='' return 1 fi # encrypt remove new lines so no sed errors user_pswd_enc="$(echo "$password_entry_1" | eval "$(echo "$user_e" | openssl base64 -d)" )" if echo "$user_pswd_enc" > "$cred_loc" ; then F_chmod "$cred_loc" F_terminal_check_ok "Password successfully encrypted and saved" passwordentry='' ; password_entry_1='' ; password_entry_2='' ; user_pswd_encrypt='' return 0 else F_terminal_show "Failed updating script with encrypted password" passwordentry='' ; password_entry_1='' ; password_entry_2='' ; user_pswd_encrypt='' return 0 fi } ### smtp_pswd F_term_show_msgcount() { [ "$user_message_type" != 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] && base_count=23 || base_count=22 if [ "$user_message_count" = '1' ] || [ -z "$user_message_count" ] || [ "$user_message_count" = '0' ] ; then F_terminal_entry_header $base_count elif [ "$user_message_count" = '2' ] ; then F_terminal_entry_header $((base_count + 1)) elif [ "$user_message_count" = '3' ] ; then F_terminal_entry_header $((base_count + 2)) elif [ "$user_message_count" = '4' ] ; then F_terminal_entry_header $((base_count + 3)) fi } F_message_config() { if [ -n "$user_message_count" ] && [ "$user_message_count" != '0' ] ; then F_term_show_msgcount F_terminal_show "Total notification Email count and intervals" F_terminal_padding if [ "$user_message_count" -gt '1' ] ; then printf "%b Message count already set to %b%s%b \n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_message_count" "$tCLR" [ -n "$user_message_interval_1" ] && printf "%b Email 1/2 interval) %b%s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_message_interval_1" "$tCLR" [ -n "$user_message_interval_2" ] && printf "%b Email 2/3 interval) %b%s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_message_interval_2" "$tCLR" [ -n "$user_message_interval_3" ] && printf "%b Email 3/4 interval) %b%s%b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$user_message_interval_3" "$tCLR" F_terminal_padding if F_confirm "Keep this setting?" ; then return 0 fi else # message count only set to 1 if F_confirm correct "Keep message count set to ${user_message_count}" ; then email_send_count_entry=1 return 0 fi fi fi user_message_count='0' # empty var for term_show_msg_count incase overwriting old (ans:no to keep old settings), doesnt show old entry F_term_show_msgcount F_terminal_show "Enter the number of notification Emails (1-4) you wish to send" F_terminal_show "with variable intervals you will set in-between each notification" F_terminal_show "in the next step" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Number of notification Emails (1-4) : " read -r email_send_count_entry case $email_send_count_entry in [1-4]) ;; e|E) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid Entry, must be 1,2,3,4 - Any key to retry" && read -rsn1 invalidwaitcount && return 1 ;; esac F_terminal_padding if F_confirm correct "$email_send_count_entry" ; then F_replace_var user_message_count "$email_send_count_entry" "$config_src" user_message_count="$email_send_count_entry" else email_send_count_entry='' return 1 fi user_message_interval_1= # reset for edits (terminal show) user_message_interval_2= user_message_interval_3= return 0 } # message_config F_message_intervals_entry() { while [ "$user_message_count" -gt "$message_entry_loop" ] ; do F_term_show_msgcount printf "%b Enter an interval type between Email notifications %b and %b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN$message_entry_loop$tCLR" "$tGRN$email2count$tCLR" F_terminal_show "eg. s = second, m = minutes, h = hours, d = days" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_entry "Interval period : " read -r message_interval_entry case $message_interval_entry in s|m|h|d) [ "$message_interval_entry" = 's' ] && message_selection='seconds' [ "$message_interval_entry" = 'm' ] && message_selection='minute(s)' [ "$message_interval_entry" = 'h' ] && message_selection='hour(s)' [ "$message_interval_entry" = 'd' ] && message_selection='day(s)' printf "%b Enter a time period (%bx %s%b) : " "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$message_selection" "$tCLR" read -r message_period_entry F_terminal_padding if [ "$message_period_entry" -eq "$message_period_entry" ] 2> /dev/null; then if ! F_confirm correct "$message_period_entry $message_selection" ; then message_period_entry='' message_interval_entry='' return 1 fi message_interval_complete="$message_period_entry$message_interval_entry" F_replace_var "user_message_interval_$message_entry_loop" "$message_interval_complete" "$config_src" eval "user_message_interval_$message_entry_loop=$message_interval_complete" # set vars for terminal show (setup) else F_terminal_check_fail "Not a valid number - Any key to retry" && read -rsn 1 nonumwait && return 1 fi message_entry_loop=$((message_entry_loop + 1)) email2count=$((email2count + 1)) ;; e|E) F_menu_exit ;; *) F_terminal_check_fail "Invalid entry. s/m/h/d only - Any key to retry" && read -rsn1 timewait && return 1 ;; esac done } ### message_intervals_entry F_default_create() { { echo "#!/bin/sh" echo "# wicens user config file" echo "build_settings_version='$current_user_config'" echo "###########################################################" echo "saved_wan_ip=''" echo "saved_wan_date=''" echo "saved_wan_epoch=''" echo "###########################################################" echo "# User config settings ####################################" echo "user_from_name=''" echo "user_smtp_server=''" echo "user_from_addr=''" echo "user_send_to_addr=''" echo "user_send_to_cc=''" echo "user_message_type=''" echo "user_message_count=0" echo "user_message_interval_1=''" echo "user_message_interval_2=''" echo "user_message_interval_3=''" echo "user_custom_subject=''" echo "user_custom_text=''" echo "user_custom_script=''" echo "user_custom_script_time=''" echo "user_update_notification=1" echo "user_fw_update_notification=1" echo "###########################################################" echo "cron_run_count=0" echo "last_cron_run=''" echo "last_wancall_run=''" echo "wancall_run_count=0" echo "last_ip_change=''" echo "ip_change_count=0" echo "install_date=''" echo "update_date=''" echo "created_date='never'" echo "last_wancall_log_count=0" echo "opt_color='yes'" echo "log_cron_msg=0" echo "ssl_flag=" echo "protocol='smtps'" echo "amtm_import=1" echo "###########################################################" echo "# Created : $(F_date full)" } > "$config_src" F_log "Created default user config v${current_user_config} for wicens" } ### default F_default_update_create() { { echo "#!/bin/sh" echo "# wicens update config file" echo "update_settings_version='$current_core_config'" echo "###########################################################" echo "fw_build_no=" echo "fw_build_sub=" echo "fw_build_extend=" echo "fw_pulled_device_name=" echo "fw_pulled_lan_name=" echo "fw_device_model=" echo "update_avail='none'" echo "update_cron_epoch=0" echo "update_notify_state=0" echo "update_fw_notify_state=0" echo "update_period=172800 # period between update checks default 48hrs" echo "wan_history_count=10 # change if you want more/less than 10 historcal IPs in Email message" echo "retry_wait_period=21600 # period between failed email retries default 6 hrs" echo "max_email_retry=5 # max cron run retries before waiting for retry_period" echo "###########################################################" echo "# Created : $(F_date full)" } > "$update_src" F_log "Created default core config v$current_core_config for wicens" } # current_core F_build_settings() { building_settings='yes' # for opt_sample no exit, move to test option until F_send_to_addr ; do : ; done until F_send_to_cc; do : ; done until F_smtp_server ; do : ; done until F_send_type ; do : ; done until F_login_addr ; do : ; done [ "$user_message_type" != 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] && until F_smtp_pswd ; do : ; done until F_from_addr ; do : ; done until F_message_config ; do : ; done message_entry_loop=1 # 2 vars used in message_intervals_entry but cant be in that function email2count=2 [ "$email_send_count_entry" -ge 2 ] && until F_message_intervals_entry ; do : ; done if [ "$created_date" = 'never' ] ; then F_replace_var created_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" created_date="$(F_date full)" else F_status ; F_terminal_padding if F_confirm "Update script w/ new configure date $(F_date full)?" ; then F_replace_var created_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" F_terminal_check_ok "Updated script with current date/time as configured date" created_date="$(F_date full)" # for terminal show in setup else F_terminal_check_ok "Leaving original configure date" fi fi F_status F_terminal_show "Adding entries in cron(cru)/services-start/wan-event for wicens" F_auto_run add F_terminal_check_ok "Done, entries added in cron(cru)/services-start/wan-event for wicens" [ -z "$saved_wan_ip" ] && F_saved_wan_ip_create F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Any key to continue to view sample Email output" read -rsn1 continuewanwait source "$config_src" F_opt_sample F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check_ok "Congratulations, you've completed the wicens setup." F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Hit T|t to send a test Email - M|m for Main Menu - Any key to exit" read -rsn1 setupwait case $setupwait in T|t) rm -f "$script_lock" && exec /bin/sh "$script_name_full" test ;; M|m) F_clean_exit reload ;; *) ;; esac printf "\r%b" "$tERASE" F_terminal_check_ok "This script is now configured" F_terminal_show "Run wicens on the command line to run script manually with set config" F_clean_exit } ### build_settings F_edit_settings() { edit_settings='yes' F_terminal_header printf '%b %bWelcome to the WICENS config editor %b \n' "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_header_print "Current Email send to address 1: " "$user_send_to_addr" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email send to CC address 2: " "$user_send_to_cc" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email server addr:port 3: " "$user_smtp_server" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email send format type 4: " "$user_message_type" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email login user (address) 5: " "$user_from_addr" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email from Email address 6: " "$user_from_name" F_terminal_header_print "Total # Email notifications set 7: " "$user_message_count" [ "$user_message_type" = "smtp_ssl" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Current curl SSL protocol 8: " "$protocol" [ "$user_message_count" -gt 1 ] 2>/dev/null && F_terminal_header_print "Interval between Email 1/2 9: " "$user_message_interval_1" [ "$user_message_count" -gt 2 ] 2>/dev/null && F_terminal_header_print "Interval between Email 2/3 9: " "$user_message_interval_2" [ "$user_message_count" -gt 3 ] 2>/dev/null && F_terminal_header_print "Interval between Email 3/4 9: " "$user_message_interval_3" if [ "$amtm_import" = 0 ] && [ "$amtm_status" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Sync wicens from AMTM Email config 0: " "Enabled" else F_terminal_header_print_d "Sync wicens from AMTM Email config 0: " "Disabled" fi F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_show "Make a selection or E||e to exit" ; F_terminal_padding while true; do F_terminal_check "Selection : " read -r editselect case $editselect in 1) until F_send_to_addr ; do : ; done ;; 2) until F_send_to_cc; do : ; done ;; 3) until F_smtp_server ; do : ; done ;; 4) until F_send_type ; do : ; done ;; 5) until F_login_addr ; do : ; done ;; 6) until F_from_addr ; do : ; done ;; 7) until F_message_config ; do : ; done if [ "$user_message_count" -gt 1 ] ; then message_entry_loop=1 # 2 vars used in message_intervals_entry but cant be in that function email2count=2 until F_message_intervals_entry ; do : ; done fi ;; 8) if [ "$user_message_type" = "smtp_ssl" ] ; then if [ "$protocol" = 'smtps' ] ; then F_replace_var protocol 'smtp' "$config_src" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check_ok "Set protocol to SMTP" else F_replace_var protocol 'smtps' "$config_src" F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check_ok "Set protocol to SMTPS" fi else printf '%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" F_fail_entry fi F_menu_exit ;; 9) if [ "$user_message_count" -ge 2 ] ; then message_entry_loop=1 # 2 vars used in message_intervals_entry but cant be in that function email2count=2 until F_message_intervals_entry ; do : ; done else F_fail_entry fi ;; 0) if [ "$amtm_import" = 0 ] ; then F_terminal_warning F_terminal_show "This will disable syncing wicens with your Email config in AMTM" F_terminal_check "Are you sure? Y||y or any key to exit" read -rsn1 disableamtm case $disableamtm in Y|y) F_replace_var amtm_import 1 "$config_src" amtm_import=1 F_terminal_check_ok "Disabled AMTM Email sync" F_terminal_check "Any key to return..." read -rsn1 syncdisablewait ;; *) ;; esac else if [ "$amtm_status" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_warning F_terminal_show "This will enable syncing wicens with your Email config in AMTM" F_terminal_show "and overwrite any currently saved Email settings" F_terminal_check "Are you sure? Y||y or any key to exit" read -rsn1 enableamtm case $enableamtm in Y|y) F_replace_var amtm_import 0 "$config_src" amtm_import=0 F_terminal_check_ok "Enabled AMTM Email sync" F_terminal_check "Any key to start sync..." read -rsn1 syncenablewait F_opt_amtm confirm ;; *) ;; esac else F_terminal_check_fail "AMTM Email config file is invalid, launch AMTM and configure Email" F_terminal_check "Any key to return" read -rsn1 synccantenable fi fi ;; e|E) F_clean_exit reload ;; *) [ -n "$editselect" ] && printf '%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" && F_fail_entry ;; esac break done F_edit_settings } ### edit_settings F_saved_wan_ip_create() { saved_wan_date="$run_date" F_log_terminal_fail "No saved WAN IP found, attempting to write current to this script" internet_check_count=0 until F_internet_check ; do : ; done F_nvram_wan_ip_get F_script_wan_update saved_wan_ip="$current_wan_ip" rm -f "$mail_file" 2> /dev/null } ### saved_wan_ip_check # MAIL ################################################################################################################ ####################################################################################################################### F_email_message() { if [ -n "$user_custom_subject" ] ;then # needs to be here as current_wan_ip isnt set till right before this runs formatted_custom_subject="$(echo "$user_custom_subject_decoded" | /bin/sed "s~\$fw_device_model~$fw_device_model~g" | /bin/sed "s~\$current_wan_ip~$current_wan_ip~g" | /bin/sed "s~\$saved_wan_ip~$saved_wan_ip~g" )" fi [ -f "$mail_file" ] && rm -f "$mail_file" touch "$mail_file" { # start of message output part 1/2 [ -n "$user_send_to_cc" ] && echo "Cc: $user_send_to_cc" [ -z "$user_custom_subject" ] && echo "Subject: WAN IP has changed on $fw_device_model" || echo "Subject: $formatted_custom_subject" echo "From: \"wicens script\" <$user_from_name>" echo "Date: $(/bin/date -R)" echo "To: \"wicens user\" <$user_send_to_addr>" echo "" [ "$test_mode" = 'yes' ] && [ "$passed_options" != 'sample' ] && echo "### This is a TEST message ###" && echo "" echo "NOTICE" echo "" echo "WAN IP for ${fw_pulled_device_name}.${fw_pulled_lan_name} on $fw_device_model has changed" echo "" echo "New WAN IP : $current_wan_ip" echo "" echo "Old WAN IP : $saved_wan_ip" echo "" echo "Old WAN IP recorded in script on : $saved_wan_date" echo "" printf "WAN IP Lease time observed : " if [ -n "$saved_wan_ip" ] ; then F_calc_lease ; else printf '\n' ; fi # calc and write lease time to email echo "" [ -n "$user_custom_text" ] && echo -e "$user_custom_text_decoded" && echo "" if [ -f "$history_src" ] ; then echo "WAN IP saved history (last $wan_history_count) most recent first" echo " Time Found IP Lease time" F_terminal_separator tail -n "$wan_history_count" < "$history_src" | /bin/sed 'x;1!H;$!d;x' # invert list echo "" fi F_terminal_separator } >> "$mail_file" # end of message output part 1/2 if [ "$user_message_count" -gt 1 ] ; then if [ "$loop_run" = 1 ] ; then echo "Message 1 of $user_message_count, you will receive another reminder in $user_message_interval_1" >> "$mail_file" else echo "Message $loop_run of $user_message_count" >> "$mail_file" echo "" >> "$mail_file" if [ "$loop_run" = "$user_message_count" ] ; then echo "No more notifications, update your devices" >> "$mail_file" [ "$test_mode" != 'yes' ] && echo "" && F_script_wan_update # test mode dont update script else if [ "$loop_run" = '2' ] ; then echo "You will receive another reminder in $user_message_interval_2" >> "$mail_file" fi if [ "$loop_run" = '3' ] ; then echo "You will receive another reminder in $user_message_interval_3" >> "$mail_file" fi fi fi else echo "Message 1 of $user_message_count - No more notifications, update your devices" >> "$mail_file" [ "$test_mode" != 'yes' ] && F_script_wan_update # test mode dont update script, update script outputs to mail message as well fi { # start of message output part 2/2 echo "" echo "Message sent : $(F_date full)" echo "" router_uptime="$(/usr/bin/awk '{print $1}' /proc/uptime | cut -d'.' -f1)" uptime_pretty="$(printf '%d day(s) %d hr(s) %d min(s) %d sec(s)\n' $((router_uptime/86400)) $((router_uptime%86400/3600)) $((router_uptime%3600/60)) $((router_uptime%60)))" echo "Router uptime: $uptime_pretty" echo "" echo "A message from wicens script version:$script_version on your $fw_device_model" if [ "$passed_options" != 'sample' ] ; then # padding incase emails contain footer info echo "" echo "" fi } >> "$mail_file" # end of message output part 2/2 loop_run="$((loop_run + 1))" } ### email_message F_send_format_isp() { /usr/sbin/sendmail > "$mail_log" 2>&1 < "$mail_file" \ -S "$user_smtp_server" -f "$user_from_addr" -t "$user_send_to_addr" -v } ### message_format_isp F_send_format_start_tls() { /usr/sbin/sendmail >> "$mail_log" 2>&1 < "$mail_file" \ -H "exec /usr/sbin/openssl s_client -quiet \ -starttls smtp \ -connect $user_smtp_server \ -no_ssl3 -no_tls1" \ -t \ -f "$user_from_name" -au"$user_from_addr" -ap"$user_pswd" "$user_send_to_addr" -v } ### message_format_tls F_send_format_tls_v1() { /usr/sbin/sendmail >> "$mail_log" 2>&1 < "$mail_file" \ -H "exec /usr/sbin/openssl s_client -quiet \ -tls1 -starttls smtp \ -connect $user_smtp_server" \ -t \ -f "$user_from_name" -au"$user_from_addr" -ap"$user_pswd" "$user_send_to_addr" -v } ### message_format_tls1_only F_send_format_plain_auth() { /usr/sbin/sendmail >> "$mail_log" 2>&1 < "$mail_file" \ -t -S "$user_smtp_server" -f "$user_from_name" "$user_send_to_addr" -au"$user_from_addr" -ap"$user_pswd" -v } ### message_format_smtp F_send_format_ssl() { if [ -z "$user_send_to_cc" ] ; then curl >> "$mail_log" 2>&1 \ -v \ --url "$protocol"://"$user_smtp_server" \ --mail-from "$user_from_name" --mail-rcpt "$user_send_to_addr" \ --upload-file "$mail_file" \ --ssl-reqd \ --user "$user_from_addr:$user_pswd" $ssl_flag else curl >> "$mail_log" 2>&1 \ -v \ --url "$protocol"://"$user_smtp_server" \ --mail-from "$user_from_name" --mail-rcpt "$user_send_to_addr" \ --mail-rcpt "$user_send_to_cc" \ --upload-file "$mail_file" \ --ssl-reqd \ --user "$user_from_addr:$user_pswd" $ssl_flag fi } ### message_format_ssl F_send_message() { touch "$mail_log" echo "Created by PID $$ on $(F_date full), ran by $passed_options" >> "$mail_log" [ -f "$cred_loc" ] && user_pswd="$(eval "$(echo "$user_d" | openssl base64 -d)" < "$cred_loc")" if [ "$user_message_type" = 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] ; then if F_send_format_isp ; then return 0 ; else return 1 ; fi elif [ "$user_message_type" = 'smtp_plain_auth' ] ; then if F_send_format_plain_auth ; then return 0 ; else return 1 ; fi elif [ "$user_message_type" = 'smtp_start_tls' ] ; then if F_send_format_start_tls ; then return 0 ; else return 1 ; fi elif [ "$user_message_type" = 'smtp_start_tls_v1' ] ; then if F_send_format_tls_v1 ; then return 0 ; else return 1 ; fi elif [ "$user_message_type" = 'smtp_ssl' ] ; then if F_send_format_ssl ; then return 0 ; else return 1 ; fi fi } ### send_message F_send_mail() { if [ "$passed_options" != 'test' ] ; then if [ -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" ] ; then echo "# Attempting to send wan ip change notification $(F_date full)" >> "$wicens_wanip_retry" else { echo "#!/bin/sh" echo "wicens_wanip_retry_time=${run_epoch}" echo "# Attempting to send wan ip change notification $(F_date full)" } > "$wicens_wanip_retry" F_chmod "$wicens_wanip_retry" fi fi internet_check_count=0 until F_internet_check wanip ; do : ; done # monitors/runs F_internet_ping (attempts 5mins/30s interval) rm -f "$mail_log" 2> /dev/null touch "$script_mail_lock" # temp lockfile#2 echo "Sending mail for $script_name_full on : $(F_date full)" >> "$script_mail_lock" echo "Sending mail from $(cat "$script_lock")" >> "$script_mail_lock" loop_run='1' while [ "$loop_run" -le "$user_message_count" ] ; do printf "%b Sending Email message %s of %s" "$tCHECK" "$loop_run" "$user_message_count" F_email_message # generates Email text and increases loop_run! if ! F_send_message; then user_pswd='' printf "\r%b Error, failed to send Email notification %s of %s\n" "$tERASE$tCHECKFAIL" "$((loop_run - 1))" "$user_message_count" F_log "CRITICAL ERROR - wicens failed to send Email notification $((loop_run - 1)) of $user_message_count" F_log_show "Are your Email settings in this script correct? and password?" F_log_show "Or maybe your Email host server was temporarily down?" F_log_show "Main Menu - option L||l for errors - P||p to re-enter password" rm -f "$mail_file" F_log_show "Resetting WAN IP to old WAN IP to attempt again in 10 minutes" F_replace_var saved_wan_date "$original_wan_date" "$config_src" F_replace_var saved_wan_epoch "$original_wan_epoch" "$config_src" F_replace_var saved_wan_ip "$original_wan_ip" "$config_src" if [ "$from_menu" = 'yes' ] ; then F_menu_exit else F_clean_exit fi fi user_pswd='' printf "\r%b Done sending Email message %s of %s\n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$((loop_run - 1))" "$user_message_count" rm -f "$mail_file" F_log "Done sending Email $((loop_run - 1)) of $user_message_count update your clients to $current_wan_ip" if [ "$loop_run" -le "$user_message_count" ] ; then if [ "$loop_run" = '2' ] ; then printf "%b Sleeping %s before sending next Email" "$tCHECK" "$user_message_interval_1" F_log "Sleeping $user_message_interval_1 before sending next Email" sleep "$user_message_interval_1" F_terminal_check_ok "Sleep time done" fi if [ "$loop_run" = '3' ] ; then printf "%b Sleeping %s before sending next Email" "$tCHECK" "$user_message_interval_2" F_log "Sleeping $user_message_interval_2 before sending next Email" sleep "$user_message_interval_2" F_terminal_check_ok "Sleep time done" fi if [ "$loop_run" = '4' ] ; then printf "%b Sleeping %s before sending next email" "$tCHECK" "$user_message_interval_3" F_log "Sleeping $user_message_interval_3 before sending next Email" sleep "$user_message_interval_3" F_terminal_check_ok "Sleep time done" fi fi done # user_custom_script 'wait' call if [ -n "$user_custom_script" ] && [ "$user_custom_script_time" = 'w' ] && [ "$passed_options" != 'test' ] ; then nohup /bin/sh "$user_custom_script_decoded" > "${script_dir}/user_script.log" & custom_script_pid=$! F_log "Executed custom script $user_custom_script_decoded and put in background with PID $custom_script_pid" F_terminal_check_ok "Started user custom script and put in background" fi # clean up custom script 'immediate' call lock if [ "$passed_options" != 'test' ] ; then [ -f '/tmp/wicens_user_script_i.tmp' ] && rm -f '/tmp/wicens_user_script_i.tmp' # immediate call lock file remove after success ip_change_count=$((ip_change_count + 1)) # update script IP changes after success F_replace_var ip_change_count "$ip_change_count" "$config_src" fi # finished sending clean up rm -f "$script_mail_lock" rm -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" F_terminal_check_ok "Script completed." if [ "$from_menu" = 'yes' ] ; then F_menu_exit else if [ "$building_settings" = 'yes' ] ; then F_terminal_check_ok "This script is now configured" F_terminal_show "Run wicens on the command line to run script manually with set config" fi F_clean_exit fi } ### send_mail # AUTO RUN ############################################################################################################ ####################################################################################################################### F_cru() { if [ "$1" = 'check' ] ; then if /usr/sbin/cru l | grep -q "$script_name_full cron" ; then printf "\r%b Cron(cru) wicens entry : %bexists%b\n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" return 0 else F_terminal_check_fail "No wicens entry found in cron(cru)" return 1 fi elif [ "$1" = 'add' ] ; then F_terminal_check "Adding entry for wicens in cron(cru) with 10m interval" if /usr/sbin/cru a wicens "*/10 * * * * $script_name_full cron" ; then F_log_terminal_ok "Added entry for wicens in cron(cru) with 10m interval" else F_log_terminal_fail "Failed to add cron(cru) entry for wicens" fi elif [ "$1" = 'remove' ] ; then F_terminal_check "Removing wicens entry in cron(cru)" if /usr/sbin/cru l | grep -q "$script_name cron" ; then if /usr/sbin/cru d wicens ; then F_log_terminal_ok "Removed cron entry for wicens" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, failed removing cron entry for wicens" F_log "Error, failed removing cron entry for wicens" fi else F_terminal_check_ok "No entry found for wicens in cron(cru) to remove" fi fi } # cru_check F_serv_start() { if [ "$1" = 'check' ] ; then F_terminal_check "Checking for wicens entry in services-start" if grep -q "$script_name_full cron" '/jffs/scripts/services-start' 2>/dev/null ; then printf "\r%b services-start wicens entry : %bexists%b\n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" return 0 else if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/services-start' ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "No wicens entry found in /jffs/scripts/services-start for cron(cru)" else F_terminal_check_fail "/jffs/scripts/services-start does not exist" fi return 1 fi elif [ "$1" = 'add' ] ; then if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/services-start' ] ; then F_crlf '/jffs/scripts/services-start' [ ! -x '/jffs/scripts/services-start' ] && F_chmod "/jffs/scripts/services-start" F_terminal_check "Adding cron(cru) to /jffs/scripts/services-start" if ! grep -q '#!/bin/sh' '/jffs/scripts/services-start' ; then F_log "Your services-start does not contain a '#!/bin/sh', please investigate and run again" F_terminal_check_fail "Your services-start does not contain a '#!/bin/sh', please investigate and run again" F_clean_exit fi if echo "/usr/sbin/cru a wicens \"*/10 * * * * $script_name_full cron\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/services-start' ; then echo "/usr/bin/logger -t \"services-start[\$\$]\" \"Added wicens entry to cron(cru)\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/services-start' F_log_terminal_ok "Added a cron(cru) entry for wicens to /jffs/scripts/services-start" else F_log_show "Critical error, failed writing cron command to services-start" F_clean_exit fi else F_log "/jffs/scripts/services-start does not exist, attempting to create" F_terminal_check "Creating /jffs/scripts/services-start" touch '/jffs/scripts/services-start' F_log_terminal_ok "Created services-start in /jffs/scripts/" if echo '#!/bin/sh' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start ; then if echo "/usr/sbin/cru a wicens \"*/10 * * * * $script_name_full cron\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> /jffs/scripts/services-start ; then echo "/usr/bin/logger -t \"services-start[\$\$]\" \"Added wicens entry to cron(cru)\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/services-start' F_chmod "/jffs/scripts/services-start" F_log_terminal_ok "Added cron entry for wicens cron call in /jffs/scripts/services-start" F_log "Created services-start in /jffs/scripts/ and added cron entry for wicens" else F_log_show "Critical error, failed writing to services-start" F_clean_exit fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Critical error, failed to add 'shebang' to services-start" F_log "Critical error, failed to add 'shebang' to services-start" F_clean_exit fi fi elif [ "$1" = 'remove' ] ; then F_terminal_check "Removing wicens entry in services-start" if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/services-start' ] ; then if grep -q "$script_name_full cron" '/jffs/scripts/services-start' 2> /dev/null; then if /bin/sed -i "\| $script_name_full |d" '/jffs/scripts/services-start' ; then /bin/sed -i '/Added wicens entry/d' '/jffs/scripts/services-start' F_log_terminal_ok "Removed services-start entry for wicens" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, could not remove wicens entry in /jffs/scripts/services-start" F_log "Error, could not remove wicens entry in services-start" fi else F_terminal_check_ok "No entry found for wicens in /jffs/scripts/services-start to remove" fi if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/services-start )" -eq 1 ] ; then if grep -q "#!/bin/sh" "/jffs/scripts/services-start"; then F_log_terminal_ok "/jffs/scripts/services-start appears empty, removing file" rm -f /jffs/scripts/services-start fi fi else F_terminal_check_ok "/jffs/scripts/services-start doesn't exist" fi fi } # serv_start_check F_wan_event() { if [ "$1" = 'check' ] ; then F_terminal_check "Checking for wicens entry in wan-event" if grep -q "$script_name_full wancall" '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' 2>/dev/null ; then printf "\r%b wan-event wicens entry : %bexists%b\n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" return 0 else if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "No wicens entry found in /jffs/scripts/wan-event script" else F_terminal_check_fail "/jffs/scripts/wan-event does not exist" fi return 1 fi elif [ "$1" = 'add' ] ; then if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' ] ; then F_crlf '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' [ ! -x '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' ] && F_chmod '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' F_terminal_check "Adding wicens to wan-event script on connected event" if ! grep -q '#!/bin/sh' '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Your wan-event does not contain a '#!/bin/sh', please investigate and run again" F_log "Your wan-event does not contain a '#!/bin/sh', please investigate and run again" F_clean_exit fi if echo "[ \"\$2\" = \"connected\" ] && (/bin/sh $script_name_full wancall) & wicenspid=\$! # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> /jffs/scripts/wan-event ; then echo "[ \"\$2\" = \"connected\" ] && /usr/bin/logger -t \"wan-event[\$\$]\" \"Started wicens with pid \$wicenspid\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' F_log_terminal_ok "Added wicens to wan-event with connected event trigger" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, failed writing wicens wancall entry to wan-event" F_clean_exit fi else F_log "/jffs/scripts/wan-event does not exist, attempting to create" F_terminal_check "Creating /jffs/scripts/wan-event" touch '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' F_terminal_check_ok "Created wan-event in /jffs/scripts/" if echo '#!/bin/sh' >> /jffs/scripts/wan-event ; then if echo "[ \"\$2\" = \"connected\" ] && (/bin/sh $script_name_full wancall) & wicenspid=\$! # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> /jffs/scripts/wan-event ; then echo "[ \"\$2\" = \"connected\" ] && /usr/bin/logger -t \"wan-event[\$\$]\" \"Started wicens with pid \$wicenspid\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' F_chmod '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' F_terminal_check_ok "Added connected event entry for wicens wancall in /jffs/scripts/wan-event" F_log "Created wan-event in /jffs/scripts/ and added connected event entry for wicens" else F_log_show "Critical error, failed writing to wan-event" F_clean_exit fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Critical error, failed to add 'shebang' to wan-event" F_log "Critical error, failed to add 'shebang' to wan-event" F_clean_exit fi fi elif [ "$1" = 'remove' ] ; then F_terminal_check "Removing wicens entry in wan-event" if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' ] ; then if grep -q "$script_name_full wancall" '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' 2> /dev/null; then /bin/sed -i "\| $script_name_full |d" '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' /bin/sed -i '/Started wicens with pid/d' '/jffs/scripts/wan-event' F_log_terminal_ok "Removed wan-event entry for wicens" else F_terminal_check_ok "No entry found for wicens in /jffs/scripts/wan-event to remove" fi if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/wan-event)" -eq 1 ] ; then if grep -q "#!/bin/sh" "/jffs/scripts/wan-event"; then F_log_terminal_ok "/jffs/scripts/wan-event appears empty, removing file" rm -f /jffs/scripts/wan-event fi fi else F_terminal_check_ok "/jffs/scripts/wan-event doesn't exist" fi fi } # wan_event_check F_auto_run() { if [ "$1" = 'checkall' ] ; then if ! F_cru check > /dev/null ; then return 1 ; fi if ! F_serv_start check > /dev/null ; then return 1 ; fi if ! F_wan_event check > /dev/null ; then return 1 ; fi return 0 elif [ "$1" = 'add' ] ; then F_terminal_check "cron(cru) check" && if ! F_cru check ; then F_cru add ;fi F_terminal_check "services-start check" && if ! F_serv_start check ; then F_serv_start add ;fi F_terminal_check "wan-event check" && if ! F_wan_event check ; then F_wan_event add ; fi elif [ "$1" = 'remove' ] ; then F_cru remove F_serv_start remove F_wan_event remove return 0 fi } ### auto_run # CORE ################################################################################################################ ####################################################################################################################### F_random_num() { [ -z "$random_max" ] && random_max='30' /usr/bin/awk -v min=1 -v max="$random_max" -v seed="$(/usr/bin/awk '{print $1}' < /proc/uptime | tr -d '.')" 'BEGIN{srand(seed); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}' # less than 5 mins to keep lock happy } ### random_num F_private_ip() { grep -qE "(^127\.)|(^(0)?10\.)|(^172\.(0)?1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.(0)?2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.(0)?3[0-1]\.)|(^169\.254\.)|(^192\.168\.)" } # private_ip # WAN IP ############################################################################################################## F_nvram_wan_ip_get() { current_wan_ip="$(F_nvram_get wan0_ipaddr)" if [ "$current_wan_ip" = '' ] || [ -z "$current_wan_ip" ] ; then F_log_terminal_fail "No valid IP found in NVRAM, attempting to force update" internet_check_count=0 until F_internet_check ; do : ; done # monitors/runs F_internet_ping (attempts 5mins/30s interval) F_current_wan_ip_get elif echo "$current_wan_ip" | F_private_ip ; then printf "\r%b WAN IP %s is a private IP, attempting update with getrealip.sh" "$tERASE$tCHECKFAIL" "$current_wan_ip" F_current_wan_ip_get fi # WAN IP is valid if [ "$current_wan_ip" = "$saved_wan_ip" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ### nvram_wan_ip_get F_current_wan_ip_get() { getrealip_call_count=3 # max tries to get WAN IP F_getrealip() { # watcher for getrealip.sh so if it hangs it doesnt sit around forever sleep_wait=5 (/bin/sh /usr/sbin/getrealip.sh | grep -Eo "$ip_regex" ) & command_pid=$! ( sleep "$sleep_wait" && /bin/kill -HUP "$command_pid" 2> /dev/null && rm -f /tmp/wicenswanipget.tmp && F_log "NOTICE - Killed hung getrealip.sh process after 5 secs" ) & watcher_pid=$! wait "$command_pid" && /bin/kill -HUP "$watcher_pid" 2> /dev/null getrealip_call_count=$((getrealip_call_count - 1)) } # getrealip [ "$passed_options" = 'cron' ] && sleep "$(F_random_num)" while [ "$getrealip_call_count" != '0' ] ; do # check for WAN IP 3 times F_terminal_check "Retrieving WAN IP using getrealip.sh" F_getrealip > /tmp/wicenswanipget.tmp # output to file or watcher doesnt function properly when var= current_wan_ip="$(grep -Eo "$ip_regex" /tmp/wicenswanipget.tmp 2>/dev/null )" [ -f '/tmp/wicenswanipget.tmp' ] && rm -f /tmp/wicenswanipget.tmp if [ -z "$current_wan_ip" ] || [ "$current_wan_ip" = '' ] ; then if [ "$getrealip_call_count" -eq 0 ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Error retrieving WAN IP 3 times... aborting...." F_log "Error retrieving WAN IP 3 times... aborting...." F_clean_exit else F_log_terminal_fail "Error retrieving WAN IP with getrealip.sh, attempt again in 60secs" sleep 60 printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" fi else break fi done if echo "$current_wan_ip" | F_private_ip ; then printf "\r%b WAN IP %s is a private IP, something is wrong" "$tERASE$tCHECKFAIL" "$current_wan_ip" F_log "ERROR - WAN IP $current_wan_ip is a private IP using getrealip.sh, something is wrong" F_clean_exit fi } ### current_wan_ip_get F_calc_lease() { wan_lease_years=0 ; wan_lease_days=0 ; wan_lease_hours=0 ; wan_lease_mins=0 ; wan_lease_secs=0 # set for output current_epoch="$(F_date sec)" epoch_diff=$((current_epoch - saved_wan_epoch)) if [ "$epoch_diff" -gt 31536000 ] ; then # year wan_lease_years=$((epoch_diff / 31536000)) epoch_diff=$((epoch_diff - (31536000 * wan_lease_years))) fi if [ "$epoch_diff" -gt 86400 ] ; then # days wan_lease_days=$((epoch_diff / 86400)) epoch_diff=$((epoch_diff - (86400 * wan_lease_days))) fi if [ "$epoch_diff" -gt 3600 ] ; then # hours wan_lease_hours=$((epoch_diff / 3600)) epoch_diff=$((epoch_diff - (3600 * wan_lease_hours))) fi if [ "$epoch_diff" -gt 60 ] ; then # mins wan_lease_mins=$((epoch_diff / 60)) epoch_diff=$((epoch_diff - (60 * wan_lease_mins))) fi wan_lease_secs="$epoch_diff" # secs # output for Email in F_email_message [ "$wan_lease_years" -gt 0 ] && printf "%sy " "$wan_lease_years" [ "$wan_lease_days" -gt 0 ] && printf "%sd " "$wan_lease_days" if [ "$wan_lease_hours" -gt 0 ] ; then printf "%sh " "$wan_lease_hours" else printf "0h " fi if [ "$wan_lease_mins" -gt 0 ] ; then printf "%sm " "$wan_lease_mins" else printf "0m " fi printf "%ssec \n" "$wan_lease_secs" } ### calc_lease F_do_compare() { if F_nvram_wan_ip_get ; then printf "\r%b WAN IP lookup - Current WAN IP : %b%s%b \n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$tGRN" "$current_wan_ip" "$tCLR" printf "%b WAN IP compare - Saved WAN IP : %bmatch%b \n" "$tCHECKOK" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" F_terminal_check_ok "Done." [ "$passed_options" = 'wancall' ] && F_log "Saved WAN IP matches current IP" if [ "$from_menu" = 'yes' ] ; then F_menu_exit ; else F_clean_exit ; fi else printf "\r%b WAN IP lookup - Current WAN IP : %b%s%b \n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$tGRN" "$current_wan_ip" "$tCLR" printf "\r%b WAN IP compare - Saved WAN IP : %bNo Match%b - Saved IP %b%s%b \n" "$tERASE$tCHECKFAIL" "$tRED" "$tCLR" "$tPUR" "$saved_wan_ip" "$tCLR" F_log "WAN IP has changed to $current_wan_ip " ip_match='no' # user_custom_script 'immediate' call if [ -n "$user_custom_script" ] ; then case $user_custom_script_time in I|i) if [ "$passed_options" != 'test' ] && [ ! -f '/tmp/wicens_user_script_i.tmp' ] ; then nohup /bin/sh "$user_custom_script_decoded" > "${script_dir}/user_script.log" 2>&1 & custom_script_pid=$! F_log "Executed custom script $user_custom_script_decoded and put in background with PID $custom_script_pid" F_terminal_check_ok "Started user custom script and put in background" touch /tmp/wicens_user_script_i.tmp # prevent duplicate runs if email fails on first detection as this will run fi ;; esac fi return 1 fi } ### do_compare does wan ip compare and returns F_script_wan_update() { if [ "$ip_match" = 'no' ] ; then F_replace_var last_ip_change "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" { printf '%-28s' "$saved_wan_date" printf '%-17s' "$saved_wan_ip" printf '%s \n' "$(F_calc_lease)" } >> "$history_src" fi [ "$building_settings" = 'yes' ] && F_terminal_check_ok "IP successfully retrieved" printf "%b Updating wicens script with new WAN IP %b%s%b" "$tCHECKOK" "$tYEL" "$current_wan_ip" "$tCLR" if F_replace_var saved_wan_ip "$current_wan_ip" "$config_src" ; then printf "\r%b Updated wicens script with new WAN IP %b%s%b \n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$tYEL" "$current_wan_ip" "$tCLR" F_terminal_check "Confirming new WAN IP in wicens" if grep -q "$current_wan_ip" "$config_src" ; then F_log_terminal_ok "Success updating wicens script w/ new WAN IP" echo "Updating wicens script with new WAN IP $current_wan_ip : Success" >> "$mail_file" else F_terminal_check_fail "Confirming new WAN IP in wicens" F_log "FAILED confirmation of updating wicens with new WAN IP : $current_wan_ip" echo "Updating wicens script with new WAN IP $current_wan_ip : Confirmation Failed" >> "$mail_file" fi F_replace_var saved_wan_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" F_replace_var saved_wan_epoch "$(F_date sec)" "$config_src" else F_terminal_check_fail "Updating wicens with new WAN IP : sed failed" F_log "FAILED (sed) updating wicens with new WAN IP" echo "Updating WICENS script with new WAN IP $current_wan_ip : sed Failed" >> "$mail_file" fi } ### update_script # INTERNET ############################################################################################################ F_internet_ping() { F_test_sites() { echo "google.com" ; echo "bing.com" ; echo "yahoo.com" ; echo "github.com" ; echo "asus.com" echo "sourceforge.net" ; echo "snbforums.com" ; echo "wikipedia.org" } cycle_ping_count=1 # cycle through 15 good/bad pings if necessary till 6 good good_ping=0 last_random= # last random site chosen while [ "$cycle_ping_count" -le 15 ] ; do [ "${#last_random}" -ge 4 ] && last_random= # refresh random list after 4 unique tests random_max="$(F_test_sites | wc -l)" # set random max for F_random_num random_site="$(F_random_num)" # pick random line if echo "$last_random" | grep -q "$random_site" ; then # if random picks one of last 3 recently tested sites try again continue else last_random="${last_random}$random_site" # create list of tested sites tested_site="$(F_test_sites | /bin/sed -n "${random_site}p")" ping_try_count=1 site_ping=0 while [ "$ping_try_count" != '4' ] ; do # ping site 3 times if fail then move on/otherwise 2 good move on if ping -q -w1 -c1 "$tested_site" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then good_ping=$((good_ping + 1)) site_ping=$((site_ping + 1)) [ "$good_ping" -ge 6 ] && random_max= && return 0 [ "$site_ping" -ge 2 ] && break fi ping_try_count=$((ping_try_count + 1)) done cycle_ping_count=$((cycle_ping_count + 1)) fi done random_max= return 1 } ### internet_ping cycle through 2 pings to each random site till 6 good or 15 cycle attempts F_internet_check() { internet_check_count=$((internet_check_count + 1)) if [ "$internet_check_count" = '10' ] ; then F_log_terminal_fail "Could not ping $(F_test_sites | wc -l) test sites for the last 5 mins, exiting. Run again with next cron" if [ -n "$1" ] ; then # remove entry try from wanip,send,update,fwupdate to retry again after internet up case $1 in 'wanip') file_line_remove="$wicens_wanip_retry" ;; 'send') file_line_remove="$wicens_send_retry" ;; 'update') file_line_remove="$wicens_update_retry" ;; 'fwupdate') file_line_remove="$wicens_fw_retry" ;; esac /bin/sed '$d' "$file_line_remove" F_log "Removed retry line from $file_line_remove" fi F_clean_exit fi F_terminal_check "Checking Internet status..." if F_internet_ping ; then printf "\r%b Internet check : %s successful pings, appears up \n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK" "$good_ping" return 0 else F_terminal_check_fail "Failed pinging $(F_test_sites | wc -l) test sites" wait_secs=30 while [ "$wait_secs" != '0' ] ; do printf "%b %b%s%b seconds before next attempt \r" "$tERASE$tCHECK" "$tGRN" "$wait_secs" "$tCLR" sleep 1 wait_secs=$((wait_secs - 1)) done return 1 fi } ### internet_check called with until loop, check connectivity 10 times with 30s intervals # UPDATE ############################################################################################################## F_web_update_check() { if [ "$1" = 'force' ] ; then F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_padding printf "%b Script Update Check%b \n" "${tTERMHASH}${tYEL}" "$tCLR" else printf "%b Confirming update %b is most current \n" "$tTERMHASH" "${tGRN}${update_avail}${tCLR}" orig_update="$update_avail" # keep note of originally found update fi F_terminal_padding # download wait timer for terminal wait_update_time=5 F_time() { while [ "$wait_update_time" != '0' ] ; do printf "%b Checking for update %b%s%b secs " "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$wait_update_time" "$tCLR" wait_update_time=$((wait_update_time - 1)) sleep 1 printf '\r%b' "$tERASE" done } F_time & time_pid=$! # start timer wait for vars to be set then kill sleep 2 # pretty terminal wait git_version="$($git_get | grep 'script_version' | head -n1 | cut -d"=" -f2 | /bin/sed "s/'//g")" local_md5="$(/usr/bin/md5sum "$script_name_full" | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}')" server_md5="$($git_get | /usr/bin/md5sum | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}')" if [ -z "$git_version" ] ; then /bin/kill "$time_pid" >/dev/null 2>&1 printf '%b' "$tERASE$tBACK$tERASE" printf "\r%b Failed, could not read server script version... aborting update check \n" "$tERASE$tCHECKFAIL" # stays displayed sleep 3 # terminal display return 1 # skip everything below fi /bin/kill "$time_pid" >/dev/null 2>&1 F_replace_var update_cron_epoch "$(F_date sec)" "$update_src" if [ "$script_version" = "$git_version" ] ; then if [ "$local_md5" != "$server_md5" ] ; then F_replace_var update_avail "hotfix" "$update_src" printf '\r%b Success%b checking for update... %bhotfix%b available \n' "$tERASE$tCHECKOK$tGRN" "$tCLR" "$tRED" "$tCLR" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "Change log:" /usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maverickcdn/wicens/master/CHANGELOG.md" | /bin/sed -n "/^## $script_version/,/^##/p" | head -n -1 | /bin/sed 's/## //' else printf '\r%b Success%b checking for update... none available \n' "$tERASE$tCHECKOK$tGRN" "$tCLR" # cleanup, if no update found, make sure update file is correct [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && F_replace_var update_avail "none" "$update_src" [ "$update_notify_state" = 1 ] && F_replace_var update_notify_state 0 "$update_src" fi else if [ "$1" = 'force' ] ; then # menu check F_replace_var update_avail "$git_version" "$update_src" printf '\r%b Success%b checking for update... Ver: %b%s%b available \n' "$tERASE$tCHECKOK$tGRN" "$tCLR" "$tGRN" "$git_version" "$tCLR" F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "Change log:" /usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maverickcdn/wicens/master/CHANGELOG.md" | /bin/sed -n "/^## $git_version/,/^## $script_version/p" | head -n -1 | /bin/sed 's/## //' else # run by script update verify newest check printf '\r%b Success%b checking for update...\n' "$tERASE$tCHECKOK$tGRN" "$tCLR" if [ "$git_version" != "$orig_update" ] ; then /usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maverickcdn/wicens/master/CHANGELOG.md" | /bin/sed -n "/^## $git_version/,/^## $script_version/p" | head -n -1 | /bin/sed 's/## //' F_terminal_check_ok "Will download newer found version Ver: $git_version vs originally found Ver: $orig_update" else F_terminal_check_ok "Ver: $git_version is the most current available update" fi F_terminal_padding fi fi source "$update_src" # resource config to update vars in current session if [ "$1" = 'force' ] ; then F_menu_exit fi } ### web_update_check F_update_mail_notify() { F_terminal_check "Sending update notification Email..." { [ -n "$user_send_to_cc" ] && echo "Cc: $user_send_to_cc" echo "Subject: Update available for wicens script" echo "From: \"wicens script\" <$user_from_name>" echo "Date: $(/bin/date -R)" echo "To: \"wicens user\" <$user_send_to_addr>" echo "" echo "NOTICE" echo "" echo "Update is available for wicens script on your $fw_device_model" echo "" if [ "$update_avail" != 'hotfix' ] ; then echo "Version $update_avail is available" echo "" echo "Change log :" echo "$(/usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maverickcdn/wicens/master/CHANGELOG.md" | /bin/sed -n "/^## $git_version/,/^## $script_version/p" | head -n -1 | /bin/sed 's/## //')" else echo "A hotfix is available for version $script_version of wicens" echo "" echo "Change log :" echo "$(/usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maverickcdn/wicens/master/CHANGELOG.md" | /bin/sed -n "/^## $script_version/,/^##/p" | head -n -1 | /bin/sed 's/## //')" fi echo "" echo "Run wicens script on your router and select option I to update" echo "" echo "Message sent: $(F_date full)" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" } > "$mail_file" rm -f "$mail_log" 2> /dev/null if ! F_send_message; then F_log "Error, failed to send update notification Email" user_pswd='' rm -f "$mail_file" return 1 # skip below hopefully resend next cron if message fail fi user_pswd='' rm -f "$mail_file" rm -f "$wicens_update_retry" F_log_terminal_ok "Finished sending update notification Email" F_replace_var update_notify_state 1 "$update_src" } ### update_mail_notify F_local_script_update() { F_terminal_header F_terminal_padding if [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && [ "$update_avail" != 'hotfix' ] ; then F_terminal_show "Update available - version $update_avail" F_terminal_padding elif [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && [ "$update_avail" = 'hotfix' ] ; then F_terminal_show "Hotfix update available!" F_terminal_padding fi if ! F_confirm "Proceed with installing script update?" ; then F_clean_exit reload fi if [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] && [ ! -f "$script_backup_file" ] ; then F_terminal_warning F_terminal_check_fail "No backup file exists for your config." ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "Recommended to create a backup before upgrading" ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_check "C|c to continue - Any key to return to Main Menu" read -rsn1 updatebackupwait case $updatebackupwait in C|c) printf '\r%b' "$tERASE$tBACK$tERASE$tBACK$tERASE" ;; *) F_clean_exit reload ;; esac fi F_terminal_check_ok "Installing..." ; F_terminal_padding F_terminal_show "Starting script update to ver: $update_avail" ; F_terminal_padding # time between update found and current re-check give 60secs for menu update vs mail notification if [ "$(($(F_date sec) - update_cron_epoch))" -gt 60 ] ; then F_web_update_check # confirm saved update avail is current, notify if not fi F_terminal_check "Downloading...." sleep 1 if /usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 15 "$script_git_src" -o /jffs/scripts/wicens.sh ; then [ ! -x "$script_name_full" ] && F_chmod "$script_name_full" F_terminal_check_ok "Success, newest script ver $update_avail installed" F_replace_var update_avail "none" "$update_src" F_replace_var update_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" # reset email notifications for new updates [ "$update_notify_state" = 1 ] && F_replace_var update_notify_state 0 "$update_src" else F_terminal_check_fail "Error, failed downloading/saving new script version" F_terminal_padding F_menu_exit fi F_terminal_padding git_version="$($git_get | grep 'script_version' | head -n1 | cut -d"=" -f2 | /bin/sed "s/'//g")" /usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maverickcdn/wicens/master/CHANGELOG.md" | /bin/sed -n "/$git_version"'/,/##/p' | head -n -1 | /bin/sed 's/## //' F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_check "Any key to restart script" read -rsn1 restartupdatewait F_clean_exit reload } ### local_script_update F_fw_update_notify() { new_fw_ver="$(F_nvram_get webs_state_info)" new_fw_ver_pretty="$(echo "$new_fw_ver" | /usr/bin/awk -F '_' '{print $2 "." $3 "_" $4}')" F_log_terminal_ok "Sending notification Email for available firmware update version $new_fw_ver_pretty ..." { [ -n "$user_send_to_cc" ] && echo "Cc: $user_send_to_cc" echo "Subject: Firmware Update version $new_fw_ver_pretty available" echo "From: \"wicens script\" <$user_from_name>" echo "Date: $(/bin/date -R)" echo "To: \"wicens user\" <$user_send_to_addr>" echo "" echo "NOTICE" echo "" echo "Update to Firmware version $new_fw_ver_pretty is available for your $fw_device_model" echo "" echo "Visit https://www.asuswrt-merlin.net" echo "" echo "Message sent: $(F_date full)" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" } > "$mail_file" rm -f "$mail_log" 2> /dev/null if ! F_send_message; then F_log "Error, failed to send firmware update notification Email" user_pswd='' rm -f "$mail_file" return 1 fi user_pswd='' rm -f "$mail_file" rm -f "$wicens_fw_retry" F_log_terminal_ok "Finished sending firmware update notification Email" F_replace_var update_fw_notify_state 0 "$update_src" } ### fw_update_notify F_fw_updates() { if [ "$1" = 'check' ] ; then if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' ] ; then if grep -q "$script_name_full fwupdate" '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' ; then return 0 fi fi return 1 fi if [ "$1" = 'add' ] ; then if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' ] ; then F_crlf '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' [ ! -x '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' ] && F_chmod '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' F_terminal_check "Adding wicens to update-notification script" if ! grep -q '#!/bin/sh' '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Your update-notification does not contain a '#!/bin/sh', please investigate and run again" F_log "Your update-notification does not contain a '#!/bin/sh', please investigate and run again" F_clean_exit fi echo "(sh /jffs/scripts/$script_name fwupdate) & wicenspid=\$! # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' echo "logger -t \"update-notification[\$\$]\" \"Started wicens with pid \$wicenspid\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' F_terminal_check_ok "ADDED wicens entry to update-notification" else touch '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' F_terminal_check_ok "Created update-notification in /jffs/scripts/" if echo '#!/bin/sh' >> /jffs/scripts/update-notification ; then if echo "(sh $script_name_full fwupdate) & wicenspid=\$! # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> /jffs/scripts/update-notification ; then echo "logger -t \"update-notification[\$\$]\" \"Started wicens with pid \$wicenspid\" # added by wicens $(F_date full)" >> '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' F_chmod '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' F_terminal_check_ok "ADDED entry for wicens fwupdate in /jffs/scripts/update-notification" F_log "Created update-notification in /jffs/scripts/ and added entry for wicens" else F_log_show "Critical error, failed writing to update-notification" F_clean_exit fi else F_terminal_check_fail "Critical error, failed to add 'shebang' to update-notification" F_log "Critical error, failed to add 'shebang' to update-notification" F_clean_exit fi fi F_replace_var user_fw_update_notification 0 "$config_src" F_log_terminal_ok "Firmware update notifications enabled" fi if [ "$1" = 'remove' ] ; then F_terminal_check "Removing wicens entry in update-notification" if [ -f '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' ] ; then if grep -q "$script_name_full fwupdate" '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' ; then /bin/sed -i "\| $script_name_full |d" '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' /bin/sed -i '/Started wicens with pid/d' '/jffs/scripts/update-notification' F_log_terminal_ok "Removed update-notification entry for wicens" else F_terminal_check_ok "No entry found for wicens in /jffs/scripts/update-notification to remove" fi if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/update-notification)" -eq 1 ] ; then if grep -q "#!/bin/sh" "/jffs/scripts/update-notification"; then F_log_terminal_ok "/jffs/scripts/update-notification appears empty, removing file" rm -f /jffs/scripts/update-notification fi fi else F_terminal_check_ok "/jffs/scripts/update-notification doesn't exist" fi F_replace_var user_fw_update_notification 1 "$config_src" F_log_terminal_ok "Firmware update notifcations disabled" fi } # fw_updates # SCRIPT TEST/CONTROL ################################################################################################# F_settings_test() { settings_test='OK' amtm_status='FAIL' # amtm check valid if F_opt_amtm check ; then amtm_status='OK' # if sync enabled confirm sync if [ "$amtm_import" = 0 ] ; then F_opt_amtm confirm fi fi if [ -z "$user_from_addr" ] || [ -z "$user_message_type" ] || [ -z "$user_send_to_addr" ] || [ -z "$user_smtp_server" ] ; then settings_test='FAIL' fail_reason="$(printf "[%bFAIL%b] Missing core settings \n\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR")" fi [ "$user_message_count" -eq 0 ] && settings_test='FAIL' if [ "$user_message_count" -ge 2 ] && [ -z "$user_message_interval_1" ] ; then fail_reason="$(printf "[%bFAIL%b] Email notifications set to %s, missing interval 1/2 value \n\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" "$user_message_count")" F_log "Email notifications set to $user_message_count, missing interval 1/2 value" settings_test='FAIL' fi if [ "$user_message_count" -ge 3 ] && [ -z "$user_message_interval_2" ] ; then fail_reason="$(printf "[%bFAIL%b] Email notifications set to %s, missing interval 2/3 value \n\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" "$user_message_count")" F_log "Email notifications set to $user_message_count, missing interval 2/3 value" settings_test='FAIL' fi if [ "$user_message_count" -eq 4 ] && [ -z "$user_message_interval_3" ] ; then fail_reason="$(printf "[%bFAIL%b] Email notifications set to %s, missing interval 3/4 value \n\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" "$user_message_count")" F_log "Email notifications set to $user_message_count, missing interval 3/4 value" settings_test='FAIL' fi if [ ! -f "$cred_loc" ] && [ "$user_message_type" != 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then fail_reason="$(printf "[%bFAIL%b] Email send type set to %s but missing required password \n\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" "$user_message_type")" F_log "Email send type set to $user_message_type but missing required password" settings_test='FAIL' fi if [ "$user_message_count" = '0' ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then fail_reason="$(printf "[%bFAIL%b] Missing total Email notifications count \n\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR")" settings_test='FAIL' fi # CLEAN UP # clean old user_pswd if setup was edited [ -f "$cred_loc" ] && [ "$user_message_type" = 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] && rm -f "$cred_loc" # if old intervals exist but message count changed to 1, reset intervals if [ -n "$user_message_interval_1" ] || [ -n "$user_message_interval_2" ] || [ -n "$user_message_interval_3" ] ; then if [ "$user_message_count" = '1' ] ; then F_replace_var user_message_interval_1 "''" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_message_interval_2 "''" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_message_interval_3 "''" "$config_src" fi fi # started custom script and wrote time but exited [ -n "$user_custom_script_time" ] && [ -z "$user_custom_script" ] && F_replace_var user_custom_script_time "''" "$config_src" # only if someone manually deletes saved WAN IP if [ -z "$saved_wan_ip" ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] && [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] ; then F_saved_wan_ip_create F_log_show "Missing WAN IP" F_clean_exit reload fi if [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ### settings_test F_ready_check() { if [ "$settings_test" != 'OK' ] ; then if [ "$from_menu" = 'yes' ] ; then [ "$1" = 'pswdset' ] && return 0 [ "$1" != 'options' ] && F_terminal_header ; F_terminal_padding # not sent here from a menu option, displayed already F_terminal_check_fail "Error, no Email settings have been setup" F_terminal_padding; F_terminal_show "Use menu option 1 to add settings" F_menu_exit else [ "$passed_options" != 'manual' ] && F_log "CRITICAL ERROR, no/incomplete Email config found in this script" [ "$passed_options" != 'manual' ] && F_log "Run $script_name_full to add a config to this script" F_clean_exit fail fi return 1 else # passes test but trying to establish pswd with isp_type or incomplete settings if [ "$1" = 'pswdset' ] ; then if [ "$user_message_type" = 'smtp_isp_nopswd' ] || [ -z "$user_message_type" ] ; then F_terminal_check_fail "Cannot add password, SMTP type is either empty or set to ISP type" F_terminal_padding ;F_terminal_show "Use menu option 1 to edit settings" F_menu_exit fi fi return 0 fi } ### ready_check runs F_settings test and allows or not F_clean_exit() { [ "$1" = 'reload' ] && exec /bin/sh "$script_name_full" reload F_terminal_check "Exiting, removing $script_lock file" [ -f "$script_lock" ] && rm -f "$script_lock" [ -f "$script_mail_lock" ] && rm -f "$script_mail_lock" [ -f "$ntp_lock" ] && rm -f "$ntp_lock" if [ ! -f "$script_lock" ] ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Removed $script_lock file" printf "%b Goodbye%b \n\n" "$tERASE$tCHECKOK$tYEL" "$tCLR" [ "$1" = 'reset' ] && exec /bin/sh "$script_name_full" [ "$1" = 'fail' ] && exit 1 exit 0 else if [ "$$" != "$(/bin/sed -n '2p' "$script_lock")" ] ; then F_terminal_check_ok "Exiting, removing $script_lock file" F_terminal_show "Lock file still present but not from this process..." F_terminal_show "likely another process started while this one was exiting" [ "$1" = 'reload' ] && exec /bin/sh "$script_name_full" [ "$1" = 'fail' ] && exit 1 exit 0 else F_terminal_check_fail "CRITICAL ERROR - Failed to remove lock file" F_log "CRITICAL ERROR - Failed to remove lock file" exit 99 fi fi } ### clean_exit # STATUS/TERMINAL ##################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### F_terminal_header() { clear /bin/sed -n '2,11p' "$script_name_full" if [ "$fw_build_no" != '374' ] ; then printf "%5s%b%s%b -- %bver: %s%b -- %b%s%b FW ver: %b%s.%s_%s%b\n" "" "$tGRN" "$(F_date full)" "$tCLR" "$tYEL" "$script_version" "$tCLR" "$tGRN" "$fw_device_model" "$tCLR" "$tGRN" "$fw_build_no" "$fw_build_sub" "$fw_build_extend" "$tCLR" else printf "%2s%b%s%b -- %bver: %s%b -- %b%s%b FW ver: %b%s.%s%b\n" "" "$tGRN" "$(F_date full)" "$tCLR" "$tYEL" "$script_version" "$tCLR" "$tGRN" "$fw_device_model" "$tCLR" "$tGRN" "$fw_build_no" "$fw_build_extend" "$tCLR" fi [ "$test_mode" = 'yes' ] && printf "%b %b### Test Mode - Sending $user_message_count message(s) ### %b\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$tYEL" "$tCLR" F_terminal_separator } ### terminal_header F_status() { update_rem=$((update_period - update_diff)) F_terminal_header [ "$building_settings" = 'yes' ] && printf '%b %bWelcome to the WICENS setup - E|e to exit at anytime %b \n' "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" && F_terminal_padding [ "$edit_settings" = 'yes' ] && printf '%b %bWelcome to the WICENS config editor %b\n' "$tTERMHASH" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" && F_terminal_padding F_terminal_header_print "Current saved WAN IP : " "$saved_wan_ip" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email send to address : " "$user_send_to_addr" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email send to CC address : " "$user_send_to_cc" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email server addr:port : " "$user_smtp_server" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email send format type : " "$user_message_type" [ -f "$cred_loc" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Current Email password : " "Pswd saved" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email login address : " "$user_from_addr" F_terminal_header_print "Current Email from address : " "$user_from_name" F_terminal_header_print "Total # Email notifications set : " "$user_message_count" [ "$user_message_count" -gt 1 ] 2>/dev/null && F_terminal_header_print "Interval between Email 1/2 : " "$user_message_interval_1" [ "$user_message_count" -gt 2 ] 2>/dev/null && F_terminal_header_print "Interval between Email 2/3 : " "$user_message_interval_2" [ "$user_message_count" -gt 3 ] 2>/dev/null && F_terminal_header_print "Interval between Email 3/4 : " "$user_message_interval_3" [ "$user_message_type" = "smtp_ssl" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Current Email protocol : " "$protocol" F_terminal_header_print "Cron run interval : " "10 minutes" if [ -n "$user_custom_subject" ] ; then user_custom_subject_show="$user_custom_subject_decoded" [ ${#user_custom_subject_show} -gt 31 ] && user_custom_subject_show="$(echo "$user_custom_subject_decoded" | cut -c -28 | /bin/sed 's/$/.../g')" F_terminal_header_print "Custom Subject line set : " "$user_custom_subject_show" fi if [ -n "$user_custom_text" ] ; then user_custom_text_show="$user_custom_text_decoded" [ ${#user_custom_text_show} -gt 31 ] && user_custom_text_show="$(echo "$user_custom_text_decoded" | cut -c -28 | /bin/sed 's/$/.../g')" F_terminal_header_print "Custom message text is set : " "$user_custom_text_show" fi if [ -n "$user_custom_script_decoded" ] ; then user_custom_script_show="$user_custom_script_decoded" [ ${#user_custom_script_show} -gt 31 ] && user_custom_script_show="$(echo "$user_custom_script_decoded" | cut -c 28- | /bin/sed 's/^/.../g')" F_terminal_header_print "Custom script path : " "$user_custom_script_show" fi [ -n "$user_script_call_time" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Custom script call time : " "$user_script_call_time" F_terminal_header_print "Number of cron checks : " "$cron_run_count" F_terminal_header_print "Number of wan-event checks : " "$wancall_run_count" F_terminal_header_print "Total IP changes since install : " "$ip_change_count" F_terminal_header_print "Script install date : " "$install_date" [ -n "$update_date" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Script last updated date : " "$update_date" F_terminal_header_print "Script configured date : " "$created_date" [ -n "$saved_wan_date" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Current saved WAN IP recorded on : " "$saved_wan_date" [ -n "$last_cron_run" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Last monitored with cron : " "$last_cron_run" [ -n "$last_wancall_run" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Last ran with wan-event : " "$last_wancall_run" [ -n "$saved_wan_epoch" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Current saved WAN IP lease age : " "$(F_calc_lease)" [ -n "$last_ip_change" ] && F_terminal_header_print "Last IP change : " "$last_ip_change" router_uptime="$(/usr/bin/awk '{print $1}' /proc/uptime | cut -d'.' -f1)" uptime_pretty="$(printf '%dd %dh %dm %dsec\n' $((router_uptime/86400)) $((router_uptime%86400/3600)) $((router_uptime%3600/60)) $((router_uptime%60)))" F_terminal_header_print "Current router uptime : " "$uptime_pretty" [ "$user_update_notification" = '0' ] && [ "$update_avail" = 'none' ] && F_terminal_header_print "Secs to next update check w/cron : " "$update_rem" if [ "$amtm_import" = 0 ] && [ "$amtm_status" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Sync from AMTM Email config : " "Enabled" else F_terminal_header_print_d "Sync from AMTM Email config : " "Disabled" fi if F_auto_run checkall && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "WAN IP change Email notify : " "Enabled" else F_terminal_header_print_d "WAN IP change Email notify : " "Disabled" fi if F_auto_run checkall && [ "$user_update_notification" = 0 ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Script update Email notify : " "Enabled" else F_terminal_header_print_d "Script update Email notify : " "Disabled" fi if [ "$user_fw_update_notification" = 0 ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Firmware update Email notify : " "Enabled" else F_terminal_header_print_d "Firmware update Email notify : " "Disabled" fi [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && [ "$update_avail" != 'hotfix' ] && F_terminal_header_print "New version is available! : " "Version $update_avail" [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && [ "$update_avail" = 'hotfix' ] && F_terminal_header_print "Hotfix update is available! : " "Hotfix for v$script_version" F_terminal_header_print "Config file versions : " "User: v$build_settings_version Core: v$update_settings_version" F_terminal_show '---------------------------------------------------------------------' if [ "$1" = 'view' ] ; then if [ "$settings_test" != 'OK' ] ; then printf '%s\n' "$fail_reason" fi F_cru check F_serv_start check F_wan_event check return 0 fi } ### status # Menu ################################################################################################################ ####################################################################################################################### F_menu_exit() { F_terminal_padding F_terminal_check "Any key to return to the Main Menu - E||e to Exit" read -rsn1 exitwait case $exitwait in e|E) F_terminal_check_ok "Exiting." ; F_clean_exit ;; *) F_clean_exit reload ;; esac } ### menu_exit F_main_menu() { F_terminal_header selection='' from_menu='yes' printf " Option Select Status \n" ;F_terminal_separator if F_auto_run checkall && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "WAN IP change Email notify---: M||m " "Enabled" else F_terminal_header_print_d "WAN IP change Email notify---: M||m " "Disabled" fi if [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Create/Edit Email settings---: 1 " "Exists" else F_terminal_header_print_d "Create/Edit Email settings---: 1 " "Incomplete - V|v to view errors" fi printf "%b Custom Email msg text--------: 2 " "$tTERMHASH" if [ -n "$user_custom_text" ] ; then printf "%bExists%b\n" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" else printf "%bUnused%b\n" "$tPUR" "$tCLR" fi printf "%b Custom Email msg subject-----: 3 " "$tTERMHASH" if [ -n "$user_custom_subject" ] ; then printf "%bExists%b\n" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" else printf "%bUnused%b\n" "$tPUR" "$tCLR" fi printf "%b Custom script execution------: 4 " "$tTERMHASH" if [ -n "$user_custom_script" ] ; then printf "%bExists%b - Action:%b %s%b \n" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" "$tGRN" "$user_script_call_time" "$tCLR" else printf "%bUnused%b\n" "$tPUR" "$tCLR" fi printf "%b Script update Email notify---: 5 " "$tTERMHASH" if [ "$user_update_notification" = 0 ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] && F_auto_run checkall ; then printf "%bEnabled%b\n" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" else printf "%bDisabled%b\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" fi printf "%b Firmware update Email notify-: 6 " "$tTERMHASH" if F_fw_updates check ; then if [ "$user_fw_update_notification" = 0 ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then printf "%bEnabled%b\n" "$tGRN" "$tCLR" else printf "%bDisabled%b\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" fi else printf "%bDisabled%b\n" "$tRED" "$tCLR" fi if [ "$amtm_status" = 'OK' ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'FAIL' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "AMTM Email config found------: 9 " "Ready to import" fi if [ "$settings_test" != 'OK' ] && [ -f "$script_backup_file" ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Backup Email config----------: B||b " "Found - option B|b to restore" fi F_terminal_separator F_terminal_show "View current status/settings-: V||v" F_terminal_show "Show sample Email------------: S||s" F_terminal_show "Send a test Email------------: T||t" F_terminal_show "Show Email send log----------: L||l" F_terminal_show "Reset cron/wan-event counts--: N||n" F_terminal_show "Email password update entry--: P||p" F_terminal_show "Reset script to default------: R||r" F_terminal_show "Disable WAN IP Email notify--: D||d" F_terminal_show "Toggle terminal color on/off-: C||c" F_terminal_show "Uninstall script-------------: U||u" F_terminal_show "Backup/Restore settings menu-: B||b" if [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && [ "$update_avail" != 'hotfix' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Install script update--------: I||i " "Update available - version $update_avail" elif [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && [ "$update_avail" = 'hotfix' ] ; then F_terminal_header_print "Install script update--------: I||i " "Hotfix available!" else F_terminal_show "Check for script update------: F||f" fi F_terminal_show "About script-----------------: A||a" F_terminal_show "Exit-------------------------: E||e" F_terminal_padding ;F_terminal_check "Selection : " read -r selection printf "%b" "$tBACK$tERASE" case $selection in 1) if [ "$settings_test" = 'OK' ] ; then F_edit_settings else F_build_settings fi ;; '1f'|'1F') F_build_settings ;; 2) until F_opt_custom ; do : ; done ; F_menu_exit ;; 3) until F_opt_subject ; do : ; done ; F_menu_exit ;; 4) until F_opt_script ; do : ; done ; F_menu_exit ;; 5) F_opt_notifications ;; 6) F_opt_fw_notifications ;; 9) if [ "$amtm_status" = 'OK' ] && [ "$settings_test" = 'FAIL' ] ; then F_opt_amtm import else printf "%b %s is an invalid entry, any key to retry" "$tCHECKFAIL" "$selection" ; read -rsn1 invalidwait ; return 1 fi ;; a|A) F_opt_about ;; b|B) F_opt_backup_restore ;; c|C) F_opt_color ;; d|D) F_opt_disable ;; e|E) F_clean_exit ;; f|F) F_web_update_check force ;; i|I) if [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] ; then # option only avail if we found an update F_local_script_update else printf "%b %s is an invalid entry, any key to retry" "$tCHECKFAIL" "$selection" ; read -rsn1 invalidwait ; return 1 fi ;; l|L) F_opt_error ;; m|M) F_opt_manual ;; n|N) F_opt_count ;; p|P) until F_opt_pswd ; do : ; done ; F_menu_exit ;; r|R) F_opt_reset ;; s|S) F_opt_sample ;; t|T) passed_options='test' ;; # fall through to settings test then check arg u|U) F_opt_uninstall ;; v|V) F_status view && F_menu_exit ;; *) [ -n "$selection" ] && printf "%b %s is an invalid entry, any key to retry" "$tCHECKFAIL" "$selection" && read -rsn1 invalidwait && return 1 ;; esac } ### main menu ####################################################################################################################### ################### Start - check/set ntp/time - lock check/set - options check ####################################### ####################################################################################################################### F_ntp() { ntp_lock='/tmp/wicens_ntp.lock' [ -f "$ntp_lock" ] && exit 0 # script already running waiting on NTP sync if [ "$(F_nvram_get ntp_ready)" -ne 1 ] ; then echo "$$" > "$ntp_lock" ; echo "wicens ntp lock" >> "$ntp_lock" ntp_wait_time=0 F_log_show "NTP is not synced, waiting upto 600 seconds (10min) checking every second for NTP sync... CTRL+C to exit" while [ "$(F_nvram_get ntp_ready)" -ne 1 ] && [ "$ntp_wait_time" -lt 600 ] ; do ntp_wait_time="$((ntp_wait_time + 1))" printf '\r%b Elapsed time : %s secs' "$tTERMHASH" "$ntp_wait_time" sleep 1 printf '%b' "$tERASE" done if [ "$ntp_wait_time" -ge 600 ] ; then F_log_show "NTP failed to sync and update router time after 10 mins" F_log_show "Please check your NTP date/time settings" rm -f "$ntp_lock" && F_clean_exit fi fi [ -f "$ntp_lock" ] && rm -f "$ntp_lock" # remove ntplock on success after waiting for ntp # time set TZ="$(cat /etc/TZ)" export TZ run_date="$(F_date full)" run_epoch="$(F_date sec)" } ### ntp F_lock() { if [ "$1" = 'create' ] ; then touch "$script_lock" { echo "wicens lock file" echo "$$" echo "$(F_date sec)" echo "Lockfile for $script_name_full to prevent duplication" echo "Created $run_date" echo "Option : $passed_options " } >> "$script_lock" return 0 fi # if lock exists already check age/process etc if [ -f "$script_lock" ] ; then locked_process="$(/bin/sed -n '2p' $script_lock)" # pid process_created="$(/bin/sed -n '5p' $script_lock)" # started on process_calledby="$(/bin/sed -n '6p' $script_lock)" # created by process_time="$(/bin/sed -n '3p' $script_lock)" # started seconds time lock1_diff_time="$((run_epoch - process_time))" # age of lock file lock1_rem_time="$((330 - lock1_diff_time))" # lock allowed 330 F_terminal_header F_terminal_warning F_terminal_show "wicens failed to start" F_terminal_padding if [ -f "$script_mail_lock" ] ; then # if wicens.lock doesnt exist neither should this, so only check this if first lock exists # calculate wicenssendmail.lock age limit from user interval settings loop_count_run=3 # check user_message_intervals and convert to seconds to check lock file age limits while [ "$loop_count_run" != '0' ] ; do newval="$(eval 'echo "${user_message_interval_'"$loop_count_run"'}"')" # reading variable user_message_interval_1/2/3 [ -z "$newval" ] && loop_count_run=$((loop_count_run - 1)) && continue interval_type="$(echo "$newval" | /bin/sed -e "s/^.*\(.\)$/\1/")" # strip second,minute,hour,day time_period="$(echo "$newval" | /bin/sed 's/[a-z]$//')" # strip time value if [ "$interval_type" = 'd' ] ; then time_factor='86400' elif [ "$interval_type" = 'h' ] ; then time_factor='3600' elif [ "$interval_type" = 'm' ] ; then time_factor='60' else time_factor='1' fi converted_seconds=$((time_period * time_factor)) if [ "$loop_count_run" = '3' ] ; then interval_time_count_3="$converted_seconds" elif [ "$loop_count_run" = '2' ] ; then interval_time_count_2="$converted_seconds" elif [ "$loop_count_run" = '1' ] ; then interval_time_count_1="$converted_seconds" fi loop_count_run=$((loop_count_run - 1)) done check_lock_count="$((interval_time_count_1+interval_time_count_2+interval_time_count_3+100))" # add 100secs just incase script happens to be exiting or had start delays reads original wicens.lock start date seconds lock2_rem_time="$((check_lock_count - lock1_diff_time))" # diff between total notification time - lock age if [ "$((run_epoch - $(/bin/sed -n '4p' $script_mail_lock)))" -gt "$check_lock_count" ] ; then rm -f "$script_mail_lock" printf "%b from %s on %s\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$process_calledby" "$process_created" F_terminal_show "Removed stale wicenssendmail.lock file, any key to continue" F_log "NOTICE - Removed stale wicenssendmail.lock file started by $process_calledby on $process_created" [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] && read -rsn1 staleremove else if [ ! -d "/proc/$locked_process" ] ; then # process that created doesnt exist F_log_show "CRITICAL ERROR - wicens.lock and wicenssendmail.lock exist" F_log "CRITICAL ERROR - files $process_created by $process_calledby" printf "%b created %s by %s\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$process_created" "$process_calledby" F_log_show "Process that created doesn't exist, script was killed during Email send" rm -f "$script_lock" rm -f "$script_mail_lock" F_log_show "CRITICAL ERROR - Removed dead wicens.lock and wicenssendmail.lock files" [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] && F_terminal_check "Any key to continue" && read -rsn1 staleremove else F_terminal_show "wicens.lock and wicenssendmail.lock exist" F_terminal_show "Process still exists sending Email notifcations" F_terminal_show "Lock files not over age limit" printf '%b wicens.lock is aged %b seconds \n' "$tTERMHASH" "${tGRN}$lock1_diff_time${tCLR}" printf '%b wicenssendmail.lock has %b seconds remaining \n' "$tTERMHASH" "${tGRN}$lock2_rem_time${tCLR}" F_terminal_show "Lock file $process_created" F_terminal_show "Use sh $script_name_full remove" F_terminal_show "To manually remove lock files and kill running processes" ; F_terminal_padding [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] && F_log "wicens.lock and wicenssendmail.lock exist, lock files not over age limit, process still exists, likely sending Email notifcations." exit 0 fi fi else F_terminal_show "$script_mail_lock doesnt exist but $script_lock does" fi # done checking wicenssendmail.lock if [ ! -d "/proc/$locked_process" ] ; then # process that created doesnt exist F_terminal_show "NOTICE - Removed stale wicens.lock file, process doesn't exist" F_log "NOTICE - Process doesn't exist - Removed stale wicens.lock file, $process_calledby and started $process_created" rm -f "$script_lock" F_terminal_padding ;F_terminal_show "Any key to start script" [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] && read -rsn1 lock_notify_wait else if [ "$lock1_diff_time" -gt 330 ] ; then # based on if internet is down google attempts is 5 mins F_log_show "Lock file exists for running process older than 5 mins but not sending Email" printf "%b Killing process %s and deleting lock file %s" "$tTERMHASH" "$locked_process" "$process_created" F_log "Killing old process $locked_process started by $process_calledby and deleting lock file $process_created" /bin/kill "$locked_process" rm -f "$script_lock" F_log_show "Done, killed stale process, removed lock file" F_terminal_padding ;F_terminal_show "Any key to start script" [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] && read -rsn1 lock_notify_wait else F_terminal_show "wicens.lock file exists, but is not yet 5 mins old" F_terminal_show "wait till lock file ages, or remove manually with option 'remove'" printf "%b wicens.lock file process %s\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$process_created" printf "%b wicens.lock file created by %srun\n" "$tTERMHASH" "$process_calledby" ;F_terminal_padding exit 0 fi fi fi # end of wicens.lock and wicenssendmail.lock # locks dont exist/removed continue below } ### lock_check F_integrity_check() { if [ "$update_settings_version" != "$current_core_config" ] ; then # if new updated core config differs from saved, update F_terminal_header F_log_terminal_fail "wicens core config is not current, updating" # current file is already sourced, remove file and change new file with loaded vars rm -f "$update_src" F_default_update_create && F_log_terminal_ok "core config v${current_core_config} created, updating w/user settings/router settings" # v2->v3 need to pull for F_firmware_check build_full="$(F_nvram_get buildno)" build_no="$(echo "$build_full" | cut -f1 -d '.')" build_sub="$(echo "$build_full" | cut -f2 -d '.')" build_extend="$(F_nvram_get extendno)" F_firmware_check echo "# Updated ver $current_core_config $(F_date full)" >> "$update_src" source "$update_src" F_log_terminal_ok "Done, updated wicens core config file to v${current_core_config}" if F_auto_run checkall ; then # if enabled reset if any changes to wan-event/services-start/cru F_auto_run remove > /dev/null 2>&1 # remove entries F_auto_run add > /dev/null 2>&1 # readd updated entries F_log_show "Updated wan-event/services-start/cru entries" fi F_terminal_check "Any key to continue..." read -rsn1 updatedwait printf '\r%b' "$tERASE" source "$update_src" fi if [ "$build_settings_version" != "$current_user_config" ] ; then # if new updated user config differs from saved, update F_terminal_header F_log_terminal_fail "wicens user config is not current, updating" # current file is already sourced, remove file and change new file with loaded vars rm -f "$config_src" F_default_create && F_log_terminal_ok "user config v${current_user_config} created, updating w/user settings" F_replace_var saved_wan_ip "$saved_wan_ip" "$config_src" F_replace_var saved_wan_date "$saved_wan_date" "$config_src" F_replace_var saved_wan_epoch "$saved_wan_epoch" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_from_name "$user_from_name" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_smtp_server "$user_smtp_server" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_from_addr "$user_from_addr" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_send_to_addr "$user_send_to_addr" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_send_to_cc "$user_send_to_cc" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_message_type "$user_message_type" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_message_count "$user_message_count" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_message_interval_1 "$user_message_interval_1" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_message_interval_2 "$user_message_interval_2" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_message_interval_3 "$user_message_interval_3" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_custom_subject "$user_custom_subject" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_custom_text "$user_custom_text" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_custom_script "$user_custom_script" "$config_src" F_replace_var user_custom_script_time "$user_custom_script_time" "$config_src" [ "$user_update_notification" = 0 ] && F_replace_var user_update_notification 0 "$config_src" [ "$user_fw_update_notification" = 0 ] && F_replace_var user_fw_update_notification 0 "$config_src" F_replace_var cron_run_count "$cron_run_count" "$config_src" F_replace_var last_cron_run "$last_cron_run" "$config_src" F_replace_var last_wancall_run "$last_wancall_run" "$config_src" F_replace_var wancall_run_count "$wancall_run_count" "$config_src" [ -n "$last_ip_change" ] && F_replace_var last_ip_change "$last_ip_change" "$config_src" F_replace_var ip_change_count "$ip_change_count" "$config_src" F_replace_var install_date "$install_date" "$config_src" [ -z "$install_date" ] && F_replace_var install_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" # v2 > v3 [ -n "$update_date" ] && F_replace_var update_date "$update_date" "$config_src" [ -n "$created_date" ] && F_replace_var created_date "$created_date" "$config_src" F_replace_var last_wancall_log_count "$last_wancall_log_count" "$config_src" F_replace_var opt_color "$opt_color" "$config_src" F_replace_var log_cron_msg "$log_cron_msg" "$config_src" F_replace_var ssl_flag "$ssl_flag" "$config_src" if [ -z "$protocol" ] ; then F_replace_var protocol "smtps" "$config_src" else F_replace_var protocol "$protocol" "$config_src" fi F_replace_var amtm_import "$amtm_import" "$config_src" echo "# Updated from $build_settings_version to $current_user_config $(F_date full)" >> "$config_src" source "$config_src" F_log_terminal_ok "Done, updated wicens user config file to v${current_user_config}" F_terminal_check "Any key to continue..." read -rsn1 update2wait printf '\r%b' "$tBACK$tERASE" source "$config_src" fi } ### config integrity check F_run_args() { if [ "$passed_options" = 'reload' ] ; then # no need to check other options on script reloads until F_main_menu ; do : ; done elif [ "$passed_options" = 'manual' ] ; then # only check alias/FW ver with manual runs build_full="$(F_nvram_get buildno)" build_no="$(echo "$build_full" | cut -f1 -d '.')" build_sub="$(echo "$build_full" | cut -f2 -d '.')" build_extend="$(F_nvram_get extendno)" # firmware compatibility check if [ -z "$fw_build_no" ] || [ -z "$fw_build_sub" ] || [ -z "$fw_build_extend" ] ; then # first run will be unpopulated F_replace_var install_date "$(F_date full)" "$config_src" F_firmware_check F_clean_exit reload fi # check if user has upgraded firmware and update config saving to config avoids numerous nvram calls every run if [ "$fw_build_no" != '374' ] ; then if [ "$build_no" != "$fw_build_no" ] || [ "$build_sub" != "$fw_build_sub" ] || [ "$build_extend" != "$fw_build_extend" ] ; then F_firmware_check fwupdate fi else johnsub="${build_extend:0:2}" if [ "$johnsub" != "$fw_build_sub" ] ; then F_firmware_check fwupdate fi fi F_alias # cleanup password backup if config backup doesnt exist [ -f "$cred_loc_bak" ] && [ ! -f "$cred_loc" ] && [ ! -f "$script_backup_file" ] && rm -f "$cred_loc_bak" # if Email send failed 5 times we need to clear out the file for future if [ -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" ] || [ -f "$wicens_fw_retry" ] || [ -f "$wicens_update_retry" ] || [ -f "$wicens_send_retry" ] ; then F_terminal_header F_terminal_padding ; F_terminal_show "A failed Email retry file exists... removing" ; F_terminal_padding [ -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" ] && cat "$wicens_wanip_retry" && F_terminal_padding [ -f "$wicens_fw_retry" ] && cat "$wicens_fw_retry" && F_terminal_padding [ -f "$wicens_update_retry" ] && cat "$wicens_update_retry" && F_terminal_padding [ -f "$wicens_send_retry" ] && cat "$wicens_send_retry" && F_terminal_padding rm -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" "$wicens_fw_retry" "$wicens_update_retry" "$wicens_send_retry" 2>/dev/null F_menu_wait 15 fi # start wicens menu until F_main_menu ; do : ; done fi ##### auto-run options ############################################################################################ ################################################################################################################### F_ready_check # ensure script is configured to be able to autorun, log errors otherwise if [ "$passed_options" = 'test' ] ; then F_opt_test elif [ "$passed_options" = 'cron' ] ; then new_cron_count="$((cron_run_count + 1))" F_replace_var cron_run_count "$new_cron_count" "$config_src" F_replace_var last_cron_run "$run_date" "$config_src" # cron - Sunday logging ####################################################################################### weekly_wancall_total=$((wancall_run_count - last_wancall_log_count)) # log msg count if [ "$(/bin/date +'%u')" = '7' ] && [ "$log_cron_msg" = '0' ] ; then F_log "Started successfully by wan-event connected $weekly_wancall_total times in the last week, $wancall_run_count times since install" [ -n "$last_wancall_run" ] && F_log "Last wan-event connected trigger $last_wancall_run" F_log "Recorded $ip_change_count IP change(s) since install" F_replace_var last_wancall_log_count "$wancall_run_count" "$config_src" F_replace_var log_cron_msg 1 "$config_src" fi if [ "$(/bin/date +'%u')" = '1' ] && [ "$log_cron_msg" = '1' ] ; then # monday reset F_replace_var log_cron_msg 0 "$config_src" fi # cron - update check ######################################################################################### if [ "$user_update_notification" = '0' ] && [ "$update_avail" = 'none' ] ; then # if update already found dont recheck update_cron_diff=$((run_epoch - update_cron_epoch)) if [ "$update_cron_diff" -gt "$update_period" ] ; then # check for webupdate every 48hours sleep "$(F_random_num)" # good internet neighbor internet_check_count=0 until F_internet_check ; do : ; done F_web_update_check F_replace_var update_cron_epoch "$(F_date sec)" "$update_src" fi fi # cron - update notification initial and retry if we found avail update in F_web_update_check ################# if [ "$update_avail" != 'none' ] && [ "$update_notify_state" = '0' ] && [ "$user_update_notification" = '0' ] ; then # no notification yet sent for update & enabled if [ -f "$wicens_update_retry" ] ; then # set 5 time retry echo "# Attempting to send script update notification $(F_date full)" >> "$wicens_update_retry" else echo "# Attempting to send script update-notification $(F_date full)" > "$wicens_update_retry" fi if [ "$(wc -l < "$wicens_update_retry")" -le "$max_email_retry" ] ; then internet_check_count=0 until F_internet_check update ; do : ; done F_log "Update available for wicens script, run manually to update" F_log "Sending update notification Email" F_update_mail_notify else F_log "Critical error, attempted to send script update Email $max_email_retry times, giving up" F_replace_var update_notify_state 1 "$update_src" # set like we had success to only log error 1 time fi fi # cron - fw update notification retry ######################################################################### if [ "$update_fw_notify_state" = '1' ] ; then # fw_update_notify failed sending msg try again echo "# Attempting to send script fw update notification $(F_date full)" >> "$wicens_fw_retry" # dont exit continue to forwarder/ipcheck if [ "$(wc -l < "$wicens_fw_retry")" -le "$max_email_retry" ] ; then # retry created in wicens fwupdate internet_check_count=0 until F_internet_check fwupdate ; do : ; done F_fw_update_notify else F_log "Critical error, attempted to send Firmware update Email $max_email_retry times, giving up" F_replace_var update_fw_notify_state 0 "$update_src" # set like we had success to only log error 1 time fi fi # cron - wicens forwarder retry ############################################################################### if [ -f "$wicens_send_retry" ] ; then # retry created in wicens send source "$wicens_send_retry" # source as retry needs msg/sendto if [ "$(wc -l < "$wicens_send_retry")" -le "$((max_email_retry + 4))" ] ; then # retry for forwarder has 4 lines coded F_opt_forward else wicens_send_retry_age=$((run_epoch - wicens_send_retry_time)) if [ "$wicens_send_retry_age" -gt "$retry_wait_period" ] ; then # email failed 5 times w/internet up, after 6 hrs try again rm -f "$wicens_send_retry" # remove to refresh F_opt_forward fi fi fi # cron - wicens IP check ###################################################################################### if ! F_do_compare ; then if [ -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" ] ; then if [ "$(wc -l < "$wicens_wanip_retry")" -ge "$((max_email_retry + 2))" ] ; then source "$wicens_wanip_retry" wicens_wanip_retry_age=$((run_epoch - wicens_wanip_retry_time)) if [ "$wicens_wanip_retry_age" -gt "$retry_wait_period" ] ; then rm -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" # remove and refresh attempts fall through to F_send_mail else F_clean_exit # done cron check exit fi fi fi F_send_mail # sets wicens_wanip_retry, clears on success and exits clean fi # called by wan-event connected elif [ "$passed_options" = 'wancall' ] ; then new_wancall_count="$((wancall_run_count + 1))" F_log "Started by 'wan-event connected' trigger... sleeping 30secs before running IP compare" F_replace_var wancall_run_count "$new_wancall_count" "$config_src" F_replace_var last_wancall_run "$run_date" "$config_src" sleep 30 # let connection settle before checking anything # if called by wancall ensure we start fresh 5 attempts [ -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" ] && rm -f "$wicens_wanip_retry" if ! F_do_compare ; then F_send_mail fi # called by update-notification event elif [ "$passed_options" = 'fwupdate' ] ; then if [ "$user_fw_update_notification" = '0' ] ; then # user optd into fw notfications [ -f "$wicens_fw_retry" ] && rm -f "$wicens_fw_retry" # if retry file exists remove, we were called by update-notification again echo "# Attempting to send script fw update-notification $(F_date full)" > "$wicens_fw_retry" F_log_show "Started by update-notification trigger, sending firmware update notification" # set 1 at start of attempt set to 0 by F_fw_update_notify msg success and checked by cron F_replace_var update_fw_notify_state 1 "$update_src" F_fw_update_notify F_clean_exit fi # called as email forwarder elif [ "$passed_options" = 'send' ] ; then if [ -z "$fwd_send_msg" ] ; then F_log_show "Error, script called as forwarder but no Email message defined" F_clean_exit fail elif [ ! -f "$fwd_send_msg" ] ; then F_log_show "Error, script called as forwarder but can't find $fwd_send_msg Email message" F_clean_exit fail fi if [ -n "$fwd_send_addr" ] ; then F_log_terminal_ok "wicens script started as forwarder, attempting to send $fwd_send_msg to $fwd_send_addr" else F_log_terminal_ok "wicens script started as forwarder, attempting to send $fwd_send_msg to $user_send_to_addr" fi if F_opt_forward ; then F_clean_exit else F_clean_exit fail fi fi # run args done } ### arg_options ####################################################################################################################### # first script commands ############################################################################################### # validate args case $passed_options in 'reload') run_date="$(F_date full)" run_epoch="$(F_date sec)" passed_options='manual' F_user_settings ;; 'cron'|'wancall'|'fwupdate'|'manual'|'test'|'send') F_ntp F_user_settings F_lock F_lock create [ -f "$mail_file" ] && rm -f "$mail_file" [ "$passed_options" = 'send' ] && fwd_send_msg="$2" && fwd_send_addr="$3" ;; 'remove') F_opt_remove ;; # manually remove lock files *) printf "\nwicens.sh \"%b\" is an invalid option\n\n" "$passed_options" exit 0 ;; esac # check how script was run and launch F_run_args ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # END