import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core
import mvsfunc as mvf
import math

def nnedi3_resample(input, target_width=None, target_height=None, src_left=None, src_top=None, src_width=None, src_height=None, csp=None, mats=None, matd=None, cplaces=None, cplaced=None, fulls=None, fulld=None, curves=None, curved=None, sigmoid=None, scale_thr=None, nsize=None, nns=None, qual=None, etype=None, pscrn=None, opt=None, int16_prescreener=None, int16_predictor=None, exp=None, kernel=None, invks=False, taps=None, invkstaps=3, a1=None, a2=None, chromak_up=None, chromak_up_taps=None, chromak_up_a1=None, chromak_up_a2=None, chromak_down=None, chromak_down_invks=False, chromak_down_invkstaps=3, chromak_down_taps=None, chromak_down_a1=None, chromak_down_a2=None, mode='nnedi3', device=None):
    funcName = 'nnedi3_resample'
    # Get property about input clip
    if not isinstance(input, vs.VideoNode):
        raise TypeError(funcName + ': This is not a clip!')
    sFormat = input.format
    sColorFamily = sFormat.color_family
    sIsGRAY = sColorFamily == vs.GRAY
    sIsYUV = sColorFamily == vs.YUV
    sIsRGB = sColorFamily == vs.RGB
    sbitPS = sFormat.bits_per_sample
    sHSubS = 1 << sFormat.subsampling_w
    sVSubS = 1 << sFormat.subsampling_h
    sIsSubS = sHSubS > 1 or sVSubS > 1
    sPlaneNum = sFormat.num_planes
    # Get property about output clip
    dFormat = sFormat if csp is None else core.get_format(csp)
    dColorFamily = dFormat.color_family
    dIsGRAY = dColorFamily == vs.GRAY
    dIsYUV = dColorFamily == vs.YUV
    dIsRGB = dColorFamily == vs.RGB
    dbitPS = dFormat.bits_per_sample
    dHSubS = 1 << dFormat.subsampling_w
    dVSubS = 1 << dFormat.subsampling_h
    dIsSubS = dHSubS > 1 or dVSubS > 1
    dPlaneNum = dFormat.num_planes
    # Parameters of format
    SD = input.width <= 1024 and input.height <= 576
    HD = input.width <= 2048 and input.height <= 1536
    if mats is None:
        mats = "601" if SD else "709" if HD else "2020"
        mats = mats.lower()
    if matd is None:
        matd = mats
        matd = matd.lower()
        # Matrix of output clip makes sense only if dst is not of RGB
        if dIsRGB:
            matd = mats
        # Matrix of input clip makes sense only src is not of GRAY or RGB
        if sIsGRAY or sIsRGB:
            mats = matd
    if cplaces is None:
        if sHSubS == 4:
            cplaces = 'dv'
            cplaces = 'mpeg2'
        cplaces = cplaces.lower()
    if cplaced is None:
        if dHSubS == 4:
            cplaced = 'dv'
            cplaced = cplaces
        cplaced = cplaced.lower()
    if fulls is None:
        fulls = sColorFamily == vs.RGB
    if fulld is None:
        if dColorFamily == sColorFamily:
            fulld = fulls
            fulld = dColorFamily == vs.RGB
    if curves is None:
        curves = 'linear'
        curves = curves.lower()
    if curved is None:
        curved = curves
        curved = curved.lower()
    if sigmoid is None:
        sigmoid = False
    # Parameters of scaling
    if target_width is None:
        target_width = input.width
    if target_height is None:
        target_height = input.height
    if src_left is None:
        src_left = 0
    if src_top is None:
        src_top = 0
    if src_width is None:
        src_width = input.width
    elif src_width <= 0:
        src_width = input.width - src_left + src_width
    if src_height is None:
        src_height = input.height
    elif src_height <= 0:
        src_height = input.height - src_top + src_height
    if scale_thr is None:
        scale_thr = 1.125
    src_right = src_width - input.width + src_left
    src_bottom = src_height - input.height + src_top
    hScale = target_width / src_width
    vScale = target_height / src_height
    # Parameters of nnedi3
    if nsize is None:
        nsize = 0
    if nns is None:
        nns = 3
    if qual is None:
        qual = 2
    # Parameters of fmtc.resample
    if kernel is None:
        if not invks:
            kernel = 'spline36'
            kernel = 'bilinear'
        kernel = kernel.lower()
    if chromak_up is None:
        chromak_up = 'nnedi3'
        chromak_up = chromak_up.lower()
    if chromak_up == 'softcubic':
        chromak_up = 'bicubic'
        if chromak_up_a1 is None:
            chromak_up_a1 = 75
        chromak_up_a1 = chromak_up_a1 / 100
        chromak_up_a2 = 1 - chromak_up_a1
    if chromak_down is None:
        chromak_down = 'bicubic'
        chromak_down = chromak_down.lower()
    if chromak_down == 'softcubic':
        chromak_down = 'bicubic'
        if chromak_down_a1 is None:
            chromak_down_a1 = 75
        chromak_down_a1 = chromak_down_a1 / 100
        chromak_down_a2 = 1 - chromak_down_a1
    # Procedure decision
    hIsScale = hScale != 1
    vIsScale = vScale != 1
    isScale = hIsScale or vIsScale
    hResample = hIsScale or int(src_left) != src_left or int(src_right) != src_right
    vResample = vIsScale or int(src_top) != src_top or int(src_bottom) != src_bottom
    resample = hResample or vResample
    hReSubS = dHSubS != sHSubS
    vReSubS = dVSubS != sVSubS
    reSubS = hReSubS or vReSubS
    sigmoid = sigmoid and resample
    sGammaConv = curves != 'linear'
    dGammaConv = curved != 'linear'
    gammaConv = (sGammaConv or dGammaConv or sigmoid) and (resample or curved != curves)
    scaleInGRAY = sIsGRAY or dIsGRAY
    scaleInYUV = not scaleInGRAY and mats == matd and not gammaConv and (reSubS or (sIsYUV and dIsYUV))
    scaleInRGB = not scaleInGRAY and not scaleInYUV
    # If matrix conversion or gamma correction is applied, scaling will be done in RGB. Otherwise, if at least one of input&output clip is RGB and no chroma subsampling is involved, scaling will be done in RGB.
    # Chroma placement relative to the frame center in luma scale
    sCLeftAlign = cplaces == 'mpeg2' or cplaces == 'dv'
    sHCPlace = 0 if not sCLeftAlign else 0.5 - sHSubS / 2
    sVCPlace = 0
    dCLeftAlign = cplaced == 'mpeg2' or cplaced == 'dv'
    dHCPlace = 0 if not dCLeftAlign else 0.5 - dHSubS / 2
    dVCPlace = 0
    # Convert depth to 16-bit
    last = mvf.Depth(input, depth=16, fulls=fulls)
    # Color space conversion before scaling
    if scaleInGRAY and sIsYUV:
        if mats != matd:
            last = core.fmtc.matrix(last, mats=mats, matd=matd, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld, col_fam=vs.GRAY, singleout=0)
        last = core.std.ShufflePlanes(last, [0], vs.GRAY)
    elif scaleInGRAY and sIsRGB:
        # Matrix conversion for output clip of GRAY
        last = core.fmtc.matrix(last, mat=matd, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld, col_fam=vs.GRAY, singleout=0)
        fulls = fulld
    elif scaleInRGB and sIsYUV:
        # Chroma upsampling
        if sIsSubS:
            if chromak_up == 'nnedi3':
                # Separate planes
                Y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(last, [0], vs.GRAY)
                U = core.std.ShufflePlanes(last, [1], vs.GRAY)
                V = core.std.ShufflePlanes(last, [2], vs.GRAY)
                # Chroma up-scaling
                U = nnedi3_resample_kernel(U, Y.width, Y.height, -sHCPlace / sHSubS, -sVCPlace / sVSubS, None, None, 1, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, mode=mode, device=device)
                V = nnedi3_resample_kernel(V, Y.width, Y.height, -sHCPlace / sHSubS, -sVCPlace / sVSubS, None, None, 1, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, mode=mode, device=device)
                # Merge planes
                last = core.std.ShufflePlanes([Y, U, V], [0, 0, 0], last.format.color_family)
                last = core.fmtc.resample(last, kernel=chromak_up, taps=chromak_up_taps, a1=chromak_up_a1, a2=chromak_up_a2, css="444", fulls=fulls, cplaces=cplaces)
        # Matrix conversion
        if mats == '2020cl':
            last = core.fmtc.matrix2020cl(last, fulls)
            last = core.fmtc.matrix(last, mat=mats, fulls=fulls, fulld=True, col_fam=vs.RGB, singleout=-1)
        fulls = True
    elif scaleInYUV and sIsRGB:
        # Matrix conversion
        if matd == '2020cl':
            last = core.fmtc.matrix2020cl(last, fulld)
            last = core.fmtc.matrix(last, mat=matd, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld, col_fam=vs.YUV, singleout=-1)
        fulls = fulld
    # Scaling
    if scaleInGRAY or scaleInRGB:
        if gammaConv and sGammaConv:
            last = GammaToLinear(last, fulls, fulls, curves, sigmoid=sigmoid)
        elif sigmoid:
            last = SigmoidInverse(last)
        last = nnedi3_resample_kernel(last, target_width, target_height, src_left, src_top, src_width, src_height, scale_thr, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, invks, invkstaps, mode, device)
        if gammaConv and dGammaConv:
            last = LinearToGamma(last, fulls, fulls, curved, sigmoid=sigmoid)
        elif sigmoid:
            last = SigmoidDirect(last)
    elif scaleInYUV:
        # Separate planes
        Y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(last, [0], vs.GRAY)
        U = core.std.ShufflePlanes(last, [1], vs.GRAY)
        V = core.std.ShufflePlanes(last, [2], vs.GRAY)
        # Scale Y
        Y = nnedi3_resample_kernel(Y, target_width, target_height, src_left, src_top, src_width, src_height, scale_thr, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, mode=mode, device=device)
        # Scale UV
        dCw = target_width // dHSubS
        dCh = target_height // dVSubS
        dCsx = ((src_left - sHCPlace) * hScale + dHCPlace) / hScale / sHSubS
        dCsy = ((src_top - sVCPlace) * vScale + dVCPlace) / vScale / sVSubS
        dCsw = src_width / sHSubS
        dCsh = src_height / sVSubS
        U = nnedi3_resample_kernel(U, dCw, dCh, dCsx, dCsy, dCsw, dCsh, scale_thr, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, mode=mode, device=device)
        V = nnedi3_resample_kernel(V, dCw, dCh, dCsx, dCsy, dCsw, dCsh, scale_thr, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, mode=mode, device=device)
        # Merge planes
        last = core.std.ShufflePlanes([Y, U, V], [0, 0, 0], last.format.color_family)
    # Color space conversion after scaling
    if scaleInGRAY and dIsYUV:
        dCw = target_width // dHSubS
        dCh = target_height // dVSubS
        last = mvf.Depth(last, depth=dbitPS, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld)
        blkUV = core.std.BlankClip(last, dCw, dCh, color=[1 << (dbitPS - 1)])
        last = core.std.ShufflePlanes([last, blkUV, blkUV], [0, 0, 0], dColorFamily)
    elif scaleInGRAY and dIsRGB:
        last = mvf.Depth(last, depth=dbitPS, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld)
        last = core.std.ShufflePlanes([last, last, last], [0, 0, 0], dColorFamily)
    elif scaleInRGB and dIsYUV:
        # Matrix conversion
        if matd == '2020cl':
            last = core.fmtc.matrix2020cl(last, fulld)
            last = core.fmtc.matrix(last, mat=matd, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld, col_fam=dColorFamily, singleout=-1)
        # Chroma subsampling
        if dIsSubS:
            dCSS = '411' if dHSubS == 4 else '420' if dVSubS == 2 else '422'
            last = core.fmtc.resample(last, kernel=chromak_down, taps=chromak_down_taps, a1=chromak_down_a1, a2=chromak_down_a2, css=dCSS, fulls=fulld, cplaced=cplaced, invks=chromak_down_invks, invkstaps=chromak_down_invkstaps, planes=[2,3,3])
        last = mvf.Depth(last, depth=dbitPS, fulls=fulld)
    elif scaleInYUV and dIsRGB:
        # Matrix conversion
        if mats == '2020cl':
            last = core.fmtc.matrix2020cl(last, fulls)
            last = core.fmtc.matrix(last, mat=mats, fulls=fulls, fulld=True, col_fam=vs.RGB, singleout=-1)
        last = mvf.Depth(last, depth=dbitPS, fulls=True, fulld=fulld)
        last = mvf.Depth(last, depth=dbitPS, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld)
    # Output
    return last

def nnedi3_resample_kernel(input, target_width=None, target_height=None, src_left=None, src_top=None, src_width=None, src_height=None, scale_thr=None, nsize=None, nns=None, qual=None, etype=None, pscrn=None, opt=None, int16_prescreener=None, int16_predictor=None, exp=None, kernel=None, taps=None, a1=None, a2=None, invks=False, invkstaps=3, mode=None, device=None):

    # Parameters of scaling
    if target_width is None:
        target_width = input.width
    if target_height is None:
        target_height = input.height
    if src_left is None:
        src_left = 0
    if src_top is None:
        src_top = 0
    if src_width is None:
        src_width = input.width
    elif src_width <= 0:
        src_width = input.width - src_left + src_width
    if src_height is None:
        src_height = input.height
    elif src_height <= 0:
        src_height = input.height - src_top + src_height
    if scale_thr is None:
        scale_thr = 1.125
    src_right = src_width - input.width + src_left
    src_bottom = src_height - input.height + src_top
    hScale = target_width / src_width
    vScale = target_height / src_height
    # Parameters of nnedi3
    if nsize is None:
        nsize = 0
    if nns is None:
        nns = 3
    if qual is None:
        qual = 2
    # Parameters of fmtc.resample
    if kernel is None:
        kernel = 'spline36'
        kernel = kernel.lower()
    # Procedure decision
    hIsScale = hScale != 1
    vIsScale = vScale != 1
    isScale = hIsScale or vIsScale
    hResample = hIsScale or int(src_left) != src_left or int(src_right) != src_right
    vResample = vIsScale or int(src_top) != src_top or int(src_bottom) != src_bottom
    resample = hResample or vResample
    # Scaling
    last = input
    if hResample:
        last = core.std.Transpose(last)
        last = nnedi3_resample_kernel_vertical(last, target_width, src_left, src_width, scale_thr, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, invks, invkstaps, mode, device)
        last = core.std.Transpose(last)
    if vResample:
        last = nnedi3_resample_kernel_vertical(last, target_height, src_top, src_height, scale_thr, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, kernel, taps, a1, a2, invks, invkstaps, mode, device)
    # Output
    return last

def nnedi3_resample_kernel_vertical(input, target_height=None, src_top=None, src_height=None, scale_thr=None, nsize=None, nns=None, qual=None, etype=None, pscrn=None, opt=None, int16_prescreener=None, int16_predictor=None, exp=None, kernel=None, taps=None, a1=None, a2=None, invks=False, invkstaps=3, mode=None, device=None):
    # Parameters of scaling
    if target_height is None:
        target_height = input.height
    if src_top is None:
        src_top = 0
    if src_height is None:
        src_height = input.height
    elif src_height <= 0:
        src_height = input.height - src_top + src_height
    if scale_thr is None:
        scale_thr = 1.125
    scale = target_height / src_height # Total scaling ratio
    eTimes = math.ceil(math.log(scale / scale_thr, 2)) if scale > scale_thr else 0 # Iterative times of nnedi3
    eScale = 1 << eTimes # Scaling ratio of nnedi3
    pScale = scale / eScale # Scaling ratio of fmtc.resample
    # Parameters of nnedi3
    if nsize is None:
        nsize = 0
    if nns is None:
        nns = 3
    if qual is None:
        qual = 2
    # Parameters of fmtc.resample
    if kernel is None:
        kernel = 'spline36'
        kernel = kernel.lower()
    # Skip scaling if not needed
    if scale == 1 and src_top == 0 and src_height == input.height:
        return input
    # Scaling with nnedi3
    last = nnedi3_rpow2_vertical(input, eTimes, 1, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, mode, device)
    # Center shift calculation
    vShift = 0.5 if eTimes >= 1 else 0
    # Scaling with fmtc.resample as well as correct center shift
    w = last.width
    h = target_height
    sx = 0
    sy = src_top * eScale - vShift
    sw = last.width
    sh = src_height * eScale
    if h != last.height or sy != 0 or sh != last.height:
        if h < last.height and invks is True:
            last = core.fmtc.resample(last, w, h, sx, sy, sw, sh, kernel=kernel, taps=taps, a1=a1, a2=a2, invks=True, invkstaps=invkstaps)
            last = core.fmtc.resample(last, w, h, sx, sy, sw, sh, kernel=kernel, taps=taps, a1=a1, a2=a2)
    # Output
    return last

def nnedi3_rpow2_vertical(input, eTimes=1, field=1, nsize=None, nns=None, qual=None, etype=None, pscrn=None, opt=None, int16_prescreener=None, int16_predictor=None, exp=None, mode=None, device=None):
    if eTimes >= 1:
        last = nnedi3_dh(input, field, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, mode, device)
        eTimes = eTimes - 1
        field = 0
        last = input
    if eTimes >= 1:
        return nnedi3_rpow2_vertical(last, eTimes, field, nsize, nns, qual, etype, pscrn, opt, int16_prescreener, int16_predictor, exp, mode, device)
        return last

def nnedi3_dh(input, field=1, nsize=None, nns=None, qual=None, etype=None, pscrn=None, opt=None, int16_prescreener=None, int16_predictor=None, exp=None, mode=None, device=None):
    nnedi3_args1 = dict(nsize=nsize, nns=nns, qual=qual, etype=etype, pscrn=pscrn)
    nnedi3_args2 = dict(opt=opt, int16_prescreener=int16_prescreener, int16_predictor=int16_predictor, exp=exp)

    if mode == 'nnedi3':
        res = core.nnedi3.nnedi3(input, field=field, dh=True, **nnedi3_args1, **nnedi3_args2)
    elif mode == 'znedi3':
        res = core.znedi3.nnedi3(input, field=field, dh=True, **nnedi3_args1, **nnedi3_args2)
    elif mode == 'nnedi3cl':
        res = core.nnedi3cl.NNEDI3CL(input, field=field, dh=True, **nnedi3_args1, device=device)
    else: raise ValueError('nnedi3_dh: Unsupported mode, should be nnedi3 (default), znedi3 or nnedi3cl.')

    return res

## Gamma conversion functions from HAvsFunc-r18
# Convert the luma channel to linear light
def GammaToLinear(src, fulls=True, fulld=True, curve='709', planes=[0, 1, 2], gcor=1., sigmoid=False, thr=0.5, cont=6.5):
    if not isinstance(src, vs.VideoNode) or src.format.bits_per_sample != 16:
        raise ValueError('GammaToLinear: This is not a 16-bit clip')
    return LinearAndGamma(src, False, fulls, fulld, curve.lower(), planes, gcor, sigmoid, thr, cont)

# Convert back a clip to gamma-corrected luma
def LinearToGamma(src, fulls=True, fulld=True, curve='709', planes=[0, 1, 2], gcor=1., sigmoid=False, thr=0.5, cont=6.5):
    if not isinstance(src, vs.VideoNode) or src.format.bits_per_sample != 16:
        raise ValueError('LinearToGamma: This is not a 16-bit clip')
    return LinearAndGamma(src, True, fulls, fulld, curve.lower(), planes, gcor, sigmoid, thr, cont)

def LinearAndGamma(src, l2g_flag, fulls, fulld, curve, planes, gcor, sigmoid, thr, cont):
    if curve == 'srgb':
        c_num = 0
    elif curve in ['709', '601', '170']:
        c_num = 1
    elif curve == '240':
        c_num = 2
    elif curve == '2020':
        c_num = 3
        raise ValueError('LinearAndGamma: wrong curve value')
    if src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY:
        planes = [0]
    #                 BT-709/601
    #        sRGB     SMPTE 170M   SMPTE 240M   BT-2020
    k0    = [0.04045, 0.081,       0.0912,      0.08145][c_num]
    phi   = [12.92,   4.5,         4.0,         4.5][c_num]
    alpha = [0.055,   0.099,       0.1115,      0.0993][c_num]
    gamma = [2.4,     2.22222,     2.22222,     2.22222][c_num]
    def g2l(x):
        expr = x / 65536 if fulls else (x - 4096) / 56064
        if expr <= k0:
            expr /= phi
            expr = ((expr + alpha) / (1 + alpha)) ** gamma
        if gcor != 1 and expr >= 0:
            expr **= gcor
        if sigmoid:
            x0 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * thr))
            x1 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * (thr - 1)))
            expr = thr - math.log(max(1 / max(expr * (x1 - x0) + x0, 0.000001) - 1, 0.000001)) / cont
        if fulld:
            return min(max(round(expr * 65536), 0), 65535)
            return min(max(round(expr * 56064 + 4096), 0), 65535)
    # E' = (E <= k0 / phi)   ?   E * phi   :   (E ^ (1 / gamma)) * (alpha + 1) - alpha
    def l2g(x):
        expr = x / 65536 if fulls else (x - 4096) / 56064
        if sigmoid:
            x0 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * thr))
            x1 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * (thr - 1)))
            expr = (1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * (thr - expr))) - x0) / (x1 - x0)
        if gcor != 1 and expr >= 0:
            expr **= gcor
        if expr <= k0 / phi:
            expr *= phi
            expr = expr ** (1 / gamma) * (alpha + 1) - alpha
        if fulld:
            return min(max(round(expr * 65536), 0), 65535)
            return min(max(round(expr * 56064 + 4096), 0), 65535)
    return core.std.Lut(src, planes=planes, function=l2g if l2g_flag else g2l)

# Apply the inverse sigmoid curve to a clip in linear luminance
def SigmoidInverse(src, thr=0.5, cont=6.5, planes=[0, 1, 2]):
    if not isinstance(src, vs.VideoNode) or src.format.bits_per_sample != 16:
        raise ValueError('SigmoidInverse: This is not a 16-bit clip')
    if src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY:
        planes = [0]
    def get_lut(x):
        x0 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * thr))
        x1 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * (thr - 1)))
        return min(max(round((thr - math.log(max(1 / max(x / 65536 * (x1 - x0) + x0, 0.000001) - 1, 0.000001)) / cont) * 65536), 0), 65535)
    return core.std.Lut(src, planes=planes, function=get_lut)

# Convert back a clip to linear luminance
def SigmoidDirect(src, thr=0.5, cont=6.5, planes=[0, 1, 2]):
    if not isinstance(src, vs.VideoNode) or src.format.bits_per_sample != 16:
        raise ValueError('SigmoidDirect: This is not a 16-bit clip')
    if src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY:
        planes = [0]
    def get_lut(x):
        x0 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * thr))
        x1 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * (thr - 1)))
        return min(max(round(((1 / (1 + math.exp(cont * (thr - x / 65536))) - x0) / (x1 - x0)) * 65536), 0), 65535)
    return core.std.Lut(src, planes=planes, function=get_lut)
## Gamma conversion functions from HAvsFunc-r18